9 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Wanita Tani Polbangtan Bogor dengan Inovasi Hidroponik NFT Pada Budidaya Caisim: Empowerment of Women Farmer Group With NFT Hydroponic Innovation in Caisim Cultivation

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    Caisim merupakan jenis sayuran yang banyak digemari masyarakat Indonesia. Saat ini kebutuhan caisim terus meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk Indonesia. Meningkatkan produksi caisim memerlukan lahan yang cukup luas. Akibat dari keterbatasan lahan pertanian, para petani beralih fungsi ke lahan non pertanian alternatif yang dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman caisim yaitu bertani dengan sistem hidroponik. Hidroponik adalah suatu budi daya menanam dengan mamakai atau memanfaatkan air tanpa memakai tanah dan menekankan penumbuhan kebutuhan nutrisi untuk tanaman. Salah satu Teknik hidroponik yang dapat dilakukan yaitu teknologi hidroponik sistem Nutrient Film Technique (NFT). Budi daya caisim di Polbangtan Bogor dilakukan selama 23 HST dihitung dari caisim pindah tanam ke instalasi sampai panen. Kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat yang dilakukan dimulai dari tahap pemaparan masalah, analisis masalah, pelaksanaan kegiatan dan evaluasi. Kajian terhadap inovasi budidaya Caisim dengan system NFT bertujuan (1) Menganalisis budi daya caisim dengan hidroponik sistem Nutrient Film Technique (NFT). dan (2) Mengetahui permasalahan yang terjadi di Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Sekar Mulya dan memberikan solusi terkait permasalahan tersebut. Budi daya caisim di Polbangtan Bogor dilakukan selama 23 HST dihitung dari caisim pindah tanam ke instalasi sampai panen. Tahapan budi daya caisim yaitu sterilisasi alat, persiapan media tanam, persemaian, pindah tanam, pemeliharaan tanaman, pemanenan dan pemasaran. Pertumbuhan tanaman hidroponik dipengaruhi beberapa faktor yaitu kepekatan larutan nutrisi, kelembapan udara di greenhouse, suhu udara di greenhouse dan suhu larutan nutrisi. Daya berkecambah benih caisim adalah 96,08 %. Kata kunci: Caisim, Green House, Inovas

    APLIKASI BEBERAPA JENIS PESTISIDA NABATI UNTUK PENGENDALIAN HAMA TANAMAN KEDELAI (Glycine Max L.): Application of Several Types of Organic Pesticides for Soybean (Glycine Max L.) Pest Control

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    In crop cultivation, plant pests and diseases are a frequent issue that producers still manage with chemical pesticides. Similar to this, inorganic pesticides are used in the production of edamame soybeans, which will ultimately have a negative effect on health, the environment, and product quality. This study aims to obtain the best botanical pesticide formula that can reduce pest attacks on soybean cultivation so as to provide an environmentally friendly alternative to plant pest control. Because they leave no chemical residues and are safe for ingestion, organic pesticides can help soybean producers manage pests and diseases, cut production costs, and improve product quality. The study used a randomized block design (RBD) 6 treatments and 3 replications. The organic pesticide treatments were P0 (control), P1 (garlic), P2 (shallots), P3 (papaya leaves) and P4 (tobacco leaves), P5 (lemongrass). To evaluate the effectiveness of organic pesticides, an efficacy test was carried out. The results showed that all types of materials used as organic pesticides had an effect on reducing the level of pest attacks on soybean plants starting from the sixth week. An organic pesticide made from papaya leaves gave the highest real yield on the number of filled pods and pod weight of soybean plant. ABSTRAK  Hama dan Penyakit tanaman merupakan masalah umum di dalam budidaya tanaman, dalam pengendaliannya petani masih bergantung pada pestisida kimia. Begitu juga pada budidaya tanaman kedelai edamame mereka menggunakan pestisida anorganik yang pada akhirnya akan memberikan dampak negatif ke kesehatan dan lingkungan termasuk pada kualitas produk. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan formula pestisida nabati terbaik yang dapat menurunkan serangan hama pada budidaya tanaman kedelai sehingga memberikan alternatif insektisida pengendali hama tanaman yang ramah lingkungan. Penggunaan pestisida nabati dapat membantu petani kedelai mengendalikan Hama dan penyakit, menekan biaya produksi dan meningkatkan kualitas produk karena bebas residu bahan kimia sehingga aman dikonsumsi. Penelitian menerapkan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) 6 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan pestisida nabati terdiri atas P0 (kontrol), P1 (bawang putih), P2 (bawang merah), P3 (daun pepaya) dan P4 (daun tembakau), P5 (serai). Untuk mengevaluasi keefektifan pestisida nabati dilakukan uji efikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semua jenis bahan yang digunakan sebagai pestisida nabati berpengaruh untuk menekan tingkat serangan hama pada tanaman kedelai mulai minggu ke enam. Pestisida nabati yang berbahan dasar daun pepaya memberikan hasil nyata tertinggi pada jumlah polong isi dan bobot polong tanaman kedelai

    Penyuluhan Kelimpahan Hama pada Tumpangsari Sawi Hijau dengan Daun Bawang di Pertanian Organik pada Petani Yayasan Bina Bakti: Counseling on Pest Abundance in Collection of Green Saws With Leaves on Organic Agriculture at Bina Bakti Foundation Farmers

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    Penyuluhan tentang pertanian organik pada petani merupakan nilai tambah dalam pertanian. Salah satu komoditas yang cukup sering dibudidayakan dalam pertanian organik yaitu sawi hijau. Kendala yang dihadapi dalam budidaya sawi hijau secara organik yaitu ganguan dari organisme pengganggu tanaman (OPT) yang dapat menurunkan produksi. Gangguan yang bersifat merusak merupakan implikasi dari kelimpahan hama yang datang pada suatu kawasan. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian yaitu memberikan gambaran kelimpahan hama yang tersedia pada dua pola tanam. Penelitian dilakukan di Agatho Organis Farm pada bulan Februari hingga April 2021. Parameter yang diamati meliputi indeks keragaman, indeks kemerataan OPT, indeks kekayaan jenis, tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun sawi hijau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan indeks keragaman, indeks kemerataan dan indeks kekayaan (indeks Margalef) rendah pada dua pola tanam yang dilakukan dengan jumlah spesies hama yang merusak terendah pada pola tanam tumpangsari. Kata kunci: penyuluhan, pertanian organik, spesies ham

    OPTIMASI PERBANDINGAN AIR DAN ENZIM DALAM PROSES PEMBUATAN GULA CAIR SAGU ASAL SORONG SELATAN: Water-Enzymes Ratio Optimization in The Process of Making Liquid Sago Sugar from South Sorong

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    Sago is one of the plantation crops that has the potential to be developed as food and non food for the people of Indonesia. Sago as a high source of starch can be used for liquid sugar production. This study aims to get an optimal ratio between water and enzymes in the production of sago liquid sugar from South Sorong. The study was conducted at the Center for Research and Development of Post -Harvest Agriculture, Bogor. Experiments were arranged in the split split plot design with a complete random design (RAL). Comparison of water with sago starch as the main plot, the α-amylase enzyme as a plot child and the glucoamilase enzyme as a plot child. Research is divided into two experiments, (1) ratio of water and sago starch (2) comparison of enzymes and sago starch. The results showed the ratio of starch and water, the dose of the α-amylase enzyme and glucoamylase had an effect on the value of brix, color and total sugar levels in both types of sago. The ratio of starch and water 1 : 4 with the dose of α-amylase enzyme 1 ml/kg starch and the enzyme glucoamilase 1 ml/kg starch is an optimal condition for making liquid sugar from the Fasampe sago starch. The ratio of starch and water 1 : 4 with the dose of α-amylase enzyme 1.2 ml/kg of starch and the glucoamilase enzyme 1.2 ml/kg of starch is an optimal condition for making liquid sugar from Fafion sago starch. Fasampe sago starch have a better appearance of liquid sugar colors than Fafion sago starch. ABSTRAKSagu merupakan salah satu tanaman perkebunan yang memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan pangan dan non pangan bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Sagu sebagai sumber pati yang tinggi dapat dimanfaatkan untuk produksi gula cair. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perbandingan optimal antara air dan enzim pada produksi gula cair sagu asal Sorong Selatan. Penelitian dilakukan di Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pasca Panen Pertanian, Bogor. Percobaan disusun dalam rancangan split split plot dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Perbandingan air dengan pati sagu sebagai petak utama, enzim α-amilase sebagai anak petak dan enzim glukoamilase sebagai anak petak. Penelitian terbagi atas dua percobaan yaitu : (1) perbandingan air dan pati sagu serta (2) perbandingan enzim dan pati sagu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbandingan pati dan air, dosis enzim α-amilase dan glukoamilase memberikan pengaruh terhadap nilai brix, warna dan kadar gula total pada kedua jenis sagu. Perbandingan pati dan air 1 : 4 dengan dosis enzim α-amilase 1 ml/kg pati dan enzim glukoamilase 1 ml/kg pati merupakan kondisi optimal untuk membuat gula cair dari sagu Fasampe. Perbandingan pati dan air 1 : 4 dengan dosis enzim α-amilase 1,2 ml/kg pati dan enzim glukoamilase 1,2 ml/kg pati merupakan kondisi optimal untuk membuat gula cair dari sagu Fafion. Jenis sagu Fasampe memiliki tampilan warna gula cair yang lebih baik dari sagu Fafion

    Pendampingan Peningkatan Usaha Ternak Sapi Pedaging melalui Program Pengembangan Masyarakat di Desa Sumber Rejeki:

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    Livestock waste is all waste left over from animal husbandry activities, whether in the form of liquid waste, solid waste, or gas. Waste basically cannot be prevented but can be processed. Waste that is not maximally utilized has an impact on the environment and can pollute water, soil and air in Sumber Rejeki Village, South Kalimantan Province. One of the leading commodities in Sumber Rejeki Village, South Kalimantan Province is broiler cattle with a population in 2023 of 250 heads. This training and mentoring aims to improve the skills of farmers, the application of modern technology in livestock management, and business development through the manufacture of innovative products such as the utilization of broiler waste into organic fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer. There are several problems that arise such as pungent odors due to the waste produced that can affect air quality. Therefore, it is necessary to have awareness of farmers to be able to process the waste produced so that it is not only disposed of but farmers can utilize the waste to be used as additional income and can reduce pollution in the village. By increasing awareness, skills, and knowledge, farmers will be able to create and open new businesses in the livestock sector and reduce existing pollution

    Shannon entropy on near-infrared spectroscopy for nondestructively determining water content in oil palm

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    Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of palm oil. To preserve its competitive advantages, the Indonesian oil palm sector must expand high-quality palm oil output. In oil palm quality control, the water content is a crucial parameter as it can be used as a reference to determine the right harvest time. Thus, this study proposed a near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy as a fast and non-destructive analysis to assess oil palm water content. NIR spectra were processed using Shannon entropy to describe the characteristics at each wavelength. In this study, oil palm fruit samples at various maturity levels were collected with eight different maturity fractions. Based on the analysis, the Shannon entropy value is closely related to any changes in the water content of palm oil. The entropy value has a decreasing trend as the water content increases. The proposed technique can predict the water content of an oil palm with satisfactory performance with values of 0.9746 of coefficient of determination (R2) and 2,487 of root mean square error (RMSE). Application of this model will lead to a fast and accurate prediction system related to oil palm water content

    Morphology and Starch Production Potential of Sago Palm Found in Village Haripau, East Mimika Subdistrict, Mimika, Papua Province, Indonesia

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    Papua, Indonesia is the largest sago palm (Metroxylon spp) distribution area in the world. Most (85%) of the total sago area in the world is in Indonesia, and 95% of the sago area in Indonesia is in Papua and West Papua. Field observation of accessions of sago palm was conducted at the sago growing area at Hiripau village. The aim of the study was to determine the diversity of sago palm accessions from Hiripau village and compare their morphology and starch production. Based on interviews with the local farmers, the four accessions of sago palm that dominated the Hiripau area are Nakowai, Mapartaro, Tuhai, and Korearipi. These accessions vary in the spine characteristics, features of the trunk, leaf, pith, and starch production. Sago Mapartaro leaves are the largest (23.56 m2) and the leaflet areas are almost twice the size of the other accessions. Tuhai has the highest starch yield but it has high ash content resulting in low starch quality

    Pemberdayaan Petani pada Pengolahan Pascapanen Kopi Arabika Proses Full Wash (Coffea arabica L.) di Desa Kalisat Kidul, Kecamatan Kalibening, Kabupaten Banjarnegara: Empowerment of Farmers in Post-Harvest Processing of Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in Kalisat Kidul Village, Kalibening District, Banjarnegara

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    Coffee is one of the important export potentials in world trade. Indonesia is classified as the fourth largest coffee exporting country in the world after Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia. (AEKI, 2020). Aceh Province is one of the centers of Gayo Arabica coffee producers in Indonesia. There are three main production areas for gayo arabica coffee, namely the districts of Central Aceh, Bener Meriah and Gayo Lues. Coffee is the main agricultural commodity for the people in the three districts. Post-harvest processing is the second stage after the coffee cultivation process or production management. This stage is important because the final result in post-harvest processing determines the added value or selling value of the harvest. Post-harvest processing is also an important aspect in coffee development. agriculture in Banjarnegara Regency. After harvesting, the next process is post-harvest processing, so that to support good coffee quality is the correct processing. In general, coffee processing can be divided into two, namely wet processing and dry processing. Arabica coffee produced in the Dieng Plateau (Banjarnegara and Pekalongan Districts) is generally processed by wet processing. The processing of coffee beans in Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah regencies consists of harvesting, peeling fruit skin, fermentation, washing, drying, peeling the skin of coffee beans, sifting (grinding) and polishing. roasting process, manual sorting, warehousing, packaging and packing as well as process control and quality control. The quality of coffee is largely determined by its handling at harvest and post-harvest. So there is a need for empowerment at the farmer level so that farmers are able to produce good quality in the cultivation process. Key words: arabica coffee, empowerment, cherry, postharvest proces

    Empirical mode decomposition of near-infrared spectroscopy signals for predicting oil content in palm fruits

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    Oil content estimation in palm fruits is a precious property that significantly impacts oil palm production, starting from the upstream and downstream. This content can be used to monitor the progress of the oil palm fresh fruit bunch (FFB) and be applied to identify product profitability. Based on the near-infrared (NIR) signals, this study proposes an empirical mode decomposition (EMD) technique to decompose signals and predict the oil content of palm fruit. First, 350 palm fruits with Tenera varieties (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. var. tenera), at various ages of maturity, were harvested from the Cikabayan Oil Palm Plantation (IPB University, Indonesia). Second, each sample was sent directly to the laboratory for NIR signal measurements and oil content extraction. Then, the EMD analysis and artificial neural network (ANN) were employed to correlate the NIR signals and oil content. Finally, a robust EMD-ANN model is generated by optimizing the lowest possible errors. Based on performance evaluation, the proposed technique can predict oil content with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.933 ± 0.015 and a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 1.446 ± 0.208. These results demonstrate that the model has a good predictive capacity and has the potential to predict the oil content of palm fruits directly, without neither solvents nor reagents, which makes it environmentally friendly. Therefore, the proposed technique has a promising potential to be applied in the oil palm industry. Measurements like this will lead to the effective and efficient management of oil palm production