6 research outputs found


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    Di setiap ruang kuliah di Fakultas Ilmu Terapan Universitas Telkom tersedia Jaringan Wi-Fi namun sering kali sulit terkoneksi karena keterbatasan kapasitas jaringan Wi-Fi. Pada proyek akhir ini high density wireless LAN (HD WLAN) dibangun di ruang kelas Fakultas Ilmu Terapan (FIT) untuk menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar. HD WLAN yang dibangun dapat menangani 50 user yang terhubung secara bersamaan. menggunakan Mikrotik Routerboard 433 sebagai Access point (AP) dengan standar IEEE 802.11n. Pengujian kualitas jaringan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Aplikasi Wireshark dengan 30 perangkat client, Kualitas Peformasi layanan menggunakan parameter QoS yaitu Delay, Packet Loss sesuai dengan standar ITU-T G1010. dengan kategori sangat baik, untuk Delay (Delay < 150 ms) dan packet loss (packet loss < 1%) dan throughput memiliki perbedaan nilai untuk hasil pengujian dengan nilai rata-rata per client (throughput = 200.744 Kbps) dan nilai throughput keseluruhan (throughput = 6022.322 Kbps) Kata kunci : Mikrotik access point, High Density WLAN, 802.11


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    ABSTRAKSI: Pada suatu sistem komunikasi, terutama sistem komunikasi digital, keakuratan informasi antara pengirim dan penerima idealnya harus sama. Namun, kondisi real dilapangan kondisi ini tidak mutlak terjadi dikarenakan pengaruh dari interferensi ataupun noise pada kanal tranmisi. Pengaruh dari adanya interferensi atau noise dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan pada informasi yang dikirim dari transmitter menuju receiver. Salah satu cara mengatasi kerusakan informasi tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan sistem pengkodean. Sistem pengkodean ini banyak digunakan dalam sistem komunikasi terutama sistem komunikasi digital. Salah satu metode pengkodean yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah Turbo Encoder dan SOVA Decoder.Analisis tugas akhir ini ditujukan pada pengaruh perbedaan asal video yang digunakan untuk mengetahui optimasi sistem dengan memanfaatkan kanal Rayleigh dan kanal AWGN. Sebagai dasar penelitian pada tugas akhir ini adalah H.263 yang sudah diteliti dan diamati, namun tidak disimulasikan pada tugas akhir ini, tetapi hanya mensimulasikan Turbo Encoder dan SOVA Decoder. Parameter yang akan digunakan dalam tugas akhir ini adalah nilai PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), MSE (Mean Square Error), range PSNR, range MSE, dan MOS (Mean Opinion Score).Dari hasil simulasi diperoleh bahwa nilai rata-rata PSNR secara keseluruhan dengan proses pengkodean adalah 58.668 dB, sedangkan dengan tanpa pengkodean 57.818 dB. Nilai rata-rata MSE melalui proses pengkodean adalah 0.0001098, sedangkan dengan tanpa pengkodean 0.000134. Rata-rata range PSNR dengan proses pengkodean adalah 1.53 dB, sedangkan dengan tanpa pengkodean 3.34 dB. Rata-rata range MSE dengan proses pengkodean 0.0000094, sedangkan dengan tanpa pengkodean 0.000116. Nilai MOS yang didapat dengan proses pengkodean adalah 4.11, sedangkan dengan tanpa pengkodean 3.78.Kata Kunci : Turbo Encoder, SOVA Decoder, PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), MSEABSTRACT: In a communication system, particularly digital communication systems, the accuracy of information between sender and receiver should ideally be the same. However, real field conditions is not an absolute condition occurs due to the influence of interference or noise on the transmission channel. The effect of interference or noise can cause damage to the information sent from the transmitter to the receiver. One way to overcome the damage of such information can be done by using a coding system. This coding system is widely used in communication systems, especially digital communications system. One method of encoding that can be utilized is the Turbo Encoder and SOVA Decoder.This final analysis aimed at the effect of different origin are used to determine the video system optimization using Rayleigh and AWGN channel. As basic research in this thesis is H.263 which has been studied and observed, but not simulated in this final, but only simulates the Turbo Encoder and SOVA Decoder. The parameters will be used in this thesis is the value of PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), MSE (Mean Square Error), range PSNR, MSE range, and the MOS (Mean Opinion Score).From the simulation results obtained that the average PSNR values as a whole with the encoding process is 58.668 dB, while with no coding 57.818 dB. The average value of MSE through the encoding process is 0.0001098, while with no coding 0.000134. Average PSNR range with the coding process was 1.53 dB, while with no coding 3.34 dB. The average range of the MSE with the encoding process is 0.0000094, while with no coding 0.000116. MOS values obtained with the encoding process is 4.11, while with 3.78 with no coding.Keyword: Turbo Encoder, SOVA Decoder, PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), MSE (Mea

    Analisa Kuat Tekan Beton Akibat Pengaruh Penggunaan Limbah Batu Bata

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    Concrete is a building material consisting of a mixture of cement, water, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate in a certain ratio. With the number of buildings that use concrete, the demand for concrete increases, and the use of aggregate as a supporting material for concrete increases as well. Innovation in concrete-forming materials can be done by substituting substitute materials, either aggregates or other materials by utilizing the waste that is around us. One of the wastes that can be used around us is brick waste. From the above phenomenon, the researcher will innovate on the concrete constituent materials by utilizing waste bricks as a substitute for fine aggregate to find out how much the compressive strength of concrete is at the age of 7 days and 28 days. The effect of adding brick powder to the concrete mixture resulted in a decrease in the compressive strength of the concrete. The higher the percentage of brick powder added to the concrete mixture, the lower the compressive strength of the concrete will b


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    Tujuan peneltian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penilaian kinerja dan pengalaman kerja terhadap pengembangan karierpada PT. BRI Cabang Ciamis. Metode Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survey, survey digunakan untuk mendapatkan data dari tempat tertentu yang alamiah (bukan buatan), berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pengolahan data tanggapan responden terhadap penilaian kinerja dan pengalaman kerja berada pada interval atau daerah tinggi, yang artinya penilaian kinerja dan pengalaman kerja berpengaruh terhadap pengembanagn karier

    Clinical Profile of Tuberculum Sellae Meningiomas Based on Scoring System: An Institutional Experience in Indonesia

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    Tuberculum sellae meningioma (TSM) is a challenging tumor that grows close to several crucial structures, such as the optic nerve, arteries, and pituitary. Surgical treatment is currently evolving from a transcranial microsurgical resection to a transsphenoidal approach. This study examined the clinical profile of patients with tuberculum sellae meningioma and explored its relationship with scoring systems. This retrospective observational study included patients with TSM who underwent surgery at the Department of Neurosurgery at our hospital between 2017 and 2022. The patients were excluded if their data required completion. The clinical profiles of the patients were counted and transformed into a scoring system using several variables such as size, vascular, and canal invasion. We then analyzed the relationship between the clinical signs and symptoms to determine the efficacy of this scoring system. Thirty-six patients were included in the study. Most of our patients had a high score for tumor diameter, bilateral canal invasion, and vascular invasion (2-2-2). Moreover, when related to clinical signs, there was no relationship between the canal and vascular invasion and decreased visual acuity. Tuberculum sellae meningioma mostly causes visual impairment and several other symptoms, such as hemianopsia and parasellar extension. Several factors in the scoring system should also be considered to predict outcomes, such as the onset of visual symptoms, peritumoral edema, and grade of excision