19 research outputs found

    Studi Pengaruh Tegangan Dan Flowrate Gas Terhadap Konsentrasi Cod Dan Warna Pada Limbah Cair Industri Tekstil Dengan Teknologi Plasma

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    The textiles wastewater has high concentrate of COD and Color. The initial of COD concentration is 3250 mg/L and concentration of color is 2727 PtCo. The wastewater treatment with plasma technology has several advantages compares to other treatments. This research has been conducted to analyze the effects of voltage (9,11,13kV) and oxygen flowrate (0.25,0.5,1.0 L/m) on COD and color concentration. The pretreatment on this research was using filter papper and 5 minutes aeration with pure oxygen. Based on this research and discussion of qualitative and quantitative statistical test, voltage and flowrate variations affect the concentration of COD and color. The greater voltage and flowrate are used, the smaller COD and color concentration being resulted after the process. The highest removal efficiency occures at 13 kV of voltage and 1 L/min of flowrate. By this condition, removal efficiency of COD is 68% with a final concentration 833 mg/L and efficiency of color parameters is 71% with final concentration 455 PtCo

    Studi Pengaruh Ukuran Pixel Imaging Plate Terhadap Kualitas Citra Radiograf

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    This study aims to determine the image on each imaging plate which has a different pixel sizes. This research is using a plane X-ray, Computed Radiography (CR) which is used in the diagnostic field. This study uses three imaging plate each having size of 0.097 mm, 0.115 mm and 0.168 mm with stepwedge objects on it and use the same factor, namely kV eksposi: 64.5 and mAs: 16. In each of the imaging plate in eksposi 3 times and the results of each radiograph imaging plate will be measured by using a densitometer. Stepwedge radiograph of the measurement results will be obtained the density and contrast value of each imaging plate. Contrast value for each imaging plate will be compared so they will know what the size of the imaging plate which has a higher contrast value. Research on the effects of different pixel size on the imaging plate is done in Radiology Hospital Tugu Semarang, in July 2014. From the results it can be concluded each different pixel sizes on the imaging plate will generate a different image quality

    Aplikasi Plasma Lucutan Berpenghalang Dielektrik Pada Pengolahan Air Sumur : Pengaruh Terhadap Ph, Kesadahan, Dan Total Coliform

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    Has conducted research on dielectric barrier discharge plasma applications configured with spiral – chylindrical electrodes to generate ozone free air source. Purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ozone dissolved in water quality through pH, hardness ( CaCO3 ), and total coliform in the waterin the eastern part of the village Gemah. Electrodes used in this study has a diameter of 3 cm and a length of 15cm. Plasma generation using AC voltage with a voltage of 7 kV. Air flow velocity used 5,5 L/min with a volume of water that will be treated with ozone as much as 1 liter. Dissolved ozone free air is obtained by incorporating into the DBD reactor, out of the reactor, ozone is formed, and flowed into the water. Dissolved ozone concentration were determined by varying the time and use a constant voltage. The result showed the concentration of dissolved ozone diminishing increments. pH values tend to be fixed and not affected by ozone treatment of water. Water hardness value decreased slightly and the number of total coliform as a whole are likely to remain

    Kajian Tampang Lintang Hamburan Elektron dengan Ion melalui Teori Hamburan Berganda (Multiple Scattering Theory)

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    Theoretical studies have been conducted on the Cross-sectional scattering equation which is one of the effects from collisions between electrons with ion. This theoretical studies aim to obtain the differential cross-section scattering equations of electrons with ion. Born approximations were used and convert potential energy into potential energy which is obtained from the distribution of ions in the Debye sphere, so the new equation for the scattering of amplitude that can write will comparable with total sum of ions and also the scattering of cross section is will too comparable with the large of Debye sphere

    Karakteristik Thermoluminescent Dosimeters untuk Dosimetri In Vivo pada Radioterapi Eksterna

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    The Characteristics of Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLD) for in vivo dosimetry in external radiotherapy have been examined. The research was intended to determine the TLD calibration factor and TLD correction factors to various radiation doses, source surface distance (SSD), size field and angle of incidence so that the TLD can be beneficial for in vivo dosimetry. TLD was placed on the surface of solid water phantom and ionization chamber at the reference depth (10 cm). Then was irradiated using 6 MV photons with variation in radiation doses, SSD, size field and angle of incidence. The research resulted in the TLD calibration factor (4,26 + 0,3) x 10-2 cGy/nC. The value of TLD correction factors at the number of MU 100, SSD 100 cm, size field 10 x 10 cm2 and angle of incidence 00 was 1

    Studi Penurunan Cod Dan Warna Dengan Teknologi Plasma Pada Limbah Cair Industri Tekstil Dengan Variasi Tegangan Dan Banyaknya Sirkulasi

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    The observation that has been done was about wastewater treatment from the textile industry using plasma technology. This study was aimed to determine the effect of the decreasing inthe concentration of COD and color in textile industry wastewater. Plasma reactor that used was non-contact electrode system. Activeelectrodespiral that made of copperwire,while the semicircleofaluminumsheet electrodeasthe passiveelectrode. The dielectric material thatused was a pyrex. The power generationusing AC voltage of 9-11kV and a frequency of 50Hz. Circulation that was done1-7timesof circulation. The initialwaste has been given pre-treatment aeration and thenthe results of pre-treatment aeration were used as the influent wastewater to be treated by plasma technology.The results showed that maximum COD removal efficiencywas about65%, while the color was about 67%. The concentration of COD and the colorconcentrationdecreasedwith the increasing voltage applied and the largecirculation that has been done. This is suggeststhat themagnitude of the voltageandthe amount ofcirculation affectedon the decreasing of the concentrationof COD and the color

    Karakterisasi Plasma Jet Argon Menggunakan Kolom Dielectric Barrier Discharge (Dbd) pada Tekanan Atmosfer

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    An atmospheric of Argon plasma jet is generated with column dielectric barrier discharge high voltage alternating current. Characterization of Argon plasma jet is used to observe the effect of variations in the voltage (V) to the length of the plasma jet. Voltage (V) and current (I) were analyzed to identify its effect to the length of the plasma jet. In this study, Argon gas is passed through the capillary column by regulating the flow rate of gas. Then the voltageis being increased until the plasma jet can be seen. Voltage is used consecutively in the range 0 to 10,5 kV at flow rate of Argon gas is 3 L / min. The result shows that electrical current increase and then reach saturation condition by the increase of voltage. The increase of the length of the plasma jet were given by the increase of the applied voltage. This research indicates that the length of the plasma jet characteristics tends to increase. The value of the voltage is affects to the value length of the plasma jet

    Studi Penyisihan Emisi Nitrogen Oksida (Nox) Pada Asap Rokok Filter Dan Kretek Dengan Variasi Tegangan Listrik Menggunakan Teknologi Plasma

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    There are many toxic elements of tobacco smoke, one of which is a nitrogen oxide (NOx). This study aims to determine the effect of elimination of cigarette smoke before and after using a plasma reactor and perform calculations on the efficiency of each power supply voltage variations. The study was conducted by research such as determining variables and do the research procedures. The independent variables used are variations of the electric voltage of 1 kV; 1.5 kV; and 2 kV was tested for cigarette filter types and clove cigarettes. For the independent variable is the concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in cigarette smoke. For the control variables of the gas flow rate 2,2L / min and the amount of cigarettes that are used in each test are 2 . The procedure research which is conducted by cigarette burning on the inlet and suck the smoke using the handpump and running it into the gas reservoir tube to homogenized, after it flowed into the reactor and measured plasma concentrations of NOx gases contained in cigarette smoke using a gas analyzer. The results showed that plasma technology can lower the NOx concentration. With the best results obtained when using a power supply voltage of 1,5 kV at each of the various types of cigarettes

    Studi Penyisihan Emisi Karbon Monoksida (Co) Pada Asap Rokok Filter Dan Cerutu Dengan Variasi Tegangan Listrik Menggunakan Teknologi Plasma

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    Smoking area in public area is not the solution because it can not reduce the dangers posed by cigarette smoke. Therefore, this study aims to determine the concentration of CO in cigarette smoke without the use of plasma technology, determine the concentration of CO of any power supply voltage variation using plasma technology and analyzing CO emission removal efficiency of each power supply voltage variations are used in plasma technology. In this study, tobacco use is the type of filter cigarettes and cigars. In addition, the plasma reactor used is a type of Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) with 1kV voltage variation; 1,5 kV and 2 kV. The result showed that the power supply voltage of 1.5 kV has the highest efficiency, ie 72.4% for cigarette filters and 94.8% for cigarettes cigars