4 research outputs found

    The Development Of Teaching Macromedia Flash For Plane Material In Class X SMKN 1 Langsa

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    Family Salafi ideology of al-Imam ash-Shafi'i in Dumai

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how the Salafi doctrinal developments in the al-Imam ash-Shafi'i in Dumai. Salafi it is one of the methods in Islam who teaches Islamic law is pure without any addition and subtraction, based on the existing law on the generation of Muhammad and his companions, after they and the people afterwards. Where previously taken samples using Snowball Sampling and get respondents as many as 26 people,  headmaster, 1 teacher and 24 students. While data collection techniques used were non-test by using observation and interview guides. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative descriptive study was designed to collect information about the actual situations present while it lasted. The results obtained are Salafi doctrinal developments in the al-Imam ash-Shafi'i in Dumai very guided by the teachings salafi doctrine. Starting from salafi indications coming from the family, neighborhood and friends faith salafi, up to the ways teachers teach Salafi teachings to students, such as delivering materials based Salafi teachings on the sidelines of learning. Almost all of the ways it is guided by the Salafi doctrine, which led to the development of Salafi teachings in the al-Imam ash-Shafi'i, the better. Religious activity was often made to increase the depth of knowledge of students against the Salafi doctrine. In addition to the learning process is based on the teachings of salafi, this study also analyzes the teaching materials namely instructional handbook used in boarding school al-Imam ash-Shafi'i with teaching materials used public schools (non salafi). There are three points of difference from both the instructional materials, namely: The difference in the end result or conclusion; Material differences general and special; and materials that are not available (taught) in public school

    Keterampilan komunikasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah pola bilangan

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    Problem-solving is a high-level mental process and requires a more complex thinking process. So special treatment is needed so that students can solve the problems given by the teacher. This study aims to explore problem-solving ability through students' communication skills in solving the flat building test. Data were collected through written tests on number pattern problems and interviews for anything unclear. The data were analyzed by the constant comparative method. The research was conducted on 30 students of Nurul Huda Junior High School in Malang. The result of the research is the stages of problem-solving through communication skills in solving math problems namely: understanding the problem, planning the solution, implementing the plan, and looking back. Our findings show that communication skills have an important role in the researcher's exploration of building students' problem-solving abilities. Students who are able to communicate well orally and in writing can solve problem-solving tests/questions and are interested in facing challenges and willingness to solve problems. The results and findings of this study can contribute knowledge to educators in building students' problem-solving abilities through their communication skills throughout problem-solving