4 research outputs found

    Prospects Of The Leading Business Sector Of Palm Oil Digital Scales (Ram) In Pino District, Bengkulu Selatan Regency

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    Marketing of palm oil in the form of FFB (Fresh Fruit Bunches)  to palm oil companies (PKS) is carried out by independent oil palm smallholders through existing marketing institutions, both collecting businesses, which will affect the income that farmers will receive. Weighing Business is a FFB marketing agency in Pino District, South Bengkulu Regency which already has a permit to sell farmer's FFB to companies and has fruit transportation facilities and has means of transportation in the form of trucks and pick-up cars. The purpose of this study was to examine the prospects for the leading sector of the palm oil weighing (RAM) business in Pino District, South Bengkulu Regency. The research location was carried out in Pino District, South Bengkulu Regency. The determination of the research location was carried out purposively, with the consideration that the research location was a center for palm oil production with a lot of digital scales or RAM with a capacity of ± 30 tons and already had an operating permit. The results showed that the average income from the palm oil Ram business in Pino District, South Bengkulu Regency was Rp. 26,188,188.89 with an average production cost of Rp. 21,832,892.59 so that they earned an income of Rp. 4,361,218.52, in one month

    Analysis Of Efficiency Of Technical And Factors Affecting In Aromatic Rice Farming In The Seluma Regency

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    The research objective is to determine the level of technical efficiency and the factors that influence the level of technical inefficiency, to analyze the relationship between input and output in the production process of aromatic rice farming in Seluma regency.Total number of respondents were 73 farmers who planted Aromatic rice. The Cobb Douglass of Frontier Stochastic approach was used, whereas for the factors that influence the inefficiency function as the initial answer of the above analysis results of the production function parameter were obtained through the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), with an LR value of 14.3620 which was higher than t table 99% (2.39). It had a significant effect on the 99% confidence level. It was seem that, there was no meaning that all aromatic rice farmers in the regency were 100% efficient. It could be seen that the MLE log-likelihood value of 29.9157 was higher than the OLS log-likelihood value of 22.7347. The lowest technical efficiency value was achieved by the farmers by 0.55 and the highest by 0.97.  In the research area, the majority of the use of production factors was efficient, from 73.34% already in the value of efficiency between 0.90-1.00, meaning that 73.34% had approached the maximum efficiency. The result of the disseminated coefficient (R2) of 0.277 could mean a significant effect of 27.7 percent on the inefficiency variable while the remaining 72.3 percent is influenced by other factors not included in this research variable


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    This study aims to examine the income and characteristics of certified rice seed breeding businesses in Central Bengkulu Regency which has a recommendation as a certified rice seed breeder from the BPSB (Seed Monitoring and Certification Center) Office of Horticulture and Plantation Food Crops Bengkulu Province.The data analysis method used in this research is using a mix method, namely the combination of quantitative and qualitative which is carried out simultaneously.The results showed that the breeding business of certified rice seeds in Bengkulu Tengah Regency was profitable, amounting to Rp. 23,719,248/planting season and based on the study of its characteristics it was necessary to improve and evaluate the role of the Seed, Plant Supervisor as a supervisor to the mentoring role seeing farmers who cultivate certified seeds in Central Bengkulu Regency has the characteristics of being male, with the highest average age being above 63 years, with an average land tenure of 0.5 to 1 hectare with the status of own land and having a number of dependents. mostly between 3 to 4 people. It is recommended to strengthen the capacity of captive farmers who do not continue through a selection process based on: age, gender, education, number of dependents, and land area owned. as well as improving the skills and knowledge of breeder farmers regarding certified rice seeds and their business prospects.The location of the research was carried out in Central Bengkulu Regency, namely Pondok Kelapa District, Karang Tinggi District and Taba Penanjung District. The determination of the research location was carried out purposively, with the consideration that the location of this research is a certified rice seed breeder farmer group that has a recommendation as a certified rice seed breeder from the Center for Seed Supervision and Certification of the Horticulture and Plantation Office of the Bengkulu Province.The results showed that the certified rice seed breeding business in Bengkulu Tengah Regency was profitable, amounting to Rp.23,719,248/planting season, but based on the study of its characteristics it was necessary to improve and evaluate the role of the Plant Seed Supervisor as a supervisor/controller to the mentoring role to see farmers who cultivate seeds. certified in Bengkulu Tengah Regency has the characteristics of being male with the most average age being over 63 years, with an average land tenure of 0.5 to 1 hectare with the status of own land. Have the largest number of family dependents between 3 to 4 people Keyword: income, Characteristics, Breeders, Certified Seed


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    ABSTRAK Kelurahan Batu Galing merupakan kelurahan yang terdapat di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong yang baru beberapa tahun ini ramai ditempati penduduk. Sebelumnya kelurahan ini hanya merupakan daerah pertanian yang hanya dikunjungi penduduk di waktu mereka bercocok tanam. Mata pencaharian penduduk sebagian besar petani dan sebagian lainnya pegawai negeri , pedagang dan pengrajin, dan sebagainya. Salah satu hasil pertanian yang banyak terdapat di Kelurahan Batu Galing adalah jagung manis. Mengingat jagung manis merupakan komoditi yang cepat mengalami kerusakan maka perlu dicarikan alternatif untuk mengatasi produk yang berlebihan. Salah satu alternatif pemecahan masalah tersebut adalah mengolah jagung manis menjadi dodol.    Rendahnya motivasi dan pengetahuan petani kelurahan Batu Galing tentang pembuatan dodol jagung manis harus ditingkatkan melalui penyuluhan maupun pelatihan dengan sasaran pengabdian adalah  ibu-ibu PKK kelurahan Batu Galing.. Atas dasar ini, maka staf pengajar Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu memilih lokasi ini sebagai sasaran pengabdiaan kepada masyarakt. Kegiatan pengabdiaan masyarakat ini dibantu oleh mahasiswa yang sedang melaksanakan KKN. Metode pendekatan yang diterapkan dalam program ini, dengan menggunakan metode penyuluhan dan demontrasi pembuatan dodol jagung manis Dari evaluasi, penerapan teknologi tepat guna melalui penyuluhan dan pelatihan pembuatan dodol dodol jagung manis berjalan dengan lancar serta adanya peningkatan  pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dari ibu-ibu PKK. Kata kunci : Jagung manis, dodol jagung manis, produk olahan     ABSTRACT Batu Galing Sub-District is a sub-district located in Rejang Lebong Regency, which has only recently been bustling with residents. Previously this kelurahan was only an agricultural area which was only visited by residents when they were cultivating. The livelihoods of the population are mostly farmers and some are civil servants, traders and craftsmen, and so on. One of the agricultural products that are widely available in Batu Galing Village is sweet corn. Bearing in mind that sweet corn is a commodity that quickly deteriorates, it is necessary to find alternatives to deal with excessive product. One alternative solution to this problem is to process sweet corn into lunkhead. The low motivation and knowledge of Batu Galing Village farmers about making sweet corn dodol must be improved through counseling and training. On this basis, the teaching staff of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, chose this location as a target for community service. To expedite community service activities, the service team is assisted by students who are carrying out KKN. The approach method used in this program, using counseling and demonstration methods for making sweet corn dodolKeywords: Sweet corn, sweet corn dodol, processed product