45 research outputs found

    Analisis Perbedaan Penampang Seismik Antara Hasil Pengolahan Standar Dengan Pengolahan Preserved Amplitude

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    Landslide is one of the most types of slope movements of soil\rock often occur in Indonesia and resulting in damages such as in agriculture land, highways, structures and even casualties. From the researches landslides often take place on the rainy season,as well as when the rain is falling or after the rain stopped. This research will be done in two phases. First phase is a numerical modeling to simulate and predict slope hidrological behavior in respon to rainfall. The rainfalls applied for modeling are high and low intensity that are 70 mm/hour and 20 mm/day respectively some hours until days. The rainfall modeling results is used as the data for next phase that is slope stability analysis. Slope stability will be analiyzed at the initial condition, when raining and after the rain stopped. This research results the decreased of slope stability caused by the rain depends on the intensity and duration of the rain. The research obtains that the rain intensity of 70 mm/hour is the most potential cause to trigg the landslide than goes of 20 mm/day, 30 mm/hour and 50 mm/hou

    Analisis Potensi Pengembangan Ekowisata di Kawasan Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Kawasan Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai (TNRAW) merupakan salah satu kawasan konservasi di Indonesia yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai obyek wisata alam dan sebagai tujuan ekowisata. Dalam pemanfaatannya kawasan TNRAW dikelola dengan sistem zonasi yang dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan penelitian, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, menunjang budidaya, pariwisata, dan rekreasi alam. Kawasan TNRAW memiliki 4 (empat) tipe ekosistem, terdiri dari : (1) ekosistem savana, (2) ekosistem mangrove, (3) ekosistem rawa, dan (4) ekosistem hutan hujan dataran rendah dan pegunungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (a) mengkaji kelayakan pengembangan ekowisata di kawasan Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai. (b) mengetahui permintaan pengunjung terhadap kegiatan ekowisata di kawasan Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada zona pemanfaatan untuk kegiatan pariwisata alam dan rekreasi di hutan pendidikan Tatangge dan safari savana Kawasan Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai, abupaten Konawe Selatan, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Populasi penelitian terkait dengan kelayakan pengembangan ekowisata di kawasan Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai yaitu wisatawan, pelaku USAha dan masyarakat local. Kelayakan pengembangan ekowisata di kawasan TNRAW digolongkan hutan pendidikan Tatangge dan safari savana di kawasan Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai layak untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan ekowisata. Disisi lain permintaan pengunjung terhadap kegiatan ekowisata di kawasan TNRAW adalah kesediaan membayar pengunjung terhadap kegiatan ekowisata hutan pendidikan Tatangge dan safari savana rata-rata jangkauan kesediaan membayar sebesar Rp. 1.250, dengan persentase responden sebesar 47,46 % dengan populasi pengunjung sebanyak 171 oran

    Interlinguаl Hоmоnymy In Uzbek Аnd Turkish

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    The prоblem оf interlinguаl hоmоnymy аrises in clоse cоnnectiоn with the “glоbаlizаtiоn” оf cоmmunicаtiоn. Оn this bаsis, elements оf different lаnguаge systems, оften cоmpletely independent оf eаch оther, enter intо а kind оf systemic relаtiоnship with eаch оther. Therefоre, it is quite nаturаl thаt mоdern linguistics is beginning tо pаy mоre аnd mоre аttentiоn tо the cоmpаrаtive (cоmpаrаtive) аnаlysis оf lаnguаges, which оriginаted in the 19th century аnd is becоming increаsingly pоpulаr. This directiоn оf linguistic reseаrch is stimulаted by links with оther impоrtаnt theоreticаl prоblems оf linguistics, including issues оf bilinguаlism, multilinguаlism аnd lаnguаge cоntаcts

    Identifikasi Drug Related Problems (Drps) Pada Pasien Anak Gastroenteritis Akut Di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSU Anutapura Palu

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    Acute gastroenteritis, one of the most common disease in children and one of the causes of children's death in the world, has a great chance of the occurrence of Drug Related Problems (DRPs). This study aimed to determine the incidence of potential DRPs occurred in pediatric inpatients of acute gastroenteritis in Anutapura General Hospital, Palu, Central Sulawesi. This was a prospective observational study done by collecting primary data from the observation and secondary data from medical records of pediatric inpatients aged from 1 month to 14 years and diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis with or without dehydration. Data were then analyzed and descriptively presented including drug use without indication, wrong drug, drug dose too low, drug dose loo high, and untreated indication. The results showed that there were 115 cases of DRPs. The most DRPs found was drug use without indication as many as 56 cases (48.7%), while the others successively were drug dose too low 26 cases (22.6%), untreated indication 16 cases (14%), drug dose too high 15 cases (13%), and wrong drug 2 cases (1.7%

    Profil Penggunaan Obat Pasien Penyakit Kulit di Poliklinik Kulit dan Kelamin RSU Anutapura Palu

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    Skin diseases, one type of diseases that is still very dominant occuring and becoming one public health problem in Indonesia, are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasite infestations or allergic reactions. They can be treated with various ways including topical, systemic and or intralesional routes. This study aimed to determine the drug use profile of patients with skin disease at Dermatology and Venereology Polyclinic in Anutapura General Hospital Palu using prospective method and data were descriptively presented. The results showed that from 98 patients, there was 53.06% male; 55.10% aged 41-65 years; and 27.55% housewifes and it was found that 100% of them had clinical manifestation of rash in which the most diagnosis of skin disease was Psoriasis vulgaris as much as 13.26%. Patients receiving 4-6 amount of drug variation were 68.37% that based on total frequency of the type of drugs used (381), the most class of therapy was topical corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs (23.10%), such as desoximetasone (18.11%); while based on frequency of the drug dosage forms (213), tablet was the most dominant one (43.19%). This results were in accordance with the Standards of Medical Care of Anutapura General Hospital Pal

    Profil Penggunaan Obat pada Pasien Dispepsia di RSU Anutapura Palu: Drug Use Profile Of Dyspepsia Patients In Anutapura General Hospital Palu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil penggunaan obat pada pasien dispepsia di RSU Anutapura Palu. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif yang dilakukan secara retrospektif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dari 258 pasien, sebagian besar berjenis kelamin perempuan 68,99%, berumur 19 – 44 tahun 55,04%, tingkat pendidikan menengah 49,61%, pekerjaan PNS 20,54%, dengan manifestasi klinik berupa nyeri epigastrium 86,04%. Jumlah pasien yang mendapatkan variasi 1 – 3 obat 94,57%. Kelas terapi obat terbanyak adalah antiulkus 76,37%, golongan antasida 29,96%, bentuk sediaan yang paling banyak digunakan yaitu kapsul 37,15% dengan rute pemberian secara oral 98,14%

    Analisis Pengaruh Kepuasan Pasien terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Resep di Apotek Instalasi Farmasi Badan Rumah Sakit Daerah Luwuk Kabupaten Banggai

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    Pharmacy is one place of the pharmaceutical care with aims to practice pharmacy by pharmacists and pharmaceutical supply distribution to the public. One of the indicators use to evaluate the quality of care in pharmacies was to measure the level of customer satisfaction.This research is aimedto find out the impact of patient satisfaction towards the quality of prescription service in dispensary of pharmacy installation in Public Hospital of Luwuk, Banggai regency which is related with five dimension of quality service, which are; tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. This research was conducted used sampling method called accidental sampling using questioner with likert scale. The data was analyzed using doubled linear regression method with the total of 110 respondent. The result from these respondent showed tangible, reliability, responsiveness, Assurance and empathyvariablewhich significantly affected the satisfaction of patient, with significance score of 0,000 (P value< 0,05). Determination coefficient resulted is 0,482 which mean that the satisfaction level of patient towards the five variables is 48,2%