8 research outputs found

    Optimum Rotation for Harvesting of Cajuput Leave at KPH YOGYAKARTA

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    The productivity of cajuput plantation has improved through tree breeding, while manipulation of site and management engineering of timber plantations have been less attention. Management engineering can be obtained by determining the optimum cycle of cajuput leaves harvesting. This study aims to determine the optimum cycling of cajuput leaves harvesting at KPH Yogyakarta by considering the biological cycles of cajuput leaves, chemical physical properties, and the yield of cajuput oil. The tools used in the research were digital scales, distillation devices, and testing tools of physical-chemical properties of cajuput oil. The material for research was the cajuput plants at KPH Yogyakarta. Data of cajuput leave-twig biomass were obtained for 9 months from 9 plots which were well distributed on various ages. Biological cycle analysis uses curent monthly increment (CMI) and mean monthly increment (MMI) intersection approach. Analysis of the physical-chemical properties on cajuput oil refers to SNI 3954:2014 on cajuput oil. The results showed that the biological cycles of cajuput leaves were obtained 5 months after leaves harvesting. The chemical physical properties of cajuput oil that meet the requirements of SNI were achieved after the leaves are 7 months after harvested. The yield of cajuput oil which is above 0.7% was obtained after the leaves are 8 months after harvested. Thus, the optimum cycle for harvesting of cajuput leaves in KPH Yogyakarta is after 8 months

    Policy Implementation of the Local Government Regarding the Prohibition of Property and Immoral Conduct

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    Prostitution is an activity of offering sex edgaged to people to be enjoyed in general or voluntarily in order to obtain a reward for that person's sexual satisfaction. However, prostitution activity violates the norms and values of society as seen in prostitution activities in Sukabumi Regency area which often disturbs the community. Therefore the regional government issued Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2015 concerning the Prohibition of Prostitution and Immoral Acts which are the result of public policies which are forms or types of legal provisions that must be implemented in society, but at the level of implementation it is still not optimal. The purpose of this study was to find out how the implementation of the Regional Regulation of Sukabumi Regency in carrying out the rules prohibiting prostitution and immoral acts. The implementation of this local government policy has not regulated well because of many factors that affect its implementation, both from the regulation itself, human resources, inadequate facilities and infrastructure

    Luas Optimum Petak Ukur Untuk Hutan Tanaman Kayu Putih Di Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan YOGYAKARTA (Optimum Size of Sampling Plot for Cajuput Plantation at Forest Management Unit YOGYAKARTA)

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    Utilization of non-timber forest products, especially cajuput plants in Indonesia needs to be optimalized. The management of cajuput plantations should be supported with data and information toward sustainable management. The sampling approach to estimate the potential of cajuput leaves has no standard on plot size. The objective of this research is to determine the optimal plot size that can be used in inventory of cajuput plantation. Equipements used in this research are GPS, rope, bamboo, compass, digital scales, and quadcopter drones. The research material is cajuput stand which has good degree of normality. The method used in this research is making of nested sample plot of 20 x 20 m, 30 x 30 m, 40 x 40 m, 50 x 50 m, 60 x 60 m, 70 x 70 m, 80 x 80 m, 90 x 90 m, and standard plot (control) 100 x 100 m. Parameters measured were number of tree (n / ha) and the biomass of cajuput leaves-twig (Kg / ha). Data were analyzed by using t-student test to determine the difference of mean value between sample sample plot and control plot. The analysis is also done by calculating the precision of each sample plot. The result showed that the estimated value of number of tree (n / ha) of the 20 m x 20 m plot size was not significantly different with the control plot size of 100 m x 100 m. Estimation of leaves-twigs biomass of cajuput with plot size of 20 m x 20 m plot is also not significantly different with the result of measurement of leaves-twigs biomass of cajuput in control plot 100 m x 100 m. Thus, the optimum plot size that can be used in the study site is 20 m x 20 m

    Kebijakan Hukum Pidana dalam Upaya Penegakan Hukum Lingkungan Berdasarkan Prinsip Pembangunan

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    Kebijakan hukum pidana dalam upaya penegakan hukum lingkungan berdasarkan prinsip pembangunan perlu penyelenggaraan perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dalam rangka pembangunan berkelanjutan berwawasan lingkungan hidup, harus memperhatikan tingkat kesadaran masyarakat dan perkembangan lingkungan secara nasional dan global serta perangkat hukum yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hidup. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana upaya penegakan hukum tersebut dalam masyarakat dan apa hambatan yang terjadi dalam upaya penegakan hukum pidana lingkungan ini, maka penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu untuk memberikan masukan dan kritikan kepada pemangku kebijakan dalam menjalankan penegakan hukum lingkungan ini. Metodenya menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. Kebijakan hukum pidana dalam upaya penegakan hukum lingkungan berdasarkan prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan bahwa hukum lingkungan secara nasional, dan hukum lingkungan Internasional belum dapat berjalan secara maksimal dalam upaya penegakan hukumnya karena tidak ada sinergi yang baik dan itu dapat dilihat dari ketidakselarasan pemangku kebijakan dalam merumuskan Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Faktor hambatan dalam menjalankan upaya penegakan hukum pidana terbagi menjadi 4 (empat) faktor yang belum dapat bersinergi dengan baik dalam upaya penegakan hukum pidana di bidang lingkunga

    Allometric Model to Estimate Biomass and Carbon of Seedling in Pangarengan Mangrove Forest, Cirebon, West Java

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    The mangrove ecosystem in Pangarengan Village, Cirebon District, provides benefits for environmental services, including as carbon sinks and stores. In estimating the carbon storage of mangrove forests, in general, allometric equations are used. Unfortunately, the allometric equations currently available are still composed of the stages of growth of saplings, poles, and trees. Thus, the purpose of this study was to develop an allometric model for seedlings in mangrove forests. The research was conducted in June 2021 in the mangrove forest of Pangarengan Village, Cirebon District. The equipment that used in the study were calipers, measuring tape, digital scales, and crop shears. Research materials were mangrove seedlings of Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia marina, and Sonneratia caseolaris. The best allometric model in estimating dried weight biomass with base diameter predictor is Y = 35,013 Dp1,860 (R2adj = 0,873; SEE = 0,472) using tip diameter predictor is Y = 249.573 Du2,276 (R2adj = 0,524; SEE = 0,710). While the allometrics for estimating the carbon content of seedlings were Y = 5,835 Dp1,804 (R2adj = 0,831; SEE = 0,528) and Y = 35,750 Du2,107 (R2adj = 0,607; SEE = 0,805). Thus, the power allometric model with base diameter predictor was quite good in estimating dried weight biomass and seedling carbon content in the mangrove forest of Pangarengan Village

    Carbon Storage of Superior Clonal Teak Stand in Special Purpose Forest Area of Wanagama, Special Region of YOGYAKARTA

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    A special-purpose forest area (KHDTK) is the forest area which the purposes are for teaching and research activities. One of the research conducted in KHDTK Wanagama was examining the planting of superior Teak from breeding (jati Mega). The growth of clonal teak data can also be assessed for its carbon stock. Hence, the purpose of this research was to determine the potential of biomass and carbon stock in the Jati Mega stands at KHDTK Wanagama, Yogyakarta. The research was carried out using a non-destructive method which used the allometric equation Bt = 0.0149(D2.H)1.0855. Carbon value was calculated as 50% of the total biomass. The results showed that after 17 years of planting Jati Mega, the stand density was 665 trees/ha, carbon storage was 59.98 Mg C/ha, and carbon uptake was 220.11 Mg/ha (CO2-eq). The total value of biomass, carbon stock, and carbon dioxide removal by Jati Mega stands at KHDTK Wanagama was in the medium category. The advantage of this research is for understanding the environmental services of jati Mega as a forest carbon stock. Information on forest carbon stock can be used as basic data for forest management as climate change mitigation