147 research outputs found

    Networking Ability and Subjective Career Success: Moderating Role of Career Insight

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    The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of networking ability on employees’ subjective career success. Moderating role of career insight in the relationship between networking ability and subjective career success was also probed. Respondents of the study were the faculty members of the public sector universities in Pakistan (N= 335). The findings revealed that networking ability positively influences the subjective career success of the faculty members. Career insight proved to positively moderate the relationship between networking ability and subjective career success. Research implications, limitations of the study, and prospects for future research are discussed. Keywords: Networking ability, Subjective career success, Career insight, academia and Pakistan

    Strategies for Accomplishing the Benefits of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor for Pakistan

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    CPEC represents a new form of China-Pakistan alliance with the aptitude to broaden and further enhance the political and economic ties of both these countries through mutual trade and development. The total projects, (presently) worth US$ 70billion offer an all times biggest opportunity to Pakistan to tackle the main hitches to its economic development i.e. energy crisis, poor infrastructure, low foreign direct investment (FDI), limited industrial production, limited and old fashioned  technology , unemployment and security issues etc. CPEC’s estimated socio-economic changes is going to bring harmony, contentment and stability in the country in general and particularly in the undeveloped and retrograded provinces like Baluchistan and somewhat khaiber Pukhtunkhwa (KPK) by providing employment opportunities in different commercial, construction and production activities. Despite the substantial consequences of CPEC, the project is collared by various internal and external confronts and disputes like India’s stances on the project, terrorism and instability of Afghanistan and its spillover to Pakistan and feeling unsecure of other countries in the region, Internally political conflicts between the provinces, security challenges and political controversies regarding the route selection etc. which are to be coped with by Pakistan so that to execute of the mega project of CPEC a beneficial endeavor for Pakistan. Keywords: CPEC, OBOR, Silk Rode, Economic Policy, Foreign Policy DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-2-07 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Sugarcane Production under Changing Climate: Effects of Environmental Vulnerabilities on Sugarcane Diseases, Insects and Weeds

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    Sugarcane is an important crop for bioenergy and sugar, contributing to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Pakistan. Global warming and increasing greenhouse gas emission result in the increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. Temperature stress is a major environmental stress that limits the sugarcane growth, productivity and metabolism worldwide. Numerous biochemical reactions are involved in plant development, and these biochemical reactions are very sensitive to temperature stress. Now a day, temperature stress is a major concern for sugarcane production and approaches for high yield of sugarcane under temperature stress are important agriculture goals. Sugarcane plant adapts a number of acclimation and avoidance mechanism against different environmental stress. Plant survival under different stresses depends on ability to generate and transmit the signal and biochemical and physiological changes. In future, climate change is an important consequence for sugarcane production in the world because of its relative low adaptive capacity, poor forecasting system and high vulnerable to natural hazard. In this review we briefly describe climate change effects on sugarcane, sugar production in several countries especially in Pakistan, future challenges for sugar production under changing climatic scenario and propose strategies for mitigation negative impacts of climate change


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    The less representation of women at top managerial levelremained an eye catching issue in organizational studies in therecent past. The current study aimed at revisiting the existingrelationship between gender discrimination and career mobility ina sample of female bank employees. Furthermore, the influence ofsocial norms, work-family balance and self- efficacy as mediatingvariables is examined. Data were collected through self-reportedquestionnaire from female bank employees. Correlation andregression tests were applied using the SPSS. Results indicate thatthere is a negative link between gender discrimination and femalecareer mobility in banks operating in Pakistan

    Strategic Management Model with Lens of Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence: A Review Approach

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    Purpose: First purpose of this study is to discuss the synergic and separate use of knowledge and intelligence, via knowledge management and competitive intelligence, in each stage of strategic management process. Second purpose is to discuss the implications of each stage of strategic management process for knowledge management and competitive intelligence and vice versa. Methodology/Design/Approach: A systematic literature review was performed within timeframe of 2000 to 2016. Extracted information from reviewed studies was synthesized and integrated in strategic management model of Fred David. Findings: A strategic management model with lens of knowledge management and competitive intelligence is proposed. Each stage of knowledge management process has implications for knowledge management and competitive intelligence and vice versa. In addition, synergic and separate use of knowledge and intelligence results in effective decision making leading to competitive advantage. Research Limitations: Learning curve of knowledge management and competitive intelligence and being limited to use of Fred David model are among key limitations. Practical Implications: Experts of knowledge management, competitive intelligence, and strategic management can use this study to gain competitive advantage based on knowledge and information resources. Organizations should have knowledge management function as well as competitive intelligence to support the strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. Social Implications: Readers can take a view that how they can manage their knowledge and information resources from a strategic perspective? Originality/Value:. This study proposes a strategic management model with lens of knowledge management and competitive intelligence. Model discusses the ways for synergic and separate use of knowledge and intelligence in each stage of strategic management, leading to competitive advantage. In addition it discusses the holistic and integrated implications of knowledge management and competitive intelligence for each stage of strategic management process and vice vers


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    Emigrants possess knowledge of host and sending countries’cultures and social environments that can help strengthen theeconomic relationship between them. We find this to be true forPakistan and its selected Middle East trading partners for whom thedata are available. Gravity model estimates suggest that eachPakistani emigrant contributed $422 to exports. This increase inexports can be attributed to Pakistani emigrants’ superior knowledgeof both countries environment as well as their help in reducingtransaction costs in trade. This study should be helpful to policymakers, who generally consider migrants to be the source ofremittances only, while our study showed that migrants help broadenour international trade as well
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