48 research outputs found

    Perspektif pemilih suku Melayu dalam pemilihan umum di provinsi Riau tahun 2004

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    In daily practice, that often heard the statements or attitudes of the Malays in Pekanbaru city on the election, the statements that often heard such as "memilih atau tidak memilih awak kan macam iko ajo" or "siape aje yang nak jadi presiden/gubernur/bupati taka de juge pengaruhnye dengan kite". Such sentences are often heard in daily life when the election takes place, absolutely such of the attitudes can not be regarded as representing of the attitude of the Malays as a whole, but in general statements like that are often heard in coffee houses, especially raised by circles are included in the category of traditional voters. So if the Malay people who have entered the category of rational voters also have such perspective on the election process? Surely the answer is no, because the level of rational voters to use or not use their voting rights in elections already provided with the right reasons. The study in this thesis based on the description of the problems already mentioned above, then the main question of this study is, how the perspective of ethnic Malay voters in the general election in the city of Pekanbaru Riau Province in particular in 2004? And the factors that influence the attitude of Malay interest in determining his choice during the 2004 general election? The method in this thesis conducted by survey method, in which the data in this study are based on field data, the author obtained by distributing questionnaires from respondents who have been prepared with a list of questions in a closed form. Based on the results of the study in this thesis can be concluded that in implementing the political rights of ethnic Malay voters in the Pekanbaru city is not influenced by ethnic factors. It turned out that in determining political attitudes in the general election in 2004 in Pekanbaru Riau province in particular are affected by many factors

    Studi Evaluasi Pelayanan Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Di Bawah Satu Atap Online Di Kantor Samsat Pekanbaru Selatan

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    The research on to evaluation about implementation  of one stop service online system about to certificate of motor vehicles and motor vehicle tax services and more barrier factors in implementated. The indicators value include is procedure, finishing time limited, tarif/cost services, product, fasilities and competention. Type of research at one stop service south Pekanbaru office is descriptive surveys that questioner list priority as instrument taking data to analisys empiris condition and obyectivity in the location research. Two have population group and sample is 101 empower birocrate and civilitization that uncountable about 300/days to visited one stop service south  Pekanbaru office. The civilization on the research is subject of tax that want to certificate of motor vehicles and motor vehicle tax services. Totality sample of two population group is 50 and 200 used proportionate stratified random sampling. Data on research is primer data by questioner list and interviews and secunder data used observation technics, and such analisys data used frecuence of  table instruments. Conclution from research on Evaluation Studies Samsat Online System at one stop service south  Pekanbaru Office is interval range “good enough”. Barrier factors intern is throuble computer, throuble internet connectivity, and uncoorditination works intuitions one stop service that not synergy between institute policy. Barrier factors extern is form administrative is not completed, and the custumer is unknown to Samsat online sytem. The recomedation is that first, make to practice procedure online system and bangking online system to pay tax


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    This study berujuan to see the implementation of the Authority of the Village Health Sector paired with District Regulation Indragiri Hulu No. 4 of 2008 on the Authority of the Village in particular Article 3 g, and the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 54 Year 2007 on Guidelines for the Establishment of the Working Group Operational Development of Postal Services integrated. With ditertibkannya a policy that can be expected to ease in running the village authorities. Indicators in this study is, Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Precision. This research is a quantitative research which refers to the formulation of the problem that the data and information obtained and collected from various surveys which serve as the basis for describing and describing the research. The data collection is done with the survey in addition also be obtained by conducting interviews To the Village Head, Chairman of the Village Consultative Body, and Kader Integrated Service Post. With data collection by observation and direct interaction associated Implementation Authority is expected to vote on the Rural Health Sector contains data that is Real and contains a truth value to the regional Regulation provides benefits and use value. That based on the results of research that has been done, the conclusions of researchers on the Evaluation of the Village Authority in the Health Sector in the village of West Baturijal Peranap District of Indragiri Hulu is "Not Good"


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    one of authority Countryside is compile Countryside Regulation. According To Regulation of Ministry of Home Affairs of No 29 Tahun 2006 about Countryside Regulation Compilation Mechanism and Forming Guidance in Section 2 explain that in Countryside Regulation forming have to pursuant to at good Law And Regulation forming ground. However in this minister regulation execution uncommitt better in countryside Hangtuah, still a lot of perdes which not yet pursuant to is determined. As for problem formula lifted by is How Execution Regulation of Ministry of Home Affairs of No 29 Tahun 2006 About Countryside Regulation Compilation Mechanism and Forming Guidance in Countryside Hangtuah Camphor Regency King Stop Subdistrict. As according to problems hence the research type is Descriptive Survey by using quantitaty Methods. becoming population in this research is Countryside Hangtuah Head, Kaur Countryside Hangtuah Governance, Chief BPD Countryside Hangtuah, Member BPD Countryside Hantuah Elite Figure and in Countryside Hangtuah. Pursuant to result kuisioner and result of interview which the writer do/conduct to responder. Pursuant to result summarize responder as much 17 people or 47 % expressing do not the implementation. Resistance in Implementation influenced by education background, lack of construction done/conducted by regency government others the lack of enthusiasm taparatur countryside to learn real correct countryside regulation making procedures


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    This study aims to investigate the implementation of the legislative functions of the Regional Representatives Council Pekanbaru 2009-2014. This type of research is descriptive survey. The study population consisted of 45 persons who are members of DPRD Pekanbaru period 2009-2014 and a Legal Division Command Pekanbaru. Because this time the researchers examined the period 2014-2019 and old council members were still serving in this period only 17 people, then sampling for Board Members using Random Sampling (Simple Random) and to the Law Department Pekanbaru city government uses census, which was to determine the overall population as respondents. Types and data sources consist of primary data and secondary data, and data analysis was done descriptively. Results of research and discussion in this study shows that the highest average of all respondents on the Implementation of Legislative Functions Legislative Council Pekanbaru period 2009-2014 is 12.4 persons or 68.7% said good, including benchmarks Effectiveness, Efficiency, Responsiveness And Accuracy. Thus the results of the study concluded that the Legislative Council Pekanbaru period 2009-2014 in general has been good in the Implementation of Legislation function

    Model of Government Development for MSMEs Through One Village One Product (OVOP) Concept by the Cooperatives and MSMEs Office in Rokan Hilir Regency

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    This research uses a qualitative method, which is analyzed through a descriptive approach. The study results showed that the guidance from the Office of Cooperatives and MSMEs of Rokan Hilir Regency had gone quite well. The obstacle factors in the development of MSMEs in the Office of Cooperatives and MSMEs of Rokan Hilir Regency are: incompetent human resources, budget constraints, limited facilities and infrastructure in MSME coaching, and limited marketing of MSME products in Rokan Hilir Regency. The methods of this research are descriptive qualitative with collect data by observation, interview with informant research and documentation. The realization to achieve the development of MSMEs in Rokan Hilir Regency based on policies that support the achievement of the Regional Economic Capacity Building Program is carried out with a development model and partnership strategy offered in 1) facilitation of market and capital access, 2) improving the quality of human resources, 3) Creating an Investment Climate through promotion, 4) Increasing added value, and 5) strengthening institutions


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    Implementation of good governance is an absolute necessity in the administration of government including the district government. Kecamatan as a Local Device has a very strategic role as the spearhead of service and barometer of Public service delivery. Locus research in Sub Marpoyan Damai Pekanbaru with focus on land service. Using three dimensions of good governance implementation developed by B.C. Smith (2007) includes accountability, transparency, and legal certainty as a knife analysis to look at empirical problems. The research method used is qualitative research. Based on research in the field can be concluded that the implementation of good governance in the service of land in the District Marpoyan Damai Pekanbaru City still not done well. This can be seen from the dimensions of accountability are still found weaknesses are uncertainty of service time, lack of discipline of employees, and still found injustice treatment between the general public with family or employee acquaintances. The transparency dimension is found in the field of some weaknesses among others the weakness of the disclosure of the availability of information to the public, this is due to the supporting facilities such as information boards, SOP flow, and the high volume of land service management in Marpoyan Damai District Office recorded in 2015 to 2016 640 letter. Even the Sub-district stated that they need training because the limited number of employees who understand the land rules is also a problem. While the dimensions of the rule of law are quite good, it's just that the problems come from people who do not understand SOPs and regulations related to land

    Content Analysis of Legal Protection Regulations for Money Laundering Victims in Indonesia

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    Abstract The offense of money laundering is included within the context of corruption. Money laundering persists in evolving via many techniques, often facilitated by advancements in information technology. Consequently, a notable number of persons use these technological advancements to engage in illicit activities, including the washing of illicitly obtained funds. This research aims to analyze the development of regulations regarding the laundering crime and legal protection for victims. This research uses regulatory and statutory documents as the main data. Documents collected include laws and government regulations regarding money laundering crimes and legal protection for victims. This research uses Nvivo 12 Plus software to code documents for presentation to produce numbers in the form of images. This research found that the development of regulations relating to the crime of money laundering continues to develop so that it is no longer possible for there to be a legal vacuum. Furthermore, Indonesia has not only created legal instruments to deal with perpetrators of corruption but also provides legal protection for victims of money laundering crimes. This research only discusses the aspect of statutory documents. Future research needs a more in-depth analysis by comparing regulations and cases of money laundering crimes

    Legal Protection of Bank Confidential Security After Constitutional Court Decision Number 64/PUU-X/2012

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    Bank confidentiality regulations is intended to protect customer confi- dentiality and ensuring data confidentiality related to customer deposits, especially regarding their financial condition. The Indonesian regulation on maintaining cus- tomer confidentiality is regulated in Article 40 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 10 of 1998 on Banking. However, there has been recent regulation changes with the Constitutional Court Decision No.64/PUU-X/2012. This decision originated from a lawsuit on divorce and division of shared property registered at the Syariah Court of Banda Aceh City No. 21/Pdt-G/2012/MS-BNA on February 1, 2012, filed by Magda Syafitri, whereby the bank refuses providing information regarding the husband’s savings due to bank confidentiality regulations. This study is a Norma- tive Law research in form of document studies, with descriptive style. Primary data is used in forms of Constitutional Court Decision Number 64/PUU-X/2012, laws, regulations, and books. This study indicates that according to decisions of the Constitutional Court Number 64/PUU-X/2012 regarding divorce civil trials and shared property divisions, an exception exists to bank confidentiality regula- tions, before being confidential with the Constitutional Court’s decision, thereforethe regulations in Article 40 paragraphs (1) and (2) are not applicable, in divorcecases. If the government covers banking institutions to maintain trust and bankconfidentiality through regulations, countries can use bank confidentiality as com-petitive advantage. Bank confidentiality is a tool of economic engineering basedon economic law approach emphasizing the purpose of legal benefits, which isimportant if it is utilized as a means of economic engineering or as a tool for driving a country’s economy