5 research outputs found


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    Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran tahfidz terhadap anak usia dini sering didapatkan kendala-kendala ataupun masalah-masalah dalam diri siswa yang dapat menghambat berlangsungnya pembelajaran, seperti cara pengucapan lafadz yang salah, penggunaan kaidah-kaidah tajwid yang belum benar, belum bisa mengucapkan makhorijul huruf secara benar, dan pengulangan lafadz. Agar pembelajaran menghafal Al Qur’an bisa diajarkan dan diterima dengan baik oleh siswa, maka guru memerlukan metode yang cocok untuk diterapkan dalam pembelajaran menghafal Al Qur’an bagi anak-anak Terdapat beberapa metode yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dalam proses menghafal Al Qur’an, salah satu metode yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran menghafal Al Qur’an adalah dengan metode talaqqi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengetahui bagaimana penerapan metode talaqi pada anak usia dini dalam menghafal Al Qur’an di TPQ Miftahul Jannah Bandung, 2) untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat dari penerapan metode talaqi,  3) untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang kemampuan menghafal Al Qur’an siswa di TPQ tersebut, 4) untuk mengetahui  efektivitas metode talaqqi pada anak usia dini dalam menghafa Al Qur’an di TPQ Miftahul Jannah Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode mixed mettod. Sebuah metode yang menggabungkan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Sumber data didapat dari sumber data primer dan sekunder. Hasil dari  penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) penerapan metode talaqi pada anak usia dini dalam menghafal Al Qur’an di TPQ Miftahul Jannah Bandung terdapat tiga tahapan yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. 2) faktor pendukung dari penerapan metode talaqi pada anak usia dini ialah: Bersemangat tinggi,  Mendapat motivasi dan dukungan dari orang tua, Sering muroja’ah hafalan dan. Intelegensi tinggi. Adapun faktor penghambatnya adalah Malas dan jarang sekolah, Tidak ada motivasi dan dukungan dari orang tua, Jarang muroja’ah hafalan.3) Berdasarkan hasil angket  sebagian besar siswa yaitu sebanyak 85% memiliki minat dan semangat terhadap pelajaran menghafal Al Qur’an dan sebanyak 70% siswa berhasil menghafal surat-surat yang telah diajarkan oleh guru dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan. 4) Sedangkan hasil penelitian dari tes hafalan siswa dengan menggunakan t test one sample menunjukkan bahwa nilai t hitung sebesar 56,80 t tabel 1,729, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat efektivitas metode talaqqi  pada anak usia dini dalam menghafal Al Qur’an di TPQ Miftahul Jannah Bandung


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    YouTube is a well-known platform that everyone can use in every context, including the educational field. Despite the enormous benefit of YouTube usage in the learning context, only a little has been discussed about how YouTube can be used in developing students' autonomous skills. This current research aims to explore students' perceptions of the role of YouTube videos in developing students' autonomous learning and English language skills. This research was examined using a qualitative design and a type of data collection using a closed-ended questionnaire distributed to students in the form of a Google Form. The research subjects include 11 students of 5th-semester English education majors at State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta who utilize YouTube to study English outside of class. Findings showed that YouTube is effective in developing autonomous learning skills. Furthermore, a major number of students specifically identified listening and vocabulary skills as areas where YouTube may help their autonomous learning activities


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    Wisuda adalah kegiatan pelantikan kelulusan bagi mahasiswa yang telah menempuh masa belajar pada suatu universitas atau perguruan tinggi. Pada umumnya, wisuda dilaksanakan setiap akhir semester dalam kalender akademik. Pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja terdapat sistem informasi penyelenggara wisuda, melalui sistem tersebut petugas hanya dapat mencatat kehadiran wisudawan/wisudawati saja, sedangkan untuk kehadiran orangtua dan tamu VIP/VVIP masih dilakukan secara manual dengan menggunakan selembar kertas.Selain itu, wisudawan/wisudawati juga kesulitan untuk mendapatkan informasi seputar acara wisuda karena belum ada sistem informasi seputar acara wisuda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengatasi kendala apa saja yang ada pada sistem informasi wisuda pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja. Perancangan aplikasi ini menggunakan Yii Framework dan Framework Ionic dengan metode analisis SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). Dengan adanya aplikasi graduation organizer online ini diharapkan wisudawan/wisudawati akan lebih mudah mendapatkan informasi acara wisuda.   Kata kunci: aplikasi, informasi, organizer, wisuda

    Analysis of Red Betel Leaf Tests As A Natural Anti-Infection In Post Partum Mothers

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    Background: Incidence of infection contributes to maternal mortality. Innovative efforts to treat infection in postpartum mothers continue to be made, including non-pharmacological techniques. The local wisdom of red betel leaves is believed by the community to be able to handle it. The true efficacy of this extraordinary red betel leaf deserves further investigation. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of red betel on perineal wound healing in postpartum mothers. Methods: This study used the Quasi Experiment with Control Group Design method. The study was conducted on 80 postpartum mothers with perineal wounds degrees 1 to 3. 40 women were included in the intervention group who were given red betel ointment made by researchers from 2 hours to 7 days postpartum. 40 people as the control group were given perineal wound care according to standard. Assessment of wound healing was carried out every day until the 7th day postpartum. Statistical tests used the dependent and independent t-tests to examine differences in healing scores in the two study groups. Results: There was an increase in the average perineal wound healing value in the intervention group which was higher and there was an increase in the average healing value every day, starting from the first day (mean = 9.25), the second day (mean = 11.55), and the seventh day (mean = 12.65) compared to the control group, p value <0.001. On the third day postpartum, the intervention group had the maximum healing value (100%) compared to the control group (52.5%

    Salira Accelerates Perineal Wound Healing in Postpartum Mothers

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    Introduction: Bacterial infections during childbirth and puerperium are the leading causes of maternal death worldwide, accounting for about one-tenth of the global burden of maternal mortality; most of the 75,000 maternal deaths are estimated to occur worldwide each year; this is a direct cause of maternal mortality (WHO, 2015a). The incidence of infections that contribute to maternal mortality looks so concerning in Indonesia because Indonesia has the highest Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in ASEAN countries, namely 305 per 100,000 live births based on the 2015 Inter-Census Population Survey (SUPAS). This high maternal mortality rate makes the target of reducing MMR in Indonesia in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) still very far from the target of 70 per 100,000 live births in 2030 (Achadi, 2019). Innovative efforts to reduce the incidence of infection during the puerperium need to consider the existing community structure in Indonesia. Problem-solving and the current situation of public health status in Indonesia are still based on a logical and rational approach, so health problems become increasingly complex. When a rational approach feels deadlocked in dealing with health problems, it is vital to raise local wisdom as a way to solve it, one of which is the use of herbal plants that are believed to be passed down by people in Indonesia, such as the use of red betel leaves. Researchers are interested in conducting innovative research using non-pharmacological methods for treating perineal wounds using (Salira), an ointment derived from red betel leaves formulated for wound healing; its use is only applied to the perineal wound. Besides the method, this technique is very cheap, easy, and safe to do. The red betel plant contains chemical compounds such as ß-flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, and essential oils. This study aims to identify the relationship between the characteristics of the respondents (age, education, occupation, parity, and rupture rate) with the Perineum Wound Healing Time using Salira.&nbsp;Methods: The research method used in this study was quasi-experimental with a control group design. The independent variable in this study was red betel leaf ointment (Salira). In contrast, the dependent variable was the perineal wound healing time, as the confounding variable was the characteristics of postpartum mothers. The sample selection method used accidental sampling. The sample size in this study was 40 people for the intervention group and 40 for the control group. We collected data using questionnaires, checklist sheets, and observation sheets. Researchers also gave perineum care booklets to postpartum mothers and red betel ointment.&nbsp;Results: The results showed that red betel ointment was effective in accelerating the healing process of perineal wounds in postpartum mothers. Red betel ointment has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which can help reduce inflammation and infection of the perineal wound. In addition, red betel ointment can also help increase collagen production in wounds, an essential protein in the wound-healing process. The use of red betel ointment also does not cause significant side effects in postpartum mothers. This suggests that red betel ointment can be used as an alternative to perineal wound care that is safer and more effective than pharmacological drugs.&nbsp;Conclusion: Based on the results of existing research, it can be concluded that red betel ointment can help accelerate the healing process of perineal wounds in postpartum mothers. Red betel ointment has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which can help reduce inflammation and infection of the perineal wound. In addition, red betel ointment can also help increase collagen production in wounds, an essential protein in the wound-healing process