637 research outputs found

    Composing of Municipal Solid Waste and Its Use as Fertilizer

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    The high generation of waste in Pakistan (estimated at 55,000 tons/day) has resulted in serious environmental problems. Collected solid waste material are left in depressions and on vacant plots, buried, burned, and dumped in the ocean. To improve this situation, the material was composted and evaluated as a fertilizing material and its effect on the environment. Composting of these waste resulted in the production of good quality materials that can be used as soil amendments and source of plant nutrients. Large amounts of N and K are usually generated and very effective in crop production. Leaching of nutrients was less when compost was applied than mineral fertilizer. The composting of solid municipal waste was observed to be a better option to open disposition

    Psychological Adjustment and Academic Achievement among Adolescents

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    This study was studied that emotional and behavioural problems of young students who are directly related to their academic achievement and thus play a vital role in the development of young learners carrier. This study helped to fill a gap by conducting an exploration of psychological adjustment and academic achievement among adolescents. It also examined the gender differences on psychological adjustment and academic achievement. Purposive sampling technique was used in this study with sample size of one hundred and twenty (N=120) students, sixty female (N=60) and sixty (N=60) male, age ranged between 12-19 years, who had passed O’ level. The Reynolds Adolescents Adjustment Screening Inventory (RAASI) was used to measure psychological adjustment. Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version-20 (SPSS-20) was used for statistical analysis. First of all reliability of the scale was determined. Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Independent Sample T-Test were applied to find the quantitative facts of the study. Results revealed that there is negative correlation between psychological adjustment and academic achievement of students who passed O’ level. Independent Sample t-test revealed that there is significant difference on psychological adjustment among students who passed O’ level. The results also showed that female have more psychological adjustment as compared to male. Keywords: Psychological Adjustment; Academic Achievemen

    Teachers’ Training Workshop on Assessing Student Learning Outcomes as Professional Development: A Case Study

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    This study was conducted to analyze the role of in-service teacherstraining workshop conducted by PITE, based on assessing learningoutcomes (SLOs) at grade 5th. In-service teachers’ trainings workshopsplay significant role in the professional growth of educators. Aim of thestudy was to explore the attitudes of the primary school teachers towardsworkshops, to make them aware about the importance workshops forprofessional development and to find out teachers skills of assessing theeducational activities. A sample of 66 teachers of grade 5th was selectedas respondents for the study. Observation and informal interview wasconducted for data collection. Chi-Square was used for analysis of theobservation sheet and for interviews, themes and patterns weredeveloped. The study revealed that more than half of trainees have verylow knowledge of assessment practices and some of them were even notinterested in the workshop. The local office also showed little interest inthe workshop. In the light of findings, merit based selection, properplanning for conduction of workshops, follow-up activities, localdepartmental interest and provision of suitable facilities i.e. man andmaterial were recommended

    Difference between Traditional and Non-traditional Learning Methods in Virtual and Real-world Environment

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    The advancement of information and communication technology in 21st century is introducing new way of learning. The physical classroom learning method is very effective and a prevailing type learning. The main objective of the study was to explore the impact of non-traditional method of education in undergraduates. The main objective was to study the general impact of traditional learning method among students. The researcher had used the social survey method of research for data collection and researcher had used simple random sampling. The researcher had selected 60 respondents from Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan and 40 respondents from Virtual university Multan campus. Online learning saves time 88.3% real class students said that yes it saves time and 92.5% virtual learners agree that it saves time. The online learning reduced the dependency of place 70% traditional students were agreed this and 80% virtual students said that it reduced the dependency of place. Virtual learning is beneficial for both learning and job together 80% traditional students said yes, it is beneficial for both and 90% virtual students had also same views.Recently, use of information communication technology has been increased in our educational institutions. Due to this advancement in technology has made physical and virtual learning more effective for learners

    Phosphorus Fertilizer Response to Onion (Allium cepa L.) Yield in Punjab, Pakistan

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    Background: Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the most essential plants in food with high nutritional value. However, application of right dose of phosphorous (P) is one of the constraints to the profitable onion yields in soils deficient in P.Methods: A systematic study to confirm the best dose of P was conducted for six years in the P deficient soil in farmers’ fields. Based on the findings obtained from 2008-09 to 2010-11, the research was undertaken to determine the effect of different phosphorus levels on the yield of onion in the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with a total of 114 replicates  in 2011-12 to 2012-13. Four treatments (160, 210, 260 and 310 kg P2O5 ha-1) were tested with N and K at 100 kg ha-1.Results: From the results of this investigation, the variance analysis showed the substantial P impact. The maximum marketable bulb yield (19.03 t ha-1) was obtained from the fertilizer combination NPK @ 100-310-100 kg ha-1 and was shown to be statistically higher than all other treatments.Conclusion: Nonetheless, the nutshell of the overall economic study is that poor farmers (Land holders >12 acres) may have options to select the NPK fertilizer combination @ 100:210:100 kg ha-1 and the average farmer may have options to select the NPK fertilizer combination @ 100:260:100 kg ha-1. But rich farmers (Land holders >25 acres) who can spend more money on fertilizers and are interested in the higher gross margin should follow the combination of NPK fertilizers @ 100:310:100 kg ha-1 to profitably increase their gross margin and maintain soil fertility for onion cultivation in Punjab, Pakistan.   Keywords: Onion; NPK; Plant nutrition; Phosphorus; Pungency

    Understanding the Formative Assessment: A Road Towards Targets Achievements

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    Learning is acclaimed to be a paramount and effective source of changing behavior across the world. To measure the behavior, there are techniques and skills to be learnt. Assessment in learning process enables the individual to examine the effectiveness of the various methods and techniques that the efforts are targeted or not and to see that the teachers, learners and instructional process in on the road to success. Formative assessment plays a decisive role to get the job done. The objectives of the study were to investigate the teachers’ perception about the usefulness of formative assessment in learning process and to get inform the educators about the worth of formative assessment process. All the working male teachers at primary, secondary, and higher secondary levels in District Mardan constituted the population of the study. Four hundred government school teachers for Boys were selected randomly as sample of the study. Among those 400 teachers, 300 were randomly selected for filling the questionnaire and 100 for conducting of informal interview. The collected data of the questionnaire was analyzed through percentages and inferential statistics i.e., chi-square by SPSS version 16. Themes, pattern were drawn and codification were made from the collected data of interviews. The study revealed that formative assessment is very effective and productive technique which plays a crucial role in boosting and stimulating instructional process. Keywords: Learning, Assessment, Formative Assessment, Teachers, Goal

    Exploring Brand Awareness, Customer Loyalty and Perceived Quality: how they ensure Profitability and generate Purchase Intention: A study on cosmetic industry of Pakistan

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    The research looks at the reseller's view of the brand's reputation, quality and customer loyalty on the profitability and purchasing of the brand. In addition, the research focuses on clarifying the role of the purchasing power intermediary in the relationship between brand awareness and profitability, quality and profitability, brand awareness and profitability. The investigation was of a causal nature and data was collected from 200 retailers. The results showed the brand awareness and loyally meaningless impact, while the observed quality had a significant impact on profitability. In addition, the results revealed a significant impact on brand awareness, quality knowledge and loyalty for purchasing purposes. The conciliation Sobel test showed that procurement intensity only conveys the relationship between observed quality and profitability.&nbsp

    Importance of Institutional Arrangements in the Management of Kabul River Basin

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    River Basin institutions or organizations are created for management of rivers on basin scale because unilateral and isolated actions regarding river infrastructure development create doubts and have adverse effects on quality, quantity and timing (availability) of water resources. Therefore, cooperation on shared water resources ensures adequate usage of water with enhanced economic opportunities. The river basin institution, create ownership in riparian countries and involve their political commitment for promoting coordination and cooperation. This plat form is used for sharing of benefits and fruitful results of water. The member states focus on issues and obstacles which hinder success prospects. The setting up of Trans boundary water management institution/organization/ commission is necessary to deal with issues between riparian countries. Hindrances include political and technical factors which riparian states should consider. Setting up of commission on Kabul River will guide and facilitate in preparing benefits sharing schemes and reaching treaties. In this article, importance of institutional arrangement in management of KabulBasin is discussed along with other allied and related aspects including some successful examples of river basins institutions/ organizations around the world


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    Purpose: Ewing’s family tumour is an extremely rare tumour, with annual incidence rates amongst Caucasian children <21 years being in the range of 2–3 cases per million in the U.S. There are mainly three subtypes including Ewing’s sarcoma (ES) of bone, extraosseous (EO) Ewing’s tumour and Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour. Although extremely rare, this study represents a review of various types of cases and the significance of imaging including its baseline and post-treatment response radiological characteristics. There are a very few cases of EO ES in the current literature with variable spectrum of tumour site and their imaging characteristics.Materials and Methods: Electronic records were retrospectively reviewed from 1 May 2011 to 1 May 2016 with patients who were diagnosed as histologically proven ES. A number of patients, gender and base line computed tomography (CT)/magnetic resonance imaging findings for staging were reviewed.Results: A total of 568 patients with diagnosed ES were analysed, of which 15 patients had EO type of ES. Of these only 8 patients had baseline imaging available which included tumours arising from the occipital region, orbit, anterior mediastinum, anterior abdominal wall, mesentery, kidney, prostate gland and presacral region.Conclusion: EO ES is a rare entity and can involve a wide array of soft tissue organs. A cross-sectional imaging with CT and MR has a key role in pre- and post-treatment assessment.Key words: Computed tomography, Ewing’s sarcoma, extraosseous Ewing’s, magnetic resonance imaging, peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumou


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    Out of 850 total prisoners of district jail, Rahim Yar Khan, 100 were selected at random and examined for prevalence of HIV. Apart from HIV screening, data was collected about different diseases, narcotics use, occupations, reasons for imprisonment, ages and marital status of the prisoners through a questionnaire. None of these prisoners was suffering from HIV, the results regarding narcotics habits showed that 3% of the prisoners were used to bhang, 4% took heroin, 5% were using snuff, 34% cigarette smokers and 54% were not taking any narcotics. Nineteen percent of the prisoners suffered from various diseases like asthma, allergy, chest infection, hernia, heart problem, jaundice, lung infection, ulcer, weakness, typhoid and gastric problems whereas 81% were healthy
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