12,130 research outputs found

    The Belgian labour market during and after the crisis

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    The article looks at the impact that the 2008-2009 recession had on the Belgian labour market and, whilst taking account of the varying severity and duration of the economic downturn, draws a comparison with other European countries. More specifically, the consequences are investigated with regard to the adaptation of volume of labour and labour costs, and also the composition of employment. The analysis for Belgium shows that the crisis was accompanied by a less than proportional contraction in the volume of labour, resulting in a fall in labour productivity. The reduction in the volume of labour was only partly reflected in the trend in employment as the use of measures aimed at limiting working time, with a considerable fall in the number of hours worked per employee as a result, was accompanied by considerable labour hoarding. In general terms, the crisis did not result in a fall in the activity rate, but there is a major risk of discouragement among low-skilled young people. The increase in long-term unemployment points in turn to the threat of a rise in structural unemployment, which may adversely affect the potential for growth in the economy. The crisis did not have a moderating effect on the trend in hourly labour costs. After allowing for the productivity trend, the labour cost handicap, expressed in unit labour costs, narrowed temporarily with respect to the three neighbouring countries, but an increase in this handicap was once again posted in 2010.labour hoarding, long-term unemployment, labour productivity, labour cost handicap, hysteresis

    Working time and forms of employment in Belgium

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    The article discusses developments over the past two decades in regard to working time and alternative forms of employment, placing the trends seen in Belgium in an international perspective. It also examines whether the Belgian regulations on this subject are stricter than those in the other EU-15 countries. For the Belgian working population, the usual working time averaged 37 hours per week in 2004, whereas in 1983 it was a little over 40 hours. There are wide variations within the EU-15. Belgian working time is somewhat shorter than the average for the EU-15, and that also applies to employees. The average working time ascertained for the various countries is influenced by the employment structure. After adjustments for that factor, the differences are definitely smaller, and working time in Belgium is roughly the same as the EU-15 average. The decline in average working time and the increased dispersion which have emerged over the years are inevitably connected with the growing use of part-time working and other alternative forms of employment such as temporary work, employment during non-standard hours, overtime working, variable working hours and home working. In many cases this satisfies a genuine preference on the part of the persons concerned, e.g. those seeking a better balance between work and family life. However, since these forms of employment are more common among risk groups such as women, older workers, the young and the low-skilled, there is a danger of further segmentation of the labour market. On the demand side of the labour market, the alternative forms of employment give employers a range of instruments which are conducive to a flexible production process.working time, part-time employment, temporary work, overtime, flexibility

    The induced path function, monotonicity and betweenness

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    The induced path function J(u,v)J(u, v) of a graph consists of the set of all vertices lying on the induced paths between vertices uu and vv. This function is a special instance of a transit function. The function JJ satisfies betweenness if winJ(u,v)w \\in J(u, v) implies unotinJ(w,v)u \\notin J(w, v) and xinJ(u,v)x \\in J(u, v) implies J(u,xsubseteqJ(u,v)J(u, x \\subseteq J(u, v), and it is monotone if x,yinJ(u,v)x, y \\in J(u, v) implies J(x,y)subseteqJ(u,v)J(x, y) \\subseteq J(u, v). The induced path function of aconnected graph satisfying the betweenness and monotone axioms are characterized by transit axioms.betweenness;induced path;transit function;monotone;house domino;long cycle;p-graph

    Role Profiles of HRD Practitioners in the Netherlands

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    This study of HRD practitioners and experts in the Netherlands was executed in 1993 and based on an earlier US role profile study. Two types of profiles were identified for eleven different roles that an HRD practitioner might perform within her or his job. Both profiles consist of core outputs of the different roles and the core competencies required for achievement of the outputs. Comparisons were drawn between current and future profiles and between the results of the expert study and the outcomes of the US study. The American role profiles appeared to be largely valid for the Dutch context

    Inkoopmanagement met cijfers

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    Inkoopinformatie is niet alleen interessant voor inkoopmanagers. Juist ook managers op andere functionele gebieden en budgethouders zijn gebaat bij het beschikbaar komen van deze informatie. De cijfers helpen het management bij het nemen van beslissingen over inkoop en het budgetteren van de verwachte kosten over een periode.\ud Bij hoeveel verschillende leveranciers worden dezelfde producten en diensten ingekocht? Worden producten en diensten door verschillende afdelingen bij andere leveranciers gekocht? In welke mate wordt er ingekocht onder de bestaande contracten? Allemaal vragen waar managers graag een antwoord op willen hebben. Bij het managen van de inkoopfunctie is cijfermatig inzicht essentieel!\ud Inkoopinformatie is niet alleen interessant voor inkoopmanagers. Juist ook managers op andere functionele gebieden en budgethouders zijn gebaat bij het beschikbaar komen van deze informatie. De cijfers helpen het management namelijk bij het nemen van beslissingen over inkoop en het budgetteren van de verwachte kosten over een periode

    Cultural group selection and the design of REDD+: Insights from Pemba

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    Evolutionary analyses of the ways humans manage natural resources have until recently focused on the costs and benefits of prudent resource use to the individual. In contrast, the fields of environmental resource management and sustainability focus on institutions whereby successful practices can be established and maintained, and the extent to which these fit specific environmental conditions. Furthermore, recent theoretical work explores how resource conservation practices and institutions can emerge through co-evolutionary processes if there are substantial group-level benefits. Here we examine the design of a prominent yet controversial institutional intervention for reducing deforestation and land degradation in the developing world (REDD+), and its ongoing implementation on Pemba Island (Zanzibar, Tanzania) to determine the extent to which the features of REDD+ might allow for the endogenous adoption of sustainable forest management institutions. Additionally, we consider factors that might impede such outcomes, such as leakage, elite capture, and marginal community participation. By focusing on prospective features of REDD+ design that could facilitate the spread of environmentally sustainable behavior within and between communities, we identify distinct dynamics whereby institutional practices might coevolve with resource conservation practices. These insights should contribute to the design of more effective forest management institution in the future

    Optimization of a charge-state analyzer for ECRIS beams

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    A detailed experimental and simulation study of the extraction of a 24 keV He-ion beam from an ECR ion source and the subsequent beam transport through an analyzing magnet is presented. We find that such a slow ion beam is very sensitive to space-charge forces, but also that the neutralization of the beam's space charge by secondary electrons is virtually complete for beam currents up to at least 0.5 mA. The beam emittance directly behind the extraction system is 65 pi mm mrad and is determined by the fact that the ion beam is extracted in the strong magnetic fringe field of the ion source. The relatively large emittance of the beam and its non-paraxiality lead, in combination with a relatively small magnet gap, to significant beam losses and a five-fold increase of the effective beam emittance during its transport through the analyzing magnet. The calculated beam profile and phase-space distributions in the image plane of the analyzing magnet agree well with measurements. The kinematic and magnet aberrations have been studied using the calculated second-order transfer map of the analyzing magnet, with which we can reproduce the phase-space distributions of the ion beam behind the analyzing magnet. Using the transfer map and trajectory calculations we have worked out an aberration compensation scheme based on the addition of compensating hexapole components to the main dipole field by modifying the shape of the poles. The simulations predict that by compensating the kinematic and geometric aberrations in this way and enlarging the pole gap the overall beam transport efficiency can be increased from 16 to 45%

    Outcome van NMa-optreden: Een beschrijving van de berekeningsmethode

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    Sinds een aantal jaren bericht de NMa in haar jaarverslag over de welvaartseffecten van haar optreden. Deze jaarlijkse rapportages concentreren zich op de geschatte welvaartswinsten voor consumenten/afnemers, aangeduid als de Outcome van het handelen van de NMa. De Outcome wordt berekend als het 3-jaars voortschrijdend gemiddelde van de eerstejaarseffecten van de NMa-ingrepen. In dit rapport wordt de wijze waarop de Outcome wordt bepaald gepresenteerd. De methode voorde bepaling van de Outcome bestaat er uit dat op een relatief eenvoudige wijze het effect van NMa activiteiten op het consumentensurplus wordt geschat