46 research outputs found

    Empowering Women Through Environmental Protection

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    Women symbolize „Prakrati‟ means „nature‟ in Indian Philosphy. She creates and nurtures the creation to bloom. She signifies „shakti‟ the power that drives the system. Throughout the history, women have been immortalized as powerful symbols of nature. Mother earth, Earth Goddess women have personified nature and given nature its infinite meaning. Women have direct contact with natural resources like fuel, food and fodder, forest water and land specially in rural areas where 70% of Indian reside and directly dependent upon natural resources. A lot of studies on women and environment have shown that women are significant actors in natural resource management and they are major contributors to environmental rehabilitation and conservation. Women‟s direct contact with environment has produced them deep-knowledge about the environment. Thus, women have served as agriculturalists, water resource manager, and traditional scientists, among others. Women are not only knowledgeable about the environment, but they are also protective and caring. Women and the environment are closely bound and interconnected. Therefore women as beares and conserver of life, as those who first guide children, should be foremost in dedication to the environmental cause

    Medical Ethics And Medical Negligence In Ancient India: An Legal Overview

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    The concept of medicine and medical procedures was very common in ancient India. We know that people got medical treatment from Vaidhya in ancient times. They had adopted the Ayurveda method. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the oldest healing remedies in the world. It was founded around more than 3,000 years ago in India. It is said that Ayurveda is a natural medicine system, that originated in India. The word Ayurveda is denoting the words “Ayur” is a Sanskrit word it means (life) and Veda (science or knowledge). In the present scenario is teaching the Ayurveda how can survive life and how can live life. In another word, we can say that with the help of Ayurveda we can change the lifestyle interventions and get the natural remedies to restore the balance between body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is important to factor of Medical ethics and medical negligence for the relation between doctors and patients. If the doctor breaches medical ethics and commit negligence then the patient lost his life. It is very dangerous for Patients' life. With the help of this research paper, I will discuss the impact of medical ethics and medical negligence on society from ancient to the present scenarios. And what are the legal remedies are available in India

    Privacy aware surveillance system design

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    The physiological study of Twak Upadhatu w.s.r. to Skin

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    In Samhitas Twak/Twacha is described as outermost protective layer of body as well as largest sensory organ of body. According to Acharya Charaka, Twacha is the Mula of Mansavaha Srotas and Updhatu of Mansadhatu. Acharya Sushrut and Acharya Charak very minutely described its layers according to their functions and also diseases which are related to those layers. Modern health science described skin in detail according to division of cell. Skin, the largest organ of human body, holds significant importance in maintaining normal human physiological condition. The conceptual aspect of skin needs to be understood because skin disorder is outer exhibition of some kind of internal pathology. The ancient science of Ayurveda has noted its features ages back. Ayurveda, the “Science of Life”, is a real wealth of medical sciences. In Ayurvedic oldest text Sushruta Samhita- Shareer sthana, Acharya Sushruta has mentioned five sensory organs i.e. Gyanendriyas. Sparshanendriya is one of them whose Adhishthana is Twacha (skin). As we know, skin is the largest sense organ of the body which sense touch, pain, pressure, temperature etc. It is also known as “The First Line of Defense”. Ayurveda is real wealth of medical sciences which gives preference to prevention of health in healthy person and provides best treatment to diseased one. It believes in complete elimination of root cause of disorder rather than short-term relief. Skin is the largest and first site visible organ of body which acquires 1.5-2 square meter surface area of the body. It is not merely protecting covering but it is reflection of the internal system of the body

    The physiological study of Prakopavastha of Shatkriyakala w.s.r. to Seasons (Ritu’s)

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    The Prayojana of Ayurveda is of two types, maintenance of health a healthy person, by adopting the Ritucharya, Dincharya and Sadvritta and curing of a disease of diseased Person, by adopting therapeutic measures. Kriya means Action or treatment. Kala means time or period. Shatkriyakala means ‘Appropriate time periods to take action/treatment. Acharya Susrutha has narrated detail idea of Shatkriyakala in 21st chapter of Sutrasthana. Shatkriyakala include six stages viz. Sanchaya, Prakopa, Prasara, Sthansamshraya, Vyaktavastha and Bhedavastha. Shatkriyakala is distinctive concept of Ayurveda. By knowing the process of Shatkriyakala the disease process can be arrest at initial stage and avoid the probabilities of complications. Acharya Sushruta already mentions the Kriyakala helps the physician to adopt line of treatment by seeing the vitiated Dosha condition by his intellect and knowledge. So, we can say that the physician who diagnose a disease and treat according to Shatkriyakala will be become a successful Practitioner

    Development of Efficient Resource Allocation Algorithm in Chunk Based OFDMA System

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    The emerging demand for diverse data applications in next generation wireless networks entails both high data rate wireless connections and intelligent multiuser scheduling designs. The orthogonal frequency division multiple access based system is capable of delivering high speed data rate and can operate in a multipath environment. OFDMA based system dividing an entire channel into many orthogonal narrow band subcarriers. Due to this, it is useful to eliminate inter symbol interferences which is a limit of total available data rates. In this paper, investigation about resource allocation problem for the chunk based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) wireless multicast systems is done. In this paper, it is expected that the Base Station (BS) has multiple antennas in a Distributed Antenna System (DAS). The allocation unit is a group of contiguous subcarriers (chunk) in conventional OFDMA systems. The aim of this investigation is to develop an efficient resource allocation algorithm to maximize the total throughput and minimize the average outage probability over a chunk with respect to average Bit Error Rate (BER and total available power)

    Spin-polarized electron-hole quantum bilayers: finite layer width and mass-asymmetric effects

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    The influence of mass-asymmetry and finite layer width in phase-transition from the liquid-state to the density-modulated ground-state of the spin-polarized electron-hole quantum bilayers (EHBL) is explored within the Singwi, Tosi, Land and Sjölander (qSTLS) approach. At the same number density of electrons and holes, in addition to the stronger interlayer correlations, the mass-asymmetry also shows stronger intralayer correlations in the hole layer than that of the electron layer. This change in the behaviour of correlations affects the ground-state of the spin-polarized EHBL system. Interestingly, we notice the enhancement of critical density for the onset of Wigner crystallization as compared to the recent results of spin-polarized mass-symmetric EHBL system. Pair-correlation function and local-field correction factor show a strong in-phase oscillations at the instability region. Further, we find that the inclusion of finite layer width weakens the intralayer correlations. As a result, the critical density for Wigner crystallization is lowered. The present results are compared with the recent results of spin-polarized (and unpolarized) mass-symmetric EHBL with zero (finite) layer width

    From Smart Camera to SmartHub: Embracing Cloud for Video Surveillance

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    Smart cameras were conceived to provide scalable solutions to automatic video analysis applications, such as surveillance and monitoring. Since then, many algorithms and system architectures have been proposed, which use smart cameras to distribute functionality and save bandwidth. Still, smart cameras are rarely used in commercial systems and real installations. In this paper, we investigate the reason behind the scarce commercial usage of smart cameras. We found that, in order to achieve scalability, smart cameras put additional constraints on the quality of input data to the vision algorithms, making it an unfavourable choice for future multicamera systems. We recognized that these constraints can be relaxed by following a cloud based hub architecture and propose a cloud entity, SmartHub, which provides a scalable solution with reduced constraints on the quality. A framework is proposed for designing SmartHub system for a given camera placement. Experiments show the efficacy of SmartHub based systems in multicamera scenarios

    Synthetization and Characterization of Mo-doped Mn4Si7 by High Energy Ball Mill

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    759-761Mn4Si7 is a non-degenerating semiconductor with an indirect band gap of 0.77eV having multi-domain applications. The Mn4Si7 and Mo-doped Mn4Si7 were synthesized by high-energy ball milling at 600 RPM for 50H. From the X-ray diffraction (XRD), the tetragonal phase was observed. The average crystalline size was estimated by the Debye-Scherrer equation which lies below ~25 nm. The morphology studies reveal different shapes and sizes were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

    Synthetization and Characterization of Mg-doped SnSe with Mg Substitution at the Sn Site by High Energy Ball Milling Technique

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    762-764Tin selenide (SnSe) is a semiconductor with an orthorhombic crystal structure having an indirect and direct band gap of 0.9 eV and 1.3 eV respectively. The SnSe and Mg-doped SnSe was synthesized by high energy ball milling technique at 300 RPM for 22 hrs. The formation of pure orthorhombic phases of SnSe and Mg-doped SnSe were confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). From the XRD pattern, the crystalline size was estimated which lies below ~10 nm. The morphology of particle size distribution was carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)