37 research outputs found


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    Heat shock factor binding in Alu repeats expands its involvement in stress through an antisense mechanism

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    Background: Alu RNAs are present at elevated levels in stress conditions and, consequently, Alu repeats are increasingly being associated with the physiological stress response. Alu repeats are known to harbor transcription factor binding sites that modulate RNA pol II transcription and Alu RNAs act as transcriptional co-repressors through pol II binding in the promoter regions of heat shock responsive genes. An observation of a putative heat shock factor (HSF) binding site in Alu led us to explore whether, through HSF binding, these elements could further contribute to the heat shock response repertoire. Results: Alu density was significantly enriched in transcripts that are down-regulated following heat shock recovery in HeLa cells. ChIP analysis confirmed HSF binding to a consensus motif exhibiting positional conservation across various Alu subfamilies, and reporter constructs demonstrated a sequence-specific two-fold induction of these sites in response to heat shock. These motifs were over-represented in the genic regions of down-regulated transcripts in antisense oriented Alus. Affymetrix Exon arrays detected antisense signals in a significant fraction of the down-regulated transcripts, 50% of which harbored HSF sites within 5 kb. siRNA knockdown of the selected antisense transcripts led to the over-expression, following heat shock, of their corresponding down-regulated transcripts. The antisense transcripts were significantly enriched in processes related to RNA pol III transcription and the TFIIIC complex. Conclusions: We demonstrate a non-random presence of Alu repeats harboring HSF sites in heat shock responsive transcripts. This presence underlies an antisense-mediated mechanism that represents a novel component of Alu and HSF involvement in the heat shock response

    Alu-miRNA interactions modulate transcript isoform diversity in stress response and reveal signatures of positive selection

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    Primate-specific Alus harbor different regulatory features, including miRNA targets. In this study, we provide evidence for miRNA-mediated modulation of transcript isoform levels during heat-shock response through exaptation of Alu-miRNA sites in mature mRNA. We performed genome-wide expression profiling coupled with functional validation of miRNA target sites within exonized Alus, and analyzed conservation of these targets across primates. We observed that two miRNAs (miR-15a-3p and miR-302d-3p) elevated in stress response, target RAD1, GTSE1, NR2C1, FKBP9 and UBE2I exclusively within Alu. These genes map onto the p53 regulatory network. Ectopic overexpression of miR-15a-3p downregulates GTSE1 and RAD1 at the protein level and enhances cell survival. This Alu-mediated fine-tuning seems to be unique to humans as evident from the absence of orthologous sites in other primate lineages. We further analyzed signatures of selection on Alu-miRNA targets in the genome, using 1000 Genomes Phase-I data. We found that 198 out of 3177 Alu-exonized genes exhibit signatures of selection within Alu-miRNA sites, with 60 of them containing SNPs supported by multiple evidences (global-FST > 0.3, pair-wise-FST > 0.5, Fay-Wu’s H<−20, iHS> 2.0, high ΔDAF) and implicated in p53 network. We propose that by affecting multiple genes, Alu-miRNA interactions have the potential to facilitate population-level adaptations in response to environmental challenges

    Whole genome expression and biochemical correlates of extreme constitutional types defined in Ayurveda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ayurveda is an ancient system of personalized medicine documented and practiced in India since 1500 B.C. According to this system an individual's basic constitution to a large extent determines predisposition and prognosis to diseases as well as therapy and life-style regime. Ayurveda describes seven broad constitution types (<it>Prakriti</it>s) each with a varying degree of predisposition to different diseases. Amongst these, three most contrasting types, <it>Vata</it>, <it>Pitta</it>, <it>Kapha</it>, are the most vulnerable to diseases. In the realm of modern predictive medicine, efforts are being directed towards capturing disease phenotypes with greater precision for successful identification of markers for prospective disease conditions. In this study, we explore whether the different constitution types as described in Ayurveda has molecular correlates.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Normal individuals of the three most contrasting constitutional types were identified following phenotyping criteria described in Ayurveda in Indian population of Indo-European origin. The peripheral blood samples of these individuals were analysed for genome wide expression levels, biochemical and hematological parameters. Gene Ontology (GO) and pathway based analysis was carried out on differentially expressed genes to explore if there were significant enrichments of functional categories among <it>Prakriti </it>types.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Individuals from the three most contrasting constitutional types exhibit striking differences with respect to biochemical and hematological parameters and at genome wide expression levels. Biochemical profiles like liver function tests, lipid profiles, and hematological parameters like haemoglobin exhibited differences between <it>Prakriti </it>types. Functional categories of genes showing differential expression among <it>Prakriti </it>types were significantly enriched in core biological processes like transport, regulation of cyclin dependent protein kinase activity, immune response and regulation of blood coagulation. A significant enrichment of housekeeping, disease related and hub genes were observed in these extreme constitution types.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ayurveda based method of phenotypic classification of extreme constitutional types allows us to uncover genes that may contribute to system level differences in normal individuals which could lead to differential disease predisposition. This is a first attempt towards unraveling the clinical phenotyping principle of a traditional system of medicine in terms of modern biology. An integration of Ayurveda with genomics holds potential and promise for future predictive medicine.</p

    Outcomes and care practices for preterm infants born at less than 33 weeks’ gestation: A quality-improvement study

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    BACKGROUND: Preterm birth is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children younger than 5 years. We report the changes in neonatal outcomes and care practices among very preterm infants in Canada over 14 years within a national, collaborative, continuous quality-improvement program. METHODS: We retrospectively studied infants born at 23–32 weeks’ gestation who were admitted to tertiary neonatal intensive care units that participated in the Evidence-based Practice for Improving Quality program in the Canadian Neonatal Network from 2004 to 2017. The primary outcome was survival without major morbidity during the initial hospital admission. We quantified changes using process-control charts in 6-month intervals to identify special-cause variations, adjusted regression models for yearly changes, and interrupted time series analyses. RESULTS: The final study population included 50 831 infants. As a result of practice changes, survival without major morbidity increased significantly (56.6% [669/1183] to 70.9% [1424/2009]; adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1.08, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.06–1.10, per year) across all gestational ages. Survival of infants born at 23–25 weeks’ gestation increased (70.8% [97/137] to 74.5% [219/294]; adjusted OR 1.03, 95% CI 1.02–1.05, per year). Changes in care practices included increased use of antenatal steroids (83.6% [904/1081] to 88.1% [1747/1983]), increased rates of normothermia at admission (44.8% [520/1160] to 67.5% [1316/1951]) and reduced use of pulmonary surfactant (52.8% [625/1183] to 42.7% [857/2009]). INTERPRETATION: Network-wide quality-improvement activities that include better implementation of optimal care practices can yield sustained improvement in survival without morbidity in very preterm infants

    Association of Co-Exposure of Antenatal Steroid and Prophylactic Indomethacin with Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation

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    Objective: To evaluate the association of a combined exposure to antenatal steroids and prophylactic indomethacin with the outcome of spontaneous intestinal perforation (SIP) among neonates born at \u3c26 weeks of gestation or \u3c750 g birth weight. Study design: We conducted a retrospective study of preterm infants admitted to Canadian Neonatal Network units between 2010 and 2018. Infants were classified into 2 groups based on receipt of antenatal steroids; the latter subgrouped as recent (≤7 days before birth) or latent (\u3e7 days before birth) exposures. The co-exposure was prophylactic indomethacin. The primary outcome was SIP. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to calculate aORs. Results: Among 4720 eligible infants, 4121 (87%) received antenatal steroids and 1045 (22.1%) received prophylactic indomethacin. Among infants exposed to antenatal steroids, those who received prophylactic indomethacin had higher odds of SIP (aOR 1.61, 95% CI 1.14-2.28) compared with no prophylactic indomethacin. Subgroup analyses revealed recent antenatal steroids exposure with prophylactic indomethacin had higher odds of SIP (aOR 1.67, 95% CI 1.15-2.43), but latent antenatal steroids exposure with prophylactic indomethacin did not (aOR 1.24, 95% CI 0.48-3.21), compared with the respective groups with no prophylactic indomethacin. Among those not exposed to antenatal steroids, mortality was lower among those who received prophylactic indomethacin (aOR 0.45, 95% CI 0.28-0.73) compared with no prophylactic indomethacin. Conclusions: In preterm neonates of \u3c26 weeks of gestation or birth weight \u3c750 g, co-exposure of antenatal steroids and prophylactic indomethacin was associated with SIP, especially if antenatal steroids was received within 7 days before birth. Among those unexposed to antenatal steroids, prophylactic indomethacin was associated with lower odds of mortality

    Population Genetic Structure of Peninsular Malaysia Malay Sub-Ethnic Groups

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    Patterns of modern human population structure are helpful in understanding the history of human migration and admixture. We conducted a study on genetic structure of the Malay population in Malaysia, using 54,794 genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism genotype data generated in four Malay sub-ethnic groups in peninsular Malaysia (Melayu Kelantan, Melayu Minang, Melayu Jawa and Melayu Bugis). To the best of our knowledge this is the first study conducted on these four Malay sub-ethnic groups and the analysis of genotype data of these four groups were compiled together with 11 other populations' genotype data from Indonesia, China, India, Africa and indigenous populations in Peninsular Malaysia obtained from the Pan-Asian SNP database. The phylogeny of populations showed that all of the four Malay sub-ethnic groups are separated into at least three different clusters. The Melayu Jawa, Melayu Bugis and Melayu Minang have a very close genetic relationship with Indonesian populations indicating a common ancestral history, while the Melayu Kelantan formed a distinct group on the tree indicating that they are genetically different from the other Malay sub-ethnic groups. We have detected genetic structuring among the Malay populations and this could possibly be accounted for by their different historical origins. Our results provide information of the genetic differentiation between these populations and a valuable insight into the origins of the Malay sub-ethnic groups in Peninsular Malaysia

    Identification of Close Relatives in the HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Database

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    The HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium has recently released a genome-wide dataset, which consists of 1,719 DNA samples collected from 71 Asian populations. For studies of human population genetics such as genetic structure and migration history, this provided the most comprehensive large-scale survey of genetic variation to date in East and Southeast Asia. However, although considered in the analysis, close relatives were not clearly reported in the original paper. Here we performed a systematic analysis of genetic relationships among individuals from the Pan-Asian SNP (PASNP) database and identified 3 pairs of monozygotic twins or duplicate samples, 100 pairs of first-degree and 161 second-degree of relationships. Three standardized subsets with different levels of unrelated individuals were suggested here for future applications of the samples in most types of population-genetics studies (denoted by PASNP1716, PASNP1640 and PASNP1583 respectively) based on the relationships inferred in this study. In addition, we provided gender information for PASNP samples, which were not included in the original dataset, based on analysis of X chromosome data


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    Background: Pulse oximetry screening (POS) for critical congenital heart defects (CCHDs) is being increasingly adopted, but sparsely populated regions in Ontario present unique challenges. Objective: To estimate cost-effectiveness of POS for CCHD in Ontario, Canada. Methods: A cost-effectiveness analysis using a Markov model was conducted from a healthcare payer perspective over a life-time horizon. Outcome measures, discounted 1.5%, were quality-adjusted life months (QALMs), lifetime costs, and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER) [Î Cost / Î QALMs]. An ICER threshold of CAD4,166.67perQALMwasused.Probabilisticsensitivityanalysiswasconductedwithinexpectedvariableranges.Results:POSisexpectedtoleadtotimelydiagnosisof51CCHDcasesannually.TheestimatedICERofCAD4,166.67 per QALM was used. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis was conducted within expected variable ranges. Results: POS is expected to lead to timely diagnosis of 51 CCHD cases annually. The estimated ICER of CAD1,110.79 was well below the threshold. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis estimated a 93% chance of POS being cost-effective. Conclusion: Routine implementation of POS for CCHD in Ontario is expected to be cost-effective. Further validation of this model may be conducted following implementation.M.Sc