24 research outputs found

    Comparison of Alveolar Osteitis (AO) occurrence after impacted mandibular third molar removal with and without post-extraction socket irrigation

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    Objective: We wanted to see whether impacted third mandibular molar extractions resulted in Alveolar Osteitis if post-extraction socket irrigation was used or not. Methodology: A randomized control experiment on 70 patients study was conducted from July 2019 to January 2020 at Islamabad Dental Hospital's OMFS department. Patients presenting with the mandibular third molars fulfilling the inclusion criteria had their teeth extracted with and without socket irrigation using the computer lottery method. In cases of dry socket, clinical diagnosis was made between the 3rd, 5th, and 7th postoperative days. Results: 70 patients/sockets were evaluated with 35 having been irrigated and 35 non-irrigated. The age range was 16-50years with a mean of 29.49 and most patients were between the 16-35 age group. There were 48.6% males and 51.4% females. Dry Socket was evaluated on the 3rd, 5th, and 7th day between groups (A=irrigation, B=Non-irrigation). On the 3rd postop day, 14 (40%) patients in group A and 15(42.9%) patients were diagnosed as dry Sockets. A similar number of patients in both groups (20%) exhibited symptoms of dry socket on the fifth and seventh postoperative days, as did 5 (14.3 %) in group A, 3 (8.6 %) in group B, and 1(2.9 %t) in group A, all on the fifth postoperative day. Conclusion: On the third, fifth, and seventh postoperative days, there was no significant difference in the result of Alveolar Osteitis between the groups

    Frequency of Surgical Impactions of Mandibular Third Molar in Orthodontic Patients with Different Antegonial Notching

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    Background: Few studies have been reported so far on the frequency of lower third molar impactions in patients with different morphological characteristics. Our aim in this study was to find out the frequency of impacted lower third molars in orthodontic patients with different antegonial notch depths. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional research was conducted at Orthodontics Department of Dental Section, Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad, and de’Montmorency College of Dentistry, Lahore, Pakistan from June 2017 to June 2019. A total of 60 orthopantomograms (OPGs) of patients with impacted lower third molars were included. The depth of antegonial notch was calculated on all the selected OPGs by measuring distance between the deepest area of the notch cavity and the tangent on the inferior border of the mandible. The patients with depth of antegonial notch of 1 mm or less were labeled as having shallow antegonial notch, while those with 3 mm or more were considered as having deep antegonial notch. Percentages and mean + SD were calculated for different variables. Depth of antegonial notching was compared between genders using ANOVA with P-value <0.5 considered as significant. Results: Of 60 orthodontic patients, there was an equal number of male and female patients (n=30). The average age of the patients was 25.5±4 years. Overall frequency of impactions was similar in both the genders and frequency of impacted lower third molars was found to be greater in patients with deeper antegonial notches. Conclusion: Mandibular third molar impactions were most frequent in orthodontic patients with deep antegonial notche


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    The aim of this study was to identify potential socio-demographic and dietary determinants of overweight and obesity in men to provide basis for effective prevention strategies. A stratified random sample of 897 men (aged >30 years and free from any chronic / congenital diseases) were selected for the study from Mardan city located in the North West of Pakistan. Height and weight of the subjects were measured using standard anthropometric methods; body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Data on dietary intake, overweight /obesity trend in the families, physical activity and socio-economic status were collected by interview. Pearson’s chi square statistic and chi square trend were used to determine the differences in prevalence of overweight and obesity between different groups. Multiple logistic regressions were used to identify potential socio-demographic and dietary factors associated with overweight / obesity. Using BMI, subjects were identified as normal (<25), overweight (25-29.9) and obese (≥30). Overall, prevalence of overweight and obesity was 33% and 9% respectively. There was an increasing trend in the prevalence of overweight and obesity with increasing age (OR: 1.15, 95% CI: 1.12-1.18). Among socio-economic factors; occupation, family history of overweight/obesity, monthly income and physical activity were found to be significant predictors of overweight/obesity in study subjects. In contrast to developed countries, increased income was associated with increased levels of overweight/obesity. Among dietary factors, daily energy intake and subjects’ preferences for fried meat and fatty foods were evident as significant correlates of overweight/obesity. Strong predictors of overweight and obesity included income level, physical inactivity and poor dietary preferences in the study population

    Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Dental Professionals Towards Diabetes Mellitus in Islamabad Dental Hospital

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    OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to determine general dentists and dental students knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding diabetes mellitus, a major public health issue with oral complications. METHODOLOGY This cross-sectional study design was conducted in Islamabad dental hospital for three months on House officers and final year BDS students. A convenience sampling technique was used for the sample. A pretested questionnaire was selected from the previous study. After approval of the IRB, the questionnaires were distributed among participants of the research. The descriptive analysis of the collected data was done by using SPSS software version 20. RESULTS The overall results of knowledge of dentists towards diabetes scored high (90%), 80% of the respondents had a positive attitude towards diabetes mellitus. Less than half (20%) of the dentists scored poor in the practice of diabetes mellitus, while about three fourth of the respondents had a good score (80%). CONCLUSION Dentists in Islamabad dental hospital have good knowledge and practice skills regarding diabetes. The attitude of the dental practitioners in Islamabad dental hospital regarding diabetes is also positive

    Mandibular Third Molars and Lower Anterior Crowding: Comparison of Opinions of Oral-Maxillofacial Surgeons and Orthodontists

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    Objective: To compare the opinion of orthodontists and oral-maxillofacial surgeons on relation between erupting mandibular third molars and lower incisal crowding.Patients and Methods: This descriptive study involved 100 Pakistani clinicians (50 orthodontists, 50 oral-maxillofacial surgeons) to answer online questionnaire regarding their opinions on link between erupting Mandibular Third Molars along with their extraction opinion with reference to development and prevention of lower incisal crowding. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 21.0. Pearson's chi-square test was applied and statistical significance was defined at <=0.05.Results: Statistically insignificant differences were found between oral-maxillofacial surgeons and orthodontists regarding question of erupting mandibular third molars in causing lower incisal crowding. Similarly, statistically insignificant differences between oral-maxillofacial surgeons and orthodontists were found regarding question of recommending preventive extraction of mandibular third molars for developing lower incisal crowding.Conclusion: No opinion differences were observed between Pakistani oral surgeons and orthodontists, regarding the link of lower third molar as a cause of lower incisal crowding

    Trackable CEMB-Klean Cotton Transgenic Technology: Affordable Climate Neutral Agri-biotech Industrialization for Developing Countries

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    Background: Transgenic technology reflects the incorporation of novel useful traits in crop plants like cotton for economic benefits by overcoming the problems including insects’ pests and weeds in special. The present study is the success story of the continuous effort of CEMB team started back in the 1990s.Methods: This study includes characterization of a large number of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strains taken from local soil and subjected to direct transformation of isolated BT genes into local cotton cultivars. Protocols for transformation into cotton plants were optimized and validated by the development of double gene codon optimized (Cry1Ac and Cry2A) transgenic cotton varieties.Results: The resulting GMOs in the form of CEMB-33, CA-12, CEMB-66 have been approved by Punjab Seed Council in 2013 and 2016 respectively. Double Bt and weedicide resistant cotton harboring CEMB-Modified and codon optimized cp4EPSPS (GTGene). These varieties can tolerate glyphosate spray @ 1900ml per acre without the appearance of necrotic spots/shedding and complete removal of all surrounding weeds in the cotton field is a significant advance to boost cotton production without spending much on insecticides and herbicides.Conclusion: In the current report, two unique sets of primers which amplify 1.1 Kb for CEMB-double Bt genes and 660 bp product for CEMB-Modified cp4EPSPS (GTGene) were tested. CEMB cotton variety CKC-01 is specially designed as low cost and easy to use by local farmer’s technology has the potential to revolutionize the cotton growing culture of the country.Keywords: Event detection; Bt Cotton; CEMB transgenic technology; GTGen

    Lie Group Analysis of Mixed Convection Flow with Mass Transfer over a Stretching Surface with Suction or Injection

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    The mixed convection flow with mass transfer over a stretching surface with suction or injection is examined. By using Lie group analysis, the symmetries of the equations are calculated. A four-finite parameter and one infinite parameter Lie group transformations are obtained. Two different cases are discussed, one for the scaling symmetry and the other for spiral symmetry. The governing partial differential equations are transformed into ordinary differential equations using these symmetries. It has been noted that the similarity variables and functions available in the literature become special cases of the similarity variables and functions discussed in this paper


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    Adopting new technology always involves advantages and risks; Bt cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) is a new technology well known in developed countries for its many advantages, such as reduced pesticide application, better insect pest control, and higher lint yield. However, its success in developing countries is still a question mark. Global adoption of Bt cotton has risen dramatically from 0.76 million ha when introduced in 1996 to 7.85 million ha in the 2005 cotton-growing season where 54% of the cotton crops in the USA, 76% in China, and 80% in Australia were grown with single or multiple Bt genes. Bollworms are serious cotton pests causing 30-40% yield reduction in Pakistan and 20-66% potential crop losses in India. The major advances shown in this review include: (1) Evolution of Bt cotton may prove to be a green revolution to enhance cotton yield; (2) adoption of Bt cotton by farmers is increasing due to its beneficial environmental effects by reducing pesticide application: however, a high seed price has compelled farmers to use illegal non-approved Bt causing huge damage to crops because of low tolerance to insect pests; and (3) some factors responsible for changes in the efficiency of the Bt gene and Bt cotton yield include internal phenology (genetics), atmospheric changes (CO2 concentration), nutrition, insect pests, boll distribution pattern, disease and nematodes, removal of fruiting branch and/or floral bud, introduction of Bt gene, and terpenoids and tannin production in the plant body