7 research outputs found

    Coronavirus Disease 2019 Disease Severity in Children Infected With the Omicron Variant

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    SHORT SUMMARY: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection from the Omicron variant in children/adolescents is less severe than infection from the Delta variant. Those 6 to <18 years also have less severe disease than those <6 years old. BACKGROUND: There are limited data assessing coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) disease severity in children/adolescents infected with the Omicron variant. METHODS: We identified children and adolescents <18 years of age with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection with Delta and propensity score-matched controls with Omicron variant infection from the National COVID-19 Database in Qatar. Primary outcome was disease severity, determined by hospital admission, admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), or mechanical ventilation within 14 days of diagnosis, or death within 28 days. RESULTS: Among 1735 cases with Delta variant infection between 1 June and 6 November 2021, and 32 635 cases with Omicron variant infection between 1 January and 15 January 2022, who did not have prior infection and were not vaccinated, we identified 985 propensity score-matched pairs. Among those who were Delta infected, 84.2% had mild, 15.7% had moderate, and 0.1% had severe/critical disease. Among those who were Omicron infected, 97.8% had mild, 2.2% had moderate, and none had severe/critical disease (P < .001). Omicron variant infection (vs Delta) was associated with significantly lower odds of moderate or severe/critical disease (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 0.12; 95% confidence interval [CI], .07-.18). Those aged 6-11 and 12 to <18 years had lower odds of developing moderate or severe/critical disease compared with those younger than age 6 years (aOR, 0.47; 95% CI, .33-.66 for 6-11 year olds; aOR, 0.45; 95% CI, .21-.94 for 12 to <18 year olds). CONCLUSIONS: Omicron variant infection in children/adolescents is associated with less severe disease than Delta variant infection as measured by hospitalization rates and need for ICU care or mechanical ventilation. Those 6 to <18 years of age also have less severe disease than those <6 years old

    A Postmenopausal Woman with Giant Ovarian Serous Cyst Adenoma: A Case Report with Brief Literature Review

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    Giant (>10 cm) ovarian cyst is a rare finding. In the literature, a few cases of giant ovarian cysts have been mentioned sporadically, especially in elderly patients. We report a 57-year-old postmenopausal woman with a giant left ovarian cyst measuring 43 × 15 × 9 cm. She was referred to us from the local health center in view of palpable pelvic mass for six-month period. Considering the age and menopausal state, we performed a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with excision of the giant left ovarian cyst intact and successfully without any significant complication. On histopathological examination, the cyst was confirmed as benign serous cystadenoma of the ovary. During the management of these high-risk cases of multidisciplinary approach, intraoperative and postoperative strict vigilance is necessary to avoid unwanted complications

    Pandangan Hakim Terhadap Perwalian Ahli Waris Di Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri

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    Banyak perkara-perkara permohonan yang masuk ke pengadilan agama kediri soal pengajuan perwalian terhadap anak yang masih dibawah umur yang belum cakap dalam hukum untuk mencairkan dana di bank atau menjual asset/tanah, majelis hakim mengabulkan permohonan penetapan wali tersebut. Yang menjadi pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, bagaimana pandangan Hakim terhadap perwalian ahli waris di Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri Kelas I A. Dari pokok permasalahan terebut terdapat dua sub masalah, yaitu bagaimana perlindungan hukum menurut hakim pengadilan agama kediri terhadap hak ahli waris yang masih dibawah umur, dan bagaimana pendapat hakim dalam upaya melindungi hak anak terhadap wali yang tidak menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian lapangan (field reseach) dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, yang mengambil lokasi di Kantor Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri Kelas I A, sedangkan respondennya adalah hakim yang ada di Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri. Jenis dan sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya penetapan perwalian ini adalah sebagai salah satu solusi dalam melindungi hak ahli waris yang masih dibawah umur dan mencabut hak perwalian terhadap wali yang tidak dapat menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik

    Epidemiological investigation of the first 5685 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Qatar, 28 February-18 April 2020

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    © Authors 2020 Objective To define the epidemiological curve of COVID-19 in Qatar and determine factors associated with severe or critical illness. Design Case series of first 5685 COVID-19 cases in Qatar. Setting and participants All confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Qatar between 28 February and 18 April 2020. Main outcome measures Number of total and daily new COVID-19 infections; demographic characteristics and comorbidity burden and severity of infection; factors associated with severe or critical illness. Results Between 28 February and 18 April 2020, 5685 cases of COVID-19 were identified. Median age was 34 (IQR 28-43) years, 88.9% were male and 8.7% were Qatari nationals. Overall, 83.6% had no concomitant comorbidity, and 3.0% had three or more comorbidities. The overwhelming majority (90.9%) were asymptomatic or with minimal symptoms, with 2.0% having severe or critical illness. Seven deaths were observed during the time interval studied. Presence of hypertension or diabetes was associated with a higher risk of severe or critical illness, but age was not. The epidemiological curve indicated two distinct patterns of infection, a larger cluster among expatriate craft and manual workers and a smaller one among Qatari nationals returning from abroad during the epidemic. Conclusion COVID-19 infections in Qatar started in two distinct clusters, but then became more widespread in the population through community transmission. Infections were mostly asymptomatic or with minimal symptoms and associated with very low mortality. Severe/critical illness was associated with presence of hypertension or diabetes but not with increasing age

    HIV viral suppression in Oman: Encouraging progress toward achieving the United Nations ‘third 90’

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    Objective: To assess the impact of capacity-building interventions introduced by the Oman National AIDS Programme on the quality of HIV care in the country. Methods: HIV viral load (VL) suppression and loss to follow-up (LTFU) rates were calculated for the period before (in December 2015; n = 1098) and after (in June 2017; n = 1185) the introduction of the interventions: training, support, and care pathway development. Three HIV VL cuts-offs at last measurement in the year of interest were used to define VL suppression. Results: In the intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis, rates of VL <200 copies/ml and <1000 copies/ml increased from 51.9% in 2015 to 65.5% in 2017 (relative risk (RR) 1.26, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.17–1.36) and from 58.1% in 2015 to 70.9% in 2017 (RR 1.22, 95% CI 1.14–1.30), respectively; p < 0.0001 for both. Similarly, in the on-treatment analysis, rates of VL <200 copies/ml and <1000 copies/ml increased from 64.2% in 2015 to 76.9% in 2017 (RR 1.20, 95% CI 1.12–1.28) and from 71.9% in 2015 to 83.2% in 2017 (RR 1.16, 95% CI 1.10–1.22), respectively. Fewer patients were LTFU in 2017 than in 2015 (14.7% (157/1061) vs. 19.2% (188/981); RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.64–0.94). Conclusions: Achieving the UNAIDS target of 90% of HIV patients on treatment having VL suppression by 2020 is feasible in Oman