39 research outputs found

    Intercultural citizenship and english classroom language

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    This article studies Intercultural Communicative Competence in EFL (English as Foreign Language) classroom in the context of students' everyday interactions. It also focuses on the challenges the teacher meets when motivating students to practice speech skills that will enable them to achieve communication objectives and gain positive intercultural experiences. The authors' aim is to explore the developing intercultural communicative competence in students through classroom language. The last mentioned is considered in the article both through the prism of pedagogy-methodology and as a social event, which allows teachers to develop students' interpersonal language skills to be used in probable unpredictable situations connected with intercultural citizenship. We used the following relevant methods in our research: a data analysis based on surveys, questionnaires and the statistical method. The paper concludes that Tatarstan, as a multinational republic with different religions, traditions, customs and attitudes, provides good opportunities for developing the qualities that will ensure successful intercultural communication. The authors analyse classroom language, used in current EFL classroom practices, and suggest strategies intended to develop classroom communication in the circumstances of intercultural citizenship in a multinational environment

    Application of associative experiment in forming the Foreign communicative competence

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    © Canadian Center of Science and Education. The article focuses on some problems in teaching foreign languages, solution of which is successfully achieved through the method of free associations. The article also concerns the functioning of associative experiment in the course of teaching of foreign languages. In a technique of teaching of foreign languages free associative experiment is used, first of all, for studying of associative structure of memory at perception and interpretation of unknown foreign words, and also for research of problems of bilingualism and monoligualism

    Associative experiment is an effective method of research of the national character (on the material of tatar and Russian liguistic cultures)

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    In article is considered one of productive methods of research of national character - associative experiment. On example of results of free associative experiment for words-stimulus tui and svadba (wedding) among native speakers of Tatar and Russian languages authors reflected the hierarchy of values and preferences of bearers of these linguistic cultures. Choice of the weddding concept is stipulated by the fact that the wedding is an integral element of culture of any nation, in this conception find their reminiscences of superstitions and pagan ritualism, speculations about a man, family, children, continuity of generations and sense of existence. In life of Turkic people tui (wedding), beside all said above is a concept that fixes transient stages of human life cycle, and only them have three weddings of life - gomernen üch tue: bebi tue (literary, the wedding of a baby), yashlek tue (literary, the wedding of a youth), keshe gomerenen songy tue (literary, the last wedding in a man's life), that are symbolizing birth, marriage and ritual of farewell ceremony of paying the last respects. This peculiarity of Tatar language consciousness is clearly detected at comparison study that also allowed us to detect that in Tatar nation consciousness the lexical unit tui is characterized by larger index of metaphoric diffuseness, dynamics of development and nominative density, than svadba in language picture of Russian nation, for example, baka tue (literary, wedding of frogs), unish tue (literally, harvest wedding), xezmet tue (literary, wedding of labor) etc. Presence of answers like üi tue (literary, wedding of the house), saban tue (literary, wedding of the meadow) in native speakers of Tatar language points at such additional sense shade in understanding of lexical unit tui, as ceremonial event. With regard of peculiarities of Russian language consciousness, on the assumption of the fact of higher frequency of joy (4.8% of Russian speaking respondents and 1.7% of Tatar speaking respondents) and happiness (8% and 2%) reactions among questioned of Russian nationality can be made a conclusion about more emotional perception of lexical unit svadba by Russians. One more defining feature of Russian perception of lexical unit svadba is its close connection with such concepts as marriage and wedlock. Associative experiment allowed to disclose connotation emotionally and value loaded component of meaning of lexical units tui and svadba, detect conceptions and notations, most substantial for language consciousness of Tatar and Russian nations

    Aesthetic and semanticaccents of the neo-gothic interpretation in Russia

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    The relevance of the work is due to the need for a strategy of reconstruction of historic exterior and interior of architectural object located in a ruin condition with very limited factual information. The article considers specific features of the evolution of the neo-Gothic in the late XIX – early XX centuries in Russia. The stylistic unity of the neo-Gothic and the Modern is traced. Special attention is paid to the principles of a reconstruction of the lost elements of architecture and interior design in theneo-Gothic style. The estate in the neo- Gothic style is the harmonious union of separate elements into a unified aesthetic whole. The principle of the unification is the harmony between carefully designed and comfortable environment and its decorative design. Stylistic tolerance in the approach to the creation of a unified subjective and spatial environment that combines aesthetic and semantic components of such styles as Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, etc. is revealed. The approaches to the interpretation of the neo-Gothic architectural object is defined on the example of creative work of the master P. C. Boytsov (1849-after 1918), specialized in the creation of the estates and their interiors. The proposed guidelines for the reconstruction are given on the example of the proposal of reconstruction of the neo-Gothic interiors of several ensembles of P. S. Boytsov.Keywords: Neo-Gothic, Modern, estate, the Modern architecture, the reconstruction of the historic interior, the interior in the Modern style, interpretatio

    "West"-"East" in the tatar national literature

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    Determining actuality and prospects of system analysis and comparing Western European and Arab - Persian prose translated and adapted into Tatar language in the period of the end of XIX- the beginning of XX centuries, summarize and identify the influence the Tatar national literature in the context of " West"-"East". It should be made the analysis and to define degree of similarity some originals with their versions in Tatar in genre aspects, architectonics and poetics of a literary text, to show the important of literary narration both in the theoretical and historic-literary scale. It is also necessary to reveal peculiarities of translation poetics, especially using of translated lexica-semantic, stylistic units. © IDOSI Publications, 2014

    The Research of Stresses in the Molds of Injection Molding Machines

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    © 2016 The Authors.The article presents the analysis of casting molds failure under pressure. It was found that the main causes are physical and chemical activity of the casting alloy, the nature of the used materials and the intensity of the cyclic temperature-power loading. The technique of the stress assessment in the molds is presented. The schedule of distribution of axial and tangential stresses in the cross section of the sprue bushing in various stages of compression is made up. It is found that the maximum level of stress occurs at the contact surfaces during the filling and the subsequent brief exposure of the melt in the mold

    Free association experiment in determining the gender characteristics in the understanding of the concept "мong" by the speakers of Tatar linguistic culture

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    The relevance stated in the article the problem is due to the fact that the study of key concepts of the cultures is in recent times one of the dominant positions within the framework of the problem of interaction and mutual influence of language and cultureand the results of mass association experiment ongender-specificby the speakers of Tatar Linguistic Culture. The article includes the study of main characteristics of the concept "Моң" [moŋ] (lyrical sadness, melody) as an emotional concept in the Tatar language picture of the world and its derivations. The purpose of the study is to examine the representation of linguistic-cultural concept in the Tatar national-cultural picture of the world by means of mass associative experiment that extends the knowledge about the specifics of the Tatar mentality. The choice of methods of linguoculturological analysis, including the observation of language material and the description of linguistic facts, the method of analysis of dictionary definitions, etymological, contextual and interpretative analyses, structural-semantic modeling of lexical units, statistical method for processing language material, the associative interrogation of informants, due to the specifics of the studied material,that allow us to thoroughly review and analyze the studied concept. The analysis of the linguistic-cultural concept allows revealing the peculiarities of development of national and linguistic consciousness, to fix the reflection on the verbal level of cogitative activity of the Tatar people, the specifics of his mental world. The results of mass associative experiment can contribute to further study of the culturally significant concepts of the Tatar language picture of the world.Keywords and phrases: education, student. Concept, linguoculturological field, Linguisticculturology, language picture of the world, the association, a mass association experimen

    The formation of social-psychological competence in professional activity of subjects two different groups of bank workers

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    © 2014 Copyright for this article is retained by the author(s). The research of the problems caused by occupational optimization of Bank employees aimed at creating a social-psychological competence in their professional activity, which is ordered in the labour market. The purpose of the article is aimed at identifying the personal characteristics of the subjects of the two different groups of Bank employees in their professional activities. A leading method is a method of testing aimed at identifying personal characteristics such as: empathic abilities, personality predisposition to conflict behavior, ability to listen, machiavellism. The article revealed that the socio-psychological competence of the subjects of the two different groups of Bank employees is determined by a set of specific vocational skills, such as empathic abilities, personality predisposition to conflict behavior, listening skills, the manifestation of machiavellism. The article can be useful for selection and placement of personnel in the internal environment

    Formation of students emotional intelligence as a factor of their academic development

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    © 2017 Serials Publications.The relevance of the paper is determined by the mission of education - the formation of an occupationally and socially successful graduate of the university. The purpose of the paper is to give an evolutionary analysis of the phenomenon of emotional intelligence as a factor of students' academic development in relation to the essential characteristics of communicative interaction. Authors comprehensively consider emotional intelligence, presenting it as a combination of components: Emotional awareness, emotion management, emotional self-motivation, empathy, recognition of other people's emotions in the process of communicative interaction. The authors have identified and implemented the technologies for the formation of emotional intelligence as a whole dynamic formation that provides an optimistic awareness, understanding and regulation of one's own emotions and emotions of others, and their effectiveness is proved on the example of student youth. The paper is intended for researchers, educators, and psychologists dealing with the problems of the formation of personal qualities, including the emotional intelligence of students

    Search for the optimal extraction method from medicinal plant raw materials - siberian fir

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    The purpose of the study is to identify the optimal method of extraction from medicinal plant raw materials - Siberian fir.Цель исследования - выявление оптимального метода экстракции из лекарственного растительного сырья - пихты сибирской