89 research outputs found

    Pratylenchus smoliki, a new nematode species (Pratylenchidae: Tylenchomorpha) from the Great Plains region of North America

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    Pratylenchus smoliki is a new species of root-lesion nematode described from corn-soybean production fields in the Central Great Plains of North America. It is characterized by populations with relatively abundant males, two lip annuli, females with a round functional spermatheca and a conoid to subcylindrical tail with a non-crenate, smooth terminus. In host preference tests, corn and wheat produce the largest nematode populations, whereas sorghum and soybeans produce less than 20% the numbers observed on corn. Scanning electron microscopy reveals that the en face patterns compare to those seen in Pratylenchus pseudocoffeae, P. scribneri, P. hexincisus, and P. alleni. The pattern is described as rectangular to trapezoidal subdorsal and subventral lips adjoining oral disc, but with a clear demarcation between the oral disc and the subdorsal and subventral sectors. A Maximum Likelihood COI tree recognizesP. smoliki as a moderately-well-supported clade with several haplotype subgroups. A Maximum Likelihood partial 28S tree provides strong support for the P. smoliki clade and reinforces the close relationships between species with similar en facepatterns. Topotype specimens of P. alleni were demonstrably different from P. smoliki using DNA markers. The geographic range of P. smoliki overlaps with the ranges of P. alleni, P. scribneri, P. neglectus, P. hexicisus, and P. dakotaensis. The observed host range (corn, rye, sunflower, and wheat) suggests that P. smoliki may be native to the tallgrass prairie region of the Great Plains

    DNA barcoding evidence for the North American presence of alfalfa cyst nematode, Heterodera medicaginis

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    Specimens of Heterodera have been collected from alfalfa fields in Kearny County, Kansas and Carbon County, Montana. DNA barcoding with the COI mitochondrial gene indicate that the species is not Heterodera glycines, soybean cyst nematode, H. schachtii, sugar beet cyst nematode, or H. trifolii, clover cyst nematode. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees show that the alfalfa specimens form a sister clade most closely related to H. glycines, with a 4.7% mean pairwise sequence divergence across the 862 nucleotides of the COI marker. Morphological analyses of juveniles and cysts conform to the measurements of H. medicaginis, the alfalfa cyst nematode originally described from the USSR in 1971. Initial host testing demonstrated that the nematode reproduced on alfalfa, but not on soybeans, tomato, or corn. Collectively, the evidence suggests that this finding represents the first record of H. medicaginis in North America. Definitive confirmation of this diagnosis would require COI sequence of eastern European isolates of this species

    Utilization, Utility, and Variability in Usage of Adjunctive Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Spinal Management: A Review of the Literature

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    The objective of this review was to understand the clinical utilization, utility, and variability in the usage of adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Surgical site infection is associated with high morbidity and mortality, increased health care expenditure, and decreased quality of life. With the increasing prevalence of adult spinal deformity and spinal fusion surgery, it is imperative to understand the potential benefits of adjunctive treatments. HBOT is a safe and common procedure indicated to treat various medical conditions. We conducted a literature search across 3 databases for English articles published between December 1, 2019 and December 1, 2000. Thirteen studies were included. HBOT may lessen the duration of antimicrobial therapy and mitigate instrument removal and revision surgery. The current usage indications for HBOT are supported by level III evidence for chronic osteomyelitis and level IV evidence for osteoradionecrosis. However, the same level of evidence exists to support the beneficial use of adjunctive HBOT for non complicated spinal infections within 2 months after surgery. When cultured, the most common organisms were Staphylococcus aureus and other low-virulence organisms. The most common treatment protocol consists of 90-minute sessions of 100% Fio2 at 2-3 atmosphere absolute with a mean of 35.3 ± 11.6 sessions for 5.2 ± 1.4 weeks. Adjunctive HBOT should be considered in select high-risk patients. Further improvements in diagnosis and categorization of spinal infections are necessary and will indelibly aid the decision making for the initiation of HBOT

    Genotype-by-environment interactions and the dynamic relationship between tree vitality and height in northern Pinus sylvestris

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    Tree health and growth rate must both be considered in Scots pine breeding for harsh areas such as northern Sweden. Univariate (UV) and multivariate (MV) multi-environment trial (MET) analyses of tree vitality (a measure of tree health) and height (a measure of growth rate) were conducted for four series of open-pollinated Scots pine progeny trials (20 trials total), to evaluate age trends, patterns, and drivers of genotype-by-environment interaction (G Ă— E). The lowest standard errors were obtained for the MV MET analyses, indicating that MVanalyses are preferable to UVanalyses. By incorporating factor-analytic structures, the most complex data sets could be handled, suggesting that factor-analytic analyses are preferred for evaluation of forest progeny trials. We detected strong patterns of G Ă— E for both tree vitality and height, and the driver of G Ă— E was found mainly to be differences in degree day temperature sum, such that G Ă— E was higher between trials with more contrasting temperature sums. The genetic correlations, between vitality and height within sites, were generally positive and were driven by the harshness of the trial; mild trials had lower genetic correlations than did harsh trials. The sign of the across-site genetic correlations between vitality and height changed from positive to negative in some cases, as the differences between the temperature sum of the trials increased. These findings support the hypothesis that tree height assessed in harsh environments with low survival is likely to reflect health and survival ability to a greater extent than growth capacity
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