8,835 research outputs found

    The Mediation Effect of Trusting Beliefs on the Relationship Between Expectation-Confirmation and Satisfaction with the Usage of Online Product Recommendation

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    Online Product Recommendations (OPRs) are increasingly available to onlinecustomers as a value-added self-service in evaluating and choosing a product.Research has highlighted several advantages that customers can gain from usingOPRs. However, the realization of these advantages depends on whether and towhat extent customers embrace and fully utilise them. The relatively low OPR USAgerate indicates that customers have not yet developed trust in OPRs’ performance.Past studies also have established that satisfaction is a valid measure of systemperformance and a consistent significant determinant of users’ continuous systemusage. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the mediation effect of trustingbeliefs on the relationship between expectation-confirmation and satisfaction. Theproposed research model is tested using data collected via an online survey from626 existing users of OPRs. The empirical results revealed that social-psychologicalbeliefs (perceived confirmation and trust) are significant contributors to customersatisfaction with OPRs. Additionally, trusting beliefs partially mediate the impactof perceived confirmation on customer satisfaction. Moreover, this study validatesthe extensions of the interpersonal trust construct to trust in OPRs and examinesthe nomological validity of trust in terms of competence, benevolence, andintegrity. The findings provide a number of theoretical and practical implications.&nbsp

    Central Monitor Based on Personal Computer Using One Wireless Receiver

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    Central monitor is a tool in the health field that serves to monitor the patient's condition which is centralized in one monitor display centrally. In this scientific paper raised wireless systems for sending data to one monitor. In this module there are Electrocardiograph (EKG) parameters which are a parameter to detect and measure the electrical activity of the heart muscle using measurements of biopotential signals obtained from the surface of the body. From these measurements, an ECG signal will be obtained to produce a heart rate per minute (BPM). ECG signals are obtained from measurements of the electrical activity of the heart through electrodes placed on the patient's skin using the bipolar lead method. ECG signals will be processed using a  microcontroller circuit as processors. Then the data will be sent to the PC using wireless HC-11. The data received by the PC, then processed using the Delphi application which will then display ECG charts and BPM results and abnormalities indicators if the BPM is in a condition above or below normal. By comparing the module with a standard measuring instrument, the biggest error is 0.99% which is still in tolerance because the tolerance limit is 5

    A Short Review on the Development of Salt Tolerant Cultivars in Rice

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    Rice is staple food for half of the world. With a population of almost 9.6 billion by the year 2050, there is a dire need of developing techniques to improve the crop plants, not only in terms of better yield but also to withstand harsh environmental conditions and stresses like drought, temperature, flood and salinity. Salinity is second to drought stress and hence it is very important to develop crops tolerant to salinity stress. This review discusses the mechanisms of salt tolerance and the recent developments in understanding the complex tolerance phenomena. One way to address the salinity issue is to develop tolerant rice varieties using conventional and modern breeding techniques for which screening the rice germplasm for the varieties with desired traits is critical. Conventional methods to develop tolerant rice varieties are discussed along with modern biotechnology techniques are also discussed. Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) and Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) are promising techniques. In addition to these modern techniques, some recent developments in the fields of transgenic plants, haploid breeding and Somaclonal variations have also been discussed. The limited knowledge about molecular and genetic mechanisms to tolerate abiotic stresses, however is a barrier to efficiently develop tolerant cultivars. A combination of conventional and modern biotechnology techniques could possibly open up the new ways

    Upaya Penanganan Kredit Sertifikat Masal Swadaya (SMS ) dengan Jaminan Hak Tanggungan di Perusahaan Daerah Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Lamongan

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    Dalam penulisan skripsi ini membahas mengenai kredit upaya penanganan sertifikat masal swadaya (SMS) dengan jaminan Hak Tanggungan di PD. BPR Lamongan. Penulisan ini di latar belakangi karena masih banyak dijumpai ketimpangan-ketimpangan didalam sirkulasi keuangan atau terjadi wanprestasi di daerah pedesaan khususnya dikalangan pengusaha mikro (UMKM), yang jumlahnya cukup banyak bila dibandingkan dengan pengusaha menengah maupun besar. Dan setelah dikaji lebih jauh ternyata para pengusaha mikro dan umumnya masyarakat pedesaan juga masih mengalami banyak kendala untuk menyediakan collateral berupa jaminan sertifikat, hak milik mereka sebagian besar masih berupa Petok D, disamping itu sirkulasi keuangan juga tidak semudah yang diharapkan, sehingga akses dengan pihak bank mengalami kesulitan karena bank masih lebih mempercayai status asset yang legal dan USAha yang layak untuk dibiayai. Tujuan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui upaya penanganan kredit sertifikat masal swadaya (SMS) dengan jaminan Hak Tanggungan di PD. BPR Lamongan dan untuk mengetahui hambatan yang terjadi serta menemukan dan menganalisa solusinya. Jenis penelitian dalam penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris bersifat Yuridis sosiologis yaitu mengkaji ketentuan hukum yang berlaku tidak hanya dari segi peraturan tertulis saja. tapi juga mengkaitkan dengan kondisi-kondisi nyata yang berada di masyarakat. Data yang dipergunakan adalah data primer yaitu data yang diperoleh langsung dari lapangan melalui wawancara dan kuisioner serta data sekunder yang berupa studi kepustakaan. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisa deskriptif analisis yaitu berusaha menganalisa data dengan menguraikan dan memaparkan secara jelas dan apa adanya mengenai obyek yang diteliti, data-data dan informasi yang diperoleh dari obyek penelitian, dikaji dan dianalisa dikaitkan dengan teori-teori, peraturan yang berlaku, bertujuan untuk memecahkan permasalahan yang diangkat.Kendala-kendala yang dihadap oleh PD. BPR Lamongan dalam upaya penanganan sertifikat masal swadaya (SMS) dengan jaminan Hak Tanggungan . Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya kelemahan baik dari intern bank, dan ekstern yaitu debitur (nasabah). Kendala Intern terdiri dari : a). Petugas belum sepenuhnya memahami USAha nasabah. Akibatnya analisis kreditnya kurang cermat sehingga keputusan kreditnya menjadi tidak tepat; b). Kurang atau tidak ada pembinaan debitur oleh bank. Pertemuan petugas bank dengan nasabah semata-mata hanya untuk menagih atau mengumpulkan angsuran; c). Petugas tidak sepenuhnya mengikuti pedoman pemberian kredit yang ada di bank, misalnya dalam hal pengikatan agunan; d). Belum adanya / belum sempurnanya sistem peringatan dini (early warning system) di bank. Tidak ada tindakan segera ketika kredit menunjukakan gejala-gejala bermasalah; e). Penggelapan oleh petugas bank ( petugas tidak menyetorkan angsuran debitur ke bank); f). Petugas bank terlalu yakin akan kemauan dan kemampuan nasabah; g). Bank lebih mengutamakan ketersediaan agunan daripada penilaian terhadap kemauan dan kemampuan nasabah; h). Petugas tidak memilik informasi yang memadai tentang track record nasabah, khususnya karakter nasabah; i). Bank terlalu ekspansif dalam pengucuran kredit sehingga petugas diberi target yang melebihi kemampuan. Akibatnya, petugas mengutamakan kuantitas kredit dan mengabaikan kualitas kredit. Sedangkan kendala ekstern terdiri dari : a). Ketidakmampuan nasabah dalam mengelola USAhanya; b). Keberadaan nasabah tidak diketahui (telah pindah alamat rumah/lokasi USAha); c). Kredit bank tidak digunakan untuk modal kerja USAha, sesuai permohonan kredit tetapi untuk investasi yaitu membeli sebidang tanah; d). Usaha yang dibiayai dengan kredit relatif baru, belum memberikan penghasilan yang memadai. Untuk memenuhi kewajibannya, nasabah mengandalkan uang yang berasal dari penyewaan kamar kos-kosan, tapi USAha inipun belum begitu berhasil; e). Nasabah mengalami kegagalan karena beralih USAha yang belum pernah dilakukan; f). Nasabah tidak berdaya terhadap persaingan USAha yang semakin ketat; g). Nasabah meninggal dunia sedangkan yang bersangkutan tidak diikutsertakan dalam asuransi jiwa; h). Kehilangan pekerjaan karena PHK sehingga tidak memiliki lagi sumber utama untuk membayar kewajiban ke bank; i). Usaha menurun atau bangkrut; j). Jatuh sakit sedangkan yang bersangkutan adalah satu-satunya pencari nafkah dalam keluarganya; k). Melakukan rekayasa informasi untuk mengelabui petugas bank; l). Kredit “ topengan ” ( seseorang digunakan namanya sebagai debitur padahal pengguna kredit adalah orang lain); m). Kredit bank dan sebagian modal kerja USAha inti nasabah digunakan untuk penyertaan modal USAha diluar USAha inti nasabah. Hal ini menurunkan perputaran USAha inti sekaligus mengurangi kemampuan nasabah dalam memenuhi kewajibannya ke bank; n). Memiliki utang di sana - sini (Bank Perkreditan Rakyat, koperasi, pegadaian); m). Tagihan kepada pihak ketiga tidak dibayar; o). Kredit bank digunakan untuk hajatan yang dikomersialkan. Adapun jalan keluarnya yang ditempuh dalam penanganan kredit SMS dengan jaminan Hak Tanggungan selain melalui jalan damai maupun jalur hukum di PD. BPR Lamongan juga dilakukan upaya penyelamatan kredit yang meliputi penjadwalan kembali (Rescheduling), persyaratan kembali (Reconditioning), penataan kembali (Restructuring) dan upaya penagihan kredit

    Development of Pocket Book at the Respiratory System Subject for Senior High School Grade XI

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    This study aims to produce a pocket book that is valid, practical and effective. This research includes a descriptive research with development of learning tools using ADDIE development model. Subjects in this research is a pocket book on the Respiratory System subject with respondents two professors of Biology UNM, a biology teacher and 35 students of grade XI IPA2 of SMA Negeri 1 Tamalatea Jeneponto. Assessment instrument consists of three, namely (1) instrument validity of a questionnaire assessment validation pocket book (2) practicality instrument in the form of questionnaire responses teacher and student questionnaire responses, and (3) the effectiveness of the instrument in the form of test results of learning. The results showed pocket book declared fit for use by an average of validity of three validators was equal to 4.5 (valid). Teacher\u27s response analysis was very positive with a value of 89,89% and a very good response from students by 89.91% as well as the learning results of all students had passed the standard of learning outcome. This research shows that the pocket book was classified as valid, practical, and effective

    Perception Analysis of Silver Jubilee Grade-Separated Intersection in Kano Metropolis Using Context Sensitive Solutions

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    This study explores the users’ perception on operational performance of Silver Jubilee Grade Separated Intersection (SJGSI) in Kano Metropolis using Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS). The CSS seeks to provide a transportation facility that fits its setting, leading to the preservation and enhancement of scenic, aesthetic, environmental and community resources while maintaining safety, mobility and comfort. A structured questionnaire enquired the opinion of respondents, among others, on the optimal performance of SJGSI and its determinants. Three correlation analyses and two regression analyses were generated. The results showed that most of the correlating and regressing variables are weakly correlated by chance. The degree of familiarity correlated with number of motorists (users) has an R-value of 0.125; the optimal performance correlated with its cost worthiness has an R-value of 0.166. The general and Context Sensitive (CS) optimal performance model has an R-values of 0.415 and 0.374, respectively. Some of the weak correlations could be attributed to the facility not planned based on CSS approach. A CS facility could have received a higher optimal performance rating, approval rating and CS features’ rating with increased efficiency and effectiveness. Most respondents opined that a better facility would have been constructed if all relevant stakeholders were involved in the development processes

    In-vitro inhibition of growth of some seedling blight inducing pathogens by compost-inhabiting microbes

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    Compost-inhabiting bacteria were studied for their effect on seedling blight inducing pathogens. Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma harzianum, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis were the microbes found associated with cow dung, sawdust and rice husk composted soils. Sclerotium rolfsii, Fusarium oxysporum, Pythium aphanidermatum and Macrophomina phaseolina were isolated from blighted seedlings of Cowpea, while S. rolfsii, P. aphanidermatum, Helminthosporium maydis and Rhizoctonia solani were isolated from blighted maize seedlings. When these compost-inhabiting microbes were paired with the seedling blight inducing pathogens, T. harzianum grew on the mycelia of all the test fungal pathogens. B. cereus reduced the mycelia growth of Sclerotium rolfsii, F. oxysporum, P. aphanidermatum, H. maydis and R. solani, with inhibitory zones ranging from 35.5% to 53.3%. B. subtilis in culture also inhibited the mycelia growth of all tested pathogenic fungi with inhibitory zones of between 40.0% to 57.8%. The inhibitory activities of the compost-inhabiting microbes might partly be responsible for the efficacy of compost in reducing seedling blight diseases of crops. (African Journal of Biotechnology: 2003 2(6): 161-164

    Pengembangan Diri Mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin dalam Kaitannya dengan Leadership Identity

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the self-development of Hasanuddin University students in relation to leadership identity (LI). The LI mapping of Hasanuddin University students is needed because it will have an impact on the pattern of organization and overall student leadership. One factor of LI itself is self-development. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Subjects in this study were three students functionaries of Hasanuddin University. Data was collected through interviews, then analyzed based on content analysis in accordance with the sequences in the qualitative research process. This research succeeded in getting a description of the development of student functionaries. Meanwhile, the leadership identity of student functionaries is in the transition stage from stage three to stage four. Participant describe their relationship with their members as, saw relationships with members as cooperation, respect the values of group members, establish meaningful attachments with others, and see the potential of the group
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