919 research outputs found

    Allometric Equation for Biomass Estimation of Cordia africana Lam. in Tumata Chirecha Agroforestry Gedeo Zone: Implication for Sustainable Management and Climatic Change Mitigation

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    Species specific allometric equation is important for accurate net aboveground biomass estimation and quantifying carbon stock in living tree biomass of terrestrial ecosystems. This study was undertaken to develop species-specific allometric equation non-destructively of the Cordia africana Lam in Tumata Chirecha KPA agroforestry Gedeo Zone. Currently, like that of most Ethiopian agroforestry such model did not exist for this particular study area. The data was taken from 12 individuals with DBH class intervals in between (20-60 cm). Preferential sampling method was used to collect data from four rectangular plots each with a 10m*20m. The allometric equations were developed by relating tree component biomass to DBH or basal diameter. And the post analysis was highly significant (P > 0.000) fit for linear models for all the components and displayed minimal bias. Cordia africana Lam had a mean total biomass of 442.02 kg. It is understood that previously published general allometric model in agroforestry reveal errors of over estimation of biomass, and propose the new equations to be used in the future for the selected indigenous species. And it would create an opportunities for sustainable management of agroforestry and to mitigate climatic change through increasing the household income. Keywords: Allometric equation, Biomass, Gedeo Zone, Tumata Chirecha KP


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) Mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman terhadap materi pembelajaran French Service dalam kompetensi Melayani Makan Minum dengan memanfaatkan Komik sebagai media pembelajaran siswa kelas X Jasa Boga, 2) mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi siswa dalam penggunaan Komik French Service. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Bulan November 2012 – April 2013. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa Kelas X Jasa Boga SMKN 1 Kalasan berjumlah 30 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan observasi, wawancara, tes dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) Pembelajaran menggunakan media Komik French Service dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa kelas X Jasa Boga di SMK Negeri 1 Kalasan. Penelitian siklus I menunjukkan nilai rerata hasil pre test 7,56, sedangkan pada hasil post test menunjukkan 8,78. Peningkatan pemahaman berdasarkan nilai rerata pada siklus I adalah 1,22. Pada pre test siklus II menunjukkan nilai rerata 6,25, sedangkan hasil post test menunjukkan 8,48. Peningkatan pemahaman berdasarkan nilai rerata siklus II adalah 2,53. 2) Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan 30 siswa kelas X Jasa Boga menunjukkan bahwa kendala yang dihadapi sebagian siswa terdiri dari faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal meliputi 4 (empat) siswa menilai warna gambar masih hitam putih dan tulisan kurang besar, sedangkan faktor eksternal yaitu 3 (tiga) siswa yang tidak suka membaca lebih membutuhkan waktu lama dan 1 (satu) siswa menganggap terganggu oleh lingkungan yang ramai. Untuk 22 siswa lainnya tidak mengalami kendala dalam penggunaan French Service

    Species Specific Allometric Model for Biomass Estimation of Polyscias fulva Harms in Tumata Chirecha Agroforestry Gedeo Zone of Ethiopia: Implication for Sustainable Management and Climatic Change Mitigation

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    Species specific allometric equation is important for accurate net aboveground biomass estimation and quantifying carbon stock in living tree biomass of terrestrial ecosystems. This study was undertaken to develop species-specific allometric equation non-destructively of the Polyscias fulva Harms Tumata Chirecha KPA agroforestry Gedeo Zone. Currently, like that of most Ethiopian agroforestry such model did not exist for this particular study area. The data was taken from 12 individuals with DBH class intervals in between (20-60 cm). Preferential sampling method was used to collect data from four rectangular plots each with a 10m*20m. The allometric equations were developed by relating tree component biomass to DBH or basal diameter. And the post analysis was highly significant (P > 0.000) fit for linear models for all the components and displayed minimal bias. It had a mean total biomass of 323.42 kg. It is understood that previously published allometric model in agroforestry reveal errors of over estimation of biomass, and propose the new equations to be used in the future for the selected four indigenous species. And it would create an opportunities for sustainable management of agroforestry and to mitigate climatic change through increasing the household income. Keywords: Allometric equation, Biomass, DBH, Gedeo Zone, Non- destructive Tumata Chirecha KP

    Species Specific Allometric Model for Biomass Estimation of Millettia ferruginea (Hochst) Bak. in Tumata Chirecha Agroforestry Gedeo Zone: Implication for Climatic Change Mitigation

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    Species specific allometric equation is important for accurate net aboveground biomass estimation and quantifying carbon stock in living tree biomass of terrestrial ecosystems. This study was undertaken to develop species-specific allometric equation non-destructively of the Millettia ferruginea in Tumata Chirecha KPA agroforestry Gedeo Zone. Currently, like that of most Ethiopian agroforestry such model did not exist for this particular species and study area. The data was taken from 12 individuals with DBH class intervals in between (20-60 cm). Preferential sampling method was used to collect data from four rectangular plots each with a 10m*20m. The allometric equations were developed by relating tree component biomass to DBH or basal diameter. And the post analysis was highly significant (P > 0.000) fit for linear models for all the components and displayed minimal bias. It had a mean total biomass of 599.36 kg. It is understood that previously published allometric model in agroforestry reveal errors of over estimation of biomass, and propose the new equations to be used in the future for the selected four indigenous species. And it would create an opportunities for sustainable management of agroforestry and to mitigate climatic change through increasing the household income. Keywords: Allometric equation, Biomass, DBH, Non-destructive, Tumata Chirecha KPA

    Expectations, Realties and the Developmental State Narratives on the Ethiopian Industrial Parks

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    The current industrialization process in Ethiopia appears to be a state-centric affair. Industrial Park is also the key tool that state authorities have employed to achieve their goals of creating industrialized country. This study aimed to analyze narratives about development, industrial park, labor, and the formation of industrialized country in a socio-political setting that is fragile. To persuade international investors, rural workers and the rest of society, Ethiopian government narratives, as described in its own national media, portray the Hawassa industrial park as a model for other future parks in Ethiopia. Using Hawassa industrial park as a case study, this article examines how industrial park is functions as government narrated and as a site where various hopes come realized. This preliminary research identifies workers have faced various problems such as low wage, unhealthy working conditions and tough city life. Whereas the government attempt to addressing complaints on policy, bureaucracy, and infrastructure, however the voice of the workers are still invisible in national media news and program coverage. Though the government has a goal to transform Ethiopia into Africa's manufacturing powerhouse, I contend that it will not be at the expense of young workers. Keywords: Industrialization, Industrial park, Discourse, labor, wage and Media DOI: 10.7176/JCSD/68-02 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Determinants of Women Business Success: A Study among MSE’s in East Gojjam Zone Administration

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    The focus on women Entrepreneurship is becoming vital as it is the best way to reduce poverty in a sustainable way and promote economic growth through wealth and employment creation. The objective of the study is to identify determinants of women business success. The research design used in this study was explanatory research design. The respondents were selected from six Woredas of East Gojjam zone through cluster sampling technique. Primary data were collected from 259 respondents that were selected from women entrepreneurs working their business in MSE’s. In addition, relevant data were collected from secondary sources. The Pearson chi-square test for association was employed to test the association between independent and dependent variables. Besides logistic regression model was used to determine the success factors of women business. The major findings of the study are vision to expand business, saving culture, creating market linkage, skill to adopt technology, and access to credit finance are significant and have positive influence on women entrepreneurs MSE’s success. Keywords: Success, Entrepreneur, MSE DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-10-08 Publication date: April 30th 201

    The Dynamics of Inflation in Ethiopia: Time Series Approach

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    One of the prime objectives of governments is achieving stable macroeconomic condition. This objective requires that prices be kept to a reasonably stable level. High and persistent inflation introduces uncertainties into the economy and may lead to slowdown of economic growth by discouraging domestic as well as foreign investments. It may also cause balance of payments problems by eroding a country’s competitive advantage. Moreover, because it hits the poor the most it needs to be tackled. This study aims at understanding the forces behind the current inflationary process in Ethiopia. In order to achieve the stated objective a synthesis model of monetarist and cost-push inflation theories is estimated using vector autoregressive (VAR) and single equation error correction models. The estimated models enable to understand the short run and the long run inflation dynamics in Ethiopia between 1980 and 2017.The result shows that in the long run real money supply. Real GDP growth real effective exchange rate and Budget deficit have significantly affect inflation. But budget deficit and real GDP is not found the expected sign rather. The short run the change in real GDP growth and change real money supply significantly affect inflation. However the change real effective exchange rate and budget deficit are insignificant. The study suggests that adopting restrictive monetary and fiscal policy. Have essential tools to curb inflationary problem of Ethiopia. Keywords: inflation, ECM,GDP,VAR DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-11-01 Publication date:June 30th 202

    The Impact and Dynamics of External Debt Servicing on Economic Growth of Ethiopia

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    The objective of this study was to examine the impact and dynamics of external debt servicing on economic growth of Ethiopia using data for the period from 1982 to 2018.Hence, to achieve its objective the researcher uses both descriptive and econometric method of data analysis. The analysis was based on secondary data retrieve from World Bank (WB) and Central Statistics Authority (CSA). The econometrics model tests such as unit root test, co-integration test and diagnostic test have been done. The study suggests that both long run and short-run indicates that both growth of gross government expenditure and growth of capital formation have significant positive impact on economic growth of Ethiopia in the long run. Based on the finding of this paper it recommends, the authorities were responsible to promote the growth of capital formation to enhance economic growth of Ethiopia by implementing an appropriate policy. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-15-05 Publication date: August 31st 201


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    Waduk Krisak terletak + 5 km dari pusat Kota Wonogiri yaitu di Desa Singodutan. Waduk ini dibangun pada tahun 1942 oleh Pemerintah Kolonial Jepang. Fungsi utama waduk ini adalah untuk mengairi sawah di Kecamatan Selogiri seluas 493.8 Ha, sehingga perlu diketahui nilai keandalan waduk untuk melayani kebutuhan irigasi eksisting. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis imbangan air yang terjadi, dari hasil simulasi Model Mock untuk memperpanjang data debit dan kebutuhan irigasi. Analisis selanjutnya , dilakukan simulasi Waduk Krisak dengan luas DI ( daerah Irigasi ) yang berbeda – beda. Langkah simulasi adalah dengan menetapkan muka air awal operasi dan mengeluarkan air sesuai dengan kebutuhan irigasi. Hasil penelitian berupa dengan debit andalan 80% hanya mampu mensuplai 33,6% dari luas baku (seluas 177,768 Ha), dengan potensi inflow historis mampu mengairi 67% dari luas baku (sebesar 330,846 Ha), dengan anlisis simulasi DI 100% (seluas 493.8 Ha) mengalami gagal panen (faktor k rendah) pada Bulan Nopember II Tahun 1997, Bulan Nopember II Tahun 2001, Bulan Nopember II Tahun 2003, dan Oktober I Tahun 2004 dengan masing-masing tanaman Padi I
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