4,450 research outputs found

    EUVE Observations of the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable QQ Vulpeculae

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    We present simultaneous X-ray (lambda_peak ~ 44A) and EUV (lambda_peak = 89A) light curves for the magnetic cataclysmic variable QQ Vulpeculae, obtained with the EUVE satellite. We find that the unique shape of the X-ray light curve is different from previously obtained X-ray light curves of QQ Vul and provides evidence for two-pole accretion. Detailed examination of the photometric data indicates that QQ Vul undergoes a stellar eclipse of the X-ray emitting region, indicative of a high binary inclination. We discuss possible implications for the nature of this system given the observed shape of its EUV and X-ray light curves.Comment: 12 pages including 4 figures, accepted to PAS

    X-ray observations of VY Scl type nova-like binaries in the high and low state

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    Four VY Scl-type nova-like systems were observed in X-rays during both the low and the high optical states. We examined Chandra, ROSAT, Swift and Suzaku archival observations of BZ Cam, MV Lyr, TT Ari, and V794 Aql. The X-ray flux of BZ Cam is higher during the low state, but there is no supersoft X-ray source (SSS) as hypothesized in previous articles. No SSS was detected in the low state of the any of the other systems, with the X-ray flux decreasing by a factor between 2 and 50. The best fit to the Swift X-ray spectra is obtained with a multi-component model of plasma in collisional ionization equilibrium. The high state high resolution spectra of TT Ari taken with Chandra ACIS-S and the HETG gratings show a rich emission line spectrum, with prominent lines of in Mg, Si, Ne, and S. The complexity of this spectrum seems to have origin in more than one region, or more than one single physical mechanism. While several emission lines are consistent with a cooling flow in an accretion stream, there is at least an additional component. We discuss the origin of this component, which is probably arising in a wind from the system. We also examine the possibility that the VY Scl systems may be intermediate polars, and that while the boundary layer of the accretion disk emits only in the extreme ultraviolet, part of the X-ray flux may be due to magnetically driven accretion.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication by MNRA

    Recurrent Novae — A Review

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    In recent years, recurrent nova eruptions are often observed very intensely in wide range of wavelengths from radio to optical to X-rays. Here I present selected highlights from recent multi-wavelength observations. The enigma of T Pyx is at the heart of this paper. While our current understanding of CV and symbiotic star evolution can explain why certain subset of recurrent novae have high accretion rate, that of T Pyx must be greatly elevated compared to the evolutionary mean. At the same time, we have extensive data to be able to estimate how the nova envelope was ejected in T Pyx, and it turns to be a rather complex tale. One suspects that envelope ejection in recurrent and classical novae in general is more complicated than the textbook descriptions. At the end of the review, I will speculate that these two may be connected

    IGR J14257-6117, a magnetic accreting white dwarf with a very strong X-ray orbital modulation

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    IGR J14257-6117 is an unclassified source in the hard X-ray catalogues. Optical follow-ups suggest it could be a Cataclysmic Variable of the magnetic type. We present the first high S/N X-ray observation performed by \XMM\ at 0.3--10 keV, complemented with 10--80 keV coverage by \Swift/BAT, aimed at revealing the source nature. We detected for the first time a fast periodic variability at 509.5\,s and a longer periodic variability at 4.05\,h, ascribed to the white dwarf (WD) spin and binary orbital periods, respectively. These unambiguously identify IGR J14257-6117 as a magnetic CV of the Intermediate Polar (IP) type. The energy resolved light curves at both periods reveal amplitudes decreasing with increasing energy, with the orbital modulation reaching 100%\sim100\% in the softest band. The energy spectrum shows optically thin thermal emission with an excess at the iron complex, absorbed by two dense media (NH102223cm2{\rm N_{H}\sim10^{22-23}\,cm^{-2}}), partially covering the X-ray source. These are likely localised in the magnetically confined accretion flow above the WD surface and at the disc rim, producing the energy dependent spin and orbital variabilities, respectively. IGR J14257-6117, joins the group of strongest orbitally modulated IPs now counting four systems. Drawing similarities with low-mass X-ray binaries displaying orbital dips, these IPs should be seen at large orbital inclinations allowing azimuthally extended absorbing material fixed in the binary frame to intercept the line of sight. For IGR J14257-6117, we estimate (50oi70o50^o\,\lesssim\,i\,\lesssim\,70^o). Whether also the mass accretion rate plays a role in the large orbital modulations in IPs cannot be established with the present data.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS. 9 pages, 6 table, 5 figure

    Constraining the Accretion Geometry of the Intermediate Polar EX Hya Using NuSTAR, Swift, and Chandra Observations

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    In magnetically accreting white dwarfs, the height above the white dwarf surface where the standing shock is formed is intimately related with the accretion rate and the white dwarf mass. However, it is difficult to measure. We obtained new data with NuSTAR and Swift that, together with archival Chandra data, allow us to constrain the height of the shock in the intermediate polar EX Hya. We conclude that the shock has to form at least at a distance of about one white dwarf radius from the surface in order to explain the weak Fe Kα 6.4 keV line, the absence of a reflection hump in the high-energy continuum, and the energy dependence of the white dwarf spin pulsed fraction. Additionally, the NuSTAR data allowed us to measure the true, uncontaminated hard X-ray (12-40 keV) flux, whose measurement was contaminated by the nearby galaxy cluster Abell 3528 in non-imaging X-ray instruments.Fil: Luna, Gerardo Juan Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Mukai, K.. National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Estados UnidosFil: Orio, M.. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Zemko, P.. Università di Padova; Itali

    Nonlinear magnetization dynamics of antiferromagnetic spin resonance induced by intense terahertz magnetic field

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    We report on the nonlinear magnetization dynamics of a HoFeO3 crystal induced by a strong terahertz magnetic field resonantly enhanced with a split ring resonator and measured with magneto-optical Kerr effect microscopy. The terahertz magnetic field induces a large change (~40%) in the spontaneous magnetization. The frequency of the antiferromagnetic resonance decreases in proportion to the square of the magnetization change. A modified Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation with a phenomenological nonlinear damping term quantitatively reproduced the nonlinear dynamics

    The X-ray Properties of M101 ULX-1 = CXOKM101 J140332.74+542102

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    We report our analysis of X-ray data on M101 ULX-1, concentrating on high state Chandra and XMM-Newton observations. We find that the high state of M101 ULX-1 may have a preferred recurrence timescale. If so, the underlying clock may have periods around 160 or 190 days, or possibly around 45 days. Its short-term variations resemble those of X-ray binaries at high accretion rate. If this analogy is correct, we infer that the accretor is a 20-40 Msun object. This is consistent with our spectral analysis of the high state spectra of M101 ULX-1, from which we find no evidence for an extreme (> 10^40 ergs/s) luminosity. We present our interpretation in the framework of a high mass X-ray binary system consisting of a B supergiant mass donor and a large stellar-mass black hole.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    X-ray Variability of the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable V1432 Aql and the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 6814

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    V1432 Aquilae (=RX J1940.2-1025) is the X-ray bright, eclipsing magnetic cataclysmic variable ~37' away from the Seyfert galaxy, NGC 6814. Due to a 0.3% difference between the orbital (12116.3 s) and the spin (12150 s) periods, the accretion geometry changes over the ~50 day beat period. Here we report the results of an RXTE campaign to observe the eclipse 25 times, as well as of archival observations with ASCA and BeppoSAX. Having confirmed that the eclipse is indeed caused by the secondary, we use the eclipse timings and profiles to map the accretion geometry as a function of the beat phase. We find that the accretion region is compact, and that it moves relative to the center of white dwarf on the beat period. The amplitude of this movement suggest a low-mass white dwarf, in contrast to the high mass previously estimated from its X-ray spectrum. The size of the X-ray emission region appears to be larger than in other eclipsing magnetic CVs. We also report on the RXTE data as well as the long-term behavior of NGC 6814, indicating flux variability by a factor of at least 10 on time scales of years.Comment: 44 pages including 16 figures; ApJ, in pres