711 research outputs found

    Contributions of mosques towards building Malay society: a case study on Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur

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    Malaysia is a country which is known for the heavy Islamic moral values presence in its culture and traditions. Mosques in Malaysia are well known for their beauty and captivating architecture. At the same time, the history of Islamic civilization is closely linked to the mosque, as it is the main centre for spreading the Islamic culture and knowledge everywhere in the world. This is my pleasure to write a paper on “Contributions of Mosques towards Building Malay Society: a case study on Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur”, which is not only the land mark of Kuala Lumpur, but it is also a structural marvel that become a pride of the Islamic world with its beautiful and unique architectural features. While I was writing this paper, I met so many officials of this beautiful Mosque. Officials of the Masjid Wilayah are so helpful and informative as it helped me a lot to collect the information’s about the mosque, some of are namely; Ustaz Zakariah Isa, chief Imam of Masjid Wilayah, Ustaz Abdul Haleem Zakaria, Imam of Masjid Wilayah, Brother Uthman Mustafa, Director of Jakim, Brother Dato Che Mat, Chairman of Jawi, Ustazah Umme Kulsoom Principal of Masjid Wilayah School, Ustazah Fathiyyah binti A.Rahman, Senior Assistant Director. I surprised when I was informed from the officials that, this mosque is not only a Mosque but a complete world of services and facilities under the name of Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan, which is busy day and night in building the Malay society. Some facilities are: 1.Friday congregations, 2. Morning speech, Zohor speech, 3. Qur’an class, 4. Fiqh class, 5.Arabic class, 6. Qiyam-ul-Lail, 7. Hospital’s visit program, 8. Program for single mother, 9.Complete school program, 10. Nursery program, 11. School holidays program for youth, 12.Basic religious teaching program, 13. Health program, 14. Cooking class, 15. Flower making class, 16.Aerobic class (fitness class), 17. Blood donation program, 18. Iftar program and Sohur program, 19. Eid-ul-Adha cow slaughtering program, 20. Friday Bazar, 21.Funeral preparation program. With this note, I would like to thank from my heart to the organizers of the International conference on Islamic Civilization and Malay Identity 2011(ICICMI 2011) who allowed me to present this paper. I hope this study will be an informative reference for the people who want to know about services of Masjid Wilayah and its features

    Contribution of Muslim scientists to the world: an overview of some selected fields

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    Islam has its own golden history almost in every sectors of knowledge. The main theological doctrine of Islam, Al Quran also gives the utmost emphasize on pursuing knowledge. Muslim scholars from the past were very much aware of this instruction given by Allah s.w.t and they were very much captivated onto that. They developed many ideas and theories in the field of knowledge. This paper will try to shed a light on few works that have been carried out by the Muslim scholars. However, it focuses on the contributions of Muslim scholars in Mathematics, Physics and Medicine only. This paper will also promote Islamization of Knowledge and its necessity for solving current Muslim world’s educational problems. It is also hoped that, by remembering all those Muslim heroes and their contributions, contemporary Muslim societies, scholars will be inspired

    Contribution of Muslim Scientists to the world: an overview of some selected fields

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    The Qur’Én which is the foundation of Islamic teachings gives the utmost emphasize on pursuing knowledge. Muslim scholars from the past were very much aware of this instruction given by Allah (s. w. t.) and they were very captivated by it. They developed many ideas and theories in the field of knowledge. This paper will try to shed somelight on a few works that have been carried out by Muslim scholars. However, it focuses on the contributions of Muslim scholars in Mathematics, Physics and Medicine only.It is hoped that, by remembering all those Muslim heroes and their contributions; contemporary Muslim societies, particularly muslim scholars will be inspired

    Majorization theorem for convexifiable functions

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    In this paper we extend the majorization theorem from convex to covexifiable functions, in particular to smooth functions with Lipschitz derivative, twice continuously differentiable functions and analytic functions

    Generalization of majorization theorem via Abel-Gontscharoff polynomial

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    In this paper we use Abel-Gontscharoff formula and Green function to give some identities for the difference of majorization inequality and present the generalization of majorization theorem for the class of n-convex. We use inequalities for the Čebyšev functional to obtain bounds for the identities related to generalizations of majorization inequalities. We present mean value theorems and n-exponential convexity for the functional obtained from the generalized majorization inequalities. At the end we discuss the results for particular families of functions and give means

    أثر الدعوة فى إصلاح المجتمعات الإنسانية في ضوء السنة

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    ملخّص البحث الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين وبعد، فإن دعوة سيّدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وسيرته المباركة دعوة كاملة باقية، وسيرة جامعة شاملة، لا ينقص منها شيء يتعلق بإصلاح المجتمعات الإنسانية وفائدتها، ولا ينتهي هذا الإصلاح المبارك بانتهاء القرون والأجيال، بل هو يشمل جميع جوانب الحياة وأمورها، ويحتوي على كافّة أحوالها وظروفها، من زمان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى يومنا هذا. والأحاديث الواردة في بيان طريق إصلاح الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم والدعوة إليه، وقيامه بتكوين بيئة صالحة تدلّ على أنه قائم على أساس الربط بين العبد والرب، والعلاقة بين الفرد والمجتمع، فالعبد الذي لايعرف ربه ويجهل عظمة شأنه حرم من الخير والكرامة، والفرد الذي لايمشي مع المجتمع ولايقدر له احترامه لا يأتي بخير ينتفع به. إن بحثنا هذا "أثرالدعوة فى إصلاح المجتمعات الإنسانية في ضوء السنة"، يتجمع في نقاط ثلاثة كما تلي : النقطة الأولى : مفهوم الإصلاح وأثره في التربية، النقطة الثانية : مكانة الفرد المسلم في المجتمع الإسلامي، وأثره في تكوينه والحفاظ عليه، النقطة الثالثة : أهمية المجتمع الإنساني في حياة الفرد المسلم وآثاره في تربيته وتكوين شخصيته. والله تبارك وتعالى هو الموفّق والمعين

    المحدث الكبير محمدد انور شاه الكشميري ومنهجه في شرح الحديث (al-Muhaddath al-kabir Muhammad Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri wa-manhajuhu fi sharh al-hadith)

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    يهدف هذا البحث إلى إبراز منهج الإمام محمد أنور شاه الكشميري في شرح الحديث الشريف، الذى أفنى حياته في خدمته، فبرع فيه، وفي الرجال والعلل، وهو صاحب آراء وترجيحات كثيرة، مما دفعني إلى أن اكتب في منهجه في شرح الحديث الشريف أثناء دروسه وكتاباته المشهورة

    لمحات التربية العقدية في التفسير المظهري للقاضي ثناء الله الباني نتي (Lamhat al-tarbiyah al-'aqdiyah fi Tafsir al-Mazhari lil-Qadi Thana' Allah al-Bani Bati)

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    يحاول هذا البحث بيان منهج القرآن الكريم في التربية العقدية الإسلامية، من خلال كتاب "التفسير المظهري" للإمام القاضي ثناء الله المظهري الپاني پتي -رحمه الله تعالى-، ويتناول لمحاته من تربية الإنسان عقيدة التوحيد، والرسالة والنبوة، والقضاء والقدر، بتقديم نماذج من كلامه في كل منه