23 research outputs found

    Ibm Kelompok USAha Souvenir Sablon Digital

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    Kegiatan IbM dilaksanakan pada kelompok souvenir sablon digital di Desa Sidodadi dan Karanglo Kecamatan Tawangnangu Kabupaten Karanganyar. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk: 1) meningkatkan motivasi wirausaha mitra; 2) meningkatkan pemahaman mitra tentang perencanaan bisnis dan manajemen USAha; 3) meningkatkan kemampuan SDM dalam teknik produksi dan pemasaran; serta 4) mengembangkan jejaring kewirausahaan pemuda untuk menopang pengembangan ekonomi kreatif. Target yang akan dicapai melalui IbM adalah pada aspek produksi dan manajemen. Aspek produksi, yaitu meningkatnya teknologi produksi pembuatan souvenir, meningkatnya kemampuan dalam bidang desain melalui program corel draw dan Adobe photoshop serta pemantapan prosedur produksi dengan memperhatikan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Aspek manajemen, yaitu pada manajemen keuangan, mengadakan pengelolaaan keuangan yang baik dengan pembukuan yang teratur, melalui manajemen pemasaran menghasilkan bentuk-bentuk promosi melalui berbagai media, perluasan jaringan pasar dan mempermudah akses konsumen memesan produk. Melalui manajemen SDM dapat meningkatkan kemampuan SDM dengan pelatihan, pemberian motivasi wirausaha dan pemberdayaan diri.Kegiatan IbM dilaksanakan melalui tahapan 1) Tahap Persiapan; 2) Tahap Assesment; 3) Tahap Perencanaan Program atau Kegiatan; 4) Tahap Pemformulasian Rencana Aksi; 5) Tahap Pelaksanaan (Implementasi) Program atau Kegiatan; serta 6) Tahap Evaluasi. Diharapkan melalui tahapan yang akan dilaksanakan dapat membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan dan memenuhi kebutuhan mitra

    Biokomposit Dari Serat Rami Dan Sekresi Kutu Lak Termodifikasi Dengan Lateks Terhidrasi Dan Tidak Terhidrasi

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    Biocomposites are composite materials comprising one or more phases derived from a biological origin. Biocomposite with natural matrix developed more rapidly because they are more environmentally safer. The objective of research was to modify natural matrix from lac insect secretion with adding hydrated latex, to study effect of adding hydrated latex to the functional groups and the intrinsic viscosity of lac insect secretion, and to measure mechanical properties of biocomposite from modified lac insect secretion and ramie fiber. A sulfuric acid solution was used as catalyst in hydration of latex and then natural matrix of lac insect secretion was modified by adding hydrated latex. Biocomposite was prepared by mixing rami fiber and modified lac insect secretion. It was then pressed with hydraulic press at 150 kgf/cm2 and 150oC for 15 minutes. Biocomposites were characterized using tensile tester according to ASTDM D 638-90 Type IV. The adding of catalyst caused the decreasing of intrinsic viscosity of latex. The adding of hydrated latex to natural matrix caused the increasing of intrinsic viscosity and functional group of matrix. The using 30% of catalyst and adding 10% of hydrated latex produced biocomposite with strength at break of 0.982 MPa, elongation at break of 1.189%, and Young modulus of 0.929 MPa

    Aesthetic Adaptation as a Culture Strategy in Preserving the Local Creative Potentials

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    This study aims to understand and explain the problems of aesthetic adaptation through the development of ceramic art design in Mayong Lor Village as a cultural strategy in facing market competition to maintain the local characteristics. The research data was through by participant observation technique, in-depth interview, and document data tracking. The results show the following: First, the type of ceramic products can be classified into four categories, namely: 1) celengan (piggy banks), (2) children›s toys/remitance (keg, jars, cups, glasses, plates, paso, teapots, earrings, angklo, kekep) , (3) glassware for household purposes, such as jugs, kendil, padasan, and cowek, (4) decorative items (vases, jars, pots, wuwungan tiles, pencil pot, souvenirs, and carving. Aesthetically, the expression on ceramic pottery of Mayong Lor Village is simple and non-complicated as well as prioritizes the aspect of physical function which is oriented to economic value. Second, the social and cultural environment of Mayong Lor society creates typical patterns of interaction and lifestyle (with the support of its natural resources) resulting in the process of skill transfer of ceramic pottery traditionally from generation to generation and produces a unique and simple ceramic product. Third, in the midst of the strong influence of modern industrial pressures, the craftsmen struggle in the process of creativity by performing an aesthetic adaptation to develop new design with new artistic and economical values as the embodiment of a cultural strategy to maintain the creative potential of their local arts

    Pemilihan Hospes Anopheles SP. Di Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah

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    The host preference is used in mathematic calculation of vectorial capacity. Annual Parasite Incidence (API) of malaria incident showed increasing in Srumbung sub district, Magelang regency for 2001-2003. Data about host preference identification of Anopheles, either vector or estimated vector in Magelang regency has not been providing yet. We will know Anopheles sp. host preference in Srumbung sub district, Magelang regency, Central Java from the research. The research was done by Anopheles sp. capturing at the morning and the afternoon, Mosquitoes captured, were identified their species and selected in order to get mosquitoes with blood fed or half gravid abdomen condition. Mosquito's abdomen was crushed on Whatman filter paper and tested with EliSA technique. The research result indicated that 10 species of Anopheles sp. in Srumbung sub district, Magelang regency are Anopheles vagus, An. jlavirostris, An. balabacensis, An. aconitus. An. maculalus, An. barbirostris, An. bengalensis, An. kochi. Anopheles minimus and An. subalbatus (further confirmation is needed). ELISA blood meals test resulted mosquitoes which consumed human blood meals are An. balabacensis 9,76% (from 82 specimens), An. flavirostris 9,09% (from 33 specimens). An. vagus 5,8% (from 69 specimens) and An. aconitus 4% (from 25 specimens). The presence of Anopheles as vector of malaria (Anopheles balabacensis dan An. aconitus) which consumes human blood meal in Srumbung sub district, Magelang regency means that Srumbung sub district is potential for malaria transmission. The presence of the cattle can reduces risk of malaria transmission. The cattle can becomes a barrier or the effort to reduce contact between human and Anopheles

    Brebes Buroq: the Art Expression of Coastal Javanese Moslem Society

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    The art of Buraq is a procession of puppet which has beautiful female face with winged-horse body and dance to the music of Genjring and tambourine. This traditional art is one of the dominant arts that becomes one cultural identity of the people in Brebes District, located in the west of the northern coast of Java island, Central Java Province. This study aims to study the aesthetic form, function and symbolic values of Buroq, as well as the system of relationship patterns among actors, Buroq puppets, and the audience. The result of the research shows that the rise of Buroq art stems from the Isra'-Mi'raj ‘ trip of Prophet Muhammad by using the vehicle named Buroq. It is narrated that Buraq is like a winged-horse with a beautiful woman face who can move with lightning speed as a vehicle in the Isra'-Mi'raj journey of the Prophet Muhammad. This story is the primary source of inspiration for local artists to express aesthetic-symbolic in accordance with the imagination they possess in the form of acculturation that combines elements of Javanese, Chinese, and Islamic cultural symbols. As Islamic-based traditional arts of community, Buroq with all the uniqueness of its physical form not only has functions and values in the grandeur of Islam which awakens and strengthens the cultural awareness among residents to act and behave in accordance with the teaching of Islam in coastal Javanese Islamic culture but also has the functionality and entertainment value for the multicultural community

    Deteksi Protein Circum Sporozoite Pada Spesies Nyamuk Anopheles Vagus Tersangka Vektor Malaria Di Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten Kulon Progo Dengan Uji Enzyme-linked Immunosorbentass a Y (Elisa)

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    Anopheles species as malaria vector, as if tested in the salivary gland containing sporozoites existence which could be checked in the mosquito salivary gland and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). This study aimed to investigate the circum sporozoite protein in the mosquito of Anopheles vagus with Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The study was conducted in malaria endemic area namely Hargorejo, Kalirejo, Hargowilis, and Hargotirto villages, Kokap subdistrict, Kulon Progo Regency in June-October 2005. The study design was cross-sectional study. ELISA performed on the An.vagus which is in ovaries shown parous. An.vagus parous body parts for the ELISA are the head-thorax, where it is possible to contain the sporozoites of Plasmodium falciparum or Plasmodium vivax. The results of ELISA to An.vagus in four research areas, showed that 41 samples of An.vagus mosquitoes in Hargorejo village, three positive (7,32%) circum sporozoites protein of Plasmodium falciparum, five samples of An.vagus mosquito in Kalirejo village, there is one positive (20%) circum sporozoites protein of P.falciparum. 16 samples of An.vagus mosquito in Hargowilis village, found one positive (6,25%) circum sporozoite protein of P.falciparum, one sample of An.vagus mosquito in Hargotirto village was not found circum sporozoite protein of P.falciparum (0%) and circum sporozoite protein ofP.vivax (0%). The number of samples from four villages are 63 samples of mosquitoes, found five positive circum sporozoites protein of P.falciparum (7,94%) and not found circum sporozoite protein ofP.vivax (0%). The results of ELISA showed more specimens found positive in mosquitoes containing circum sporozoite protein of P.falciparum in the animal cage, not in human, there were because of choice possibility is not selective. At a wavelength of405 nm in the ELISA results were absorbent for An.vagus mosquitoes tested positive, ranging from 0,257 to 0,632. Value of absorbent positive control was 0,449 and negative control absorbent value were 0,208; 0,228; 0,202; 0,204; 0,207; 0,223; 0,206. The value of cut-off point is taken from the highest absorbent value of negative control is 0,228