760 research outputs found

    Arm length stabilisation for advanced gravitational wave detectors

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    Currently the Laser Interferometric Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) is undergoing upgrades from Initial LIGO to become Advanced LIGO. Amongst these upgrades is the addition of a signal recycling mirror at the output port of the interferometer; upgrades of the mirror suspensions to quadruple pendulums; the implementation of less invasive and hence weaker test mass actuators; and the change of readout scheme from a heterodyne based RF readout to a homodyne based DC readout. The DC readout scheme requires the installation of an Output Mode Cleaner (OMC), to stop `junk light' generated in the interferometer from making its way to the DC photodetector where it can limit the sensitivity of the gravitational wave detector. The steering of the interferometer beam into the OMC will be handled by Tip Tilt mirrors designed at the Australian National University. The first core piece of work presented in this thesis was the characterisation of a prototype Tip Tilt mirror, which involved measuring the various eigenmodes of the mirror

    Control and tuning of a suspended Fabry-Perot cavity using digitally-enhanced heterodyne interferometry

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    We present the first demonstration of real-time closed-loop control and deterministic tuning of an independently suspended Fabry-Perot optical cavity using digitally-enhanced heterodyne interferometry, realising a peak sensitivity of ∼\sim10 pm/Hz/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}} over the 10-1000 Hz frequency band. The methods presented are readily extensible to multiple coupled cavities. As such, we anticipate that refinements of this technique may find application in future interferometric gravitational-wave detectors

    A New Bound on Excess Frequency Noise in Second Harmonic Generation in PPKTP at the 10^-19 Level

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    We report a bound on the relative frequency fluctuations in nonlinear second harmonic generation. A 1064nm Nd:YAG laser is used to read out the phase of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer while PPKTP, a nonlinear crystal, is placed in each arm to generate second harmonic light. By comparing the arm length difference of the Mach Zehnder as read out by the fundamental 1064 nm light, and its second harmonic at 532 nm, we can bound the excess frequency noise introduced in the harmonic generation process. We report an amplitude spectral density of frequency noise with total RMS frequency deviation of 3mHz and a minimum value of 20 {\mu}Hz/rtHz over 250 seconds with a measurement bandwidth of 128 Hz, corresponding to an Allan deviation of 10^-19 at 20 seconds.Comment: Submitted to Optics Express June 201

    Arm-length stabilisation for interferometric gravitational-wave detectors using frequency-doubled auxiliary lasers

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    Residual motion of the arm cavity mirrors is expected to prove one of the principal impediments to systematic lock acquisition in advanced gravitational-wave interferometers. We present a technique which overcomes this problem by employing auxiliary lasers at twice the fundamental measurement frequency to pre-stabilise the arm cavities' lengths. Applying this approach, we reduce the apparent length noise of a 1.3 m long, independently suspended Fabry-Perot cavity to 30 pm rms and successfully transfer longitudinal control of the system from the auxiliary laser to the measurement laser

    Cooling of a gram-scale cantilever flexure to 70 mK with a servo-modified optical spring

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    A series of recent articles have presented results demonstrating optical cooling of macroscopic objects, highlighting the importance of this phenomenon for investigations of macroscopic quantum mechanics and its implications for thermal noise in gravitational wave detectors. In this Letter, we present a measurement of the off-resonance suspension thermal noise of a 1 g oscillator, and we show that it can be cooled to just 70 mK. The cooling is achieved by using a servo to impose a phase delay between oscillator motion and optical force. A model is developed to show how optical rigidity and optical cooling can be interchangeable using this technique

    Tip-tilt mirror suspension: Beam steering for advanced laser interferometer gravitational wave observatory sensing and control signals

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    We describe the design of a small optic suspension system, referred to as the tip-tilt mirror suspension, used to isolate selected small optics for the interferometer sensing and control beams in the advanced LIGO gravitational wave detectors. The suspended optics are isolated in all 6 degrees of freedom, with eigenmode frequencies between 1.3 Hz and 10 Hz. The suspended optic has voice-coil actuators which provide an angular range of ±4 mrad in the pitch and yaw degrees of freedom.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council

    A mobile app and dashboard for early detection of infectious disease outbreaks: development study

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    ©Euijoon Ahn, Na Liu, Tej Parekh, Ronak Patel, Tanya Baldacchino, Tracy Mullavey, Amanda Robinson, Jinman Kim. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (http://publichealth.jmir.org), 09.03.2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on http://publichealth.jmir.org, as well as this copyright and license information must be included

    Hierarchical Hough all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in LIGO S5 data

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    We describe a new pipeline used to analyze the data from the fifth science run (S5) of the LIGO detectors to search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated spinning neutron stars. The method employed is based on the Hough transform, which is a semi-coherent, computationally efficient, and robust pattern recognition technique. The Hough transform is used to find signals in the time-frequency plane of the data whose frequency evolution fits the pattern produced by the Doppler shift imposed on the signal by the Earth's motion and the pulsar's spin-down during the observation period. The main differences with respect to previous Hough all-sky searches are described. These differences include the use of a two-step hierarchical Hough search, analysis of coincidences among the candidates produced in the first and second year of S5, and veto strategies based on a χ2\chi^2 test.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, Amaldi08 proceedings, submitted to JPC

    Frequency dependence of thermal noise in gram-scale cantilever flexures

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    We present measurements of the frequency dependence of thermal noise in aluminum and niobium flexures. Our measurements cover the audio-frequency band from 10 Hz to 10 kHz, which is of particular relevance to ground-based interferometric gravitational wave detectors, and span up to an order of magnitude above and below the fundamental flexure resonances. Results from two flexures are well explained by a simple model in which both structural and thermoelastic loss play a role. The ability of such a model to explain this interplay is important for investigations of quantum-radiation-pressure noise and the standard quantum limit. Furthermore, measurements on a third flexure provide evidence that surface damage can affect the frequency dependence of thermal noise in addition to reducing the quality factor, a result which will aid the understanding of how aging effects impact on thermal noise behavior.Australian Research Counci
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