518 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk tanggungjawab hukum keperdataan dari pihak Rumah Sakit Siloam Karawaci yang telah lalai dalam pemberian obat yang salah kepada pasien dimana isi obat tersebut tidak sesuai dengan prosedur yang seharusnya, serta para pihak yang ikut bertanggungjawab dan proses pertanggungjawabannya, atas dasar tersebut muncul beberapa pertanyaan antara lain : Bagaimana peraturan mengenai prosedur pemberian obat kepada pasien di Rumah Sakit? Bagaimana tanggungjawab Rumah Sakit terhadap peristiwa Human Error di Rumah Sakit Siloam Karawaci, Tangerang dalam pemberian obat yang salah (tertukar) kepada pasien yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa seseorang dihubungkan dengan Undang - Undang Nomor 44 Tahun 2009 Tentang Rumah Sakit Jo Undang - Undang Nomor 29 Tahun 2004 Tentang Praktik Kedokteran? Bagaimana upaya penyelesaian terhadap tanggung jawab yang dilakukan Rumah Sakit Siloam Karawaci, Tangerang dalam menyelesaikan tindakan human error dalam pemberian obat yang salah (tertukar) yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa seseorang dihubungkan dengan Undang - Undang Nomor 44 Tahun 2009 Tentang Rumah Sakit Jo Undang - Undang Nomor 29 Tahun 2004 Tentang Praktik Kedokteran? Metode penelitian ini menggunakan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif yaitu: menggambarkan dan menguraikan secara sistematika semua permasalahan, kemudian menganalisis yang bertitik tolak pada peraturan yang ada, sebagai Undang-Undang yang berlaku, dan dilanjutkan dengan penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian ke lapangan serta teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan, selanjutnya data yang sudah diperoleh di analisis secara yuridis kualitatif untuk mengungkap realita yang ada berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh berupa penjelasan mengenai permasalahan yang dibahas. Kesimpulannya menunjukkan bahwa : pertama; Rumah Sakit Siloam Karawaci dalam menjalankan prosedur pemberian obat nyatanya sudah sesuai dengan prosedur yang ada. Namun disisi lain dengan adanya berbagai pedoman prosedur pemberian obat kepada pasien menyebabkan tidak adanya acuan yang jelas tentang pedoman mana yang di pakai dalam prosedur pemberian obat kepada pasien sehingga pada akhirnya mengakibatkan pasien mengalami kerugian, kedua; Ganti rugi yang diberikan oleh Rumah Sakit Siloam Karawaci, Tangerang terhadap peristiwa Human Error dalam pemberian obat yang salah (tertukar) dihubungkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 44 Tahun 2009 tentang RumahSakit Jo. Undang- Undang Nomor 29 Tahun 2004 Tentang Praktik Kedokteran mengacu pada pertanggungjawaban corporate rumah sakit. Seria bertanggung jawab atas segala hal yang terjadi di rumah sakitnya. Hak Pasien untuk meminta ganti kerugian pun diatur dalam Pasal 1365, Pasal 1366, Pasa 1367 KUHPerdata dan Pasal 46 Undang-Undang Nomor 44 Tahun 2009 Tentang Rumah Sakit, ketiga; Upaya penyelesaian yang harus di lakukan pemerintah agar meminimalisir kasus Human error dalam pemberian obat kepada pasien yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa seseorang adalah pengawasan yang ketat bagi pelaksana kegiatan kesehatan dan tenaga kesehatan yaitu dengan cara memberikan pembinaan, pengawasan mutu, pengawasan pendistribusian obat dan juga pendayagunaan kepada tenaga kesehatan yang ada di Indonesia khususnya tenaga kesehatan dalam bidang anestesi. Kata kunci: Tanggung jawab Hukum, Human error, dan Rumah Saki

    GANVO: Unsupervised Deep Monocular Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation with Generative Adversarial Networks

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    In the last decade, supervised deep learning approaches have been extensively employed in visual odometry (VO) applications, which is not feasible in environments where labelled data is not abundant. On the other hand, unsupervised deep learning approaches for localization and mapping in unknown environments from unlabelled data have received comparatively less attention in VO research. In this study, we propose a generative unsupervised learning framework that predicts 6-DoF pose camera motion and monocular depth map of the scene from unlabelled RGB image sequences, using deep convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We create a supervisory signal by warping view sequences and assigning the re-projection minimization to the objective loss function that is adopted in multi-view pose estimation and single-view depth generation network. Detailed quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the proposed framework on the KITTI and Cityscapes datasets show that the proposed method outperforms both existing traditional and unsupervised deep VO methods providing better results for both pose estimation and depth recovery.Comment: ICRA 2019 - accepte

    A Review of Problem Solving Capabilities in Lean Process Management

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    Human factor plays an important role in ensuring lean process management to be successful and provides good proposition for the success of the organization in the long run. One of the main elements of people is their problem solving capability in identifying and eliminating wastages. The purpose of this paper was to review problem solving capabilities in lean process management; and identifying the important factors and needs for lean process management. Beside that the paper also proposed the conceptual framework of people development system which can help organizations to enhance employees’ capability in identifying and eliminating wastages continuously and effectively

    Lean Behavior in Implementing Lean Process Management

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    Lean is one of the popular concept has been practiced in most company. However, there are a lot of companies who implement lean are not realized whether lean level of company is improve or relegate .Thus, it is important to inspect the lean result after implementation of lean. So, this study presents to make the result comparison for lean behavior after implement lean for one year thru People development system which improves problem solving capabilities of people in eliminating wastages. Furthermore, the importance of problem solving capabilities of people in implementing lean process management also will be discussed. The survey was conduct in an aero composite manufacturer kitting department. Self-administered questionnaire has been selected to be the survey instrument. These questionnaires were distributed to 45 employees work in the kitting department. Results of feedback are collected and analyzed by using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 13. The outputs of the analysis were in the form of index values, percentages and hypothesis testing.The result showed the improvement on lean behavior with the help of people development system implementation which enhance the people capabilities in eliminating wastages. These are supported by comparing the survey results on lean behavior for beginning and end of the year with the monitoring of real life data on the case study

    Principles and Business Improvement Initiatives of Lean Relates to Environmental Management System

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    Lean and Environmental Management System (EMS) are widely appreciated by organizations in improving business efficiency and productivity. The distinct systems have worked towards the enhancement of business capabilities, reducing production costs and meeting ISO standards. This paper analyzes these two systems and provides an understanding of how these processes have contributed in improving business efficiencies. Past research studies have revealed that there are wide ranging possibilities and scope of expanding the application potential of these systems to provide even better business models. The research study aims to provide an understanding of the individual systems and then goes on to explore the possibilities of integrating the two models to provide an effective approach to achieving organizational efficiency

    Impact of randomly distributed dopants on Ω-gate junctionless silicon nanowire transistors

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    This paper presents experimental and simulation analysis of an Ω-shaped silicon junctionless nanowire field-effect transistor (JL-NWT) with gate lengths of 150 nm and diameter of the Si channel of 8 nm. Our experimental measurements reveal that the ON-currents up to 1.15 mA/μm for 1.0 V and 2.52 mA/μm for the 1.8-V gate overdrive with an OFF-current set at 100 nA/μm. Also, the experiment data reveal more than eight orders of magnitude ON-current to OFF-current ratios and an excellent subthreshold slope of 66 mV/dec recorded at room temperature. The obtained experimental current-voltage characteristics are used as a reference point to calibrate the simulations models used in this paper. Our simulation data show good agreement with the experimental results. All simulations are based on drift-diffusion formalism with activated density gradient quantum corrections. Once the simulations methodology is established, the simulations are calibrated to the experimental data. After this, we have performed statistical numerical experiments of a set of 500 different JL-NWTs. Each device has a unique random distribution of the discrete dopants within the silicon body. From those statistical simulations, we extracted important figures of merit, such as OFF-current and ON-current, subthreshold slope, and voltage threshold. The performed statistical analysis, on samples of those 500 JL-NWTs, shows that the mean ID-VGs characteristic is in excellent agreement with the experimental measurements. Moreover, the mean ID-VGs characteristic reproduces better the subthreshold slope data obtained from the experiment in comparison to the continuous model simulation. Finally, performance predictions for the JL transistor with shorter gate lengths and thinner oxide regions are carried out. Among the simulated JL transistors, the configuration with 25-nm gate length and 2-nm oxide thickness shows the most promising characteristics offering scalable designs

    Sustainability of International Standards Organisation 14001 Standards through Integration with Lean Principles

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    Both Lean and Environmental Management System (EMS) are key business processes which are employed by companies to enhance their manufacturing process and quality performance. ISO 14001 requires a commitment to continual improvement. Yet it does not prescribe how a company should seek the continual improvement. Lean is a process improvement method that helps companies that use it to continually improve. This study analyses these two systems and provides an understanding of how these processes had contributed in improving business efficiencies. Approach: The research methodology applied in the context of this study involved both primary and secondary research methods in gaining a deeper and practical insight into the issues facing Lean and EMS integration. The primary data collection process involved the use of questionnaires for the purpose of gaining a practical insight into the research issue. The literature review summarized the evidence collected from various secondary sources to enable an understanding of the scope, benefits and application of Lean and EMS systems. Results: The findings contributed to the framing of new conceptual framework that combines benefits of both Lean and EMS principles for enhanced business results. Conclusion: This study concluded that an integrated business model can help organisations realize potential benefits and possibilities in the field of business enhancement

    Leanness Achievement through People Development System in Implementing Lean Process Management

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    Many organizations fail to unlock the infinite potential of their workforce. In that case there will be more overhead, with more layers of management, which in turn could cause slower reaction times in fast changing business. Employees should only start, run and optimize the process, even developing themselves with the aid of People Development Systems (PDS), when they are under-equipped to handle the process. Approach: This study evaluate the improvement for the degree of leanness and top management commitment possessed by the company after PDS was implemented in the Kitting Department of the aerospace company. Quantitative measures were used to document the case study. Results: Leanness and top management commitments for kitting department shows significant improvement and strong relationship with problem solving capability which lead to achievement of better Leanness level through the infrastructural investments. Conclusion: Hence, the findings suggest or even prove that successful implementation of PDS which developed and equipped employees can provide a wide array of benefits to any company, irrespective of the industry in which it operates

    Lean principles adoption in environmental management system (EMS): A survey on ISO 14001 certified companies in Malaysia

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristic of the lean principles in ISO 14001 and to propose linkage between lean principles and ISO 14001. Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the objective of the study, literature survey and quantitative research method using questionnaire survey are used. Findings and Originality/value: The findings of this study confirm that ISO 14001 certified company adopted lean production practices. The study also proves that lean principles have a positive and significant relationship with ISO 14001 EMS and the linkage can be made between lean principles and ISO 14001 to achieve Continual Improvement. Research limitations/implications: The small sample sizes of the participating companies are the main limitations of this study and this research mainly focus on the manufacturing environment and services industry in Malaysia. Practical implications: This research shows that all ISO 14001 companies do adopt at least one of lean production practices and the main findings are lean principles has positive and highly significant relationship with ISO 14001 requirements. This is because the integration of lean principles in ISO 14001 will serve practical methods for ISO14001 EMS to achieve the continual improvement
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