54 research outputs found

    Expanding the role of impurity spectroscopy for investigating the physics of high-Z dissipative divertors

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    New techniques that attempt to more fully exploit spectroscopic diagnostics in the divertor and pedestal region during highly dissipative scenarios are demonstrated using experimental results from recent low-Z seeding experiments on Alcator C-Mod, JET and ASDEX Upgrade. To exhaust power at high parallel heat flux, q ‖ > 1 GW/m 2 , while minimizing erosion, reactors with solid, high-Z plasma facing components (PFCs) are expected to use extrinsic impurity seeding. Due to transport and atomic physics processes which impact impurity ionization balance, so-called ‘non-coronal’ effects, we do not accurately know and have yet to demonstrate the maximum q ‖ which can be mitigated in a tokamak. Radiation enhancement for nitrogen is shown to arise primarily from changes in Li- and Be-like charge states on open field lines, but also through transport-driven enhancement of H- and He-like charge states in the pedestal region. Measurements are presented from nitrogen seeded H-mode and L-mode plasmas where emission from N 1+ through N 6+ are observed. Active charge exchange spectroscopy of partially ionized low-Z impuri- ties in the plasma edge is explored to measure N 5+ and N 6+ within the confined plasma, while passive UV and visible spectroscopy is used to measure N 1+ -N 4+ in the boundary. Examples from recent JET and Alcator C-Mod experiments which employ nitrogen seeding highlight how improving spectroscopic cov- erage can be used to gain empirical insight and provide more data to validate boundary simulations.EURATOM 63305

    Stationary density profiles in the Alcator C-mod tokamak

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    In the absence of an internal particle source, plasma turbulence will impose an intrinsic relationship between an inwards pinch and an outwards diffusion resulting in a stationary density profile. The Alcator C-mod tokamak utilizes RF heating and current drive so that fueling only occurs in the vicinity of the separatrix. Discharges that transition from L-mode to I-mode are seen to maintain a self-similar stationary density profile as measured by Thomson scattering. For discharges with negative magnetic shear, an observed rise of the safety factor in the vicinity of the magnetic axis appears to be accompanied by a decrease of electron density, qualitatively consistent with the theoretical expectations. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.United States. Department of Energy. Office of Fusion Energy Science

    High field side launch of RF waves: A new approach to reactor actuators

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    Launching radio frequency (RF) waves from the high field side (HFS) of a tokamak offers significant advantages over low field side (LFS) launch with respect to both wave physics and plasma material interactions (PMI). For lower hybrid (LH) waves, the higher magnetic field opens the window between wave accessibility (n∥≡ck∥/ω>1−ω2pi/ω2+ω2pe/ω2ce−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−√+ωpe/∣∣ωce∣∣) and the condition for strong electron Landau damping (n∥∼30/Te−−−−−√ with Te in keV), allowing LH waves from the HFS to penetrate into the core of a burning plasma, while waves launched from the LFS are restricted to the periphery of the plasma. The lower n∥ of waves absorbed at higher Te yields a higher current drive efficiency as well. In the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF), HFS launch allows for direct access to the mode conversion layer where mode converted waves absorb strongly on thermal electrons and ions, thus avoiding the generation of energetic minority ion tails. The absence of turbulent heat and particle fluxes on the HFS, particularly in double null configuration, makes it the ideal location to minimize PMI damage to the antenna structure. The quiescent SOL also eliminates the need to couple LH waves across a long distance to the separatrix, as the antenna can be located close to plasma without risking damage to the structure. Improved impurity screening on the HFS will help eliminate the long-standing issues of high Z impurity accumulation with ICRF. Looking toward a fusion reactor, the HFS is the only possible location for a plasma-facing RF antenna that will survive long-term. By integrating the antenna into the blanket module it is possible to improve the tritium breeding ratio compared with an antenna occupying an equatorial port plug. Blanket modules will require remote handling of numerous cooling pipes and electrical connections, and the addition of transmission lines will not substantially increase the level of complexity. The obvious engineering challenges associated with locating antenna structures on the HFS can be overcome if HFS antennas are incorporated in the overall experimental design from the start. The Advanced Divertor and radio frequency eXperiment(ADX) will include LH and ICRF antennas located on the HFS. Compact antenna designs based on proven technologies (e.g. multi-junction and “4-way splitter” antennas) fit within the available space on the HFS of ADX. Field aligned ICRF antennas are also located on the HFS. The ADX vacuum vessel design includes dedicated space for transmission lines, pressure windows, and vacuum feedthrus for accessing the HFS wall

    High-field side scrape-off layer investigation: Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior in near-double-null configurations

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    New experiments on Alcator C-Mod reveal that the favorable impurity screening characteristics of the high-field side (HFS) scrape-off layer (SOL), previously reported for single null geometries, is retained in double null configurations, despite the formation of an extremely thin SOL. In balanced double-null, nitrogen injected locally into the HFS SOL is better screened by a factor of 2.5 compared to the same injection into the low field side (LFS) SOL. This result is insensitive to plasma current and Greenwald fraction. Nitrogen injected into the HFS SOL is not as well screened (only a factor of 1.5 improvement over LFS) in unbalanced double-null discharges, when the primary divertor is in the direction of B×∇B. In this configuration, impurity ‘plume’ emission patterns indicate that an opposing E × B drift competes with the parallel impurity flow to the divertor. In balanced double-null plasmas, the dispersal pattern exhibits a dominant E × B motion. Unbalanced discharges with the primary divertor opposite the direction of B×∇B exhibit excellent HFS screening characteristics – a factor of 5 enhancement compared to LFS. These data support the idea that future tokamaks should locate all RF actuators and close-fitting wall structures on the HFS and employ near-double-null magnetic topologies, both to precisely control plasma conditions at the antenna/plasma interface and to maximally mitigate the impact of local impurity sources arising from plasma-material interactions. Keywords: Alcator C-Mod; Impurity screening; Double null; High field side scrape-off layerUnited States. Department of Energy (Contract DE-FC02-99ER54512

    Radiative heat exhaust in Alcator C-Mod I-mode plasmas

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    In order to more completely demonstrate the I-mode regime as a compelling fusion reactor operating scenario, the first dedicated attempts at I-mode radiative heat exhaust and detachment were carried out on Alcator C-Mod. Results conclusively show that within the parameter space explored, an I/L back-transition is triggered prior to meaningful reductions in parallel heat flux, q||, target temperature, Te;tar, and target pressure, pe;tar, at the outer divertor. The exact mechanism for the I/L trigger remains uncertain, but a multi-diagnostic investigation suggests the pedestal regulation physics is impacted promptly by small amounts of N2 seeded into the private flux region. The time delay between when N2 contacts the plasma and the I/L transition is triggered varied from 30-120 ms, approximately 0.7-3 x tE, and the delay varied inversely with I-mode pedestal-top pressure, pe;95. Power and nitrogen influx scans indicate that the I/L transitions are not linked to excessive bulk-plasma impurity radiation. It is also shown that in the subsequent L-mode following nitrogen seeding, q|| and Te;tar can be reduced by factors of ~10. The I/L transition and L-mode exhaust results using N2 are compared to similar attempts using Ne where such q|| and Te;tar reductions in L-mode are limited to factors of 2-3. Implications for the I-mode regime are discussed, including needs for follow-up experiments on other facilities

    Impact of perturbative, non-axisymmetric impurity fueling on Alcator C-Mod H-modes

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    Experiments on Alcator C-Mod have been performed to investigate the impact of toroidally localized impurity injection on H-mode exhaust scenarios. Results help to inform sub-divertor gas injector designs, in particular that of the ITER machine, for which this work was primarily undertaken. In repeated EDA H-modes, the amount of N2 injected into the private flux region was scanned up to levels which strongly impacted normalized energy confinement, H98, and led to an H/L back-transition. Repeated scans increased the toroidal peaking of the gas injection, reducing from five equally spaced locations to a single toroidal and poloidal injector. Results show the impact on the pedestal and core plasma is similar between all cases as long as the total gas injection rate is held constant. An influence on toroidally localized impurity spectroscopy is shown, demonstrating a complication in using such data in interpreting experiments and supporting boundary modeling in cases where there are localized extrinsic or intrinsic impurity sources. These results, along with prior work in this area on Alcator C-Mod, form a comprehensive set of L-mode and H-mode data to be used for validation of 3D boundary physics codes

    The multi-spectral imaging diagnostic

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    The Multi-Spectral Imaging system is a new diagnostic that captures simultaneous spectrally filtered images from a common line of sight while maintaining a large etendue and high throughput. Imaging several atomic line intensities simultaneously may enable numerous measurement techniques. By making a novel modification of a polychromator layout, the MSI sequentially filters and focuses images onto commercial CMOS cameras while exhibiting minimal vignetting and aberrations. A four-wavelength system was initially installed and tested on Alcator C-Mod and subsequently moved to TCV. The images are absolutely calibrated and spatially registered enabling 2D mappings of atomic line ratios and absolute line intensities. The spectral transmission of the optical system was calibrated using an integrating sphere of known radiance. The images are inverted by cross-referencing points on TCV with a computer-aided design (CAD) model. Published by AIP Publishing

    Overview of the SPARC tokamak

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    The SPARC tokamak is a critical next step towards commercial fusion energy. SPARC is designed as a high-field (T), compact (m, m), superconducting, D-T tokamak with the goal of producing fusion gain 2]]>fromamagneticallyconfinedfusionplasmaforthefirsttime.Currentlyunderdesign,SPARCwillcontinuethehighfieldpathoftheAlcatorseriesoftokamaks,utilizingnewmagnetsbasedonrareearthbariumcopperoxidehightemperaturesuperconductorstoachievehighperformanceinacompactdevice.Thegoalof2]]> from a magnetically confined fusion plasma for the first time. Currently under design, SPARC will continue the high-field path of the Alcator series of tokamaks, utilizing new magnets based on rare earth barium copper oxide high-temperature superconductors to achieve high performance in a compact device. The goal of 2]]> is achievable with conservative physics assumptions () and, with the nominal assumption of, SPARC is projected to attain and MW. SPARC will therefore constitute a unique platform for burning plasma physics research with high density (), high temperature (keV) and high power density () relevant to fusion power plants. SPARC's place in the path to commercial fusion energy, its parameters and the current status of SPARC design work are presented. This work also describes the basis for global performance projections and summarizes some of the physics analysis that is presented in greater detail in the companion articles of this collection

    20 years of research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak

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    The object of this review is to summarize the achievements of research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak [Hutchinson et al., Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994) and Marmar, Fusion Sci. Technol. 51, 261 (2007)] and to place that research in the context of the quest for practical fusion energy. C-Mod is a compact, high-field tokamak, whose unique design and operating parameters have produced a wealth of new and important results since it began operation in 1993, contributing data that extends tests of critical physical models into new parameter ranges and into new regimes. Using only high-power radio frequency (RF) waves for heating and current drive with innovative launching structures, C-Mod operates routinely at reactor level power densities and achieves plasma pressures higher than any other toroidal confinement device. C-Mod spearheaded the development of the vertical-target divertor and has always operated with high-Z metal plasma facing components—approaches subsequently adopted for ITER. C-Mod has made ground-breaking discoveries in divertor physics and plasma-material interactions at reactor-like power and particle fluxes and elucidated the critical role of cross-field transport in divertor operation, edge flows and the tokamak density limit. C-Mod developed the I-mode and the Enhanced Dα H-mode regimes, which have high performance without large edge localized modes and with pedestal transport self-regulated by short-wavelength electromagnetic waves. C-Mod has carried out pioneering studies of intrinsic rotation and demonstrated that self-generated flow shear can be strong enough in some cases to significantly modify transport. C-Mod made the first quantitative link between the pedestal temperature and the H-mode's performance, showing that the observed self-similar temperature profiles were consistent with critical-gradient-length theories and followed up with quantitative tests of nonlinear gyrokinetic models. RF research highlights include direct experimental observation of ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) mode-conversion, ICRF flow drive, demonstration of lower-hybrid current drive at ITER-like densities and fields and, using a set of novel diagnostics, extensive validation of advanced RF codes. Disruption studies on C-Mod provided the first observation of non-axisymmetric halo currents and non-axisymmetric radiation in mitigated disruptions. A summary of important achievements and discoveries are included.United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-FC02-99ER54512)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-FG03-94ER-54241)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-AC02-78ET- 51013)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-AC02-09CH11466)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-FG02-95ER54309)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-AC02-05CH11231)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-AC52-07NA27344)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-FG02- 97ER54392)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-SC00-02060