5,840 research outputs found

    The Mediation Effect of Trusting Beliefs on the Relationship Between Expectation-Confirmation and Satisfaction with the Usage of Online Product Recommendation

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    Online Product Recommendations (OPRs) are increasingly available to onlinecustomers as a value-added self-service in evaluating and choosing a product.Research has highlighted several advantages that customers can gain from usingOPRs. However, the realization of these advantages depends on whether and towhat extent customers embrace and fully utilise them. The relatively low OPR USAgerate indicates that customers have not yet developed trust in OPRs’ performance.Past studies also have established that satisfaction is a valid measure of systemperformance and a consistent significant determinant of users’ continuous systemusage. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the mediation effect of trustingbeliefs on the relationship between expectation-confirmation and satisfaction. Theproposed research model is tested using data collected via an online survey from626 existing users of OPRs. The empirical results revealed that social-psychologicalbeliefs (perceived confirmation and trust) are significant contributors to customersatisfaction with OPRs. Additionally, trusting beliefs partially mediate the impactof perceived confirmation on customer satisfaction. Moreover, this study validatesthe extensions of the interpersonal trust construct to trust in OPRs and examinesthe nomological validity of trust in terms of competence, benevolence, andintegrity. The findings provide a number of theoretical and practical implications.&nbsp

    Central Monitor Based on Personal Computer Using One Wireless Receiver

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    Central monitor is a tool in the health field that serves to monitor the patient's condition which is centralized in one monitor display centrally. In this scientific paper raised wireless systems for sending data to one monitor. In this module there are Electrocardiograph (EKG) parameters which are a parameter to detect and measure the electrical activity of the heart muscle using measurements of biopotential signals obtained from the surface of the body. From these measurements, an ECG signal will be obtained to produce a heart rate per minute (BPM). ECG signals are obtained from measurements of the electrical activity of the heart through electrodes placed on the patient's skin using the bipolar lead method. ECG signals will be processed using a  microcontroller circuit as processors. Then the data will be sent to the PC using wireless HC-11. The data received by the PC, then processed using the Delphi application which will then display ECG charts and BPM results and abnormalities indicators if the BPM is in a condition above or below normal. By comparing the module with a standard measuring instrument, the biggest error is 0.99% which is still in tolerance because the tolerance limit is 5

    A Short Review on the Development of Salt Tolerant Cultivars in Rice

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    Rice is staple food for half of the world. With a population of almost 9.6 billion by the year 2050, there is a dire need of developing techniques to improve the crop plants, not only in terms of better yield but also to withstand harsh environmental conditions and stresses like drought, temperature, flood and salinity. Salinity is second to drought stress and hence it is very important to develop crops tolerant to salinity stress. This review discusses the mechanisms of salt tolerance and the recent developments in understanding the complex tolerance phenomena. One way to address the salinity issue is to develop tolerant rice varieties using conventional and modern breeding techniques for which screening the rice germplasm for the varieties with desired traits is critical. Conventional methods to develop tolerant rice varieties are discussed along with modern biotechnology techniques are also discussed. Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) and Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) are promising techniques. In addition to these modern techniques, some recent developments in the fields of transgenic plants, haploid breeding and Somaclonal variations have also been discussed. The limited knowledge about molecular and genetic mechanisms to tolerate abiotic stresses, however is a barrier to efficiently develop tolerant cultivars. A combination of conventional and modern biotechnology techniques could possibly open up the new ways

    Konstelasi Relasi Antar Aktor dalam Gerakan Penolakan Tambang Emas di Desa Pace Kecamatan Silo Kabupaten Jember 2016

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    This study aimed to analyze the movements and actors in the resistance movement of gold mining in the Pace village Subdistrict Silo, Jember regency. This research was using the Qualitative method include in-depth interviews and field in research studies,In addition collecting documents related to this research. This research had resulted, in finding the relationships between actors prone to be a trigger of conflict and led to the refusal movement made by the village community of Pace. Conflict of individuals who had an influence that made this conflict had became a mass conflict involving the community at large. Meantime, besides individual behalf, the state also had behalf for mining through PT Antam. The presence of the state in gold mining in the Pace village had become new chapter to the people who reject gold mining in the Pace village

    Pendekatan Wasatiyyah dalam Berfatwa: antara Keterikatan Literalis dengan Kelonggaran Liberalis

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     Dalam era saat ini kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, banyak masalah baru muncul, yang dikategorikan sebagai hukum Islam kontemporer. Putusan dari isu-isu tersebut memerlukan pendekatan ijtihad kolektif, sesuai dengan konteks saat ini untuk memastikan kesejahteraan manusia. Dengan demikian, artikel ini membahas pendekatan fatwa. Pada dasarnya, ada berbagai pendekatan antara dua faksi pemikiran, pendekatan yaitu ketegasan dan pendekatan kelonggaran. Namun, antara kedua pendekatan bertentangan, telah muncul media yang dikenal sebagai pendekatan wasatiyyah dalam mengeluarkan fatwa. Pendekatan ini secara signifikan memberikan solusi yang masuk akal untuk mengatur fatwa bebas dari kecenderungan menjadi terlalu ketat atau terlalu longgar dan tidak pernah menyimpang dari tujuan syariah

    Kadar C-reactive Protein (Crp) Pada Remaja Putri Stunted Obesity Di Pedesaan Jepara

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    Latar belakang: Stunted merupakan suatu keadaan tubuh pendek atau sangat pendek yang menjadi permasalahan gizi di Indonesia. Prevalensi stunted pada remaja di Kabupaten Jepara termasuk kategori tinggi. Anak yang stunted lebih berisiko mengalami overweight atau obesitas pada masa yang akan datang. Kondisi obesitas dapat menjadi salah satu faktor risiko sindrom metabolik melalui reaksi inflamasi yang berlebihan. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) merupakan biomarker yang cukup sensitif terhadap terjadinya inflamasi di dalam tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui angka kejadian obesitas pada remaja putri stunted dan untuk melihat adanya reaksi inflamasi pada remaja putri stunted obesity.Metode: Skrining dilakukan pada 1002 remaja putri di SMP dan MTS Kecamatan Bangsri Kabupaten Jepara. Penelitian dengan rancangan case control dilakukan pada remaja putri stunted. Pemilihan subjek penelitian menggunakan multistage random sampling. Kelompok kasus (n=28) adalah remaja putri stunted obesity, sedangkan kelompok kontrol (n=28) adalah remaja putri stunted non-obesity. Penentuan status gizi dilakukan melalui pengukuran anthropometri tinggi badan, berat badan, dan lingkar pinggang. Pengukuran CRP secara kualitatif menggunakan metode aglutinasi. Analisis data menggunakan uji deskriptif.Hasil: Jumlah remaja putri stunted 234 (23.35%) dan non-stunted 768 (76.65%). Secara keseluruhan, 26.94% mengalami obesitas abdominal dengan rincian 17.56% pra obesitas abdominal dan 9.38% obesitas abdominal. Pada remaja putri stunted, 28.63% mengalami obesitas abdominal dengan rincian 17.52% pra obesitas abdominal dan 11.11% obesitas abdominal. Pada remaja putri non-stunted, 26.42% mengalami obesitas abdominal dengan rincian 17.57% pra obesitas abdominal dan 8.85% obesitas abdominal. Kadar CRP pada setiap subjek dalam dua kelompok yaitu < 6 mg/L.Simpulan: Obesitas pada remaja putri stunted lebih besar dibandingkan dengan non-stunted. Terjadinya inflamasi pada remaja putri stunted obesitas tidak dapat dibuktikan

    Deteksi Gen Mx Ayam Tolaki Menggunakan Teknik Ekstraksi Dna Yang Berbeda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari metode yang efektif dalam teknik ekstraksi DNA dari gen Mx (Myxovirus) ayam Tolaki. Gen Mx adalah gen yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kemampuan ayam untuk mertespon serangan penyakit viral seperti penyakit Flu Burung dan New Castle Disesase. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai bulan April sampai dengan bulan Agustus 2013. Sampel penelitan terdiri atas 25 ekor ayam Tolaki dewasa, yang diperoleh dari pemeliharaan secara ekstensif oleh masyarakat di Kabupaten Konawe. Penelitian ini menggunakan kedua metode ekstraksi DNA yakni metode ekstraksi DNA secara konvensional dan metode Kit ekstraksi DNA. Selanjutnya hasil ekstraksi DNA diamplifikasi menggunakan mesin PCR. Produk DNA kedua metode tersebut kemudian dibandngkan dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Secara umum kedua metode tersebut cukup efektif untuk menghasilkan kualitas DNA gen Mx yang baik. Ekstraksi DNA gen Mx dari kedua metode tersebut menghasilkan ukuran DNA dengan panjang 299 pb
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