9,818 research outputs found

    The Violating Maxims of Main Characters in the Hangover Movie's Script

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    The study deals with the types of maxims violation in The Hangover movie's script used by the main characters. The objectives of study were to describe the violation of maxim, to describe the dominant type of maxim violation and to elaborate the reason for the maxim violation. The data were the dialogue of main characters in The Hangover movie. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative and limited on the main characters. The data analysis findingsshowthat there are 22 violation of maxim of quality, 2 violation of maxim of quantity, 9 violation of maxim of relation, and 8 violation of maxim of manner.The reason of the violations areto give the lack of evidence, to lying to other speaker in hiding the truth, to save face the embarrassment, to present the strongest information, to represent what is in the speaker's mind, or to trick audience or listener for making a joke or not

    Corporate Governance for Banks in Pakistan: Recent Developments and Regional Comparisons

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    The emerging economies in the South Asian region have embarked on a bold reform process to develop the banking sector. This development has improved the transparency and accountability of the banking sector because these countries focused on ‘best practice’ corporate governance for banks. In view of a rapidly developing market with a slow pace of information dissemination, adverse selection and moral hazard problems are likely to be on the rise and may need a mechanism to train and discipline bank management. It was, therefore timely for the central banks in the region to introduce a ‘best practice’ for the banking system as a whole. This study provides a survey of recent developments in corporate governance of the banking sector in Pakistan and a comparison of similar developments in two other regional economies, namely, India and Bangladesh. In addition to a theoretical discussion on this issue, we also provide an overview of the banking sector restructuring and highlighting important features of the codes of corporate governance established by central banks in the sample countries. In conclusion, we present a comparison of the major differences in these measures across countries and comment on the pace of these developments.Corporate Governance, Banks, Pakistan

    Corporate Governance for Banks in Pakistan : Recent Developments and Regional Comparisons

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    The emerging economies in the South Asian region have embarked on a bold reform process to develop the banking sector. This development has improved the transparency and accountability of the banking sector because these countries focused on best practice corporate governance for banks. In view of a rapidly developing market with a slow pace of information dissemination, adverse selection and moral hazard problems are likely to be on the rise and may need a mechanism to train and discipline bank management. It was, therefore timely for the central banks in the region to introduce a best practice for the banking system as a whole. This study provides a survey of recent developments in corporate governance of the banking sector in Pakistan and a comparison of similar developments in two other regional economies, namely, India and Bangladesh. In addition to a theoretical discussion on this issue, we also provide an overview of the banking sector restructuring and highlighting important features of the codes of corporate governance established by central banks in the sample countries. In conclusion, we present a comparison of the major differences in these measures across countries and comment on the pace of these developments.Banking, Corporate governance, banking sector restructuring

    Pengalaman Kegagalan Pada Laki-Laki Dan Perempuan

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    Situasi sukses dan kegagalan merupakan reperesentasi dari keinginan dan tujuan hidup yang ingin dicapai, perbedaan harapan antara laki-laki dan perempuan akan membuat perbedaan kegagalan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengalaman kegagalan pada remaja. Penelitian ini mensurvei 605 (laki-laki : 217, perempuan : 388) orang remaja di tiga perguruan tinggi berbeda di Pekanbaru, dengan menggunakan questioner (pertanyaan) terbuka. Subjek diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan “pengalaman kegagalan apa yang paling menyakitkan dalam hidup?”, dikembangkan oleh Kim dan Park (2006). Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan Indigenous psychology, dengan kategorisasi, frekuensi, dan cross tabulasi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada lima pengalaman kegagalan pada remaja, yaitu: akademik (48,1%), harapan (17%), hubungan personal (15,9), kompetisi (10,4%), manajemen diri (3,1%). Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan ada perbedaan pengalaman kegagalan antara laki-laki dan perempuan, laki-laki lebih merasa gagal dalam harapan (9,3%) dan kompetisi (6,6%), sedangkan perempuan lebih merasa gagal dalam akademik (36,4%) dan hubungan personal (10,6%). Penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman bahwa perbedaan pengalaman kegagalan antara laki-laki dan perempuan disebabkan oleh adanya perbedaan peran sosial antara laki-laki dan perempuan

    Inflation and financial sector correlation: the case of Bangladesh

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    This paper examines the impact of inflation on financial development in case of Bangladesh for the period of 1985-2005. In doing so, ARDL bounds testing approach and Error Correction Method (ECM) have been employed. Empirical findings reveal that high trends of inflation impede the performance of financial markets. GDP per capita promotes development of financial sector through its causal channels.Financial Sector, Inflation, Pakistan, ARDL Approach

    Demokrasi dan Amerika Serikat

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    The United State of America life is always the result of interaction between the anti-democratic and nondemocratic traditions with the existing democratic traditions, and a new perception in the field of human social, religious, political necessity and political rights. While in Islamic history there are a number of concepts and images that make up a very important Islamic perception of democracy is of course different from what is believed to be in the United State of America

    Perlindungan Hukum Kontrak dalam Perspektif Hukum Kontrak Kontemporer

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    Doktrin hukum pada prinsipnya terbagi atas dua, yaitu doktrin klasik dan doktrin kontemporer. Doktrin hukum kontrak klasik menekankan pada aspek kepastian hukum. Aspek ini tergambar dari penekanannya bahwa setiap pernyataan kehendak harus dituangkan dalam kontrak yang ditandatangani para pihak agar memiliki kekuatan mengikat. Doktrin klasik membedakan secara tegas wanprestasi dan perbuatan melawan hukum. Tuntutan atas pelanggaran kontrak harus dengan dasar wanprestasi, bukan perbuatan melawan hukum. Sebaliknya, doktrin kontemporer lebih menekankan pada aspek keadilan dan kepatutan. Doktrin kontemporer mengenal kontrak sebagai konstruksi yang terdiri atas tahap pracontractual, contractual, dan postcontractual. Karenanya, doktrin kontemporer menganggap janji-janji pra kontrak memiliki akibat hukum tertentu, hal mana berbeda dengan doktrin klasik yang tidak mengakui adanya akibat hukum pra kontrak. Doktrin kontemporer juga tidak lagi membedakan secara tegas wanprestasi dan perbuatan melawan hukum sebagai dasar gugatan pelanggaran kontrak karena wanprestasi pada prinsipnya merupakan specific genus dari perbuatan melawan hukum

    Pengembangan Desain Kemasan Snack Mie Goreng Merek Spix sebagai Produk Ekspor PT. Siantar Top, Tbk

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    PT. Siantar Top, Tbk merupakan Perusahaan yang berdiri pada sektor industri makanan dan minuman. Beragam jenis produk telah dihasilkan mulai dari produk krupuk, mie, snack, biskuit, wafer, permen maupun air mineral. PT. Siantar Top Tbk mengambil langkah maju dengan memperluas daerah distribusi dan pemasarannya terhadap produk-produk yang dianggap cukup bagus yaitu dengan melakukan kegiatan ekspor ke beberapa negara. Salah satu dari produk-produk tersebut adalah snack Spix Mie Goreng yang diekspor ke China. Spix Mie Goreng merupakan salah satu produk snack mie yang diproduksi PT. Siantar Top Tbk dengan varian rasa sambal balado. Pada desain kemasan snack Spix Mie Goreng saat ini dinilai masih kurang kompetitif apabila dijadikan sebagai produk ekspor ke China. Sehingga diperlukan sebuah pengembangan pada desain kemasan snack Mie Goreng merek Spix Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah diuraikan di atas, maka masalah yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini pengembangan desain kemasan primer dan sekunder dari snack Mie Goreng merek Spix  sebagai produk ekspor PT. Siantar Top Tbk. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Research & Development (R&D) melalui beberapa teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan model yang digunakan dalam analisis data kualitatif pada penelitian ini adalah Teknik analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) dan USP (Unique Selling Proportion). Penelitian pengembangan desain kemasan snack Mie Goreng merek Spix dengan konsep gaya Jepang dengan menggunakan sebuah maskot. Material yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah plastik berbentuk pillow pack dan polybag. Proses desain yang dilakukan oleh peneliti adalah membuat sketsa hitam putih maskot, dan juga memfoto produk. Setelah itu digitalisasi dengan menggunakan Adobe Ilustrator dan Adobe Photoshop. Kata Kunci : Desain, desain kemasan PT. Siantar Top, Tbk is a company that stands on food and drink industry sector. Many kinds of products that had been started from products of cracker, noodles, biscuit, wafer, candy even though mineral water. PT. Siantar Top Tbk. took a step forward by expanding the area of distribution and marketing of products that are considered good enough by exporting to some of countries. One of the products is Spix Mie Goreng that will be exported to China. Spix Mie Goreng is one of the noodles snack product that’s produced by PT. Siantar Top Tbk with balado spicy flavor. In this package design of Spix Mie Gorengcurrently assessed less competitive when made as a product export to China. So it is needed adevelopment to the package design of Spix Mie Goreng. According to the background that’s described above, so the problem that can beassessed in this researchare: The concept packaging design of Spix Mie Goreng be as an export product PT. Siantar Top Tbk? The dvelopment of the primer and second packaging design of Spix Mie Goreng be as an export product PT. Siantar Top Tbk? The research approach that’s used is Research & Development (R&D) through some techniques of the collection of data are interview, documentation. Whereas the model that’s used in the analysis qualitative data in the research is the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis technique and USP (Unique Selling Proportion).  Keyword : Design, packaging desig