115 research outputs found

    Studi Kondisi Fisik Rumah Tinggal Permukiman Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Di Kawasan Pusat Kota Palu

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    Low Income Society dwelling forms as city villages , generally placed in center city area, high population density, without enough yard also lack physic infrastructure environment. That function of housing for shelter, settle, on going process, social interaction, and asset for life. Indicated that resident using rooms in their environment dwelling as maximal as they can to dwelled activity, social interact and working. Open rooms is the most dominant area used to the activities which stand receding livings. Because lack of area, living house build appropriate with citizen needs and ability without considering to safety factor, healthy and dwelling environmental condition which suitable to settle. To develop the housing use material and construction non standard, but ten percent housing used material and construction with standard quality for techni

    Building Databasehasil Evaluasi Belajar Siswa pada Sman 2 Kota Tangerang

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    Design of database system is a requirements that are needed in the management of student scores on SMAN 2 Tangerang to assist in the processing and storage of the archive as media student\u27s score the value where the value of the storage system that runs currently still usingarchive book (BIS). This causes problems such as a stacking of work load on the one hand and the long operational time when input the score. In addressing the problem then it needs a system that is able to support the process of insertion of the value that has been focused on theoperator/admin as the parties enter the value into the data of the school.So to analyze the poblems occurred then needed some research methods include methods of data colletion, observation, and a literature review. Then the data that there has been continued with the SWOT method, this method describes the shortcomings and advantages of the system, then he obtained a solution. After doing analysis, and continued with the process of designing the system

    Persepsi Aparat Penegak Hukum Tentang Implemenasi Asas Lex Specialis Derogat Legi Generali dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana

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    Due to the complexity of regulations on criminal law, one single action could breach directly two or more criminal acts. In such cases, the principle of lex specialis derogat legi generali must be implemented, as stipulated in article 63 (2) of the Criminal Code. This principle required the two acts should regulate the same object or action, otherwise it could not be implemented although the offender seem has breached two acts arised from a single action. In this time being the implementation of this principle often rised an unsatisfaction due to its inconsistency that has rised disparity of sentencing. The different perception of the law enforcement officers on the meaning of particularly criminal law, the cases in which the principle should be implemented, and the model of charging that should be used, are several causes of the inconcistency implementation

    A Study of Teacher Talk and Student Talk in Verbal Classroom Interaction to Develop Speaking Skill for Young Learners

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    This study aims at investigating the realization of verbal classroom interaction especially teacher talk and students talk that occurred during teaching speaking. The data were taken from one private school in Bandung in the form of observations and interviews. The data then were analyzed by the framework adapted from Flanders' Interaction Analysis Categories (1970) and FACCT from Kumpulainen and Wray (2002). The findings indicated that the teacher acted as the most dominant interlocutor during speaking activity. Besides, it also showed that the teacher's roles during interaction as director, manager, and facilitator. The study recommends the teacher to support students to have more opportunity to speak during the lesson. Finally, this study suggests further study to conduct similar research which covers different skills

    Sistem Informasi Problem Report Technical Support Pada PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Selatan Dan Bangka Belitung Berbasis Website

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    PT Bank Sumsel Babel is one of the most developed regional banks in the archipelago. Bank Sumsel Babel also provides a variety of investment products, such as Depati, Demang, Telepathy, Pesirah Savings (Local Potential Activator), money transfers with Western Union, Debit Cards, export-import transactions, and ATM services. This research aims to help PT. Bank Sumsel Babel in dealing with technical support report problems. The current problem is that technical support reports independently and manually, causing delays and scattered reports. This reporting is the most important thing because the data is used for internal and external audit purposes and seeing the team's performance in solving the many problems that come in are all summarized in a monthly and annual report. Website problem report technical support is the best solution so that there are no delays in reporting and logs of solving problems that have been resolved can also be used by personal teams in solving new problems so that they can save time solving problems and a list of problem positions in open positions can be monitored by managers, administrators and the leader of the file section reports needed in audit requirements can be provided quickly.Keywords: Problem Report, Website, PT Bank Sumsel Babe


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    ABSTRAKTujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pelatihan  kepada petani sayuran melalui teknik meramu media berbasis standar budidaya pertanian yang baik atau “Good Agriculture Practices”, dan sekaligus  memperkenalkan konsep budidaya sayuran melalui pemanfaatan pupuk organik yang ramah lingkungan. Kegiatan PKM  ini  dilaksanakan dengan  metode pendekatan Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) dengan melibatkan anggota kelompok tani, ketua kelompok tani, Penyuluh Pertanian setempat, ketua dan anggota Karang Taruna, tokoh masyarakat dan beberapa staf desa. Hasil kegiatan PKM ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan pemahaman peserta tentang teknik pembuatan pupuk organik dari berbagai limbah pertanian untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah dan meramu media tanam untuk meningkatkan produksi sayuran organik. Secara umum, peserta PKM  sangat antusias dan memberikan respon yang positif terhadap materi yang disampaikan dan bersedia menerapkan penggunaan pupuk organik  ramah lingkungan tersebut dalam teknik budidaya sayuran organik dilahan pertaniannya. Di akhir sosialisasi dan pelatihan ini peserta berharap dapat diberikan pendampingan secara berkelanjutan dari mahasiswa KKN Universitas Mataram. Kata kunci : inovasi;  pupuk organik;  sayuran;  nilai ekonomis. ABSTRACTThe objective  of this Community Service Activity (PKM) is to increase knowledge and training to vegetable farmers through the technique of combining various waste material as plant growth media based on good agricultural cultivation standards or "Good Agriculture Practices", and at the same time introduce the concept of vegetable cultivation through the use of Environmentally Friendly organic fertilizers. This Community Service Activity is carried out by Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach method by involving members of farmers groups, farmers group chairmen, local Agricultural Extension, chairmen and members of Karang Taruna, community leaders and some village staff. The results of this PKM activity showed that there was an increased understanding of participants understanding of organic fertilizer manufacturing techniques from various agricultural wastes to increase soil fertility and concoct planting media to increase organic vegetable production. In general, PKM participants are very enthusiastic and give a positive response to the material delivered and are participants are willing to apply the use of environmentally friendly organic fertilizers in organic vegetable cultivation techniques in their farms. At the end of this socialization and training participants hope to be provided with ongoing assistance from KKN students of Mataram University. Keywords: innovation; organic fertilizers; vegetables; economic value