17 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Terapi Tradisional dan Alternatif oleh Penderita Gangguan Jiwa

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    Sampai saat ini masih sedikit informasi dari hasil-hasil penelitian tentang pemanfaatan terapi tradisional dan alternatif oleh para penderita gangguan jiwa di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pemanfaatan terapi tradisional dan alternatif di antara penderita gangguan jiwa di Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Charmaz Constructive Grounded Theory untuk mengeksplorasi pemanfaatan terapi tradisional dan alternatif di antara pasien yang menderita gangguan jiwa. Metode pengumpulan data termasuk interaksi langsung (wawancara semi-terstruktur), document review, catatan lapangan dan memo. Data analisis menggunakan pendekatan Paille data analisis. Penelitian menghasilkan lima kategori: 1) kerasukan oleh setan atau roh; 2) penyakit akibat berdosa; 3) Berobat ke tradisional dulu baru akhirnya ke rumah sakit jiwa; 4) kekerasan; 5) takut dengan pengobatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terapi tradisional dan alternatif dan orang pintar (dukun, para pemimpin agama Islam, pendeta, paranormal dan pengobatan tradisional Cina) memiliki peran sentral dalam mendukung dan menawarkan solusi ketika seseorang memiliki gangguan jiwa di Indonesia. Para terapis atau ‘orang pintar’ biasanya merupakan pilihan pertama dari keluarga dan anggota ‘masyarakat lainnya jika berhubungan dengan terapi yang orang yang menderita gangguan jiwa. Penelitian lanjut diperlukan untuk melihat efektivitas terapi tradisional dan alternatif ini yang masih kurang diteliti dan didokumentasikan di Indonesia. Penelitian lebih lanjut juga perlu dilakukan untuk memahami sikap atau perspektif keluarga, masyarakat dan staf lembaga pemerintahan sebagai partisipan terkait dengan pengobatan tradisional dan alternatif ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian kuantitatif diperlukan untuk meneliti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemanfaaatan terapi tradisional dan alternatif oleh penderita gangguan jiwa di Indonesia


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    Abstrak : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi tentang penerapan konsep total quality management (TQM) dalam meningkatkan mutu Akademi Keperawatan Politeknik Kesehatan Jakarta. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus yang melibatkan mahasiswa, staf pengajar, dan staf administrasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes, wawancara, focus group discussion dan seminar. Survei dilakukan sebelum tindakan siklus pertama untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kondisi yang ada dan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi masalah. Hasil studi menunjukkan peningkatan kualitas institusi yang signifikan melalui empat pilar TQM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan kualitas yang signifikan. Kepuasan mahasiswa, kualitas akademik lulusan meningkat, yang menunjukkan fokus manajemen pada kepuasan pelanggan. Fasilitas pendidikan, Peningkatan pelayanan akademik dan administrasi menunjukkan telah dilakukan upaya peningkatan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa. Perbaikan kampus meningkat. Hal itu telah dilakukan pula peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia berupa pendidikan lanjutan sebagai honorarium. Oleh karena itu, implementasi pilar TQM secara terus menerus menjadi sangat penting. Keywords:  Total quality management, customer satisfaction, quality improvement, nursing. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian untuk memperoleh informasi tentang pelaksanaan konsep manajemen kualitas total (TQM) dalam meningkatkan kualitas Akademi Keperawatan, Poltekkes Kesehatan Jakarta. Penelitian tindakan ini dilakukan dalam tiga siklus yang melibatkan mahasiswa, staf pengajar, dan staf administrasi akademi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes, wawancara, focus group discussion (FGD) dan seminar. Survey dilakukan sebelum siklus pertama dari tindakan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang kondisi yang ada dan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi masalah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan kualitas yang signifikan. Kepuasan mahasiswa, mutu lulusan akademik  meningkat, yang  menunjukan pengelolaan telah berorientasi kepada kepuasan pelanggan. Fasilitas pendidikan, pelayanan akademik dan administrasi meningkat, menunjukan bahwa telah dilakukan upaya peningkatankan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa. Perbaikan lingkungan kampus meningkat. Telah dilakukan juga peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dalam bentuk pendidikan lanjutan sebagai penghargaan. Oleh karena itu pelaksanaan terus menerus dari pilar-pilar TQM  sangat penting. Kata kunci : Total qualitas manajemen, kepuasan pelanggan, peningkatan kualitas, Keperawata

    The impact of cultural healthcare practices on Children’s health in the United Arab Emirates: a qualitative study of traditional remedies and implications

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    AimThis qualitative study investigates the impact of cultural practices on children’s health in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by examining the use of traditional remedies and home treatments by mothers.MethodsTwenty-five participants, all mothers who had employed traditional treatments or home remedies for their children during periods of illness, were included in the study. The participants represented a diverse range of educational backgrounds, from school diploma holders to university degree graduates, with ages spanning from 20 to 50 years. Hailing from different Arabic countries and cultural subgroups, the majority of participating mothers were from the UAE.ResultsThrough in-depth interviews, three major themes emerged from the participants’ experiences. Firstly, a strong connection between culture, religion, and healthcare practices was evident. Many mothers opted for cultural remedies as their first line of defense against illnesses due to the practices’ strong foundations in their cultural heritage. Herbal remedies, Quranic healing, and other traditional methods were perceived to be both effective and spiritually comforting, reinforcing participants’ sense of cultural identity. Secondly, participants highlighted unintended consequences of relying solely on traditional treatments. Some instances were reported where the use of ineffective remedies resulted in delays in seeking appropriate medical care for their children, potentially compromising their health. Additionally, certain misconceptions regarding the safety and efficacy of traditional remedies were identified, emphasizing the need for evidence-based healthcare education.ConclusionThis qualitative study sheds light on the intricate interplay between culture, traditional remedies, and children’s health in the UAE. The incorporation of diverse participants from various Arabic countries and cultural subgroups enriches the study’s applicability to broader Arabic cultures. By recognizing the significance of cultural healthcare practices and striking a balance with evidence-based care, healthcare providers can create a more inclusive and effective healthcare environment for children in the UAE. Future research should explore diverse samples and develop targeted interventions to further advance cultural awareness and understanding in healthcare practices

    Long‐term care facilities' response to the COVID ‐19 pandemic: An international, cross‐sectional survey

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    Aims To (i) assess the adherence of long‐term care (LTC) facilities to the COVID‐19 prevention and control recommendations, (ii) identify predictors of this adherence and (iii) examine the association between the adherence level and the impact of the pandemic on selected unfavourable conditions. Design Cross‐sectional survey. Methods Managers (n = 212) and staff (n = 2143) of LTC facilities (n = 223) in 13 countries/regions (Brazil, Egypt, England, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Thailand and Turkey) evaluated the adherence of LTC facilities to COVID‐19 prevention and control recommendations and the impact of the pandemic on unfavourable conditions related to staff, residents and residents' families. The characteristics of participants and LTC facilities were also gathered. Data were collected from April to October 2021. The study was reported following the STROBE guidelines. Results The adherence was significantly higher among facilities with more pre‐pandemic in‐service education on infection control and easier access to information early in the pandemic. Residents' feelings of loneliness and feeling down were the most affected conditions by the pandemic. More psychological support to residents was associated with fewer residents' aggressive behaviours, and more psychological support to staff was associated with less work–life imbalance. Conclusions Pre‐pandemic preparedness significantly shaped LTC facilities' response to the pandemic. Adequate psychological support to residents and staff might help mitigate the negative impacts of infection outbreaks. Impact This is the first study to comprehensively examine the adherence of LTC facilities to COVID‐19 prevention and control recommendations. The results demonstrated that the adherence level was significantly related to pre‐pandemic preparedness and that adequate psychological support to staff and residents was significantly associated with less negative impacts of the pandemic on LTC facilities' staff and residents. The results would help LTC facilities prepare for and respond to future infection outbreaks. Patient or public contribution No Patient or Public Contribution

    Pemanfaatan Terapi Tradisional dan Alternatif oleh Penderita Gangguan Jiwa

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    Sampai saat ini masih sedikit informasi dari hasil-hasil penelitian tentang pemanfaatan terapi tradisional dan alternatif oleh para penderita gangguan jiwa di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pemanfaatan terapi tradisional dan alternatif di antara penderita gangguan jiwa di Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Charmaz Constructive Grounded Theory untuk mengeksplorasi pemanfaatan terapi tradisional dan alternatif di antara pasien yang menderita gangguan jiwa. Metode pengumpulan data termasuk interaksi langsung (wawancara semi-terstruktur), document review, catatan lapangan dan memo. Data analisis menggunakan pendekatan Paille data analisis. Penelitian menghasilkan lima kategori: 1) kerasukan oleh setan atau roh; 2) penyakit akibat berdosa; 3) Berobat ke tradisional dulu baru akhirnya ke rumah sakit jiwa; 4) kekerasan; 5) takut dengan pengobatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terapi tradisional dan alternatif dan orang pintar (dukun, para pemimpin agama Islam, pendeta, paranormal dan pengobatan tradisional Cina) memiliki peran sentral dalam mendukung dan menawarkan solusi ketika seseorang memiliki gangguan jiwa di Indonesia. Para terapis atau ‘orang pintar’ biasanya merupakan pilihan pertama dari keluarga dan anggota ‘masyarakat lainnya jika berhubungan dengan terapi yang orang yang menderita gangguan jiwa. Penelitian lanjut diperlukan untuk melihat efektivitas terapi tradisional dan alternatif ini yang masih kurang diteliti dan didokumentasikan di Indonesia. Penelitian lebih lanjut juga perlu dilakukan untuk memahami sikap atau perspektif keluarga, masyarakat dan staf lembaga pemerintahan sebagai partisipan terkait dengan pengobatan tradisional dan alternatif ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian kuantitatif diperlukan untuk meneliti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemanfaaatan terapi tradisional dan alternatif oleh penderita gangguan jiwa di Indonesia.Kata kunci: Gangguan jiwa, terapi, tradisional-alternatif. Traditional and Alternative Therapies Usage by Psychiatric Patients: A Grounded Theory.AbstractUntil recently, little information is known from studies regarding the use of traditional and alternative therapies by people with mental illness in Indonesia. This study explored the use of traditional or alternative therapies among mentally ill sufferers in Indonesia. A Charmaz’s Constructivist Grounded Theory method was used to explore the use of traditional or alternative therapies among patients as a result of suffering from mental illness. Data collection method involved direct interaction (semi-structured interviews), mute evidence (document review), field notes and memos. Paillé (1994) data analysis was employed to organize and manage data. Study has led to five categories: 1) possessed by Satan or spirit; 2) sinful illness; 3) treatment at traditional before going to the hospital; 4) violence; 5) fear of treatment. Study results indicated that complementary - alternative treatments and ‘smart people’ (shamans, Islamic leaders, chaplains, paranormal and traditional Chinese medicine) have a central role in supporting and offering solutions when someone has a mental illness in Indonesia. Visiting therapists or ‘smart people’, is usually the first choice of patients, families and other community members when dealing with the mentally ill treatments. Further research is needed to see the effectiveness of traditional or alternative therapy which is still poorly researched and documented in Indonesia. It is also needed to understand the attitude or perspective of the family, the community and government staff as participants regarding traditional or alternative therapies. This study used a qualitative approach, thus quantitative research is needed to examine the factors that affect the utilization of traditional or alternative therapies by mentally ill people in Indonesia..Key words: Alternative, mental illness, therapy, traditional

    Relationship Between Ante Natal Care As A Health Education Approach And Incidence Of Hypertension (Gestational Hypertension) Among Pregnant Women

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between antenatal care (ANC) education approach and the incidence of hypertension in pregnant women. This study used a descriptive method to understand the relationship between the ante natal care as a health education approach and the incidence of hypertension in pregnant women. Samples were randomly taken on pregnant women who visited Antenatal Care in Leuwiliang district with a correlation formula as a minimal calculation. Eighty-seven subjects were included, and blood pressure measurements were carried out following the SOP for blood pressure measurement with description analysis and analysis of the relationship between hypertension events with ANC visits and gestational age. The highest variable of antenatal care visits in incomplete visits was 66 pregnant women (66.0%). Pregnant women who have the most hypertension status were 55 pregnant women (55.0%). The most hypertension in the group was not at risk as much as 46%. The highest percentage were mothers whose antenatal care visits were incomplete and hypertension was 44%. The lowest percentage is mothers with complete antenatal care visits and normal hypertension which was 8%. There was an incidence of hypertension in the non-risk group and ANC visits and showed the presence of hypertension in the incomplete ANC visit group. Thus, educational approaches and efforts to increase awareness of pregnant women in ANC need to be improve

    Basketball Learning Model for Children with Autism

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    This is a Research and Development (R&D) study for elementary school students aged 10 years to 12 years. It was conducted in three cities in Subang, Purwakarta and Karawang, West Java Province. Respondents were divided into small trials of 20 students, large trials of 60 students, and effectiveness tests of 74 students. The objective of this study is to form a basketball learning model through basketball mini learning specifically for autistic children. The pilot study was conducted by giving questionnaires to teachers, principals, and parents with a total 200 respondents. The study used a descriptive method while the data collection method uses data triangulation, namely questionnaires, interviews, and observations using the random sampling method. The 90-minute learning time used physical education learning time at school conducted face-to-face with a duration of 16 times. Thirty-six basketball learning models were made for children with autism. The instruments consisted of passing, dribbling, and shooting following the standard assessment instruments from the basketball learning curriculum. The data were analyzed using the statistical method of the average difference test (t-test) to determine the effectiveness of the basketball mini learning model. The study results showed that: 1) the basketball mini learning model can be applied in the learning process; 2) the average score of the experimental group was 60.26 > the average control group was 18.29, while the t-count effectiveness test (8,316) > t-table (1.687). It was found that the basketball learning model for autistic children was effectively for elementary school-age autistic students known sig. scores (2-tailed) is 0.00 < 0.05. Based on our findings, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in effectiveness (real) between the experimental group and the control group in improving learning basketball skills for children with autism. &nbsp

    Investigation of the Interests and Reasons of Diploma Nurses Undertake a RN-BSN Bridging Program in United Arab Emirates

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    The nursing programs across United Arab Emirates are in the process to inform students about RN-BSN bridging program. The study purpose was to determine the interests and reasons of nurses in enrolling to a RN -BSN bridging program. An online survey was conducted among diploma students to explore their interest and perspective regarding pursuing bridging program. One hundreds thirty-five RNs participated. The questionnaire used for survey had seventeen items, which included questions to elicit information or clarification of their perspectives. We performed the data analysis in SPSS by computing descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings showed that a majority of nurses were interested in returning to RN-BSN program. The students’ reasons were both personal and career related, with personal reasons being more dominant. Most of participants held a diploma and midwifery and they had more than 2 years working experience since they completed diploma. There appears to be a need for a RN-BSN bridging program because most of study respondents are potential candidates for this program. This study provides information to nursing schools’ management to provide opportunities and develop curriculums to meet the needs of these nurses. Nurses need to reflect on various strategies for incorporating their new knowledge into clinical practice

    Changes in The Mental Health Condition Among Elderly After Giving Reflexology Massage Intervention

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    Introduction: The number of elderly people in Indonesia is estimated to rise by about 10 percent and by 2024 it will rise to 20 percent and this group is facing issues such as living below the poverty line, health problems such as mental health (depression and anxiety) Various instruments of mental health are widely used both in hospitals and in the community Objective:  The objective of this study was to know the changes in the mental health condition of elders after given reflexology intervention  Methods: This is quasi experimental study with pre and post design among elder group ≥ 60 years. The elderly people were interviewed with GDS and GAT-7 before receiving treatment. The following step consisted of alternate massaging the legs using reflexology. After completing the reflexology massage intervention every 2 (two) times a week with a duration of 100-140 minutes, the second GDS and GAT-7 interview was then conducted. The results of the difference in the average scores of GDS and GAT-7 were compared to see the extent of the benefits of reflexology intervention in reducing anxiety and depression in the elderly group. Other variables are age, marriage status, education, research carried out in Puraseda village, Leuwiliang district, Bogor district of West Java. Sampling method uses random sampling techniques that meet the inclusion criteria with a minimum sample size of 10. Analysis is performed in a descriptive and bivariate to see the difference between GS and GAT-7 scores. Results: The overall average GDS score decreased after being given reflexology massage. Our study found that there was an influence of reflexology on the elderly mental health. The average depression score before reflexology was 18.60 with a standard deviation of 3.01. Then, an average depression score after reflexology intervention was 16.20 with a standard deviation of 2.68. In this study, the anxiety score was carried out using the Wilcoxon test, where 7 subjects’ anxiety levels decreased, 3 subjects’ anxiety levels increased, and 5 subjects remained the same

    Quality and safety issue: language barriers in healthcare, a qualitative study of non-Arab healthcare practitioners caring for Arabic patients in the UAE

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    Objectives To identify language-related communication barriers that expatriate (non-Arabic) healthcare practitioners in the UAE encounter in their daily practice.Design Qualitative study utilising semi-structured in-depth interviews. The interviews were conducted in English language.Setting Different healthcare facilities across the UAE. These facilities were accessed for data collection over a period of 3 months from January 2023 to March 2023.Participants 14 purposively selected healthcare practitioners.Intervention No specific intervention was implemented; this study primarily aimed at gaining insights through interviews.Primary and secondary outcomes To understand the implications of language barriers on service quality, patient safety, and healthcare providers’ well-being.Results Three main themes emerged from our analysis of participants’ narratives: Feeling left alone, Trying to come closer to their patients and Feeling guilty, scared and dissatisfied.Conclusions Based on the perspectives and experiences of participating healthcare professionals, language barriers have notably influenced the delivery of healthcare services, patient safety and the well-being of both patients and practitioners in the UAE. There is a pressing need, as highlighted by these professionals, for the inclusion of professional interpreters and the provision of training to healthcare providers to enhance effective collaboration with these interpreters