909 research outputs found

    NGO field workers in Pakistan

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    NGOs came into the society in their present form after World War II and more precisely in 1960s. Before that also different forms of philanthropy existed. Like elsewhere in the world, in Pakistan also state and the market were the two sectors catering for different needs of the people. When foreign funding started coming into the poor countries, the channel of NGOs was considered more appropriate including the fact they had roots in the society and the benefit could reach the far flung areas. NGO field workers are the real actors in the NGOs’ activities but sadly the NGOs those raise the slogans of working for the destitute do not bother to facilitate the NGO field workers. Eventually the NGO field workers are facing problems of job insecurity, poor salary structure, unhealthy working environment and even harassment especially in case of women NGO field workers in Pakistan.Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), NGO field workers, wage level and structure, working conditions

    NGOs and poverty issues in peri-urban areas

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    Poverty reduction is the top-most element in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set by the United Nations those have provided a broad way for the development planning professionals on the globe to assess their past performance in the important aspects of development planning as well as to plan their strategies for the design period of 2000-2015. The United Nations sees the nations as members of a global family and expects them to work for the fellow-beings setting some guidelines, for instance, ‘The millennium Development Goals can be achieved if immediate steps are taken to implement existing commitment.NGOs, poverty, peri-urban areas

    The Impact of Demographics upon the Leadership Styles and the Quality Management Practices

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    The enterprises needs a leader who is capable to get together the vision and mission, human resource and competitive strategy that creatively and innovatively is able to become a world class enterprise. Leadership is an important factor in initiating and implementing the transformation of quality management within enterprise. Leadership can be defined as process of affecting activities in a group organized to achieve the goal. Leadership changes a potential to a reality and it becomes the main activity giving success to enterprise. Leadership style is a process of affecting activities in a specific way and within an organized group towards the achievement of distinguished objective. Leadership concept developed within institution is transformational and transactional and these concepts have a base on style, behavior and situation of a leader. Leadership styles are reflected in practices and states of mind; however these thusly are the result of complex associations between the way the individual think and feel. In this regard, the role of personal attributes is also significant with respect to leadership styles and quality management practices. Keywords: Demographics, Leadership Styles & Quality Management Practice

    Moderating effects of organizational learning capability on the relationship between innovation, branding and SMEs performance in sports industry of Pakistan

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    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a catalytic role in strengthening the economy of developing counties. The performance of SMEs depends on various factors. Among those factors include innovation and branding practices. This study aimed to investigate the nature of relationship that exists between Innovation, Branding and SMEs performance in sports industry of Pakistan. Furthermore, the study intended to examine the moderating effects of organizational learning capability on relationship between Innovation, Branding and SMEs performance. A structured questionnaire representing dimensions related to innovation, branding, organizational learning capability and SMEs Performance was designed. Survey method was used to conduct study on 352 SMEs in sports industry of Pakistan. Multiple Regression analysis was employed in order the study the nature and strength of relationship between Innovation and SMEs Performance, as well as between Branding and SMEs Performance. Results indicated that both Innovation and Branding have a significant positive effect on SMEs performance. Hierarchical Regression Analysis was utilized to see the moderating effects of Organizational Learning Capability on relationship between Innovation, Branding and SMEs performance. Findings revealed that Organizational learning Capability does not moderate the relationship between Innovation, Branding and SMEs performance. These results imply that SMEs must emphasize on bringing innovations and embracing branding practices if they desire to enhance their performance. The study also contributed to the theory as it extended Resource Based View, Dynamic Capabilities Perspective and the Theory of the growth of the firm by integrating three distinct literature streams pertaining to Innovation, Branding and Organizational Learning

    The Leadership Styles and Quality Management: A Literature Review

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    The present research leads to explore the relationship among leadership and quality management practices. The current study focuses on examining the impact of transformational and transactional leadership on quality management practices with respect to different organizations that has a system of quality management. Quality management practices are the basic ingredient of total quality management and play a significant role in development of the country. Though, the theoretical evidence about the quality management and leadership styles is well explored by researcher but still it is bit confusing that which type of leadership is the most suitable to these organizations. In this regard, the current study shortly explore by utilizing the existing research regarding the above said phenomenon. Keywords: Leadership Styles and Quality Managemen

    Investigating the Relationship between Leadership Styles and Quality Management Practices

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    Leadership styles and quality management practices play an important role in organizational success. Leadership styles have deeper impact in designing, formulating and implementing organizational strategies to cope with the technological development. Very few studies investigate the relationship between leadership styles and quality management practices. Most of these research works is conducted in developed countries and little literature was found in the developing countries like Pakistan. In the current research study, the researcher conduct it in small and medium enterprises sector of Pakistan to validate the relationship between transformation, transactional leadership styles and quality management practices. For this purpose data was collected from a sample (150) of employees working in small and medium enterprises like banking sector through questionnaires that was adapted from previous research studies. Data was then entered into SPSS in order to apply the different statistical tools and testing of hypothesis. Results indicate that all the variables have significant and positive relationship. In the direct relationship transformational leadership was strongly associated with implementation of quality management practices, while transactional leadership style was less associated to quality management practices. Keywords: Leadership styles, Quality management practices & Small and medium enterprises

    The Potential and Economic Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries like Pakistan: A Systematic View

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    In the development of any country, small and medium enterprises play a vital role. The small and medium enterprises in developing countries like Pakistan are backing a lot in international and national market of different sectors like banking, manufacturing, construction, fishing, tobacco, agri-business, mining, leather, retailing, paper industries and farming. The small and medium enterprises in Pakistan are active agent in development process. In reality most of Pakistan small and medium enterprises are managed and run by one person, family and friends network. In such small and medium enterprises  for the most part at country regions of Pakistan the part of individual properties and rate of benefits and in addition its temperament does not assume an essential part in choice making process. In such type of small and medium enterprises the individual diversion are higher as contrast with corporate commercial ventures. This trait might build the possibility of danger and decline the productivity of enterprises. Keywords: Role of Small and Medium Enterprises, Developing Countries, Pakista

    The Quality Management Practices, its Implementation and Total Quality Management: A Review of Literature

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    In the contemporary period of rivalry, it turns out to be hard for an organization to survive. Clients' needs turned out to be progressively hard to meet. They demand for quicker reaction, better esteem for values, substances or administrations, more item assortments, and expect lower costs, dependable conveyance, and item trustworthiness. Numerous commercial enterprises have stirred because of this marvel to wind up mindful of the need to organize quality as the focused promoting methodology in worldwide business sector. Quality management practices have turned into a management logic and a method for an industry's life that causes in overseeing organizations to enhance its general adequacy and execution towards accomplishing world-class status for as long as two decades. Fruitful usage of aggregate quality management conveys wide advantages and commitments to an industry. A definitive commitment incorporates advancing state of mind, getting successful and effective business arrangements, achieving greatness and fulfilling. Keywords: Quality Management Practices, Implementation and Total Quality Managemen
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