503 research outputs found

    GLUMIP 2.0: SAS/IML Software for Planning Internal Pilots

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    Internal pilot designs involve conducting interim power analysis (without interim data analysis) to modify the final sample size. Recently developed techniques have been described to avoid the type~I error rate inflation inherent to unadjusted hypothesis tests, while still providing the advantages of an internal pilot design. We present GLUMIP 2.0, the latest version of our free SAS/IML software for planning internal pilot studies in the general linear univariate model (GLUM) framework. The new analytic forms incorporated into the updated software solve many problems inherent to current internal pilot techniques for linear models with Gaussian errors. Hence, the GLUMIP 2.0 software makes it easy to perform exact power analysis for internal pilots under the GLUM framework with independent Gaussian errors and fixed predictors.

    A New F Approximation for the Pillai-Bartlett Trace under H 0

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    Pillai suggested two approximations for the Pillaiā€“Bartlett trace statistic in the null case. The first one matches one moment of a Ī²1 random variable, and corresponds to an F random variable, and the second matches four moments in the Pearson system. Although intuitively appealing and widely used in current statistical packages, the first lacks accuracy even with moderate sample size. The second matches two moment ratios in the Pearson system and provides much greater accuracy. Two new approximations match two moments of a Ī²1 random variable, and hence correspond to an F random variable, yet achieve most of the accuracy of Pillaiā€™s second approximation. The second of the two new approximations provides the best combination of logical properties and numerical accuracy

    GLUMIP 2.0: SAS/IML Software for Planning Internal Pilots

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    Internal pilot designs involve conducting interim power analysis (without interim data analysis) to modify the final sample size. Recently developed techniques have been described to avoid the type~I error rate inflation inherent to unadjusted hypothesis tests, while still providing the advantages of an internal pilot design. We present GLUMIP 2.0, the latest version of our free SAS/IML software for planning internal pilot studies in the general linear univariate model (GLUM) framework. The new analytic forms incorporated into the updated software solve many problems inherent to current internal pilot techniques for linear models with Gaussian errors. Hence, the GLUMIP 2.0 software makes it easy to perform exact power analysis for internal pilots under the GLUM framework with independent Gaussian errors and fixed predictors

    POWERLIB: SAS/IML Software for Computing Power in Multivariate Linear Models

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    The POWERLIB SAS/IML software provides convenient power calculations for a wide range of multivariate linear models with Gaussian errors. The software includes the Box, Geisser-Greenhouse, Huynh-Feldt, and uncorrected tests in the "univariate" approach to repeated measures (UNIREP), the Hotelling Lawley Trace, Pillai-Bartlett Trace, and Wilks Lambda tests in "multivariate" approach (MULTIREP), as well as a limited but useful range of mixed models. The familiar univariate linear model with Gaussian errors is an important special case. For estimated covariance, the software provides confidence limits for the resulting estimated power. All power and confidence limits values can be output to a SAS dataset, which can be used to easily produce plots and tables for manuscripts.


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    We prove new extensions to lemmas about combinations of convergent sequences of distribution functions and absolutely continuous bounded functions. New lemma one, a generalized Helly theorem, allows computing the limit of the expected value of a sequence of functions with respect to a sequence of measures. Previously published results allow either the function or the measure to be a sequence, but not both. Lemma two allows computing the expected value of an absolutely continuous monotone function by integrating the probabilities of the inverse function values. Previous results were restricted to the identity function. Lemma three gives a computationally and analytically convenient form for the limit of the expected value of a sequence of functions of a sequence of random variables. This is a new result that follows directly from the first two lemmas. Although the lemmas resemble standard results and seem obviously true, we have found only similar looking and related but quite distinct results in the literature. We provide examples which highlight the value of the new results

    Computing Confidence Bounds for Power and Sample Size of the General Linear Univariate Model

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    The power of a test, the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in favor of an alternative, may be computed using estimates of one or more distributional parameters. Statisticians frequently fix mean values and calculate power or sample size using a variance estimate from an existing study. Hence computed power becomes a random variable for a fixed sample size. Likewise, the sample size necessary to achieve a fixed power varies randomly. Standard statistical practice requires reporting uncertainty associated with such point estimates. Previous authors studied an asymptotically unbiased method of obtaining confidence intervals for noncentrality and power of the general linear univariate model in this setting. We provide exact confidence intervals for noncentrality, power, and sample size. Such confidence intervals, particularly one-sided intervals, help in planning a future study and in evaluating existing studies

    Bias in linear model power and sample size calculation due to estimating noncentrality

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    Data analysts frequently calculate power and sample size for a planned study using mean and variance estimates from an initial trial. Hence power, or the sample size needed to achieve a fixed power, varies randomly. Such calculations can be very inaccurate in the General Linear Univariate Model (GLUM). Biased noncentrality estimators and censored power calculations create inaccuracy. Censoring occurs if only certain outcomes of an initial trial lead to a power calculation. For example, a confirmatory study may be planned (and a sample size estimated) only following a significant result in the initial trial

    Adjusting power for a baseline covariate in linear models

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    The analysis of covariance provides a common approach to adjusting for a baseline covariate in medical research. With Gaussian errors, adding random covariates does not change either the theory or the computations of general linear model data analysis. However, adding random covariates does change the theory and computation of power analysis. Many data analysts fail to fully account for this complication in planning a study. We present our results in five parts. (i) A review of published results helps document the importance of the problem and the limitations of available methods. (ii) A taxonomy for general linear multivariate models and hypotheses allows identifying a particular problem. (iii) We describe how random covariates introduce the need to consider quantiles and conditional values of power. (iv) We provide new exact and approximate methods for power analysis of a range of multivariate models with a Gaussian baseline covariate, for both small and large samples. The new results apply to the Hotelling-Lawley test and the four tests in the ā€œunivariateā€ approach to repeated measures (unadjusted, Huynh-Feldt, Geisser-Greenhouse, Box). The techniques allow rapid calculation and an interactive, graphical approach to sample size choice. (v) Calculating power for a clinical trial of a treatment for increasing bone density illustrates the new methods. We particularly recommend using quantile power with a new Satterthwaite-style approximation

    The distribution of cook's d statistic

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    Cook (1977) proposed a diagnostic to quantify the impact of deleting an observation on the estimated regression coefficients of a General Linear Univariate Model (GLUM). Simulations of models with Gaussian response and predictors demonstrate that his suggestion of comparing the diagnostic to the median of the F for overall regression captures an erratically varying proportion of the values
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