20 research outputs found

    Guidelines for assessing environmental and socio-economic impacts of tsetse and trypanosomiasis interventions

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    This report provides guidelines on methods and tools for conducting impact assessments of T&T (tsetse and trypanosomiasis) interventions on the environmental, social and economic systems and on approaches for the integrated impact assessment of the interventions. The purpose of these guidelines is help donors, development agencies, project implementers and other T&T eradication stakeholders to identify adequate options for assessing the impacts of T&T interventions based on their target level of analysis, available resources and constraints. These guidelines are therefore aimed at helping PATTEC (African Union 's Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign) project managers and their experts target their priorities in environmental and socio-economic impact assessments. This will allow them to address pertinent issues adequately for the benefit of all stakeholders and allocate their resources rationally

    A conceptual framework for integrated impact assessment of trypanosomiasis interventions

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    A framework for assessing the integrated impacts of trypanosomiasis interventions that resembles the structure of the DPSIR conceptual model (see EEA 2000) is developed in this study. This framework provides a way to make evident the pressures on the involved systems, define the target groups and levels of analysis, establish cause and effect relationships, organise information about the state of the systems, select appropriate methodologies for impact assessment, identify indicators, scaling up and scaling out the results, promote dynamic learning processes and evidence the potential responses of the society. The structure of this paper is as follows: The main concepts of impact assessment are initially introduced; and an integrated vision of the interaction between environmental, economic and social systems is presented. Then a set of key questions to be considered in the design of impact assessment studies are reviewed. Later, the basic elements of the impact analysis are shown in a logical sequence to present the conceptual framework for integrated impact assessment of trypanosomiasis interventions. Finally, the paper summarises the available methodologies for impact assessment on the different systems and provide some conclusions

    Review of life-cycle assessments of livestock production: Perspectives for application to environmental impact assessment in developing countries

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    This review draws on Life-Cycle Assessments (LCA) of livestock value chains. The current state of livestock LCAs is summarized, with an emphasis on limitations and lessons for a developing country context. Of the 149 LCAs reviewed, 19 incorporated developing countries. Key messages are: LCAs can be conducted for livestock value chains in developing countries; and, lessons can be learnt to improve the rigor of alternative methodologies including modeling, indicator specification, allocation of impact and incorporating sensitivity analysis. Further, results from existing LCAs provide a point of reference for future LCAs and sustainability assessments in developing countries

    A framework for environmental ex-ante impact assessment of livestock value chains

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    Livestock and fish industries are a significant source of livelihoods and income globally. They are organised in complex market chains that employ at least 1.3 billion people globally and directly support the livelihoods of 600 million poor smallholder farmers in the developing world. Livestock and fish production, processing and marketing as well as the waste produced along the value chain also cause important environmental impacts. They include atmospheric and water pollution, global warming, soil degradation, water use and pollution and biodiversity loss. Efforts to maximize yields of milk and meat, and to „intensify‟ livestock and fish production, need to be balanced with long-term sustainability and overall efficiency. We must figure out how to produce, process and market livestock and fish in ways that work for individuals, communities and the planet alike. It is thus important to assess environmental impacts before embarking on large-scale development projects geared towards livestock production and aquaculture intensification and value chain transformation. Here we present a generic conceptual framework for environmental ex-ante impact assessment of livestock and fish value chains. It is taking into account all value chain components, different spatial and temporal scales and environmental impacts across different dimensions. The framework guides users through a step-wise procedure for assessing how interventions are likely to change the production system and value chain. Through providing rapid results and flagging the main environmental issues, it can support evidence-based discussions of alternative development pathways

    Vegetation survey in an agro-ecological gradient in Embu - Mbeere, Kenya

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