11 research outputs found

    Faktor pemberian hibah menurut perspektif pentadbir tanah

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    Hibah through transfer the ownership of land is a regular practice among Muslims in Malaysia. Transfer the ownership of land can be completed in the Land Office by using Form 14A. However, there are many disagreements among the heirs towards the equality of transfer ownership as many cases concerning the validity and the withdrawal of the hibah in court. So the question arises, how the selection of beneficiaries by the grantors for their property. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify transfer of the land ownership, according to the Land Administrator perspective. This study applies a qualitative approach in which semi-structured interviews with Land Administrator was conducted. The results indicates that parents transfer his/her land to the children as to avoid property is distributed according to the law of inheritance and help their children due to economic constraints


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    The Malaysian legal system is derived from the historical development of two separate legal systems namely Civil Court and Syariah Court. Both institutions have exclusive jurisdiction respectively. However, the intervention of the civil court into the jurisdiction of the Syariah Court has occurred even after amendments made to the article 121 (1A) of the Constitution and the decision of the Federal Court decided that matters pertaining to Muslims and Islam are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Syariah Court.  This amendment has conferred exclusive jurisdiction to the Syariah Court for cases involving Muslims. This article aims to discuss the position of the jurisdiction of the Syariah Court and the effect of amendment of article 121 (1A), of the Federal Constitution. For this purpose the author will make highlights on the development of the Syariah Court from its early history until the latest developments. Analysis have been made against several important cases concerning the jurisdiction of the courts. Few suggestions were proposed to strengthen the power of the Syariah Court, in line with the amendments to the article 121 (1A) of the Constitution. Keyword (s): Islamic law; The jurisdiction of the Syariah Court; separation of powers; Article 121 (1A) of the Federal Constitution. ABSTRAK Kewujudan dua sistem undang-undang sivil dan syariah di Malaysia berkaitan rapat dengan perkembangan sejarah undang-undang di negara ini bermula dengan undang-undang adat Melayu/Islam sehinggalah penggunaan korpus undang-undang Common Law dan Kaedah Ekuiti dan undang-undang Inggeris. Dalam artikel ini, analisis dibuat terhadap institusi kehakiman, khususnya bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah sebelum dan selepas merdeka  bagi perkara yang berkaitan dengan Islam. Kesan pindaan Perkara 121(1A) Perlembagaan akan dikaji termasuk campur tangan Mahkamah Sivil dalam bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah walaupun pindaan selepas pindaan dibuat dan terdapatnya keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan yang memutuskan perkara yang berkaian dengan orang Islam/Islam adalah di bawah bidang kuasa eksklusif Mahkamah Syariah.  Artikel ini juga bertujuan untuk membincangkan tentang bidang kuasa eksklusif Mahkamah Syariah dan kesan pindaan Perkara 121(1A) dengan membuat analisis terhadap perkembangan awal hingga terkini Mahkamah Syariah. Perhubungan di antara kerajaan persekutuan dan negeri (federalisme) dan pengharmonian undang-undang/institusi kehakiman sivil dan syariah juga dibincangkan. Analisis juga telah dibuat terhadap beberapa kes penting yang berkaitan dengan bidang kuasa mahkamah dan beberapa cadangan telah dikemukakan bagi mengukuhkan lagi bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah selaras dengan pindaan Perkara 121(1A) Perlembagaan. Kata Kunci: Undang-undang Islam, Bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah; pengasingan kuasa; federalisme; Perkara 121 (1A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan.Kewujudan dua sistem undang-undang sivil dan syariah di Malaysia berkaitan rapat dengan perkembangan sejarah undang-undang di negara ini bermula dengan undang-undang adat Melayu/Islam sehinggalah penggunaan korpus undang-undang Common Law dan Kaedah Ekuiti dan undang-undang Inggeris. Dalam artikel ini, analisis dibuat terhadap institusi kehakiman, khususnya bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah sebelum dan selepas merdeka  bagi perkara yang berkaitan dengan Islam. Kesan pindaan Perkara 121(1A) Perlembagaan akan dikaji termasuk campur tangan Mahkamah Sivil dalam bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah walaupun pindaan selepas pindaan dibuat dan terdapatnya keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan yang memutuskan perkara yang berkaian dengan orang Islam/Islam adalah di bawah bidang kuasa eksklusif Mahkamah Syariah.  Artikel ini juga bertujuan untuk membincangkan tentang bidang kuasa eksklusif Mahkamah Syariah dan kesan pindaan Perkara 121(1A) dengan membuat analisis terhadap perkembangan awal hingga terkini Mahkamah Syariah. Perhubungan di antara kerajaan persekutuan dan negeri (federalisme) dan pengharmonian undang-undang/institusi kehakiman sivil dan syariah juga dibincangkan. Analisis juga telah dibuat terhadap beberapa kes penting yang berkaitan dengan bidang kuasa mahkamah dan beberapa cadangan telah dikemukakan bagi mengukuhkan lagi bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah selaras dengan pindaan Perkara 121(1A) Perlembagaan. Kata Kunci: Undang-undang Islam, Bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah; pengasingan kuasa; federalisme; Perkara 121 (1A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan

    Undang-undang siber dari perspektif Islam

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    The paper presents a comparative study between the existing cyber laws in Malaysia and the Islamic perspective concerning four major issues in cyber space particularly concerning i) privacy, ii) trust, iii) theft and iv) contract. The study uses comparative approach from the main source of Islamic Syariah - Quran and Sunnah (tradition of the prophet s.aw.) and a thorough study of the existing law pertaining to cyber crime such as Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 and Computer Crime Act 1997. The study prevails that the above concerns principally seems to be consistent with Islamic view. However, more extensive study must be carried out when it comes to implementation of these issues in e-commerce. With more than one billion Muslim population, the research will serve as a baseline for establishing an alternative view from Islamic perspective and cyber laws that taken into account approach based on Syariah to meet new challenges for Muslim Ummah in cyberspace

    A Literature Review on Islamic Estate Planning From Year 2014 to 2019

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    A systematic property planning is one of the most important processes to ensure that the accumulated property over a person\u27s lifetime can be fully utilized for goodness especially by their heirs. However, there are many problems of neglection and postponement in islamic estate distribution among the heirs nowadays, which result in difficulties in the management process. In fact, because of the unfamiliarity of the property distribution process among the heirs has caused them to ignore existing solutions. Therefore, this article aims to study the factors leading to delays in islamic estate administration and to highlight solutions to the arising issues from 107 research articles and discussions on islamic estate planning instruments from the year 2014 to 2019 to better understand this issue. This study is qualitative in nature and based on document analysis from previous literature in property management. The collected articles were analysed descriptively using Atlas ti 8 software and the total frequency of each variable was measured using Microsoft Excel 2007. This article is focusing on several variables including the frequency of articles issued on the topic, article production types, data analysis methods, approach pattern research, the gender of the authors, the rank of authors according to number of articles produced, list of journals and publication types. The initial review of this study has ascertained that there are numerous related studies done between the year 2014 to 2019 compared to the previous years. In general, this article is showing the islamic estate administration system and its laws are influencing factors apart from its relation to individual awareness in achieving better property management. In fact, each instruments; islamic inheritance, will, gift and islamic entrustment nowdays are growing rapidly in many sectors. These instruments offer good solutions in achieving effective islamic estate planning if its functions are well understood and observed. This indicates that the issue of islamic estate planning is still significant and has been extensively researched. Therefore, it is hoped that this study may provide a comprehensive overview of current issues related to islamic estate planning and provide a broader perspective to recent and future studies in addressing this issue

    A literature review on Islamic estate planning from year 2014 to 2019

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    A systematic property planning is one of the most important processes to ensure that the accumulated property over a person's lifetime can be fully utilized for goodness especially by their heirs. However, there are many problems of neglection and postponement in islamic estate distribution among the heirs nowadays, which result in difficulties in the management process. In fact, because of the unfamiliarity of the property distribution process among the heirs has caused them to ignore existing solutions. Therefore, this article aims to study the factors leading to delays in islamic estate administration and to highlight solutions to the arising issues from 107 research articles and discussions on islamic estate planning instruments from the year 2014 to 2019 to better understand this issue. This study is qualitative in nature and based on document analysis from previous literature in property management. The collected articles were analysed descriptively using Atlas ti 8 software and the total frequency of each variable was measured using Microsoft Excel 2007. This article is focusing on several variables including the frequency of articles issued on the topic, article production types, data analysis methods, approach pattern research, the gender of the authors, the rank of authors according to number of articles produced, list of journals and publication types. The initial review of this study has ascertained that there are numerous related studies done between the year 2014 to 2019 compared to the previous years. In general, this article is showing the islamic estate administration system and its laws are influencing factors apart from its relation to individua

    A literature review on Islamic estate planning from year 2014 to 2019

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    A systematic property planning is one of the most important processes to ensure that the accumulated property over a person's lifetime can be fully utilized for goodness especially by their heirs. However, there are many problems of neglection and postponement in islamic estate distribution among the heirs nowadays, which result in difficulties in the management process. In fact, because of the unfamiliarity of the property distribution process among the heirs has caused them to ignore existing solutions. Therefore, this article aims to study the factors leading to delays in islamic estate administration and to highlight solutions to the arising issues from 107 research articles and discussions on islamic estate planning instruments from the year 2014 to 2019 to better understand this issue. This study is qualitative in nature and based on document analysis from previous literature in property management. The collected articles were analysed descriptively using Atlas ti 8 software and the total frequency of each variable was measured using Microsoft Excel 2007. This article is focusing on several variables including the frequency of articles issued on the topic, article production types, data analysis methods, approach pattern research, the gender of the authors, the rank of authors according to number of articles produced, list of journals and publication types. The initial review of this study has ascertained that there are numerous related studies done between the year 2014 to 2019 compared to the previous years. In general, this article is showing the islamic estate administration system and its laws are influencing factors apart from its relation to individual awareness in achieving better property management. In fact, each instruments; islamic inheritance, will, gift and islamic entrustment nowdays are growing rapidly in many sectors. These instruments offer good solutions in achieving effective islamic estate planning if its functions are well understood and observed. This indicates that the issue of islamic estate planning is still significant and has been extensively researched. Therefore, it is hoped that this study may provide a comprehensive overview of current issues related to islamic estate planning and provide a broader perspective to recent and future studies in addressing this issue

    Persepsi masyarakat parlimen Pekan terhadap gagasan 1Malaysia

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    Malaysia merupakan negara yang terdiri daripada masyarakat yang berbilang etnik, kaum dan agama. Perbezaan ini memerlukan kepada satu gagasan yang mampu mengeratkan hubungan sedia ada. Justeru, pihak kerajaan melancarkan gagasan 1Malaysia dengan matlamat meningkatkan tahap hubungan sedia ada. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengetahui sejauh manakah penerimaan rakyat terhadap gagasan 1Malaysia yang dilancarkan oleh kerajaan, mengetahui halangan dan cabaran dalam merealisasikan gagasan 1Malaysia, mengenal pasti medium yang efektif dalam proses penyampaian gagasan 1Malaysia ke akar umbi dan menghasilkan model yang komprehensif untuk memajukan gagasan 1Malaysia. Bagi mencapai objektif kajian tersebut, kumpulan penyelidik telah menjalankan kajian kuantitatif dan kualitatif iaitu menggunakan instrumen soal selidik dan temu bual. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS dan N’Vivo 8.0. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan penerimaan rakyat terhadap gagasan 1Malaysia berada pada tahap yang tinggi. Kajian ini memberi manfaat kepada banyak pihak terutama pihak kerajaan dalam usaha memajukan gagasan 1Malaysia dan meningkatkan keharmonian hubungan antara kaum di negara ini


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    Isu tanah wakaf terbiar dan tidak dibangunkan bukanlah suatu isu yang baru. Permasalahan ini kerap dihadapi oleh setiap pemegang amanah tanah wakaf di negara ini. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan ia tidak diusaha dan dibangunkan juga telah diketahui umum. Walaupun ada di antaranya telah dibangunkan, namun ia hanya terhad kepada pembinaan masjid, sekolah-sekolah agama dan tanah perkuburan. Ini menyebabkan institusi wakaf di negara kita gagal menjana pendapatan yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh seluruh umat Islam di Malaysia. Oleh itu satu pendekatan dan strategi baru perlu difikirkan bagi membentuk satu sistem pentadbiran yang tersusun dan cekap, berupaya menggunapakai teknologi maklumat yang mampu membekalkan data terkini berhubung dengan inventori tanah wakaf di sesebuah negeri di samping satu dimensi baru tentang tanah wakaf sebagai satu kekuatan ekonomi yang terpendam, perlu diterapkan bagi mengubah persepsi masyarakat Melayu tentang amalan wakaf yang bersifat konvensional. Melalui kertas kerja ini, beberapa strategi pembangunan dicadangkan dan diharap pihak-pihak yang berkenaan dapat mengambil inisiatif segera untuk mengatasi beberapa isu berkaitan pembangunan tanah wakaf ke arah pengeksploitasian sepenuhnya bagi kemajuan ekonomi ummah

    Re-evaluation on assumptions in Islamic economics: a preliminary study

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    This paper is intended for a preliminary study in re-evaluating Islamic economics assumptions. The assumptions were based on the two common assumptions in economic system which includes scarcity of resources and humans unlimited wants. This paper analyses how far these assumptions in Islamic economics placed tawheed as their axis and aligned with tasawwur Islam. The analysis was done by studying opinions and views of several Islamic economists. Content analysis and literature review were utilized to reach this objective. From this preliminary study, it was found that the current assumptions in Islamic economics were not favouring towards the true concept of tawheed and tasawwur Islam. It implies the needs for a more comprehensive study to be done in order to come up with a new resolution on the real assumptions of Islamic economics

    A Literature Review on Islamic Estate Planning From Year 2014 to 2019

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    A systematic property planning is one of the most important processes to ensure that the accumulated property over a person\u27s lifetime can be fully utilized for goodness especially by their heirs. However, there are many problems of neglection and postponement in islamic estate distribution among the heirs nowadays, which result in difficulties in the management process. In fact, because of the unfamiliarity of the property distribution process among the heirs has caused them to ignore existing solutions. Therefore, this article aims to study the factors leading to delays in islamic estate administration and to highlight solutions to the arising issues from 107 research articles and discussions on islamic estate planning instruments from the year 2014 to 2019 to better understand this issue. This study is qualitative in nature and based on document analysis from previous literature in property management. The collected articles were analysed descriptively using Atlas ti 8 software and the total frequency of each variable was measured using Microsoft Excel 2007. This article is focusing on several variables including the frequency of articles issued on the topic, article production types, data analysis methods, approach pattern research, the gender of the authors, the rank of authors according to number of articles produced, list of journals and publication types. The initial review of this study has ascertained that there are numerous related studies done between the year 2014 to 2019 compared to the previous years. In general, this article is showing the islamic estate administration system and its laws are influencing factors apart from its relation to individual awareness in achieving better property management. In fact, each instruments; islamic inheritance, will, gift and islamic entrustment nowdays are growing rapidly in many sectors. These instruments offer good solutions in achieving effective islamic estate planning if its functions are well understood and observed. This indicates that the issue of islamic estate planning is still significant and has been extensively researched. Therefore, it is hoped that this study may provide a comprehensive overview of current issues related to islamic estate planning and provide a broader perspective to recent and future studies in addressing this issue