5 research outputs found

    Corporativity as a Condition for Developing Teaching Staff

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    The relevance of this article is due to the fact that the solution to any problem is more effective in partnership, as a whole is always greater than the sum of its parts, and one should not ignore alternative ways of different perception of the surrounding reality, since what is unachievable for each member separately, can be achieved by all members of the whole team. Therefore, this article aims at disclosing the essence of corporativity in developing teaching staff. The article deals with the role of corporativity in developing a teaching team, the viability conditions of the pedagogical team have been detected, the individual trajectories for developing each member of the teaching staff are presented. The article submissions are valuable both in theory and in practical terms, for representatives of professional training institutions in order to achieve their corporate competitiveness as a teaching team

    Development of the students’ creativity in the lessons of native (Russian, Tatar) literature

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    The effectiveness of school literature lessons and native literature directly depends on the qualifications of teachers of native (Russian, Tatar) literature; therefore, the importance of the content and form of university studies of a methodological and pedagogical profile is increasing. In particular, at the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (IFMK KFU), the professional training of graduate students enrolled in the training area of 44.04.01 "Pedagogical Education" includes elective disciplines "Development of the creative beginning of students in the lessons of Tatar literature", "Development and use of innovative teaching materials on literature", which allow forming not only the professional skills of undergraduates but also contribute to the formation of a creative approach to conducting classes in literature.Purpose of the study: to theoretically substantiate and develop practical guidelines for studying native (Tatar, Russian) literature at school based on the development of students' creativity, which will help to increase the emotional and aesthetic impact of literature on students and diversify the methods of working on the text.Research results: in the development of practical classes of elective disciplines conditions are created for the formation of a creative beginning in future teachers of literature and native (Russian and Tatar) literature, as well as for teaching modern innovative and interactive technologies. In the lessons of native (Russian, Tatar) literature students use the following types of discussions: educational-critical, educational-literary, including commentary-textological. Such conversations-dialogues are called “Reading Gabdulla Tukay”, “Reading Renat Kharis”, “Reading Alexander Pushkin”, “Reading Yevgeny Yevtushenko”

    Culturological Approach in Preparing Students of Pedagogical Specialties of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University for Teaching Native (Russian and Tatar) Literatures in Gymnasiums and Secondary Schools

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    While solving the problem of the formation of spiritual and moral axiological values among students, the leading role in school and university education, due to the specific content, is given to humanitarian disciplines, in particular, the teaching of literature, language disciplines and art. A special role in solving this problem is performed by the lesson of native literatureIn the lessons of native literature, the teacher should focus on the formation of attitudes towards native (Russian, Tatar, etc.) literature as one of the main national, cultural, moral, and aesthetic values of the people in the context of national and world culture. Due to the fact that “native literature” as a special school subject has been taught in Russian schools for not a long period of time, there is an urgent need for its scientific and methodological understanding, in the development of methodological recommendations for teaching at school, and it is also necessary to make adjustments to the process of training philological students of pedagogical departments of universities, because at the lessons of native literature (Tatar, Russian, etc.) cultural approach to teaching literature as one of the forms of art should prevail.A culturological approach to the training of students of the pedagogical direction of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (IFMK KFU) is carried out at the elective disciplines, in particular, at the classes in the discipline of “Literary Studies. Applied Aspects of Studying a Provincial Text”, which allows teaching undergraduate students to consider Russian literature in the context of regional history and culture. In this regard, Kazan, the “Kazan text”, Tatar, Russian and Russian-language literature of the Republic of Tatarstan represent the richest potential for inclusion in the school and university context of teaching Russian and Tatar literature as native ones.The aim of the study: theoretical justification and practical testing of the methodological system of classroom and independent studies in the discipline “Literary Studies. Applied Aspects of Studying a Provincial Text”, taking into account the conditions for teaching native (Russian, Tatar, etc.) literature in gymnasiums and secondary schools of the Republic of Tatarstan.The main research methods are pedagogical experiment, monitoring, questioning, interviewing of 59 university students and school teachers, as well as analysis of our own over 25 years of teaching experience at the university. The basis of our study was historical-genetic, historical-functional, comparative and typological methods of study of works of modern Russian and Tatar literatures.Research results: In the context of the revision of the paradigm of Russian education, a special role in psychological and pedagogical research is given to the formation of professional qualities and personality of the teacher of Russian and Tatar literature, therefore, the culturological approach to the literary education of students and schoolchildren in combination with interactive technologies (lecture discussion, mini-conferences, role-playing games, compilation of intelligence cards (mental cards), virtual tours, web quests, training and protection of multimedia presentations, etc.) will improve the effectiveness of employment on reading and studying native (Tartar, Russian et al.) literatures

    Culturological Approach in Preparing Students of Pedagogical Specialties of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University for Teaching Native (Russian and Tatar) Literatures in Gymnasiums and Secondary Schools

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    While solving the problem of the formation of spiritual and moral axiological values among students, the leading role in school and university education, due to the specific content, is given to humanitarian disciplines, in particular, the teaching of literature, language disciplines and art. A special role in solving this problem is performed by the lesson of native literatureIn the lessons of native literature, the teacher should focus on the formation of attitudes towards native (Russian, Tatar, etc.) literature as one of the main national, cultural, moral, and aesthetic values of the people in the context of national and world culture. Due to the fact that “native literature” as a special school subject has been taught in Russian schools for not a long period of time, there is an urgent need for its scientific and methodological understanding, in the development of methodological recommendations for teaching at school, and it is also necessary to make adjustments to the process of training philological students of pedagogical departments of universities, because at the lessons of native literature (Tatar, Russian, etc.) cultural approach to teaching literature as one of the forms of art should prevail.A culturological approach to the training of students of the pedagogical direction of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (IFMK KFU) is carried out at the elective disciplines, in particular, at the classes in the discipline of “Literary Studies. Applied Aspects of Studying a Provincial Text”, which allows teaching undergraduate students to consider Russian literature in the context of regional history and culture. In this regard, Kazan, the “Kazan text”, Tatar, Russian and Russian-language literature of the Republic of Tatarstan represent the richest potential for inclusion in the school and university context of teaching Russian and Tatar literature as native ones.The aim of the study: theoretical justification and practical testing of the methodological system of classroom and independent studies in the discipline “Literary Studies. Applied Aspects of Studying a Provincial Text”, taking into account the conditions for teaching native (Russian, Tatar, etc.) literature in gymnasiums and secondary schools of the Republic of Tatarstan.The main research methods are pedagogical experiment, monitoring, questioning, interviewing of 59 university students and school teachers, as well as analysis of our own over 25 years of teaching experience at the university. The basis of our study was historical-genetic, historical-functional, comparative and typological methods of study of works of modern Russian and Tatar literatures.Research results: In the context of the revision of the paradigm of Russian education, a special role in psychological and pedagogical research is given to the formation of professional qualities and personality of the teacher of Russian and Tatar literature, therefore, the culturological approach to the literary education of students and schoolchildren in combination with interactive technologies (lecture discussion, mini-conferences, role-playing games, compilation of intelligence cards (mental cards), virtual tours, web quests, training and protection of multimedia presentations, etc.) will improve the effectiveness of employment on reading and studying native (Tartar, Russian et al.) literatures

    Corporativity as a Condition for Developing Teaching Staff

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    The relevance of this article is due to the fact that the solution to any problem is more effective in partnership, as a whole is always greater than the sum of its parts, and one should not ignore alternative ways of different perception of the surrounding reality, since what is unachievable for each member separately, can be achieved by all members of the whole team. Therefore, this article aims at disclosing the essence of corporativity in developing teaching staff. The article deals with the role of corporativity in developing a teaching team, the viability conditions of the pedagogical team have been detected, the individual trajectories for developing each member of the teaching staff are presented. The article submissions are valuable both in theory and in practical terms, for representatives of professional training institutions in order to achieve their corporate competitiveness as a teaching team