8 research outputs found

    Cancellable biometric using matrix approaches

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    PhD ThesisCancellable biometrics endeavour to hide the appearance of a biometric image into a transformed template which prevents the outsider from recognising whom the biometric belongs to. Current research into cancellable biometric methodologies concentrates on the details of biometric traits. This approach has a drawback which cannot possibly be implemented with other biometric technology. To address this problem, this thesis contributes to development of a novel concept for the feature transformation of biometric technology, especially for fingerprints, by utilizing several matrix operations to provide an alternative algorithm in order to produce multi-implementation of the cancellable system. The matrix operations generate the feature element of the input fingerprint image in an irrevocable form of output fingerprint template by ignoring the type of biometric traits unique to fingerprints; thus, the cancellable algorithm can be implemented in different biometrics technologies. The implementation offers a new concept in generating a cancellable template by considering a sequential procedure for the fingerprint processing, in order to allow the authentication process to succeed in authenticating an enquired input. For example, a region of interest (RoI) step is required to provide a square form input to support the system working in a matrix domain. Meanwhile, the input fingerprints are mostly in rectangular form. This thesis contributes a new approach to selecting a certain area of a fingerprint by utilizing the density of ridge frequency and orientation. The implementation of these two enhancement steps reduces the excision process of this significant region of the fingerprint by avoiding the involvement of a non-feature area. Meanwhile, to avoid obtaining an un classified fingerprint, this thesis offers a new approach to the fingerprint image classification process entailing three requirements in classifying the fingerprint: the core point and its number, ridge frequency, and ridge direction; whilst the tented arch (TA) is only an additional requirement. The proposed idea increases both the percentage accuracy in classifying fingerprints and time consuming of the system. For Example, the accuracy of the fingerprint classification improves from less than 41 per cent of the fingerprint to 86.48 per cent in average for all of databases.Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesi


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    ABSTRACT: In fingerprint recognition technology, ridge-frequency and -orientation step are utilized to identify trait pattern of ridge/valley features of the fingerprint by separating foreground and background of the fingerprint image and specifying the directional pattern of the ridges and valleys. The ability to determine the patterns help us as well to select a particular area to be utilized forth. Meanwhile, core-point is needed as a reference point in region of interest (RoI) cropping process. For example, if a desired region is a squareform area, core-point can be as a central of the RoI. Thus, we just need to lay down two diagonal side of the selecting area. In conclusion, it is obvious that the superiority of these three steps can be exploited in RoI step

    Konsep Penginjeksian Mata Kuliah Baru Pada Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Elektro

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    Higher education must adapt to the advencement of Science and Technology, one of the ways that Universities can do by implementing curriculum enhancement. Curriculum enhancement can be done by adding new courses. Subjects that are in line with current developments are Image Processing courses. Image Processing is a course in Electrical Engineering that discusses data processing and analyzing data in the form of images to be used as important information as referred. The usage of Image Processing courses is found in daily life, for example on smartphones, parking systems, medical, television and many others that utilize image processing subjects. The characteristics of this study compare two different groups, namely comparing the curriculum of the University of LPTK (Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan) and the curriculum of the University of Non-LPTK to look for curriculum characteristics in covering different subjects with the characteristics of vocational education, but in accordance with the characteristics of vocational education in considering eye input lectures that are aligned with digital characteristics in the field of vocational education studies. The suitability of the characteristics of the Image Processing course with the characteristics of the LPTK curriculum results in a Semester Learning Plan for Image Processing courses to be applied to the Electrical Engineering Vocational Education study program at State University Of Padang.Higher education must adapt to the advencement of Science and Technology, one of the ways that Universities can do by implementing curriculum enhancement. Curriculum enhancement can be done by adding new courses. This article aims to find the concept of injecting new subjects, especially in the Electrical Engineering Education study program, State University of Padang. The method in this study uses a qualitative research ex post facto comparative approach. The characteristics of this study compare two different groups, namely comparing the curriculum of the University of LPTK (Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan) and the curriculum of the University of Non-LPTK to look for curriculum characteristics in covering different subjects with the characteristics of vocational education, but in accordance with the characteristics of vocational education in considering eye input lectures that are aligned with digital characteristics in the field of vocational education studies. The suitability of the characteristics of the Image Processing course with the characteristics of the LPTK curriculum results in a Semester Learning Plan for the Image Processing course to be applied to the Electrical Engineering Education study program in State University of Padang

    Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Listrik Dan Elektronika Di Kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Bukittinnggi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Penerapan Modul Pembelajaran Pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika Di SMK Negeri 1 Bukittinggi . Hasil belajar siswa yang masih rendah yang diakibatkan oleh faktor model pembelajaran yang kurang bervariasi dalam menimbulkan semangat belajar dan menuntun peran aktif siswa. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian dengan penerapan model pembelajaran problem based learning untuk melihat Efektivitas terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian  ini  menggunakan jenis  penelitian eksperimen yang dikategorikan ke dalam jenis penelitian pre experimental Design dengan desain One Group Pretest Posttest Design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X TKL 1 SMK Negeri Smk Negeri 1 Bukittinggi pada tahun ajaran 2019/2020 yang terdiri dari 36 orang siswa. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan instrument tes berupa soal objektif. Pretest sebagai data awal sebelum penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dan posstets sebagai data setelah penerapan modul pembelajaran. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan Effect Size. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai rata-rata pretest sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning sebesar 62,59 dan nilai rata-rata posttest sebesar 82,76. Dari perhitungan Effect Size, dimana nilai Effect Size antara pretest dengan posttest sebesar 1,28 dengan kategori besar, artinya teradapat efektivitaspenerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika di kelas X TKL 1 SMK Negeri 1 Bukittinggi

    Sistem Tracking Cahaya Matahari pada Photovoltaic

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    Umumnya solar cell yang dipasang hanya menghadap satu arah tertentu saja. Gerak semu harian matahari menyebabkan perubahan posisi matahari dari timur ke barat setiap harinya. Perubahan posisi matahari tersebut membuat modul solar cell tidak selalu mendapatkan intensitas cahaya matahari yang maksimal sepanjang hari. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan supaya solar cell mendapatkan intensitas cahaya matahari yang maksimal sepanjang hari adalah dengan menempatkan modul solar cell tegak lurus mengikuti cahaya matahari. Hal tersebut yang melatarbelakangi pembuatan alat tracking cahaya matahari menggunakan komponen Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) sebagai sensor dan motor linear aktuator parabola sebagai penggerak posisi modul solar cell. Cahaya matahari yang mengenai sensor LDR membuat resistansinya berubah sehingga mempengaruhi nilai tegangan yang akan diinformasikan ke analog input mikrokontroller. Mikrokontroller mengolah informasi yang diterima dari sensor LDR dan memberi perintah untuk menggerakkan linear aktuator yang mana akan menggerakkan posisi permukaan modul solar cell dengan dua arah yaitu mengikuti orientasi gerak semu harian matahari dari arah timur ke arah barat. Pada arah timur dan barat masing-masing terdapat sebuah limit switch. Ketika malam hari  modul solar cell ini akan kembali bergerak menghadap ke arah Timur dan akan berhenti ketika limit switch Timur aktif. Alat tracking cahaya matahari ini telah dilakukan uji coba. Alat ini telah dapat  mengikuti pergerakan matahari dari timur ke barat dengan daya keluaran solar cell dari 8,71 watt mampu ditingkatkan menjadi 12,46 watt dengan konsumsi daya motor sebesar 2,08 watt.Umumnya solar cell yang dipasang hanya menghadap satu arah tertentu saja. Gerak semu harian matahari menyebabkan perubahan posisi matahari dari timur ke barat setiap harinya. Perubahan posisi matahari tersebut membuat modul solar cell tidak selalu mendapatkan intensitas cahaya matahari yang maksimal sepanjang hari. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan supaya solar cell mendapatkan intensitas cahaya matahari yang maksimal sepanjang hari adalah dengan menempatkan modul solar cell tegak lurus mengikuti cahaya matahari. Hal tersebut yang melatarbelakangi pembuatan alat tracking cahaya matahari menggunakan komponen Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) sebagai sensor dan motor linear aktuator parabola sebagai penggerak posisi modul solar cell. Cahaya matahari yang mengenai sensor LDR membuat resistansinya berubah sehingga mempengaruhi nilai tegangan yang akan diinformasikan ke analog input mikrokontroller. Mikrokontroller mengolah informasi yang diterima dari sensor LDR dan memberi perintah untuk menggerakkan linear aktuator yang mana akan menggerakkan posisi permukaan modul solar cell dengan dua arah yaitu mengikuti orientasi gerak semu harian matahari dari arah timur ke arah barat. Pada arah timur dan barat masing-masing terdapat sebuah limit switch. Ketika malam hari  modul solar cell ini akan kembali bergerak menghadap ke arah Timur dan akan berhenti ketika limit switch Timur aktif. Alat tracking cahaya matahari ini telah dilakukan uji coba. Alat ini telah dapat  mengikuti pergerakan matahari dari timur ke barat dengan daya keluaran solar cell dari 8,71 watt mampu ditingkatkan menjadi 12,46 watt dengan konsumsi daya motor sebesar 2,08 watt


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    Higher education is expected to produce excellent graduates to meet the needs of educated and skilled personnel in the era of industry 4.0. One way of higher education to adjust the development of Science and Technology in the era of industry 4.0 is by enriching the curriculum. Curriculum enrichment can be done by adding a new course, the Image Processing course. Image Processing is a course in Electrical Engineering which discusses data processing and analyze data in the form of images to be used as important information as requested. Image processing courses are widely used in daily life, implementation of image processing courses are found in smartphones, parking systems, medical, television and many others that utilize image processing subjects. The characteristics of this study compared two different groups: the Non-LPTK University (Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan/ Educaitonal Institutions of Educatinal Staff) with the LPTK University to looking for characteristics in covering different subjects with the characteristics of vocational education, but it is related to the characteristics of vocational education in considering matching subjects with digital characteristics in the field of vocational education studies. Curriculum enrichment aims to improve the quality of higher education learning which leads to improve the quality of graduates. The researcher used a qualitative research with a comparative method ex post facto. This research is expected to be a pattern for other universities in applying curriculum enrichment methods


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    Qualified graduates is supported by an efficient process of education, improvement of competence on an ongoing basis, and appropriate curriculum. The curriculum becomes an important part in education. Each educational institution graduates expect superior quality, good morals, knowledge and competence of skilled labor. Quality of qualified graduates will increase the demand of stakeholders to recruit workers in the industry related. It is necessary to implement a quality program in an effort to provide the best service for educational activities. This study discusses the program carried out by educational and vocational study program in electrical engineering (EEVE) achieve the goal to do assessment by AUN-QA (ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance) in evaluating the curriculum. AUN-QA aims to conduct quality assurance of courses that a member of AUN, as well as guiding and guide the university to improve and maintain the quality of the university. Researchers use qualitative research using the comparative method of ex-postfacto with the kind of correlational study. The study was conducted with data collection, such as observation, interviews, field observation and documentation study. This research resulted in the development of curriculum in vocational and educational courses in electrical engineering (EEVE), in terms of meeting the basic needs for qualified graduates, competent and professional in accordance with the standards of the AUN-QA. Through this research is expected to be a pattern for other courses to evaluate the curriculum for graduates scored an excellent, competent and qualifie

    Alternative approach in generating cancellable fingerprint by using matrices operations

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    A cancellable biometric system aims to revote a biometric feature of an authorized person when his biometric information is misused by improper. In this system, an established biometric image is transformed to a different feature to distinguish it from the original one. Moreover, this revocable system can regenerate a new transformed cancellable biometric feature if the previous transformed feature is known by someone. These basic concepts are similar with the idea of inverse matrix and elementary row operation in matrices domain. Biometric image as a digital image definitely can be processed in matrices domain. It means that the image is able to be imposed by matrices operations such as inverse matrix operation, elementary row operation, and Kronecker product operation. In matrix, these operations are used for several objectives whether inverting matrix elements, changing rows or columns, or enlarging size of the matrix. On the other hand, the combination of these operations even can produce a non-inversed matrix