88 research outputs found

    Poverty, Income Distribution and Social Development in Lahore

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    In this paper we present a comparative analysis of poverty and income inequality prevalent in the seven towns of Lahore. Further, an analysis of gender inequality and overall social development is presented by considering education, health, and labor market conditions. We have computed the Herfindahl Index, Gini Coefficient, ratio of share of income of the bottom 20% to the top 20% and Sen index in this study. Finally, a composite index of social development is estimated and on the basis of this, index ranking of each town is outlined. Nishter Town is the least socially developed town whereas Aziz Bhatti, Shalimar, and Allama Iqbal towns are less socially developed as compared to Ravi, Cantt and Gunj Buksh towns.Poverty, Income distribution, Gini, Lorenz curve, Gender inequality, Social Development, Lahore, Pakistan

    BĂ€oklund haps and related connections

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    The aim of this thesis is to show a link between solutions of Differential equations, and the integral submanifolds of sets of forms defined on jet bundles. The original idea behind Baoklund maps was discovered by A, V. Baoklund around 1875 during research into pseudospherlcal surfaces i.e. surfaces of constant negative curvature. The central idea of this thesis is the Backlund map, which is a smooth map of jet bundles parameterised by the target manifold of its co-domain. The original system of differential equations appears as a system of integrability conditions for the Baoklund map. The map induces an horizontal distribution on its domain from the natural contact structure of its co-domain, which makes possible a geometrical description in tenns of a connection, called here the BBcklund connection the system of integrability conditions reappears as the vanishing of the curvature of this oonnection. The paper by Backlund was very obscurely written and perhaps for that reason was ignored for nearly a hundred years. Development of applied mathematics, hydrodynamios, mechanlos and fluid mechanics published work raise the Interest of Baoklund maps and related topics. Chapter I gives a brief account of Jet-Bundles (Pirani) and contact module on Jet-Bundles, Chapter II summarises different ways of describing integrability conditions associated with Baoklund maps. It also explains hash-operator, use of contact module and some examples. Chapter III gives the idea of prolongation and explains with some examples. Chapter IV discusses the Idea of connections associated with Backlund maps, given by pull back of contact module of forms on J(^1)(M,N(_2)) determine a cart mi connection. Then shows that the solution of differential equation corresponds of curvature tensor of their connection. I conclude the introduction with a summary of my notation and conventions. All objects and maps are assumed to be in C; in the application they are generally real-analytic. If f:M→N is a map, then the domain of f is an open set in M, not necessarily the whole of M. If M is any set then Δ(_M) denotes the original map M→M x M by m → m (m,m) for every mEM. If o is a map of manifold then ϕ* is the induced map of forms and functions. If 0 is any collection of exterior forms the ϕ *0 means { ϕ *0/0G0}, d0 means I(0) means the ldeal {ɳ∆0|0←0Éłanyform} generated by 0, where denotes ∆ the exterior product and xj0 means {x┘0/0E0} where X is any vector field and ┘ denotes the interior product of a vector field and a form. Projection of a cartesian product on the i-th factor is nenoted by piri. The end of an example is denoted by □

    Impact of Global Food Price Escalation on Poverty in South Asian Countries

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    The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of global food price escalation on poverty in South Asian countries since 1990 to 2011. Panel data procedure has been applied for empirical analysis. Panel unit root tests have been utilised before the application of panel co-integration. Poverty is measured through revealed behaviour approach which is considered better than other approaches, as it is based on the actual consumption made by the households. The present study uses actual average household consumption to measure poverty. Empirical results reveal that global food price escalation and per capita income positively and significantly affect average household consumption, which is the clear indication of poverty decline. International oil prices and interest rate significantly but negatively affect the average household consumption in South Asian countries. Findings of this study will be helpful for formulating effective public policies for poverty reduction in the era of trade liberalisation. JEL Classification: E31, F410, I32 Keywords: Food Price Escalation, Poverty, Oil Prices, Per Capita Income, South Asi

    Empirical Implications of Decentralization Dimensions and the Role of Political Institutions in the Economic Growth of Pakistan

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    Decentralization is the fundamental policy variable used to enhance the allocative efficiency through public spending / tax priorities, subject to the local demand. The current study evaluates the impact of the various dimensions of decentralization on the economic growth of Pakistan for the years 1972-2018. Ng-Perron tests and Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) were applied to fix the unit root problem in the time series data. To find the cointegration among decentralization, the role of institutions, and economic growth the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach (ARDL) was used. The outcomes suggested that tax decentralization is a growth promoting policy. On the contrary, administrative and political decentralization negatively affect the economic growth. The analysis shows that political freedom also has a growth retarding impact on the economy. The current study is useful regarding the policy implications of the process of decentralization

    Impact of Maqasid al-Shariah Based Social Performance on Financial Performance of Islamic Banks: Evidence from Pakistan

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    The current study examined the impact of Maqasid al-Shariah based social performance of Islamic banks on their financial performance. It regressed financial performance on Maqasid al-Shariah based social performance using a robust fixed effect model after controlling for capital ratio, operating expense ratio, liquidity risk, and capital intensity. Unbalanced panel data was collected from the annual reports of all full-fledged Islamic banks operating in Pakistan for the period 2008-2018. The results revealed a significant positive influence of Maqasid al-Shariah based social performance on financial performance, inferring that an improved Maqasid al-Shariah based social performance leads to superior financial performance. Therefore, it is recommended that Islamic banks should increase their Maqasid al-Shariah based social performance. It will not only enhance their ‘Islamic’ image but will also improve their financial performance, resulting in creation of/increasing their shareholders’ wealth. This study contributes to the literature on the relationship between social performance and financial performance by measuring social performance from the perspective of Maqasid al-Shariah

    Elucidating the Impact of behavioral biases in Pakistan Stock Market: Moderating Impact of Financial Literacy

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    The current study focuses on some of the most commonly relied upon biases in decision making. The study aimed at understanding the influence of herding, overconfidence, anchoring, and loss aversion on the decision-making style of investor besides it also investigates the role of financial literacy, since the traditional paradigm of finance is of the view that the knowledge of finance is directly associated with the degree of irrational outcomes. To explore this linkage data from investors trading at Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad is gathered. Structural equation modeling is used for establishing the proposed associations. The results revealed that behavioral biases significantly impact the decision-making of investors.  The results of moderation analysis presented that financial literacy plays a major role in de-biasing decision making. These findings can be extremely useful for investors, policymakers, and investment professionals. Not only to make optimal decision-making but also by providing a deeper understanding of the daily life stock market behavior

    Stacked Ensemble Model for Tropical Cyclone Path Prediction

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    Tropical cyclones (TC) are intense circular storms that cause significant economic and human losses in the coastal areas of the equatorial region. Various statistical models have been proposed to forecast the potential path of TC. This study proposes a stacked ensemble-based method to enhance the effectiveness of predicting TC paths using temporal data. The proposed method can be divided into two phases. In the first phase, the Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) models are optimized with stacked layers to determine the most effective configuration for Stacked LSTM and Stacked GRU. In the second phase, k-fold cross-validation is employed to construct multiple Stacked LSTM and Stacked GRU models, and a Meta learner is used to ensemble the predictions from these models. We evaluate the performance of our proposed model using the temporal China Meteorological Administration (CMA) dataset and compare its results with those obtained from other ensemble and non-ensemble techniques. The results demonstrate a significant reduction in mean square error and variance achieved by the proposed model. The code is available on GitHub: TC path prediction©2023 Authors. Published by IEEE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed
