334 research outputs found

    Rainfastening of Bifenthrin to Cotton Leaves with Selected Adjuvants

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    There are thousands of adjuvants on the market, yet little is known about their effects on the activity of insecticides on plant surfaces. The effects of 11 selected adjuvants on the rainfastness and retention of bifenthrin ([laJa-(2)-(i-)-(2 methyl[l,l'-biphenyl]-3-yl) methyl 3-(2-chloro-3J,3-trifluoro-l-propenyl)-2~-dimethylcyclopropanearhoxylate) on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) leaves were investigated. In addition, the effect of the adjuvant Bond on the efficacy of bifenthrin and a Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) formulation wa9 determined. Bifenthrin mixed with each adjuvant was applied to greenhouse grown cotton plants using a spray chamber. Simulated rainfall of 13 mm was then applied to treated cotton plants at 0.25, 1, and 4 h after treatment. Bond and Agimax-3 were the only adjuvant. to significantly increase the rainfastness of hifenthrin on cotton leaves. Agri-Dex, Soy-Dex, and Dyne-Amic significantly decrease

    Contrasting effects of insect exclusion on wood loss in a temperate forest

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    Experimental efforts to determine how insects influence terrestrial wood decomposition are few, especially in temperate regions. To address this need, a five-year exclusion study was conducted in northern Mississippi, U.S.A., to quantify insect contributions to wood decay using one-meter loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) bolts. The study included three treatments: (1) ‘‘partially protected’’ bolts that were placed on cypermethrin-treated soil to exclude subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae: Reticulitermes spp.) while permitting colonization by beetles (Coleoptera) and other saproxylic taxa, (2) ‘‘fully protected’’ bolts that were placed on cypermethrin-treated soil and enclosed within screen cages to protect against all insects and (3) ‘‘unprotected’’ bolts that were not subjected to either exclusion treatment. The full insect community consumed approximately 15–20% of wood volume in unprotected bolts, about six times more than in partially protected bolts from which termites were excluded. There were no differences in specific gravity (based on initial wood volume) or mass loss among treatments, however. It is not clear whether these findings are due to an inhibition of microbial decomposers by insects (e.g., antimicrobial compounds secreted by termites or ants), a stimulatory effect of the exclusion treatments (e.g., cypermethrin stimulating fungal growth or cages favorably altering wood moisture), or some combination of both. When based on final water-displaced volume, specific gravity was significantly higher for unprotected bolts than for those fully protected, probably because termites selectively consume the least dense wood. By the end of the study, about 20% of the final dry weight of unprotected bolts consisted of termite-imported soil. Wood volume consumed and soil content decreased with distance from the ends of the bolts whereas water content exhibited the opposite pattern. We detected a significant negative relationship between water content and volume consumed by termites, possibly because water content decreases with increasing wood density and termites tend to avoid high density wood. While insects clearly consume large volumes of wood in southeastern U.S. forests, our results suggest they do not act to accelerate mass loss beyond what is achieved by microbial decomposers. More research is needed to confirm this, however—especially given the uncertainties inherent to exclusion studies

    Contrasting effects of insect exclusion on wood loss in a temperate forest

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    Experimental efforts to determine how insects influence terrestrial wood decomposition are few, especially in temperate regions. To address this need, a five-year exclusion study was conducted in northern Mississippi, U.S.A., to quantify insect contributions to wood decay using one-meter loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) bolts. The study included three treatments: (1) ‘‘partially protected’’ bolts that were placed on cypermethrin-treated soil to exclude subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae: Reticulitermes spp.) while permitting colonization by beetles (Coleoptera) and other saproxylic taxa, (2) ‘‘fully protected’’ bolts that were placed on cypermethrin-treated soil and enclosed within screen cages to protect against all insects and (3) ‘‘unprotected’’ bolts that were not subjected to either exclusion treatment. The full insect community consumed approximately 15–20% of wood volume in unprotected bolts, about six times more than in partially protected bolts from which termites were excluded. There were no differences in specific gravity (based on initial wood volume) or mass loss among treatments, however. It is not clear whether these findings are due to an inhibition of microbial decomposers by insects (e.g., antimicrobial compounds secreted by termites or ants), a stimulatory effect of the exclusion treatments (e.g., cypermethrin stimulating fungal growth or cages favorably altering wood moisture), or some combination of both. When based on final water-displaced volume, specific gravity was significantly higher for unprotected bolts than for those fully protected, probably because termites selectively consume the least dense wood. By the end of the study, about 20% of the final dry weight of unprotected bolts consisted of termite-imported soil. Wood volume consumed and soil content decreased with distance from the ends of the bolts whereas water content exhibited the opposite pattern. We detected a significant negative relationship between water content and volume consumed by termites, possibly because water content decreases with increasing wood density and termites tend to avoid high density wood. While insects clearly consume large volumes of wood in southeastern U.S. forests, our results suggest they do not act to accelerate mass loss beyond what is achieved by microbial decomposers. More research is needed to confirm this, however—especially given the uncertainties inherent to exclusion studies

    Roth Net-Assisted Endoscopic-Guided Manometry Catheter Placement.

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    High-resolution esophageal manometry (HRM) has become the gold standard to diagnose esophageal motility disorders. Usually, this procedure is performed by introducing the catheter, which has pressure sensors, into the esophagus and proximal stomach via the nares. Repeated coiling of the catheter and inability to pass through the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) are common challenges encountered. Endoscopy-guided placement of the catheter can overcome these difficulties. However, sometimes even with the use of endoscopy, it is difficult to advance catheter due to anatomical variants. The extreme fragility of the catheter and sensors and the high cost of this reusable device precludes the use of biopsy forceps or snare to advance the catheter. There is no literature on using accessories during endoscopy in case of difficult placement under direct visualization. We report a unique case of using Roth Net via the suction channel to advance esophageal manometry catheter into the stomach by using endoscopy

    Initial sites of hepadnavirus integration into host genome in human hepatocytes and in the woodchuck model of hepatitis B-associated hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the closely related woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) are potent carcinogens that trigger development of primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The initial sites of hepadnavirus–host genome integration, their diversity and kinetics of formation can be central to virus persistence and the initiation and progression of HCC. To recognize the nature of the very early virus–host interactions, we explored de novo infection of human hepatocyte-like HepaRG cells with authentic HBV and naive woodchucks with WHV. HepaRG were analyzed from several minutes post exposure to HBV onwards, whereas woodchuck liver biopsies at 1 or 3 h and 6 weeks post infection with WHV. Inverse PCR and clonal sequencing of the amplicons were applied to identify virus–host genomic junctions. HBV and WHV DNA and their replication intermediates became detectable in one hour after virus exposure. Concomitantly, HBV DNA integration into various host genes was detected. Notably, junctions of HBV X gene with retrotransposon sequences, such as LINE1 and LINE2, became prominent shortly after infection. In woodchucks, insertion of WHV X and preS sequences into host genome was evident at 1 and 3 h post infection (h.p.i.), confirming that hepadnavirus under natural conditions integrates into hepatocyte DNA soon after invasion. The HBV and WHV X gene enhancer II/core promotor sequence most often formed initial junctions with host DNA. Moreover, multiple virus–virus DNA fusions appeared from 1 h.p.i. onwards in both infected hepatocytes and woodchuck livers. In summary, HBV DNA integrates almost immediately after infection with a variety of host’s sequences, among which tandemly repeating non-coding DNAs are common. This study revealed that HBV can engage mobile genetic elements from the beginning of infection to induce pro-oncogenic perturbations throughout the host genome. Such swift virus insertion was also evident in natural hepadnaviral infection in woodchucks

    Successful Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus by Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir in a Cirrhotic Patient with Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia Minor

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    Around 8% of patients diagnosed with sickle cell disease (SCD) are hepatitis C virus (HCV) carriers. Previously, HCV treatment was seldom considered in SCD patients, as the ribavirin-induced hemolysis and interferon-induced cytopenias could lead to more profound anemia. Nowadays, several oral direct-acting antiviral drugs have been developed and approved by the FDA for hepatitis C treatment. While direct-acting antivirals mitigate many of these risks, their safety and efficacy in SCD patients remains insufficiently explored. Here, we report on successfully treating HCV with ledipasvir/sofosbuvir in a compensated cirrhotic patient with SCD and thalassemia minor
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