988 research outputs found

    Ice Man (for mami 1905-1975)

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    Badanie wpływu zmiany sposobu nauczania matematyki na jednego z moich uczniów. Joseph – studium przypadku

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    This case study emerged from Action Research involving Year 2 pupils. The purpose of the research was to examine the effect that changing my practice had on my pupils’ learning in mathematics. I focused on Joseph, a higher attaining pupil and explored how his behaviour changed as I began to change aspects of my teaching. My research questions focused on tasks I provided for pupils, strategies they used to find solutions and my use of questioning to challenge their thinking. The data came from lesson observations, transcripts, samples of pupils’ work and notes from my research diary. Qualitative methods such as theme and comparative analysis were employed to analyse the data using a grounded theory approach. This case study does not claim that because one pupil experienced these changes they were experienced by all. It shows the changes that are possible when an environment of collaborative problem solving is created.Analizowane studium przypadku powstało w ramach badania w działaniu obejmującego uczniów szkoły podstawowej, w wieku 6 i 7 lat. Celem tego badania było zmierzenie wpływu zmian moich praktyk nauczania matematyki na moich uczniów. W moich badaniach skupiłam się na uczniu o imieniu Joseph, który osiągał bardzo dobre wyniki w szkole, i zbadałam, jak jego zachowanie zmieniło się pod wpływem zmiany sposobu mojego nauczania. Moje pytania badawcze koncentrowały się na zadaniach, które przygotowywałam dla uczniów. Ponadto skupiłam się na strategiach używanych przez moich uczniów do znalezienia rozwiązań. W pytaniach badawczych skoncentrowałam się na moim sposobie zadawania pytań, aby pobudzić uczniów do myślenia. Dane, wykorzystywane w badaniach, pochodziły z obserwacji lekcji, transkrypcji prac uczniów i notatek z moich badań. Metody jakościowe, takie jak analiza tematyczna i analiza porównawcza, zostały wykorzystane do analizy danych przy zastosowaniu podejścia metodologii teorii ugruntowanej. To studium przypadku nie dowodzi zmiany, z uwagi na fakt, że doświadczył tych zmian jeden uczeń, nie wpływaliśmy poprzez zmianę na wszystkich uczniów. To studium przypadku pokazuje zmiany, które są możliwe, gdy współtworzone jest środowisko wspólnego rozwiązywania problemów

    Feeling and hearing country as research method

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    This paper explains Feeling and Hearing Country as an Australian Indigenous practice whereby water is life, Country is responsive, and Elders generate wisdom for a communicative order of things. The authors ask, as a society of Indigenous people and those no longer Indigenous to place, can we walk together in the task of collectively healing Country? The research method uses experiential, creative, propositional, and practical ways of knowing and being in and with local places. Evidence may take many forms based upon engagement with an animate, sentient world. The research method can generate new meanings, implications and insights, and regenerate practical knowledge of Country. As an Indigenous tradition, Feeling and Hearing Country can enable the regeneration of healing life energies. It can help freshen up stories, knowledges, and help link ancestral wisdom to the present while co-creating healthy futures. Feeling and Hearing Country can enliven the human spirit, landscapes, and all beings via a participative, creative process that is helpful for the planet at this climate time, when many humans have forgotten their place in the world. As a research method, Feeling and Hearing Country can support the unlearning of epistemological errors for reinstating vitality in things

    Exile Vol. XXXVII No. 1

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    And It Was Sunday by Julie Gruen 1-6 Like a Lady by Grace Mulvihill 7 The Final You by Eric Franzon 8 Joseph\u27s Children by Seneca Murley 9 Ain\u27t the 1950s Anymore by Ellen Stader 10-12 Bonding Women by Shannon salser 13 Ice Man (for mami 1905-1975) by Anne Mulligan 14 The Car Salesman by Tom Ream 15 Cancelling the Bunny by Stewart Engesser 16-17 Richard Brautigan\u27s Body by Michael Payne 18-19 Dinner in Barcelona by Holly Kurtz 20 Untitled by Margaret Strachen 21 Candles by Eric Franzon 22 Summer Rules by Jim Cox 23-31 My Boat by Holly Kurtz 32 Untitled by Michael Payne 33 Half the Birds in the City by Tiffany Richardson 34-35 Down Queen Anne Hill by Julie Gruen 36-37 Your Music by Tim Emrick 38 Zephyrs by Steve Corinth 39-41 Mother by Anne Mulligan 42 As I Look to the Sky, Maize by Shannon Salser 43-45 Close Book before Striking by Sarah Verdon 46-47 Smoked by Tom Ream 48 Driving through Rain by Stewart Engesser 49-50 Contributors 51 Editorial decision is shared equally among the Editorial Board. -i 35th Yea

    Learning to care for Dangaba

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    In a Kimberley place-based cultural story, Dangaba is a woman whose Country holds poison gas. Her story shows the importance of cultural ways of understanding and caring for Country, especially hazardous places. The authors contrast this with a corporate story of fossil fuel, illustrating the divergent discourses and approaches to place. Indigenous and local peoples and their knowledge, cultures, laws, philosophies and practices are vitally important to Indigenous lifeways and livelihoods, and critically significant to the long-term health and well-being of people and place in our locality, region and world. We call for storying and narratives from the pluriverse of sociocultural voices to be a meaningful part of environmental education and to be implemented in multiple places of learning. To know how to hear, understand and apply the learnings from place-based story is to know how to move beyond a normalised worldview of separation, alienation, individualism, infinite growth, consumption, extraction, commodification and craving. To know how to see, feel, describe and reflect upon experience, concepts and practice is to find ways to move towards radical generosity, mutuality of becoming, embodied kinship, wisdom, humility and respect