11 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi karena belum tersedianya penilaian kinerja (performance assessment) yang tervalidasi dan reliabel. Peneliti menawarkan solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut dengan membuat rancangan performance assessment berbentuk electronic rubric yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kompetensi mahasiswa pada Pembelajaran Tata Hidang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah DBR (Design Based Research). Rancangan performance assessment dibuat secara unik, dan berbeda dengan mata kuliah lain, karena dilengkapi dengan tugas (task) dan rubrik dengan empat tingkatan nilai, yaitu excellent, good, fair, dan poor. Rancangan tersebut meliputi tahapan personal appereance, table setting, dan sequences service. Rancangan ini dapat menghasilkan penilaian yang menyeluruh mulai dari persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi, sehingga dapat menghasilkan penilaian yang lebih akurat. Pengujian alat penilaian performance assessment untuk mahasiswa di Pendidikan Vokasional yang dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan ahli evaluasi dengan expert judgement dan uji inter-rater reliability. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian para ahli dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada umumnya penilaian pada aspek petunjuk, isi materi, dan bahasa yang terdapat dalam performance assessment sudah termasuk katagori sangat baik dan layak digunakan sebagai alat penilaian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan reliabilitas antar rater yaitu K = 0,710 dengan kategori baik. Hasil uji coba terbatas menunjukkan bahwa instrumen performance assessment berbentuk electronic rubric pada praktikum mata kuliah Tata Hidang, dapat memberikan kemudahan pada dosen dalam mengukur keterampilan mahasiswa dalam kegiatan praktikum. Kata Kunci: Performance Assessment, Electronic Rubric, dan Food and Service   ABSTRACT Muktiarni (2017). E-Rubric Android Based for Measuring Competencies Food Service in Vocational Education The background of the research is the invalidation and reliable performance assessment. Researchers offer a solution to the problem by making the design of performance assessment form electronic rubric that can be used to measure the competence of students at the Learning Food Service. The method used is the DBR (Design-Based Research). The design of performance assessment is made in a unique, and different from the other subjects, as it comes with a task and a section with four levels of value, namely: excellent, good, fair, and poor. The design includes stage personal appereance, table setting, and sequences service. This design can result in a thorough assessment from the preparation, implementation and evaluation, so as to produce more accurate result. Testing performance assessment tool for students in the Vocational Education conducted by subject matter experts and expert evaluation by expert judgment and inter-rater reliability test. Based on the results of the assessment the experts concluded that in general on the aspects of user, content, and language contained in the performance assessment has included the category of very good and decent used as an assessment tool. Based on results of inter-rater reliability analysis showed that K = 0.710 in the good categories. Limited trial results showed that instrument performance assessment form electronic rubric on Food Service practicum courses, to provide convenience to the lecturers to measure students' skills in practical activities. Keywords: Performance Assessment, Electronic Rubric, and Food Servic

    TVET Teaching Strategy during COVID-19: A Comparative Study of Indonesia and Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of the teaching strategies used by lecturers in Indonesia and Malaysia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many lecturers must consider the amount of teaching they can provide. The transition from offline to online learning, which is accompanied by extensive technological use, is extremely challenging.  A survey study was designed using an online questionnaire.  The questionnaire is including items on learning objectives, lesson materials, teaching and learning activities, learning design, media, resources, and learning evaluations. A Google Form-based online questionnaire is used to collect the data. The research participants are TVET lecturers from two universities in Indonesia and Malaysia with 200 valid responses. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, mean, and standard deviation are used to analyse the research data. Inferential statistics, t-test is used to investigate the difference between two countries, Malaysia and Indonesia on the teaching strategies during the pandemic. The results show that Indonesian and Malaysian lecturers have similar preferences for lesson material, learning resources, teaching and learning activities. While learning objectives, learning design, media, and learning evaluation are all distinct and interconnected. Most Malaysian lecturers agree that online learning allows for greater teaching flexibility, more caring, and is more open to meet the needs of students. Other than that, the t-test show no difference in teaching strategies between Malaysia and Indonesia. For the conclusion, lecturers at both universities adapt quickly to the changes that occur during each phase of the pandemic. The most effective teaching strategies are presented to ensure that educational services and processes continue to perform

    Reflections of well-being: navigating body image, chronic energy deficiency, and nutritional intake among urban and rural adolescents

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    BackgroundAdolescent growth and development is a period of very specific nutritional problems. As a result of poor growth and development, 36.3% of adolescents in Indonesia are at risk of developing CED. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of body image, the incidence of Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED), and nutritional intake in adolescents in urban and rural areas.MethodsThis study used a descriptive quantitative design with a cross-sectional study conducted in Bandung and Sumedang on 387 adolescents aged 13–15 years. The instruments used in this study were body image questionnaire Figure Rating Scale (FRS) method, 2 × 24-h food recall, and anthropometry for Measuring mid upper arm circumference (MUAC).ResultsResults of this study showed that more than half of adolescents in urban (54.0%) and rural areas (61.7%) were at risk of CED, had negative body image perceptions in urban (69.1%) and rural areas (62.3%), and underconsumption of macronutrients in both urban and rural adolescents.ConclusionMost adolescents in urban and rural areas still consume less energy, carbohydrates, and protein. Perceived body image and nutrient intake contribute to the incidence of CED in adolescents

    Towards Digital TVET: A Comparative Study on Students’ Readiness in The Industry Digital Demands in Indonesia and Malaysia

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    One of the current challenges in the industrial revolution 4.0 is the acceleration of digitalization in vocational education, which is also required to meet various industrial demands, including digital skills. This study aims to measure and analyse the digital skills level possessed by students who have experience in the industry. The study involves two universities, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) and University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). By using an online questionnaire, 259 students from UPI and UTHM answered 21 questions to measure five digital competence domains as described in the European Digital Competence Framework, which are information, communication, content creation, safety, and problem-solving. Each option on the questions indicates the level of digital competencies measured by scores. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, such as frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation and independent sample t-test. The result shows that on average, both UPI and UTHM students scored in the intermediate level, with UTHM students scoring slightly higher than UPI students on average. Interestingly, both UPI and UTHM students scored the highest in the information domain and the lowest in problem-solving. It shows that the hypothesis was not accepted as there is a significant difference in the digital skills of the students from both countries. Based on the findings, the result is expected to provide input and improvement in the targeted aspects based on the findings


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    The rapid development of the world in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) era has led to changes in various sectors, including the education sector. According to the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in August 2022, Vocational High Schools contribute the highest unemployment rate of 9.42% compared to other educational levels. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the level of Transferable Skills, which refers to skills that can be transferred and consistent in continuous learning, among Vocational High School students and their fulfillment of the needs of the working industry. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative with a survey technique through a cross-sectional approach to gather information. The instruments used in this study consist of questionnaires distributed to vocational high school students in Indonesia who have undergone job training and supervisors in the industry where the students conducted their job training in various regions in Indonesia. The findings of this research indicate that, overall, the vocational high school students have a satisfactory level of Transferable Skills. However, there are still several aspects that need improvement. This research contributes significantly to understanding the level of transferable skills among vocational high school students and the needs of working industry in the VUCA era. The results of this study can serve as a basis for the development of more effective and relevant vocational education programs to prepare students to meet the demands of an increasingly complex and dynamic job market

    Developing a nutrition education model based on local wisdom for adolescents to prevent Stunting in the early stage: a preliminary study

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    Anemia among adolescents in Indonesia has increased since 2007 until now, as well as worldwide. Anemia had affected their growth and development, along with cognitive abilities, making them susceptible to infectious diseases. Cognitive ability is closely related to the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of adolescents as internal factors. This study was an introductory study in the development of nutrition education based on local wisdom for adolescents with anemia as early prevention. A qualitative study was conducted in October 2020 in Cirebon District, West Java. The participants consisted of 10 people (eight stakeholders and two experts). Data were collected through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with instruments as a guide in collecting information data. Data were recorded with the subject's consent, transcribed word for word, and analyzed based on the listed theme by the researcher. Results from the survey stated that using digital development 4,0 learning models will be applied through blended learning and integrated into students' extracurricular activities, using a variety of learning methods and media according to adolescents' development. Thus, this study involved various government sectors to apply the nutrition education model in schools through government policies. Furthermore, it may become a preventive measure for adolescents with anemia

    Digital Transformation Trends in Vocational Education in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 Pandemics has forced the changes of many aspects of life, including vocational education. Schools must adapt to the new condition and have no other option but to shift the conventional learning activities to online learning. However, online learning becomes especially more challenging for vocational schools that focus on practical lessons. The limited access to the internet and technological tools in many remote and rural areas also become problems in delivering the learning activities. Therefore, teachers and schools need to offer various learning modes and digital platforms to ensure that the students can still access the lesson flexibly. The study aims to discover the trend in the use of digital transformation of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also to find out the best means of delivering the students' education for the future. The study uses a quantitative approach and uses a simple survey to collect the data. The study involved 110 teachers in various vocational schools in Bandung, while the questionnaire was collected using google forms. The data then presented in graphs then analyzed and compared to a literature review from related studies. The study shows that in synchronous learning, Google Meet is the most popular option for video-conferencing (82%). In comparison, video-assisted learning is the most popular (94,45%) in asynchronous learning among vocational teachers. In terms of using the Learning Management System, all teachers use Google Classroom to manage the classes. It is also interesting that most teachers prefer to use more than one digital platform to deliver their lessons. In conclusion, vocational teachers gravitate more towards free, easy-to-use, engaging platforms and require little effort and preparation to operate. They also need flexibility and variations to use digital platforms to adjust the lesson to their capabilities, and the student needs accordingly

    Future jobs in coming of industry revolution 4.0

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    The presence of the industry revolution 4.0 is inevitable in today's society. This paper aims at elaborating the jobs and skills in related with coming this era. We did a literature survey from reputed journal databases. The jobs still appearing and disappearing are revealed in this study including the challenges of Industry 4.0 in the field of social, qualification, and skills. We conclude that it is very important for people to have an awareness and readiness to face this era

    Students' perceptions of the twists and turns of e-learning in the midst of the covid 19 outbreak

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    The pandemic corona virus 2019 (COVID-19) has become an international concern and poses challenges to psychological resilience in all fields, one of which is education Therefore an effective learning strategy is needed to deal with this pandemic The purpose of this study was to survey students spread across various universities in Indonesia and Malaysia regarding e-learning systems conducted during the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia and Malaysia in 2020, e-learning systems starting from student knowledge about e-learning, planning e-learning, implementing e-learning until evaluating e-learning activities Data will be used for future reference This research is a descriptive study with cross sectional approach The Likert scale survey method is used with a total of 136 student respondents from tertiary institutions in Indonesia and Malaysia The results of the analysis show that students know e-learning as a distance learning system in dealing with the current pandemic corona virus, 51% expressed agreement related to e-learning preparation, 38% stated neutral in e-learning planning and 68% stated neutral in evaluating the implementation of e-learning Student assessment and good perception about e-learning play a big role in the implementation of learning with e-learning E-learning has a positive impact and has become an alternative learning process for lecturers and students Good preparation is needed in implementing e-learning so that e-learning activities can be carried out effectively Interaction can be developed and limited conditions through face-to-face meetings can be answered through e-learning activities