15 research outputs found

    Occupational Gender Segregation In Rural Urban Economy

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    Occupational Segregation by gender is an improved labor market based on gender equality. This study uses an index-D to measure segregation that occurred in four rural areas categorized urban districts and counties Banyuasin Ogan Ilir South Sumatra Province. It was found that in all four regions of the occupation by gender still be integrated because the value of the index-D approaches 1. Meanwhile, based on the Pearson correlation coefficient is known that occupational segregation by gender has a significant relationship, very strong and negative direction with the percentage of women in the workforce and age, while the direction of the opposite relationship with the difference in the percentage of men and women who have a high school education and above

    Rural urban linkages, fair trade and poverty in rural urban fringe

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    This study discusses the RUL, fair trade, and poverty in the RUF South Sumatera Province in Pangkul, Kemang Tanduk, and Jungai in Prabumulih. RUL interpreted in relation to the flow of people, money and goods from the village RUF to Prabumulih or vice versa, and it contains also the flow of technology, knowledge, and information. By using the Spearman rank correlation unknown strength relationship between the level of interaction with the level of income as an interpretation of poverty in the RUF. All three villages have different strength of the interaction, Pangkul conjunction levels "low", Kemang Tanduk have a relationship "strong", whereas Jungai has a relationship "very strong". The strength of the relationship the more 'significant' if the system is applicable trade is fair trade system. This system regarded as one of the forms of action in the reduction of poverty, and has proven successful in some areas in Indonesia. In an effort to reduce poverty suggested that the Village Fund is long-term and local governments should also help open up access to credit, especially to the government bank with low interest rates and easy terms.peer-reviewe

    Fertility, urbanization and underemployment

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    The study aims to examine the factors that affect the probability of being underemployed. The concept of underemployment used is working more than 40 hours per week, but income is below the standard living needs. The research was conducted in South Sumatra Province in four cities. The analysis technique used is Logistic Regression. The results showed that significant variables are three items, namely education, number of children and self-empowerment. Increased education does not cause a person to get out of the problem of underemployment. Likewise, if the number of children increases then the probability to be underemployed increases by 63%. Conversely, the probability level to be underemployment decreased by 28.6% when more independent and more prosperous the person is.peer-reviewe

    The Linkage of Human and Money Flows to Rural-Urban Fringe Poverty in South Sumatra, Indonesia: In an Islamic Perspective

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    The economic activity between regions as economic activities between villages and cities will lead to a flow of people and money. Interaction zone town village includes Rural Urban Fringe (RUF). Migration, of transport, and telecommunications as a form of interaction will have a positive meaning if they can be a means or efforts to eradicate poverty.The Islamic view of poverty is closely related to the teaching of Islam on various aspects of Islamic life order outlined in the Quran and Hadith. Poverty is an integral part of an assessment of the economic system in Islam which includes treasures, trading, buying and selling, justice, wealth, poverty and its causes and consequences, and ways to overcome them. This study aimed to analyze the relationship flow of people and money against poverty in the Rural Urban Fringe in South Sumatra province viewed from the perspective of Islam.This research was conducted in the city of South Sumatra, Prabumulih which is an area Rural Urban Fringe (RUF) by the number of respondents as many as 200 people. The results showed that the relatif size of income of rural communities, indicating that their interaction does not guarantee high rural-urban income will be accepted. However, their understanding of religion is good enough in the form of distribution of zakat al-fitr and zakat mal then it will be able to reduce poverty. The flow of goods and the flow of money has not had an impact on poverty reduction, but the distribution of zakat by the respondents indicated their poverty reduction solutions. Keywords: Flow of people; flow of money; poverty; rural urban fringe; zakat JEL Classifications: O15; R23


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    Buku ini membahas tentang kinerja pasar tenaga kerja serta bagaimana orang-orang usia kerja atau tidak dapat mewujudkan potensi penuhnya. Kesiapan generasi Z untuk menghadapi Pasar kerja di industry 4.0 serta gambaran proyeksi transisi demograsi dan mobilitas penduduk dan sejauh apa social upgrading diperlukan. Penyusunan kebijakan pengembangan SDM tentu akan dipengaruhi oleh proyeksi perkembangan transisi demograsi di masa lalu, masa kini dan masa yang akan datang. Buku ini ditulis dengan bahasa yang lugas, mudah dipahami, serta disertai dengan berbagai data riel di lapangan baik secara regional, nasional dan internasional. Berbagai isu SDM yang disajikan dalam buku ini menjadi penting dan relevan untuk menjadi bahan kajian semua pihak memahamai SDM dalam Berbagai Perspektifnya. Tentu saja buku ini akan sangat bermanfaat bagi berbagai pihak yang saat ini sangat mempelajari, menganalisis, dan menyusun kebijakan terkait pengembangan SDM


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    Salah satu bentuk kontribusi mengisi kehidupan dunia bagi para akademisi adalah melahirkan karya ilmiah yang diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi banyak pihak. Atas dasar pemikiran ini, para akademisi khusus pemerhati fenomena kependudukan, berkolaborasi mengupas tentang keterkaitan isu kependudukan dengan pembangunan berkelanjutan, meliputi teori kependudukan; data dasar kependudukan; pola fertilitas, mortalitas dan migrasi; angkatan kerja; migrasi komuter; bonus demografi; filantropi demografi; stunting; peranan perempuan; dan peranan Aparatur Sipil Negara. Para penulis berasal dari berbagai Universitas dan lembaga perguruan tinggi, yakni: Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Jambi, Universitas Andalas. Universitas IBA, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, dan Universitas Indo Global Mandiri. Harapan para penulis, buku ini bermanfaat untuk menjadi tambahan referensi bagi pengajar, mahasiswa dan yang antusias terhadap permasalahan kependudukan


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    Buku ini dibagi atas 6 (enam) bab, dimana masing-masing bab menguraikan permasalahan serta solusi dari sudut pandang objek yang berbeda

    Metodologi Penelitian Ekonomi dan Sosial : Teori, konsep, dan Rencana Proposal

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    Pada dunia akademik, penelitian merupakan salah satu tahapan dalam menghasilkan suatu karya ilmiah. Para mahasiswa, khususnya semester akhir yang diwajibkan membuat karya ilmiah sebagai tugas akhir, sering kali kebingungan dan mengalami kendala-kendala dalam prosesnya. Menjawab atas kendala-kendala yang sering dihadapi mahasiswa atau peneliti dalam mengawali proses penelitian, buku Metodologi Penelitian Ekonomi dan Sosial: Teori, Konsep, dan Rencana Proposal hadir dengan segala kelengkapannya. Buku ini tidak hanya mengupas tentang langkah-langkah penelitian saja. Dengan membaca buku ini, mahasiswa atau peneliti dapat mempelajari secara runtut mengenai penelitian dari proses berpikir hingga pembuatan proposal penelitian. Berbagai konsep tentang penelitian juga dibahas dalam buku ini, seperti penelitian kuantitatif, penelitian kualitatif, dan penelitian campuran. Ketiga jenis penelitian tersebut dikupas tuntas dalam buku ini, dari perbedaan, persamaan, hingga analisis data ketiganya. Bukan hanya itu saja, buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh yang diambil dari penelitian riil. Buku ini sangat membantu bagi para mahasiswa atau peneliti yang masih kebingungan dengan proses pembuatan proposal karena dalam buku Metodologi Penelitian Ekonomi dan Sosial: Teori, Konsep, dan Rencana Proposal telah dibahas secara mendalam tentang langkah-langkah dan unsur-unsur pembuatan proposal. Kajian literatur, hipotesis, metode pengumpulan data, variabel, pengukuran validitas dan reliabilitas, serta analisis data yang ada dalam proposal dibahas secara jelas dalam buku ini