428 research outputs found

    Survey of existing civil society engagement tools in Research, Innovation, Learning and Teaching

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    The Survey of existing civil society engagement tools and projects in Research, Innovation, Learning and Teaching is intended to give an overview of Public Engagement practices at the universities of the ENLIGHT Network. This will allow mutual learning and joint development of adapted approaches and stepping up the Ladder of Participation from information and one-directional approaches toward more interactive engagement. The results of this survey and the analysis thereof will be made available to the ENLIGHT R&I Observatory and will be updated dynamically

    How do knowledge workers cope with their everyday job

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    Knowledge work, which forms a large part of modern economy, often involves collaboration. In order not to overemphasise either the transactional or the communicative aspect of collaboration, attitudes and technologies may have to change. Data from a survey show how knowledge workers manage their time and tasks using straightforward office technologies. Enhanced context awareness could help both the communication initiator and the communication target. This is a matter of behaviour and a chance for technology

    Morphodynamic equilibria in short tidal basins using a 2DH exploratory model

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    A depth-averaged (2DH) exploratory model is developed to identify morphodynamic equilibria in short mesotidal inlet systems with arbitrary planform geometries. The water motion is forced by an M (2) tidal constituent at the seaward entrance and is described by the depth-averaged shallow water equations, whereas the depth-integrated suspended sediment concentration follows from a diffusion equation, taking into account local inertia, horizontal eddy diffusion and topographically induced diffusive effects, erosion, and deposition. Based on a scaling analysis, it follows that the fine sandy bed evolution is dominated by the depth-integrated diffusive sediment transport. The depth-integrated advective contributions are one order smaller and therefore neglected. This observation also allows for the neglect of the advective terms in the governing equations. The associated morphodynamic equilibria are directly identified based on a continuation approach. By means of the exploratory model, the morphodynamic equilibria are studied in basins with a planform geometry characterized by width variations as a function of the distance to the seaward boundary. The model results show that in the case of a sufficient degree of widening in the landward direction, the equilibrium bed level exhibits significant lateral structures, characterized by shallow zones and deeper channels. The first channel bifurcation, as observed in many short tidal inlet systems, is forced by the planform geometry of the basin, and the associated physical mechanisms are explained. Furthermore, two mechanisms inducing asymmetric morphodynamic equilibria are investigated, of which the effect of an asymmetric basin planform seems to be dominant over that of the Coriolis force