237 research outputs found

    Finding an ordinary conic and an ordinary hyperplane

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    Given a finite set of non-collinear points in the plane, there exists a line that passes through exactly two points. Such a line is called an ordinary line. An efficient algorithm for computing such a line was proposed by Mukhopadhyay et al. In this note we extend this result in two directions. We first show how to use this algorithm to compute an ordinary conic, that is, a conic passing through exactly five points, assuming that all the points do not lie on the same conic. Both our proofs of existence and the consequent algorithms are simpler than previous ones. We next show how to compute an ordinary hyperplane in three and higher dimensions.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Algorithms for the Problems of Length-Constrained Heaviest Segments

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    We present algorithms for length-constrained maximum sum segment and maximum density segment problems, in particular, and the problem of finding length-constrained heaviest segments, in general, for a sequence of real numbers. Given a sequence of n real numbers and two real parameters L and U (L <= U), the maximum sum segment problem is to find a consecutive subsequence, called a segment, of length at least L and at most U such that the sum of the numbers in the subsequence is maximum. The maximum density segment problem is to find a segment of length at least L and at most U such that the density of the numbers in the subsequence is the maximum. For the first problem with non-uniform width there is an algorithm with time and space complexities in O(n). We present an algorithm with time complexity in O(n) and space complexity in O(U). For the second problem with non-uniform width there is a combinatorial solution with time complexity in O(n) and space complexity in O(U). We present a simple geometric algorithm with the same time and space complexities. We extend our algorithms to respectively solve the length-constrained k maximum sum segments problem in O(n+k) time and O(max{U, k}) space, and the length-constrained kk maximum density segments problem in O(n min{k, U-L}) time and O(U+k) space. We present extensions of our algorithms to find all the length-constrained segments having user specified sum and density in O(n+m) and O(nlog (U-L)+m) times respectively, where m is the number of output. Previously, there was no known algorithm with non-trivial result for these problems. We indicate the extensions of our algorithms to higher dimensions. All the algorithms can be extended in a straight forward way to solve the problems with non-uniform width and non-uniform weight.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure
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