10 research outputs found

    Bahasa dan Ideologi: Mengungkap Ideologi dan Kekuasaan Simbolik di Balik Penggunaan Bahasa (Kajian Teks Media melalui Analisis Wacana Kritis)

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    Tulisan ini didasari sebuah anggapan bahwa bahasa tidak berada di ruang hampa sosial.Maka, bahasa pada dasarnya bukan hanya untaian kata yang hanya bersifat linguistik, tetapi bersifat sosial. Karenanya, bahasa dipahami sebagai tindakan sosial.Implikasinya, bahasa bukan hanya bermatra linguistik, tetapi juga bermatra sosial. Van Dijk menjadi salah satu model yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk menganalisis wacana secara kritis. Penelitian analisis wacana kritis model van Dijk mempertimbangkan teks, konteks, kognisi sosial, dan analisis/konteks sosial. Untuk mengungkap hal itu, langkah yang dapat dilakukan adalah: mengungkap struktur makro (tematik), suprstruktur (skematik), dan struktur mikro yang terdiri atas semantik, sintaksis, stilitistik, dan retorika. Untuk mengungkap hal itu, di sini digunakan metode simak dan catat dengan menjadikan Suara Merdeka dan Kompassebagai sumber datanya. Hasilnya pertama,SM cenderung berideologi kasar, provokatif, dan konotatif/figuratif. Hal itu, tampak pada pilihan kata/kalimat kata yang cenderung kasar, seperti mengancam,menyerang, memanggil paksa, menyeret, menembak.Sementara, harian K cenderung berideologi idealisme pers yang objektif, netral, dan berimbang. Kedua, dari dimensi kekuasaan (simbolik), harian SM cenderung menjadi “oposisi” dan “oposan”sebagai pihak yang di-dominan-kan, sedang pihak pemerintah sebagai pihak yang “dimarginalkan”. Sementara, harian K menempatkan pihak yang dominan/marginal lebih didasarkan pada kondisi objektif di lapangan yang berbasis data dan keterangan yang dari narasumber yang cenderung netral, seperti pengamat, warga, dan akademisi; tidak didasarkan pada keterangan yang cenderung subjektif, seperti dari para politisi.Ketiga, dari sisi analisis sosial dan kognisi sosial; SM lebih tampak sebagai cerminan tagline-nya yaitu lokal (yaitu “perekat komunitas Jawa Tengah”), sedangkan harian K lebih “mengabdi” pada rakyat seperti tampak pada tagline-nya “Amanat Hati Nurani Rakyat” sehingga “suara” rakyatlah yang diungkapnya tanpa mengarah menjadi partisan

    Representasi Ideologi dan Kekuasaan dalam Bahasa: Kajian Teks Media

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    This article is based on the assumption that language is not in a social vacuum. Language is more than a set of words that merely linguistic, but also social. Therefore, the current linguistic research should take into account the social dimension in the analysis are critical, such as van Dijk's critical discourse analysis (CDA) research model. The critical discourse analysis research considering the text, context, social cognition, and analysis/social context. Research steps include: exposing the macro structure (thematic), superstructure (schematic), and microstructure consisting of semantics, syntax, stylistic, and rhetoric. Accordingly, this study uses the method read and record while research data has been collected from Suara Merdeka and Kompas newspaper. Finally concluded that the language represents the ideology and power (symbolic) both individual and communal

    Syntactic Errors of Foreign Speakers in Learning Indonesian: A Case Study of Darmasiswa Learning Process in Semarang City

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    This research was conducted in the city of Semarang with a case study of Diponegoro University. The study shows that a syntax error in the form of a sentence is not complete, the use of the word di mana (which) it is not appropriate, the construction preposition owner, the use of the word yang (that), the error sequence of words, sentences without a subject and object, misuse of conjunctions and prepositions, improper use of the passive or active voice, foreign language interference, and misuse of pronouns. The factors causing the error are the influence of the mother tongue, the limited repertoire of the students, and the lack of practice in speaking and writing in Indonesian. To overcome these obstacles, a curriculum design that emphasizes language skills is required; accompanied by Semester Learning Plans for all learning subjects along with textbooks and the learning methods used are emphasized on communication skills. An Indonesian language learning process for foreign speakers will be more successful if it involves environmental, cultural, and local wisdom factors that are carried out in an integrated manner

    The Development of Cultural Value of the Activities of Eating in the Communities of Javanese Coastal Area through the Reconstruction of Semantic Components

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    This study is aimed to develop and enhance the roots of Javanese culture which are oriented towards the activities of eating in the social culture of coastal Javanese communities. Social culture contains the pillars of harmony and politeness. The harmony derives from noble values and politeness derived from the principle of cooperation in the context of speech acts. The research location was in Semarang city, especially in the rural area. This type of research is qualitative. The methods of data collection were observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions (FGD). The methods of data analysis were semantic component reconstruction, lexicon mapping, and the settlement of lexicon elements in Javanese culture. The result of the research is the development of methods in the form of semantic component reconstruction. Reconstruction of semantic components involves four pillars of analysis: value-referent-concept words. Another finding, in the form of the design of the development of cultural values of eating activities, can be done through the hierarchy of speech acts. The enrichment of lexicon eating activities can be done through word alignment or paraphrasing


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    Celathu Butet merupakan salah satu rubrik mingguan di harian Suara Merdeka. Rubrik yang terbit setiap hari Minggu ini ditulis oleh Butet Kertaredjasa. Rubrik ini berisi berbagai isu menarik yang sedang hangat beredar di masyarakat mulai dari politik, ekonomi, sosial, sampai masalah hukum. Tidak itu saja, rubrik Celathu Butet juga sarat pesan moral, hukum, dan kritikan-kritikan serta secara tidak langsung penutur ingin membantu menambah pengetahuan masyarakat dengan wacana atau isu yang ditampilkan dalam rubrik Celathu Butet, sehingga pembaca menjadi lebih peka dalam menganalisis berita. Gaya bertutur Butet yang khas tanpa tedeng aling-aling membuat rubrik ini menarik untuk diteliti dari segi linguistik terutama stilistika. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan diksi dan gaya bahasa yang dipakai beserta fungsinya dalam rubrik Celathu Butet. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi beberapa tahap. Penyediaan data dilakukan dengan metode simak yang dilanjutkan dengan teknik lanjutannya berupa teknik catat. Kemudian data dianalisis secara fungsional dengan metode kontekstual. Data dikaji dan dianalisis menggunakan teori tentang stilistika untuk mengungkap diksi dan gaya bahasa yang dipakai beserta fungsinya yang terdapat dalam rubrik Celathu Butet. Penyajian hasil analisis dilakukan menggunakan kata-kata biasa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk-bentuk penggunaan diksi rubrik Celathu Butet ditandai dengan penggunaan unsur bahasa daerah, yakni bahasa Jawa dan dialek Jakarta serta bahasa asing, yaitu bahasa Inggris. Pemanfaatan bentuk singkatan dan akronim, istilah, serta pemanfaatan gaya bahasa dalam tuturan. Gaya bahasa penutur juga sangat menarik karena sering memanfaatkan masalah sosial, budaya dan sebagainya pada tulisannya agar informasi yang akan disampaikan dapat dipahami oleh pembaca (masyarakat) surat kabar tersebut. Fungsi diksi dan gaya bahasa pada rubrik Celathu Butet adalah untuk memperhalus maksud tuturan, memeperjelas maksud tuturan, dan menimbulkan kesan humor

    Illocution Force of Rhoma Irama's Songs "Virus Corona", "Perjuangan dan Doa" and "Nilai Sehat" in Public Rise Awareness of Covid 19 Pandemic

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    Educating due to Covid-19 spread prevention can be done using various media, for instance, through song. This research aimed to describe the illocution speech act and the function of Rhoma Irama's song lyrics as a medium to raise public awareness of Covid-19. This research conducts descriptive qualitative method and uses Searle pragmatic theory approach. The method uses in this study is scrutinize and taking notes. The result of this study found 11 assertiveness stating illocution, 4 directives asking illocution, 4 directive request illocution, 1 directive asks illocution, 1 expressive complaint illocution, and 1 saying thanks expressive illocution. Rhoma Irama's song entitled "Virus Corona" loads illocution force to raise people awareness and cognition that the world is in a serious condition due to Covid 19 pandemic. Moreover, there are also songs created before, such as "Perjuangan dan Doa" and "Nilai Sehat", which can motivate the people to keep surviving in the middle of the pandemic through healthy life and worships

    Lyrics of the song "Virus Corona" by Rhoma Irama: Stylistic Studies

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    This study aims to describe the language style of the song lyrics composed by Rhoma Irama in response to the global Covid-19 pandemic, namely the lyrics of the song is "Virus Corona". The lyrics of this song are very popular because apart from being launched during a long pandemic, Rhoma Irama also often sings the song in search of funds to help people affected by this global pandemic. To describe the language style in the song lyrics, a stylistic approach is used, as an interdisciplinary linguistic approach used to analyze literary works. The data collection method used was a literature study with listening and note-taking. The data analysis used is a stylistic approach with reference to the model formulated by Rahmat Djoko Pradopo. The results of the analysis show that the language style that builds the lyrics of the song "Virus Corona" by Rhoma Irama cannot be separated independently based on the language style units because the discourse of the song lyrics is built by sound style, word style, and sentence-style which is coherent and sublime to build a complete discourse, namely the request for the protection of people to God so that they are free from the Covid-19 epidemic which frightens all mankind

    Language Style in the Lyrics of the Song “ Virus Corona “, “Bencana”, and “Suratan” by Rhoma Irama

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    Song lyrics can be used to communicate the author’s message to others. The songwriter can express what he feels, sees, and experiences. The song lyrics by Roma Irama are fascinating in terms of language style. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to describe the language style used in the lyrics of Rhoma Irama’s songs “Virus Corona,” “Bencana,” and “Suratan.” This study used the data in the form of song lyrics snippets from the three songs. The data was gathered through the listening method, which involved listening to the three songs displayed on YouTube. The lyrics of the songs were then recorded and analyzed using stylistic theory. According to the study’s findings, the language styles used in the lyrics of “Virus Corona,” “Bencana,” and “Suratan” are climax, parallelism, antithesis, anaphor, asyndeton, pleonasm, rhetorical questions, paraphrases, litotes, metaphors, and cynicism. As a result, Rhoma Irama employs a variety of language styles in the lyrics of his three songs