132 research outputs found


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    Hepatitis B virus genotype assignment using restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns

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    AbstractHepatitis B virus (HBV) is classified into genotypes A–F, which is important for clinical and etiological investigations. To establish a simple genotyping method, 68 full-genomic sequences and 106 S gene sequences were analyzed by the molecular evolutionary method. HBV genotyping with the S gene sequence is consistent with genetic analysis using the full-genomic sequence. After alignment of the S sequences, genotype specific regions are identified and digested by the restriction enzymes, HphI, NciI, AlwI, EarI, and NlaIV. This HBV genotyping system using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was confirmed to be correct when the PCR products of the S gene in 23 isolates collected from various countries were digested with this method. A restriction site for EarI in genotype B was absent in spite of its presence in all the other genotypes and genotype C has no restriction site for AlwI. Only genotype E is digested with NciI, while only genotype F has a restriction site for HphI. Genotype A can be distinguished by a single restriction enzyme site for NlaIV, while genotype D digestion with this enzyme results in two products that migrates at 265 and 186 bp. This simple and accurate HBV genotyping system using RFLP is considered to be useful for research on HBV


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    本研究は,ダンスの授業を通して大学生のコミュニケーション力の変化について検討した。大学1 年生143 名を対象とし,6 時間のダンスの授業において行った。調査内容は,授業前後においてコミュニケーション・スキル尺度ENDCOREs の表現力・他者受容・関係調整といった3 つのスキルを用いた質問紙調査および「ダンスが好き・嫌い」等の自己評価を行った。結果,コミュニケーション・スキル尺度の調査からすべてのスキルで有意な得点の上昇が見られ,コミュニケーション力が肯定的に変化したことが確認された。授業前の結果から,本対象者は他者受容のスキルは高いが,表現力のスキルは低いという特徴が見られた。また,ダンスが好きな学生は,嫌いな学生より元々高いコミュニケーション力を身につけていることが推測できたが,ダンスが嫌いな学生の方が表現力が高まったことが示された。今回の結果の要因として,即興表現・模倣およびグループ活動が影響している可能性が示唆された


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     本研究は,ダンスの授業を通して対人関係における心理的変容を検討した。対象は女子大学生1年生187 名,ダンスの授業を7 回実施した。授業前後において,心理尺度であるコミュニケーションスキル尺度,友人関係測定尺度,共感性尺度の質問紙調査およびダンスの好嫌・経験の有無について回答を求めた。結果,授業後では,コミュニケーションスキル,友人関係の意識に有意な得点の上昇が確認された。共感性は,ダンスの好嫌では有意な得点の上昇は確認されなかった。以上から,ダンスの授業において,ダンスの好嫌・経験の有無にかかわらず,コミュニケーションスキルや友人関係への意識は,肯定的な心理的変容をもたらすが,共感性の向上には,ダンスの経験の有無のみが影響することが示唆された

    Three-dimensional X-ray diffraction imaging of process-induced dislocation loops in silicon

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    In the semiconductor industry, wafer handling introduces micro-cracks at the wafer edge and the causal relationship of these cracks to wafer breakage is a difficult task. By way of understanding the wafer breakage process, a series of nano-indents were introduced both into 20 20 mm (100) wafer pieces and into whole wafers as a means of introducing controlled strain. Visualization of the three-dimensional structure of crystal defects has been demonstrated. The silicon samples were then treated by various thermal anneal processes to initiate the formation of dislocation loops around the indents. This article reports the three-dimensional X-ray diffraction imaging and visualization of the structure of these dislocations. A series of X-ray section topographs of both the indents and the dislocation loops were taken at the ANKA Synchrotron, Karlsruhe, Germany. The topographs were recorded on a CCD system combined with a high-resolution scintillator crystal and were measured by repeated cycles of exposure and sample translation along a direction perpendicular to the beam. The resulting images were then rendered into three dimensions utilizing opensource three-dimensional medical tomography algorithms that show the dislocation loops formed. Furthermore this technique allows for the production of a video (avi) file showing the rotation of the rendered topographs around any defined axis. The software also has the capability of splitting the image along a segmentation line and viewing the internal structure of the strain fields

    The role of FKBP5 in cancer aetiology and chemoresistance

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    FK506 binding protein 51 (FKBP51, also called FKBP5) belongs to a family of immunophilins, FK506 binding proteins (FKBPs). Members of this family are targets for drugs such as rapamycin and cyclosporine. Although FKBP5 shares characteristics with other FKBPs, it also has unique features, especially its role in the regulation of multiple signalling pathways and in tumourigenesis and chemoresistance. In this review, we will focus on the recently discovered role of FKBP5 in cancer aetiology and response to antineoplastic therapy

    Species Association of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) in Non-Human Apes; Evidence for Recombination between Gorilla and Chimpanzee Variants

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections are widely distributed in humans, infecting approximately one third of the world's population. HBV variants have also been detected and genetically characterised from Old World apes; Gorilla gorilla (gorilla), Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee), Pongo pygmaeus (orang-utan), Nomascus nastusus and Hylobates pileatus (gibbons) and from the New World monkey, Lagothrix lagotricha (woolly monkey). To investigate species-specificity and potential for cross species transmission of HBV between sympatric species of apes (such as gorillas and chimpanzees in Central Africa) or between humans and chimpanzees or gorillas, variants of HBV infecting captive wild-born non-human primates were genetically characterised. 9 of 62 chimpanzees (11.3%) and two from 11 gorillas (18%) were HBV-infected (15% combined frequency), while other Old world monkey species were negative. Complete genome sequences were obtained from six of the infected chimpanzee and both gorillas; those from P. t .ellioti grouped with previously characterised variants from this subspecies. However, variants recovered from P. t. troglodytes HBV variants also grouped within this clade, indicative of transmission between sub-species, forming a paraphyletic clade. The two gorilla viruses were phylogenetically distinct from chimpanzee and human variants although one showed evidence for a recombination event with a P.t.e.-derived HBV variant in the partial X and core gene region. Both of these observations provide evidence for circulation of HBV between different species and sub-species of non-human primates, a conclusion that differs from the hypothesis if of strict host specificity of HBV genotypes