246 research outputs found

    Assessment of consumers’ preference to the use of garlic and cinnamon oils on stored beef and camel meat ‘Kilishi’

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    The effects of garlic, cinnamon and combination of garlic and cinnamon oils on storage quality of beef and camel meat Kilishi were determined. Meat from the  Longissimus dorsi of the hind limb of camel and cattle were used for the experiment. Kilishi produced from each species was grouped into four parts of 2kg each and treated with garlic, cinnamon, combination of garlic and cinnamon oils (1:1) and control (Kilishi without treatment). The products were packed in a brown paper and stored at room temperature from May to September, 2012. Organoleptic  assessment showed that there was no significant difference in the consumer preference for the products. However, fresh Kilishi were more acceptable at the beginning of storage in May than at the end of storage in September 2012. It was concluded that garlic and cinnamon oils had no effect on the overall acceptability of Kilishi. It was  recommended that garlic and cinnamon oils should be used to extend the shelf life of Kilishi during storage.Keywords: Meat, Kilishi, Garlic Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Longissimus dorsi, Nigeria, Organolepti

    Prevalence of Cryptosporidium Oocysts Among Primary School Children in Wamakko Local Government of Sokoto State, Nigeria

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    The study was aimed at determining the prevalence of  cryptosporidium oocysts in faecal samples among primary school children in Wamakko local government of Sokoto State, Nigeria. A total of forty (40) samples were obtained from pupils attending different primary schools within Wamakko Local Government. The primary schools include; Kwalkwalawa Primary School, Kaurar Kimba Primary School, Fanari Primary School and Asari Primary School. A total of ten faecal samples were collected from each primary school. Faecal samples were analysed using formal diethylacetate to detect the presence of cryptosporidium oocysts. The highest percentage prevalence of occurrence (80%) of cryptosporidiosis infection was recorded among the pupils of Kaurar Kimba primary School followed by Kwalkwalawa and Fanari Primary Schools with 60% prevalence each, while the least prevalence was recorded in Asari Primary School with 50% prevalence. There was no significant variation between the 4 schools (P>0.05). Cryptosporidiosis was high in female children (65%) compared to males (60%), however there was no significant variation between the two sexes (P>0.05). Children within the age group 6-8 years old had the highest prevalence (70%) followed by age group 9-10 years 60%. The least  percentage prevalence was recorded among the age group 11-12 years old (50%) (5/10). There was no significant difference between the different age groups (P > 0.05). It is interesting to note the high rate of asymptomatic cryptosporidium infection in the study area.Keywords: Prevalence, Cryptosporidiuum Oocysts, Primary School, Children, Sokot

    The effects of Catharanthus roseus (l) g. don 1838 aqueous leaf extract on some liver enzymes, serum proteins and vital organs

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    Plant and phytochemical products continue to play an important role in medicine. In this study, the toxicological potentials of the aqueous leaf extract of Catharanthus roseus G. Don 1838 in rabbits were determined. The rabbits were placed in three groups with four rabbits in each group. The control group, a second group administered with 100mg/Kg and third group administer with 360mg/Kg body weight, were tag as Group 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Increased levels of serum alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were found to follow the treatment of rabbits with ACR suggesting liver damage. This was confirmed by the histopathological studies that reveal centrieolobular hemorrhagic necrosis of the liver. Also, there was oxidative glomerulonephritis that set in. The effect of the extract in the activity of the hepatocellular enzymes (ALT, AST, and ALP) was found to be concentration dependent. This suggest that the infusion of the leaves could cause hepatocellular damage and kidney impairment. Keywords: Catharanthus roseus, Aqueous Leaf extract, Toxicity, Alkaloids, Enzymes levels

    Growth performance and nutrients digestibility of yankasa sheep fed sugarcane waste silage

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    A Feeding trial was conducted for twelve weeks (eighty four days) to assess the performance of Yankasa sheep fed ensiled sugarcane waste (ESCW) enhanced with non – protein nitrogen (urea and poultry litter) sources and soybean meal. Sixteen (16) Yankasa rams (mean body weight 25kg±0.46; aged 8 to 15 months) were randomly allotted to the treatments groups viz; T1 (100% SCW plus urea, unensiled) as control, T2 (100% SCW plus urea, ensiled), T3 (75%SCW plus 25% SBM, ensiled) and T4 (75% SCW plus 25% PL, ensiled) with four animals per treatment in a randomised complete block design (RCBD). The experimental diets were offered as basal diet along with clean drinking water and mineral salt lick ad-libitum, while a concentrate diet was formulated containing 16.26% CP and offered at 1.5% body weight to each of the experimental animals. The results obtained indicated non significant (P>0.05) differences in the treatment means of all the growth parameters evaluated however, all the values obtained for T3 and T4 were numerically higher. The digestibility of DM, CF and NFE showed that T3 and T4 gave significantly (P<0.05) higher values. In conclusion ensilage of SCW with urea, soybean meal and poultry litter enhanced its utilization by Yankasa rams, since all the animals in all the treatments gained weight. It is therefore recommended that SCW could be enhanced and ensiled with either urea (4% : 100% SCW), SBM (25% : 75% SCW) or PL (25%:75% SCW) for dry season sheep feeding.Keywords digestibility, sugarcane waste, non-protein nitrogen, Yankasa shee

    The determination of flow characteristics in pump sump physical model

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    Pump sump is one of the elements used in the field of hydraulic engineering where it functions as a tool that drives water. However, things that can interfere with the performance of water reservoir pumps are uneven water flows that can cause turbulence in the water pump sump, vibrations and unwanted noise. Hence, the tests were performed in a scaled physical model to determine the flow characteristics and velocity distribution in the pump sump. Two types of water level were tested at the normal water level of 0.45 m and the minimum water level at 0.25 m. Tests were carried out for twelve cases for both water levels with different flow rates 11 L/s, 9 L/s, 8 L/s, 6 L/s, 4 L/s and 1 L/s. The experiment was conducted at the Water Resources Laboratory, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. Hence, the dye injection technique was used in this study just to identify the distribution. The results showed that the flow of water frequently changed as it has a variety of flow rates and also according to the velocity distribution. Therefore, the velocity distribution was higher in the middle zone of the pump sump due to high pressure. The velocity distribution at the end of the section also changed probably due to the suction effect of the pump operation. The mechanism of submerged vortex occurred only at the highest of flow rates, which were under the suction pipe that caused from the bottom of the pump sump

    Time of arrival 3-D position estimation using minimum ADS-B receiver configuration

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    The location from which a signal is transmitted can be estimated using the time it takes to be detected at a receiver. The difference between transmission time and the detection time is known as time of arrival (TOA). In this work, an algorithm for 3-dimensional (3-D) position estimation (PE) of an emitter using the minimum receiving stations configuration was developed. The TOA measurements estimated from three automatic surveillance dependent broadcast (ADS-B) receivers are used to evaluate the performance of the PE algorithm. The result shows that the triangular ADS-B receiver configuration is capable of 3-D PE for emitter locations within 190 km coverage radius and that the altitude estimation error is 2 km higher than the horizontal coordinate estimation error. Within the 3-D PE coverage of the ADS-B receiver, the maximum horizontal and altitude error expected are 0.12 km and 2.2 km respectively.Keywords: TOA, ADS-B, position estimation, minimum configuration, surveillanc

    Sensory evaluation and microbial status of meat floss from West African Dwarf Goats fed graded levels of broiler litter

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary inclusion levels of Broiler Litter (BL) on meat quality of West Africa Dwarf (WAD) goats. Five complete diets were formulated using BL to replace 40 % composition of Cottonseed Cake (CSC) as dietary protein source at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 % levels, thus each level of replacement served as a treatment. Thirty WAD bucks with average weight of 10.57±0.42 kg were randomly allotted to five treatments in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). After feeding trials and digestibility studies, the bucks were humanly slaughtered and two kilograms of meat from uniform parts (hind leg and loin) of each buck were processed to Meat Floss (Dambun nama) and evaluated for proximate, sensory qualities and microbial status during storage for 60 days at room temperature. Twenty semi-trained panellists were used to evaluate the processed meat, using a five-point hedonic scale, Total Aerobic Plate Counts (TAPC) and Total Coliform Counts (TCC) was also determined. The result revealed that proximate nutrients composition of fresh Chevon was not significantly (p>0.05) different in all the treatments. The results of sensory parameters revealed that aroma, taste, colour, tenderness, juiciness and acceptability were significantly (p<0.05) affected by levels of BL inclusions. Similarly, there was also interaction (p<0.05) between levels of CSC replacement with broiler litter and time of storage of Dambun nama on sensory parameters. It was concluded that replacing up to 50 % of CSC with BL improved meat sensory qualities

    Proximate and Mineral Analyses of White Grubs (Phyllophyga specie)

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    White grubs (Phyllophyga specie) were obtained from Tambuwal local government area in Sokoto state Nigeria. The powdered sample of head and the body were used for the proximate composition showed that the value of ash and protein content was higher in the body 30.33±0.76% and 26.34±0.32% than in the head 21,17±1.04% and 25.23±0.81%  respectively, while the lipid, carbohydrate, moisture and fibre content were 18.33±1.26%, 22.78±1.54%, 8.20±1.26% and 4.33±0.81% respectively, were higher in the head compared to the body with 17.67±0.03% for Lipid, 16.76±2.46% for Carbohydrate, 6.67±1.26% for Moisture, 3.00±1.00% for Fibre. Minerals analysis revealed slight high values for sodium in the head (486.67±5.77mg/100g) compared with the body (485.00±8.66mg/100g). Similarly high values was recorded for potassium but much higher in the body (406.67±5.77mg/100g) compared with 388.33±7.64mg/100g in the head. Magnesium content in the body (0.17±0.00mg/100g) appeared higher than (0.14±0.01mg/100g) in the body. The analysis revealed thatconsumption of white grubs is useful diet supplements recommended for families. Keywords: Body, Head, Mineral, Proximate Analysis, White Grub

    Effect of Exercise Type and Gender on Cardiopulmonary response among Stroke Survivors in Spastic and Relative Recovery Stages

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    Background: Stroke is one of the most common causes of long-term disability worldwide, and stroke patients need assistance with activities of daily living. Stroke survivors in our environment are not routinely prescribed adequate exercises during stroke rehabilitation partly because of the limited amount of research that has identified optimal dosing of exercises. This study sought to evaluate cardiopulmonary responses to 8-week regimen of squatting and treadmill exercises among stroke survivors of different sexes in the spastic and relative recovery stages. Methodology: Thirty male and female stroke survivors were randomly assigned into two groups comprising of subjects in the spastic (group A) and relative recovery (group B) stages, and subjected to an 8-week regimen of squatting and/or treadmill exercise. Cardiopulmonary functions were recorded at the beginning and the end of the exercise regimen. Data were processed using SPSS version 20.0; p values ˂ 0.05 were considered significant. Results: There was a significant decrease in SBP and DBP, and an increase in HR, FVC and FEV1 at the end of all the regimens, in the spastic and relative recovery groups. At week 1, males had significantly higher values of SBP, FVC and FEV1, but at week 8, males had more reduction in SBP values and more increase in FVC and FEV1 values than the females. Conclusion: Our data show that squatting and treadmill exercise regimens improve blood pressure, forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume and functional mobility in both male and female stroke survivors in the spastic and relative recovery stages. This improvement is more expressed in males than in females. Keywords: Cardiopulmonary response, Exercise regimen, Gender, Stroke rehabilitation, Stroke survivor

    Renewable Energy and Sustainable Food Security in Nigeria

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    Renewable energy sources are becoming an increasingly important alternative source of energy in the agricultural sector. The use of renewable energy will reduce the use of fossil fuels, thereby minimizing the emission of green house gases. Increased use of renewable sources of energy especially in the agricultural sector will enhance the sustainability of food security in Nigeria and the quality of the environment. The use of renewable energy sources in the agricultural sector will also lead to environmentally friendly, sustainable and viable sources of energy to reduce the dependency on deplet­ing fossil fuels. Increasing attention is being focused on the installation and usage of renewable energy sources in the agricultural sector in several countries of the world purposely to contribute to global reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable food security. This paper attempt to explain the role of renewable energy sources in agricultural sector as a means of enhancing sustainable food security in the country and presents the existing technologies, policies  and emerging opportunities in renewable energy application in the agricultural sector. Keyword: Available incentive, Energy policy, Renewable energy, Sustainable food security