51 research outputs found

    Penyadapan Dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 Tentang Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik

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    The impact of progress in the field of information technology is that wiretapping is carried out to be used as evidence. One example of a criminal act that can be carried out by wiretapping is the crime of corruption which is an extraordinary crime. All wiretapping actions carried out by the Corruption Eradication Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Corruption Eradication Commission) and any agency that has wiretapping devices must be given strict limits and supervision. The research method used is normative juridical legal research with a normative juridical approach using secondary data in the form of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary materials. Based on the research results, it is understood that the legal regulation of wiretapping in criminal acts of corruption according to the ITE Law is an act that is prohibited by the Law. ITE and its changes and the perpetrators can be subject to criminal sanctions. The exception to the provisions prohibiting wiretapping or interception is interception carried out in the context of law enforcement at the request of the police, prosecutor's office or other institutions whose authority is determined by law. One of the law enforcement institutions authorized by law to carry out wiretapping is the KPK. Keywords: Wiretapping, KPK, Corruption

    Kejahatan Terorganisir Terhadap Pelacuran Anak Di Kota Medan Ditinjau Dari Psikologi Kriminil (Studi Penelitian di Kota Medan)

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    Crimes that used to be committed by individuals are now mostly committed by organized groups where the legal force of the group is illegal. Theft, muggings, fraud, murder, corruption, money loundry, prostitution, terrorism are some forms of the crime that are mostly committed in an organized manner.The development of the world of the child prostitution has spread in various big cities in Indonesia, including Medan. The sparkling of the city has attracted many people who come from various places in Indonesia and outside Indonesia who want to taste the sweetness of the sparkle of the city with all its spices like a laron approaching a torch which eventually destroys them. The condition of the child prostitution in Medan City has become apprehensive where many children aged 14-17 are involved in the prostitution business. Their involvement tends to be due to the factor of deception committed by collectors who work as collectors and suppliers of children to the prostitution places. This crime was committed in an organized manner as evidenced by the existence of syndicates that collaborated, ranging from child collectors and suppliers (collectors) and those who accommodate and employ children as the prostitutes (pimps / pimps), with recruitment areas covering malls, plazas, suburban areas, as well as other entertainment centers, which are generally the place where teenagers hang out.In conclusion, the factors that cause organized crime against the child prostitution in Medan are environmental factors (there is good interaction and communication between them, both those from the same environment and those from different environments), economic factors and unemployment and which is very dominant is the psychological factor. The obstacles that are faced in overcoming organized crime against the child prostitution business are the obstacles in terms of legislation due to weaknesses rather than the scope of the law itself in ensnaring perpetrators of criminal acts of the child prostitution as well as the criminal threats which are still classified mild.Keywords : Organized Crime, Child Prostitution, Criminal Psycholog

    Tindak Pidana Penyerobatan Tanah Dalam Perspektif Hukum Pidana

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    The title of this Journal is "The Crime of Land Grabbing in a Criminal Law Perspective". The research problems studied in this thesis are how to regulate the crime of land grabbing, how is law enforcement against the crime of land grabbing. The research method used in this research is to use normative juridical research sourced from library research using secondary data which consist of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials.The result of the research shows that the regulation of thecrime of land grabbingis regulated in a number of provisions concerning the crime of land grabbing which is regulated in some provisions of the legislation, including Law Number 51 Prp. 1960 states that the use of land without a permit with the right or legal power is prohibited and punishable by criminal penalties (Article 2 and Article 6) and it is regulated in the Criminal Code in several articles, namely Article 167, Article 242, Article 263, Article 264, Article 266, Article 274, and Article 385 of the Criminal Code.. Law enforcement against the crime of land grabbing is subject to Article 385 of the Criminal Code which is the only article directly related to the land grabbing and is categorized as a criminal offense. Particularly in Article 385 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code which reads: "whoever with the intention of illegally benefiting himself or another person, sells, exchanges or burdens with credietverbandsomething right to Indonesian land, a building, construction, planting or seeding, even though it is known that it is someone else who owns or shares rights over it. Keywords : Crime, Land Grabbing, Criminal Law

    Law Enforcement For Clothes Smuggling Formallyillegal

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    The crime of smuggling is very common in Indonesia, it's just that in imposing criminal sanctions, its implementation only focuses on imprisonment, because the concept of "state compensation" is not explicitly regulated in the sentence structure of the Customs Law, namely every time a government smuggling crime occurs, it is always dangerous. . This research uses a descriptive method through a normative approach (legal research), namely a problematic approach that is carried out through a study of various legal aspects related to applicable laws and regulations. The results of the study show that Indonesia's legal regulations regarding smuggling are Law no. 17 of 2006. A form of illegal used clothing crime related to customs in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia occurs on the coast outside the port area, using both traditional and modern equipment and usually without official documents. Trafficking in persons or legal entities is punishable by cumulative criminal penalties, namely imprisonment and fines. This sanction appears in Articles 102A and 102B of the Customs Law No 17 of 2006. Keywords: Law Enforcement, Smuggling, Used Clothing


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    The main function of the House of Representatives is to make laws. The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as a constitution gave power to the House of Representatives to make laws. Even the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has also been regulated in relation to the mechanism of law making by the House of Representatives. The mechanism of law making by the House of Representatives is regulated in Article 20 Chapter VII of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The mechanism for making laws by the House of Representatives regulated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has normatively provided convenience for the House of Representatives in making laws

    The Settlement of Child Cases in Conflict with the Law in the Concept of Restorative Justice

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    This study aims to know the application of the principle of Restorative Justice as an effort to resolve crimes committed by children even though formally and legally regulated clearly and explicitly in Act No. 11 of 2012, but formally problems also arise related to the time when the law was enforced which in Article 108. The approach used in this study is normative juridical. Factors that cause children to commit criminal acts, namely: Endogenous factors are factors that occur because of their own will, family factors, school environment factors and children's play areas, mass media factors, economic factors. Diversion as a step in diverting the settlement of child cases from the criminal justice process to processes outside the criminal justice by prioritizing the Restorative Justice approach which can be carried out by way of deliberation or mediation which emphasizes efforts to restore the family to its original state

    Analisis Metode Quantum untuk Optimalisasi Algoritma Best First Search

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    Pada penelitian ini, penulis mengusulkan metode quantum untuk menggantikan perhitungan klasik pada algoritma Best First Search, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan algoritma BFS dalam mencari solusi terbaik, dengan membuatnya bekerja lebih cepat. Penulis menggantikan setiap informasi yang disimpan dalam bit ke dalam bentuk qubit. Penulis telah melakukan percobaan terhadap 23 solusi dengan 3 qubit. Setelah menerapkan pendekatan qubit ini pada perhitungan BFS klasik maka diperoleh hasil akhir berupa perolehan solusi terbaik dengan percepatan yang signifikan. Dimana perhitungan BFS Klasik melakukan 8 kali perhitungan sementara BFS Quantum melakukannya hanya dengan 1 kali perhitungan saja


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    arigan Saraf Tiruan dengan metode backpropagation merupakan salah satu algoritma yang optimal untuk menyelesaikan seperti prediksi hasil pertandingan sepakbola. Proses menentukan hasil diawali dengan menguji dataset dengan arsitektur neural network, menentukan parameter input, nilai weight hingga nilai hidden layer dan output layer. Kemudian optimasi terhadap hasil pengujian pertama pada dataset training dioptimasi dengan sigmoid function sehingga mencapai konvergensi. Pengujian akan terus berulang dengan menggunakan neural network backpropagation sampai iterasi maksimal dan hasil mendekati nilai target awal. Selanjutnya dari output yang diperoleh akan dicari nilai error rata-rata

    Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Kedudukan Keuangan Negara Dalam Penyertaan Modal Daerah Pada BUMD Berbadan Hukum Perseroan Terbatas

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    AbstractThe position of the State Finance as a separated asset which is included as regional capital in BUMD (Regional Owned Enterprises) incorporated as a limited liability company becomes the property of BUMD Persero and disconnected from the State / Regional Finance so that if the BUMD loses in carrying out its activities. If the loss is caused by an error or negligence of the Directors / management through examination and determination by a Public Accountant Consultant; consequently, the Directors / management can be prosecuted in civil but not criminal cases. BUMN (State-Owned Enterprises) /BUMD must submit to the State Finance Law because management and supervision are subject to the laws of a limited company, not following the APBN (Budget for State Revenues and Expenditures) or APBD (Budget for Regional Revenues and Expenditures) system. Keywords: BUMD, Public Money, Private Mone


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    The use of Mahkota witnesses in Indonesia is still a matter of debate today, both among practitioners and academics, because there is no legal certainty regarding the use of this Mahkota witness. The research method uses juridical normative, the results obtained state that the effectiveness of the presence of Mahkota witnesses is to complete the minimum requirements for evidence to prove someone guilty. Where in the case of narcotics abuse, the lack of evidence found can facilitate the judicial process, the Mahkota witness is used to complete the truth to be revealed or material truth. The Mahkota witness does not affect the severity or lightness of the crime, but its usefulness is as a matter of convincing about the defendant's guilt or whether or not a narcotics abuse is proven. The testimony of the Mahkota witness has the power of proof if it is declared valid as a witness, there is no objection from the defendant's legal adviser regarding the presence of the Mahkota witness and the statement is stated before the court which has been sworn in beforehand and the information given is in accordance with the testimony given by other witnesses or tools other evidence so as to prove the defendant's guilt