519 research outputs found

    Over de nierfunctiebepaling volgens Addis

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    Over de functie der nieren is enorm veel onderzocht. Een rijke oogst van feiten is het resultaat van talrijke, moeizame en soms geniale onderzoekingen. Nu is zoo langzamerhand de kennis omtrent datgene, wat de nier doet, tot een relatief groote volmaaktheid gekomen. Zoo weten we, dat de nieren de belangrijkste uitscheidingsorganen zijn voor water, zouten, de eindproducten van de eiwitstofwisseling, de stoffen ontstaan na resorbtie der rottingsstoffen van den darm, fermenten. Verder speelt de nier een belangrijke rol bij de instandhouding van het zuurbasenevenwicht en van den osmotischen druk van het serum Ook synthetische processen vinden in de nier plaats. De functie is dus veelomvattend en voor het leven van het grootste belang. ... Zie: Inleidin

    Een gegevensbank van 14de-eeuwse Middelnederlandse dialecten op computer

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    English Title: A database of 14th century middle Dutch dialects on computerEnglish AbstractThis study describes the organization of a database, created at the Free University Amsterdam, consisting of about 2,500 charters in Middle Dutch, about 750,000 tokens. The charters were written in the Netherlands and Flanders between 1300 and 1400. Only original texts were chosen, which are dated and located. Most of them have not been published before and are to be found in the archives of The Hague, Leiden, Zwolle, Antwerp, Brussels, etc. It is shown how a charter is treated on its way from the archives to its computer format, how the data are structured and how new information - morphological coding - is added. Special attention has been paid to the way how information has been stored which is not easy to be handled on computer directly. The enriched text may be used for different purposes, not only lexicographical but even dialectal. The second part of the study serves to illustrate how the data can be exploited in view of dialect research. As an example, the verb "zullen" has been chosen. It is shown that the vowels of this verb are not the same in the different Dutch speaking areas. The results are represented on dialect maps.Keywords: charters, computer formats, computerization, dutch, electronic language data base, etymology, grammatical analysis, lexicography, manuscripts, middle dutch dialects, pronunciation, semi-automatic coding of tex

    Design of yardstick competition and consumer prices:Experimental evidence

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    The Privatisation of Safety seen from an Interdisciplinary Perspective

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    The discussion concerning the privatisation of safety, but also the privatisation of other tasks that have been traditionally carried out by the state authorities, has been marked by irrational arguments. A number of these arguments are set out here. After that, a more rational approach to the privatisation of social safety is proposed. In the final part of this paper an analysis is made of the academic disciplines that are involved with safety and a number of suggestions as to which disciplines would appear to be the most adequate ones to deal with this area are put forward

    Market fundamentals, competition and natural-gas prices

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    AbstractAfter the liberalisation of the gas industry, trading hubs have emerged in Europe. Although these hubs appear to be liquid market places fostering gas-to-gas competition, the efficiency of the gas market remains a topic of interest as a fair share of gas is still traded through long-term contracts with prices linked to the oil price while the number of gas suppliers to the European market is limited. In order to assess the efficiency of the gas market, we analyse the day-ahead spot price at the Dutch gas hub over the period 2011–2014. We find that the oil price had a small positive impact on the gas price. Changes in the concentration on the supply side did not affect the movement in gas prices. The availability of gas in storages and the outside temperature negatively influenced the gas price. We also find that the gas price was related to the production of wind electricity. Overall, we conclude that the day-ahead gas prices are predominantly determined by gas-market fundamentals. Policies to further integrate gas markets within Europe may extend this gas-to-gas competition to a larger region
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