29 research outputs found

    The birds of the Egyptian western desert

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    Impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on the microbial landscape of the New Orleans area

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of National Academy of Sciences of the USA for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (2007): 9029-9034, doi:10.1073/pnas.0610552104.Floodwaters in New Orleans from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were observed to contain high levels of fecal indicator bacteria and microbial pathogens, generating concern about long-term impacts of these floodwaters on the sediment and water quality of the New Orleans area and Lake Pontchartrain. We show here that fecal indicator microbe concentrations in offshore waters from Lake Pontchartrain returned to prehurricane concentrations within 2 months of the flooding induced by these hurricanes. Vibrio and Legionella species within the lake were more abundant in samples collected shortly after the floodwaters had receded compared with samples taken within the subsequent 3 months; no evidence of a long-term hurricane-induced algal bloom was observed. Giardia and Cryptosporidium were detected in canal waters. Elevated levels of fecal indicator bacteria observed in sediment could not be solely attributed to impacts from floodwaters, as both flooded and nonflooded areas exhibited elevated levels of fecal indicator bacteria. Evidence from measurements of Bifidobacterium and bacterial diversity analysis suggest that the fecal indicator bacteria observed in the sediment were from human fecal sources. Epidemiologic studies are highly recommended to evaluate the human health effects of the sediments deposited by the floodwaters.This work was funded by NSF-NIEHS Oceans and Human Health Program (NSF OCE0432368, OCE0432479, OCE0430724 and NIEHS P50 ES12736, ES012740, ES012742), the NSF-SGER Program (OCE 0554402, OCE 0554674, OCE 0554850, OCE0600130), the NSF-REU Program, and by the Georgia Sea Grant College Program (NA04OAR170033)

    Particulate air pollution, systemic oxidative stress, inflammation, and atherosclerosis

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    Air pollution has been associated with significant adverse health effects leading to increased overall morbidity and mortality of worldwide significance. Epidemiological studies have shown that the largest portion of air pollution-related mortality is due to cardiovascular diseases, predominantly those of ischemic nature. Human studies suggest an association with atherosclerosis and increasing experimental animal data support that this association is likely to be causal. While both gasses and particles have been linked to detrimental health effects, more evidence implicates the particulate matter (PM) components as major responsible for a large portion of the proatherogenic effects. Multiple experimental approaches have revealed the ability of PM components to trigger and/or enhance free radical reactions in cells and tissues, both ex vivo as well as in vivo. It appears that exposure to PM leads to the development of systemic prooxidant and proinflammatory effects that may be of great importance in the development of atherosclerotic lesions. This article reviews the epidemiological studies, experimental animal, and cellular data that support the association of air pollutants, especially the particulate components, with systemic oxidative stress, inflammation, and atherosclerosis. It also reviews the use of transcriptomic studies to elucidate molecular pathways of importance in those systemic effects

    Air pollution and inflammatory response in myocardial infarction survivors: Gene-environment interactions in a high-risk group.

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    Ambient air pollution has been associated with an increased risk of hospital admission and mortality in potentially susceptible subpopulations, including myocardial infarction (MI) survivors. The multicenter epidemiological study described in this report was set up to study the role of air pollution in eliciting inflammation in MI survivors in six European cities, Helsinki, Stockholm, Augsburg, Rome, Barcelona, and Athens. Outcomes of interest are plasma concentrations of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin 6 (IL-6) and the acute-phase proteins C-reactive protein (CRP) and fibrinogen. In addition, the study was designed to assess the role of candidate gene polymorphisms hypothesized to lead to a modification of the short-term effects of ambient air pollution. In total, 1003 MI survivors were recruited and assessed with at least 2 repeated clinic visits without any signs of infections. In total, 5813 blood samples were collected, equivalent to an average of 5.8 repeated clinic visits per subject (97% of the scheduled 6 repeated visits). Subjects across the six cities varied with respect to risk factor profiles. Most of the subjects were nonsmokers, but light smokers were included in Rome, Barcelona, and Athens. Substantial inter- and intraindividual variability was observed for IL-6 and CRP. The study will permit assessing the role of cardiovascular disease risk factors, including ambient air pollution and genetic polymorphisms in candidate genes, in determining the inter- and the intraindividual variability in plasma IL-6, CRP, and fibrinogen concentrations in MI survivors