26 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Tiga Metode Transformasi Agrobacterium Untuk Pencarian Gen-gen Terkait Toleransi Kekeringan Menggunakan Transposon Ac/Ds Pada Padi CV. Batutegi

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    Transformation Strategy for Indonesian Indica Rice in Attempt to Discover Drought-TolerantRelated Genes Using of Transposon Ac/Ds. Attempt to identify, isolate the gene, and study forgene function for several agronomical traits have been done including some drought toleranttraits. Japonica rice cultivars have been used due to its higher efficiencies compared withindica cultivars. Two plasmids namely pNU400 and pUR224 were used to generate mutants ofthese cultivars (Batutegi dan Kasalath cultivars). Those plasmids contain an element calledActivator (Ac) and Dissociator (Ds) respectively. The pNU400 contains GFP (green flourescensprotein) as a selectable marker, whereas the pUR224 contains hygromycine resistant gene andgusA as a reporter gene. Each plasmid was transformed into rice genome of Batutegi andKasalath cultivars by Agrobacterium mediated transformation using three methods oftransformation (A, B and C). The transformation method A was not suitable for both cultivars,where none of plantlets were produced from pNU400 and pUR224 plasmids. The transformationmethod B produced some plantlets from the Kasalath cultivar only using pUR224 plasmid.The transformation method C was the best method to produce transgenic plants from bothcultivars (Batutegi and Kasalath), using both plasmids (pNU400 and pUR224). The PCR analysisshowed that 19 and 9 plants of Batutegi and Kasalath contained both gusA and hpt genesrespectively. None of those plants contained of gusA gene. Southern blot analysis revealed 3independent lines from Batutegi dan 7 independent lines from Kasalath. The integration of Actransposon was analyzed based on expression gfp gene when observed under UV dark reader.This research has proved that indica rice cultivars, especially the Batutegi cultivar of Indonesianorigin, could be transformed. The cultivar could be used as plant model for the indicatransformation

    Transformasi Padi Indica Kultivar Batutegi dan Kasalath dengan Gen Regulator HD-Zip untuk Perakitan Varietas Toleran Kekeringan

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    Water deficiency. Genetic engineering at the level of transcription factors (TF) is particulary a promising strategy in developing drought tolerant rice cultivar. HD-Zip genes are TF that function in plant adaptation to some environmental stresses including water deficit. The recombinant plasmid pC1301H Oshox6 which contained HD-Zip Oshox6 gene was placed under a drought inducible promoter called LEA promoter, gusA and hpt genes were driven with CaMV promoter. The aim of research was to obtain indica rice transgenic plants of Batutegi and Kasalath cultivars using pC1301H Oshox6 plasmid. Recombinant plasmid was transformed into immature rice embryos using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Kasalath cultivar showed a better capacity to form embryogenic calli compared to Batutegi. Transformation efficiency of Batutegi is lower (1.5 - 0.3%) than Kasalath (2.2-28.3%). Regeneration efficiency is 25-83.3% and 7.7-100% for Batutegi and Kasalath, respectively. Number of putative transformant plantlets of Batutegi and Kasalath are 63 and 48 plantlets, respectively. Southern blot analysis (using hpt probe) on 12 independent lines of each Batutegi and Kasalath cultivars showed different gene copy number, ranging from one to four copies of gene

    Zjawisko digitalizacji i e-rekrutacji w 艣rodowisku biznesowym

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    Man lives in a global environment where new technologies, mainly digital, information and communication technology, is changing the possibilities and manner in which corporations produce and provide services their customers. Given the noticeable and quick progress and the increased reliance on modern technology, the question of how it is changing work, employment and processes, methods, approaches and processes related to human resources management field in today's corporations. This research paper presents part of a research focusing on the process of digitalization and e-recruitment in business environment in the Czech Republic. The aim of this contribution was to examine the present implementation of social media platforms in business practice in the context of the size and industry classification of the selected corporations in the Czech Republic. The research was conducted on the basis of a structured questionnaire survey available in printed form. Two research hypotheses have been formulated. The verification of null research hypotheses was performed through the statistical method of the Pearson鈥檚 Chi-square test. A research sample included 426 respondents (the employees of selected corporations in the Czech Republic that are active in and responsible for area of human resources). Main results of research confirmed a statistically significant relation between implementation of social media platforms in business practice and the size and industry classification of the selected corporations in the Czech Republic.Cz艂owiek 偶yje w globalnym 艣rodowisku, w kt贸rym nowe technologie, g艂贸wnie cyfrowe, technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne, zmieniaj膮 mo偶liwo艣ci i spos贸b, w jaki korporacje produkuj膮 i 艣wiadcz膮 us艂ugi swoim klientom. Bior膮c pod uwag臋 zauwa偶alny i szybki post臋p oraz zwi臋kszon膮 zale偶no艣膰 od nowoczesnych technologii, pojawia si臋 pytanie o to, jak zmienia si臋 praca, zatrudnienie i procesy, metody, podej艣cia i procesy zwi膮zane z dziedzin膮 zarz膮dzania zasobami ludzkimi we wsp贸艂czesnych korporacjach. Niniejszy dokument badawczy stanowi cz臋艣膰 bada艅 po艣wi臋conych procesowi cyfryzacji i e-rekrutacji w 艣rodowisku biznesowym w Republice Czeskiej. Celem tego opracowania by艂o zbadanie obecnej implementacji platform medi贸w spo艂eczno艣ciowych w praktyce biznesowej w kontek艣cie wielko艣ci i klasyfikacji bran偶owej wybranych korporacji w Republice Czeskiej. Badania przeprowadzono na podstawie ustrukturyzowanego kwestionariusza dost臋pnego w formie drukowanej. Na potrzeby badania sformu艂owane zosta艂y dwie hipotezy badawcze. Weryfikacja zerowych hipotez badawczych zosta艂a przeprowadzona za pomoc膮 statystycznej metody testu chi-kwadrat Pearsona. Pr贸ba badawcza obj臋艂a 426 respondent贸w (pracownik贸w wybranych korporacji w Czechach, kt贸rzy s膮 aktywni i odpowiedzialni za obszar zasob贸w ludzkich). G艂贸wne wyniki bada艅 potwierdzi艂y statystycznie istotny zwi膮zek mi臋dzy wdro偶eniem platform spo艂eczno艣ciowych w praktyce biznesowej a wielko艣ci膮 i klasyfikacj膮 bran偶ow膮 wybranych korporacji w Czechach

    The Influence of Work Life Balance on the Work Satisfaction of Millenial Doctors

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    Background: A hospital is in constant demand of holistic service. Different professions and different generations of staff, intertwining with different kinds of demands from all sorts of customers, making a hospital a high-pressure workplace, conduct 24 hours of various activities. This leads to disturbance in work life balance, resulting in dissatisfaction from doctors toward the hospital. From 2015 onward, Gen Y (known as millennial) has taken over as the dominant workforce replacing the Baby Boomers. Purpose: To perceive the level of work life balance from the perception of millennials doctors, how it affects the overall satisfaction, and work satisfaction. Method: This research is conducted in a hospital in Bandung, with 84 participants (chosen with purposive sampling technique). Data was collected through questioners, observations, and interviews. The research method used is the causal relation of X and Y. Results: Out of four dimensions in work life balance, life to work enrichment achieves the highest score, as work to life conflicts is the lowest. The work satisfaction rate in millennial doctors in Bandung is categorized as very good, whereas from five dimensions of satisfaction, workplace satisfaction gets the highest score, and employer satisfaction is the lowest. Research results signify the importance of work life balance in working satisfaction for millennial doctors in a hospital in Bandung. Even though the research showed acceptable results, efforts are still needed to maintain the satisfactory rate for millennial doctors. Conclusion: The conclusions from research results are out of four dimensions in work life balance, life to work enrichment achieves the highest score, as work to life conflicts is the lowest